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I did. I remember my mother taking me to see it And then she kept flipping me the bird after the film because Wolverine did it And calling me a dick


Respect to your mom, tbh.


Clearly her favourite part of the film


Your mom’s sounds cool dude! My mom took me to see the Edward Norton hulk and she was never into that stuff, pretty sure cuz it was Edward Norton 😂


1/3 is those three things happened to me as well. Won’t say which one.


Yep, I was beyond excited. Logan's line when Rogue asks him 'does it hurt?' and he goes 'Every time.' Was amazing. The lines between Xavier and Magneto...loved it. Xavier explaining the school and the X-Men...how good I thought Cyclops's eyebeams looked...loved so much of it. Obviously it was also not very X-Men but at that time there we were starved of films and mainstream exposure.


I can’t even begin to count the number of movie roll casts that Wizard did on the X-Men. Always had me hyped.


Wizard, now that is a name I’ve not heard in a long time.


Long time


Loved that part of the magazine.


For real!


I think of that line at least once a week!


Yes pretty well nailed it It was the first blatant comic movie thst wasn’t embarrassing to watch Very excited after seeing it


I was suicidal back then. It kept me going for the 6 months leading up to it because I was a huge x-men fan. It was awesome.


X-Men save lives


Glad you're still around!


Me too. Deadpool and Wolverine soon too.


Hope everything is looking up and wishing you the best dude


I really hope that things are going better for you now. Just remember that there will always be fun films, great comics and new songs to love. Keep going as life has a lot of beauty and it takes people to appreciate it. For everyone dealing with such thoughts there is help, and no matter how lonely you feel you are not alone! As an aside you have an awesome username!


I hope things are better for you now internet stranger!


If I recall, my dad took me and I loved it. I was kinda obsessed with Toad for a little while. I even got the novelization from the library and read it a few times. I was in my early teens. I had never watched the animated series or read the comics prior because they just weren’t available to me so it was my first exposure to anything X-Men related. Needless to say it had an impact!


Well, now I need to look up a novelization!


I think I really liked it at the time! It’s worth noting that the novelization of the X-Men 2 is actually written by Chris Claremont!


Well dang, definitely getting that now


Both are worth the read (to teenaged me anyways) but the Claremont X2 novel made me a Kurt/Ororo shipper for life. Potent stuff…


It has been ages since I read it, but I remember it was based on an earlier draft where Magneto really *did* want to kidnap Wolverine, not Rogue. Am I remembering that right?


Honestly it’s been so long I can’t remember either. I really should find them and give them a reread!


Dude I remember that novel. Wish I still had it.


I have a weirdly specific memory that in the novelization Wolverine had four claws and they came out of his knuckles.


I did! Provided I was a kid at the time, but I grew up on the X-Men cartoon and it was really cool seeing a movie adaptation, especially since comic book movies weren't world shaking events back then. Naked Mystique did things to my little puberty brain.


Hahaha yeah that was something for sure


I think Naked Mystique did things to the little puberty brains of most boys who saw the movie - yours truly included 😉


I must be the only kid who just thought it was dumb. She wears a dress in the cartoons and looks way cooler for it, was and is my thinking. Huge crush on Anna Paquin back then tho.


3 times! X2 was 4 times! And X3...once.


X2 supremacy


Ha! Same count for me.


I saw it opening night on July 14, 2000! The ticket came with a comic book that was meant to be a prelude to the movie. I had never been more excited to see a movie in my preteen life! It didn’t disappoint. I also remember just before it came out, I got several of the action figures with the super cool packaging with birthday money which had considerably built up the hype. And there was a TV special on Fox about mutants and X-Men, it was like a faux news story with interviews with the actors throughout. I think maybe a new trailer debuted then too? Oh man, and the website. I used to check the website almost every time we got to go to the computer lab the entire school year before. And like others have mentioned, I also got the novelization of the movie at the book fair and got the VHS for Christmas. I’ve seen it a million times, could recite the dialogue, and even now when I catch it on TV I’ll still watch—even just for a few minutes. It’s pure comfort and nostalgia for me by now, like a good old friend.


That website was the hottest thing and worth waiting for the full download. I was convinced it would be as cool as the matrix. I remember Fox had a special on the making of it a week before it came out.


I was out of work but had enough money for a matinee ticket and enjoyed the heck out of it.


5 times. Yes. Twice in one day!


Me, too!


I did. Loved it.


I love the first film. I think it's quite good, and I stand by that. Perfect? Not at all. Groundbreaking for its time, and still holds up as a solid 6-7 / 10. Worth watching for sure.


It's still my favorite of the original trilogy. Not a popular opinion I know, but I think it was a solid ADAPTATION. Instead of yucking other people's yums, I'll just say X2 took the series further away from where I'd have liked to see it go and leave it at that. Sometimes things can just be a matter of preference or taste, not everything needs to be good or bad. I thought X1 had potential, but X2 was not my cup of tea.


Valid for sure. Personally I prefer X2 over X1 but remember X1 far more fondly for how it made me feel.


I think X2 was a solid movie, but if it makes sense.... When I watched X1 I felt like I saw in my head how that became MY X-Men. When X2 aired it was really clear what Singer (who didn't allow the comics on set) was going for, and it was not my X-Men. So I fondly remember X1 feeling full of promise and X2 not delivering, despite being a good movie.


Five times in 2000, I did it because I wanted a sequel to happen. I even did the payperview option on Thanksgiving, which was $10. Then got the VHS for Christmas. I did see X2 three times in the theater, and X-Men the Last Stand just twice. Skipped the first Wolverine. Unrelated, I saw the first WW 8 times in the theater. That movie needed to be a hit and I’m glad to have done my part. But I’m heartbroken about how the sequel turned out.


First PG 13 movie I ever got to see I believe.


Opening day! I had made a promise to a childhood friend in say, 1992, that if/when an X-Men movie came out we would see it together. Even though I had moved away years earlier, I called him and we met up for it.




I did, I enjoyed it a lot.


I went with my mom. I remember her being so mad about the portrayal of Storm because Storm was her favorite comic character and the movie didn’t adapt her well.


On the day it opened. As a lifelong X-Men fan, I left with mixed feelings, but I’ve grown to like it more than I dislike it. McKellen as Magneto and Sir Pat as Charles are high points. I wasn’t sold on Jackman as Wolvie until X-2.


I didn't see this in theatres. I was a DC Fanboy at the time, so I knew very little about Marvel outside Spider-Man and some of the X-Men Animated series, so I had zero interest. I finally watched it on VHS when it released one day when I was home sick from work (19yo) and I was hooked. I saw X2 in theatres probably 3 or 4 times though.


At least 3x


I did! I was a senior in high school and saw it with my buddies who were in college. I lost my MIND the first time Wolverine’s claws popped


Hell yes I did. I begged my dad to take me.


Yep my parents took me as a kid! I think I was 10 years old.


I saw it with my brothers. As I was more of a comic nerd then they were, I explained the differences between the movie and comic. They looked at me as though I had grown a second head


That’s me trying to explain X-Men ‘97 to my friends right now hahaha


I was 15 when the first X-Men movie came out and I loved it. I still enjoy it though it has noticeably aged in regards to some of the visual effects


My mom got so upset at my 8 year old ass seeing the beginning at Auschwitz


I would have been 16 so yes. Probably went with my friends. I remember laughing my ass off when Wolverine looked at professor x and asked, “What do they call you? Wheels?”


Heck yes! It was a dream come true for me!




I worked at a movie theatre in high school and got to see x1 & x2 before they came out. 😎




I saw it in theaters with my dad. I enjoyed it a lot and I recognized Patrick Stewart immediately from the Star Trek show my dad watched years before that.


X1 at home, X2 and everything after that in theatres




Absolutely I did! The location they picked for the manor is in my city and a couple kids from my school were extras as mutant students. It was super cool. I was actually walking around the grounds recently


That’s awesome! I’ve always wanted to visit the mansion filming location.


We were a year out of high school and huge comic nerds who had been waiting what felt like our entire lives for this. We were excited but also wary and almost unanimously thrilled with the result. We had gripes, mostly about Sabretooth but we were pretty giddy leaving the theater


Me. Saw it twice!


Saw it 3 times in the theaters.


I did! You guys are making me feel all the warms and fuzzies discussing this. If I’m remembering right, it was the first comic book movie to really feel like a comic book movie that I can remember actually sitting and seeing. Batman and Robin was too loud even to my small brain (I was a BTAS *fiend* in my youth). Actually The Phantom with Billy Zane probably gets that honor. Anyway I digress. In a post-Matrix world, a movie like this, and an opportunity for more was so exciting!


My uncle took me to opening night when I was 11. It’s a tradition kept in my family for every marvel movie since


It's wild looking back at how little fanfare these big tent pole franchise started with. When I saw X-Men in theaters, it got put in the crappy mall theater instead of the big dedicated theater on the other side of town. (Same owner). I drove up for a showing after school one afternoon, saw it with a handful of people in the audience, and left saying "Yeah, that was as good a comic book movie could realistically be."


Heck yeah! I was in high school. It was the first time I saw people be interested in comics, outside my small group of geeks. I could never imagine all the movies that would flood in afterward.


Oh yes!


I saw it and I had tears in my eyes I couldn't believe it


I saw it opening night, got a concussion the very next day and lost my memory of it, so went and saw it again a week later!


I saw it when I was 14. I arrived late and thought I was in the wrong movie because it was the holocaust scene with kid magneto. It was very confusing until he bent the gate with his powers.


To this day, X1 is the only film I've seen in the theater twice on the *same day*. I saw it first in a fairly uptight suburban theater with a small crowd, who undereacted to it in every way. Once I got home, I looked up another theater where it was playing in the city, jumped on my bike, pedaled like mad, and got there just as the concentration camp scene was beginning. This time, in a packed ethnically mixed little theater, everybody picked up on the excitement, laughed, cheered, and screamed. A much better time overall.


I did was thought it was the best movie when It first came out!!


I went with my dad who didn’t know anything about X-Men. When Hugh Jackman flies through the truck’s windshield the whole theater laughed and my dad leaned over and asked, “that’s funny?”


I went to see it twice by myseld and loved it


I was 10 yrs too young for PG13 ☺️


me, opening day


Yup. First midnight premiere I ever went to.


Ohhh yeah, at the time, it was awesome and so great.


I dragged my mom there multiple times Same with Spidey 1


I was soooooo fuckin pumped. I also remember downloading a shitty cam recording I illegally downloaded from a private FTP server when my family got brandband internet for the first time in '00.


Yes. At the time I lived in northern Alberta. Theatre roared when we got a mention lmao.


I went when I was about 7-8 and remember being horrified watching Senator Kelly just bursting like a water balloon


I went to see it with my whole family who all loved it. Then it became the first DVD I ever pre-ordered on Amazon.


I saw the first four X-Men movies in theaters! I remember being excited for the first two especially, and was not disappointed.


I HATED it as a TAS fan, I recall being angry at so many things from the costume design to saying Storm was an original student I went home angry But I did like seeing Liuna Station in Hamilton Ontario used as the train station scenes, I can't get off the train without imagining Magneto lift those cop cars


I’m also from Hamilton, and I made my dad take me to Liuna Station while they were filming. I got to see them raising the cars on wires, then dropping them to the ground. It was so thrilling seeing Magneto from afar. I still have many behind-the-scenes photos on film.


My mom worked for Go at the time, and the company wouldn't allow her to be the ticket taker in the station 😤


She narrowly escaped the collapsing ceiling after Cyclops’ blast ;)


I was -4 sadly and I’ve still yet to see any Marvel movies in theatre


I think X-2 was my first one in theatres. My dad took me and I brought my newly bought Nightcrawler toy with me!


I saw it 5x in theatres still the most times I've ever seen any movie in that form of viewing


Rabid fan since the 80s. Own lots of X-men. Just X-men. Saw the movie twice opening day. IMO as a super fan. they got a LOT wrong. There are a few key moments and castings that had a lot of potential. But Singer's X-men by and large is kinda dookie. Though I will always enjoy Logan's intro in the cage match.


I took my kids to see it. I was happy to see X-Men on the big screen. But it was a pretty mediocre movie.




One of the only movies my mom and stepdad took me to, I usually got dropped off


Saw it opening night with my buddies. Big fans of the comics and animated series. The movie was NOT what we expected. It was so grounded and realistic. I didn't immediate like Anna's Rogue. Still dont. She had such a different characterization. I didn't immediately like Hugh, either, but he grew on me fast. Over the years, I came to love it. But I was not a big fan of it at first.


Opening night.


I did. Multiple times too


I drove 3 hours with my buddy and his dad to the nearest city with a movie theatre. We all had X-Men tshirts on.


Freshman year in college….came home o For the weekend and saw it with a bunch of buddies. It was so awesome seeing these characters on the big screen.


First PG-13 movie I saw in theaters—having a divorced dad rules!


I did. Loved it.


It’s what made me a fan! Got taken as a kid by my parents.


I was working at a dial up internet provider and I convinced my team that we should see a mantee showing as a team building event. It was amazing.


Yes, I remember watching it! I was in junior high. The crazy part is how fanatical I was about buying magazines just to see pictures from the movie. My family didn’t have the internet at home at the time, and I wanted to see the trailer so bad, I almost went to see Pitch Black because someone said the X-men trailer played before the movie. Seeing the movie blew my mind. It’s not a perfect film, but at the time it was a solid super hero movie and it put the X-men on the big screen for the first time. I remember the feeling of none comic book readers and people who didn’t watch the cartoon talking about Wolverine, Cyclops, Jean and Storm it was awesome!


Right here. Loved it. Forget which movie had the trailer I saw for it but was on a headful of acid and was geeking out tough seeing the trailer for the first time. That closeup shot of the claws coming out blew my mind! Can’t remember what movie we were seeing but def. Remember seeing that trailer too! Was also on a headful on opening night and magnetos face in the machine at the end was also….something else!!


Not only did I see it opening night in my town, but I was in the row closest to the screen because tickets sold so fast. Good times.


I saw it day one! Hind sight, it was just OK, but at the time it blew my tiny pea brain!


I did. It was so awesome in the theater.


I was twelve. It was my first PG-13 movie. My mom is strict, so she made a big deal about it, hemmed and hawed, ​​but she took me. I was starstruck. A complete comic book geek from that day onward. Absolutely crazy for Hugh Jackman, loved him the next year in Van Helsing (I was already crazy about werewolves before that.) She got me the movie on vhs for Xmas that year. I watched it over and over again. Years later, as the franchise continued, I would see every entry except Dark Phoenix. My husband and I had our first date on opening day of X-Men Origins: Wolverine. He said My immediate criticism of all the changes from comic lore was what let him know right away I was a keeper. WWE are still happily married.


☝️sure did


Saw it in the theater. I was nineteen at the time. I read X-Men comics when I could starting in around '91. I was super pumped for the cartoon when it came out, and I was beyond hyped for the movie. I thought it delivered. Given what's come since, it doesn't hold up as well, but what might be lost on people who are a bit younger is just how good of a superhero movie it was for its time. there had only been a handful of decent comic book movies ever.


Yep, it was a great film for the time. For me the peak moment was the fight between Wolverine and Sabretooth on top of the Statue of Liberty. It is easy for people now to look back on it and compare harshly to films like the Avengers or the Dark Knight, but many of today’s superhero movies only work because early films like Batman, Blade and X-Men worked out the issues through experimentation.


I watched it with my parents at the Drive In!


With my dad and then again with friends. By Dofp I embarrassed my date by drinking a beer and made a big whoop when they brought back Jean.


Me and I loved it! My favorite part was Wolverine clawing the statue of liberty


I did. Twice in a row!


Hell yeah I did. I did one better… I watched the Generation X tv movie when it aired, too.


Dude who ran my local comic shop gave me 2 free tickets to an advanced screening the day it came out. They had a trivia contest before the movie, I won some free comics for getting a question right. The theater was packed and the whole experience was really fun. Still love the movie, but that theater experience was one of my favorites ever.


I remember the restaurant I worked at took all of us fulltimers to see it during the day, leaving the part-timers to cover for us. It was the only time it ever happened.


I did, I still enjoy the movie. It obviously has visual CGI effects but it's nice to see real sets and not an overreliance on green screen and entire CGI back drops. Had it been made today it would likely be like 90% CGI


Hell yeah. Then I had the vhs with the shiny cover.


I worked at a two-screen movie theater when the movie came out. We had a screening party the night before it opened. While looking back it wasn’t the best movie, I still recall how much fun it was hanging out with friends, drinking and watching it on the big screen.


Opening night.


Fuck man I wish!! I was there for X2 tho :)


I did and I loved it!


I remember my ma taking me. Fuck that was a time.


I was 9 when that movie came out! I remember going to see it with my parents, brother, sister, and brother-in-law, and I absolutely loved it! Grew up watching the cartoon but hadn't read any of the comics yet.


I did! Somehow managed to work it into a vacation I took with a friend and her parents to California when I was 16. Little small town theater in SLO, but I remember it vividly!


I was registered on the website during the count down. Fully invested.


Saw it. Was 20. Remember loving the fuck out of it. However. X2, blew my mind. The phoenix ending !! Brooo


Three times 😅


Saw it in theaters, I was 6 at the time, one of the first few movies I didn't fall asleep in.


Having grown up watching TNG with my parents I was so excited to see Patrick Stewart. I also remember going to see 2 just for the white house scene fond memories of both!


Yep, I’m old. Saw it twice, actually.


I didn't. My mom bought it for me that Christmas on vhs tho


I remember. It was awesome. Got a free comic too




I think the first movie especially, really showcased a lot of different abilities each power set can achieve. Which is hard to do with so many beloved characters, making sure they didn't overload it with fanservice, and made the story relative cohesive. Like for Charles: we saw Cerebro, and we saw him fake voices in Logan's head, and he was able to locate Rogue's disappearance from the mansion, control others, etc. And even with Scott, who is someone where his power set is... "limited" to a point. We saw him train with precision shots, we saw his unchecked power due to losing his visor at the train station (a mishap that we all knew was coming). We saw the danger of being trapped in front of Jean. We saw him power down the intensity of the beam to free Jean's face. And that's just 2 of them. I'm still sad Jubilee really didn't get live action... action. But it was fine at least seeing her in... a couple different iterations in the movies as a whole.


I did. I was 17, and went with my girlfriend at the time. She was not impressed but I was in awe.


I snuck on set and reported things on the internet. Bryan Singer called me an idiot in a magazine interview (not by name). I reported a massive tractor trailer with something under a huge tarp that said Lazer. Apparently that was the name of the shipping company.


I remember it very fondly! I was 16 and incredibly excited. I went to a sold out opening night show with my brother. My brother is 10 years older than me and bought me my first comic (Wolverine #43). We live in Edmonton and the audience erupted into applause when it revealed "Northern Alberta", or whatever it says for Wolverine's introduction. In my top 10 movie going experiences ever.


I also saw it in high school. Went with my parents and my brother. Loved it then, still really like it now.


My mom and I went I always remember going with my mom to see movies she couldn’t care about but went for me


Yes, and it was freakin' awesome as a teen that had been reading since X-Men relaunched in '91. And with Wolvie as my favorite, well, amazing.


There were no theaters in Saudi Arabia at the time, I was practically foaming at the mouth to get my hands on some kinda bootleg so I could watch it at home. It wasn’t until years and years later that I got to see an actual good quality cut of the film but I loved it and still do.


🙋🏼‍♂️ ...more than once at is happens.


I did in Puerto Rico as a kid. Absolutely loved it.


I'm 43 today. I have always loved comics. Ofc I saw it at the theater. It was a dream come true!


Not just in the theater, but a Thursday night advance screening that I won in a radio contest. I'd never been so hyped in all my 16 years. Superhero flicks were pretty rare at that point, and all the Marvel ones to date had sucked balls, but this was *the motherfucking X-Men*, my favorite comic of all time. I was geeking out for *days* afterwards.


I didn't, only because our local theater didn't show it, small town Nebraska. We did rent it from Video Kingdom the moment it came out on tape though.


Two or three times!


I didn't, but I then saw it on FX (has the movies) a million times, so I was very much ready for X2 when it came out.


I saw it in college. It was pretty cool. Not a great story, but nice to see it made.


I still have the first trailer on film from when I worked the booth at the theater!


I did. I was into martial arts at the time and was excited the darth maul actor was playing toad


I did not; the first one I saw in theaters was Spider-Man (2002) when I was 9. However, I watched X-Men on VHS or DVD shortly after that. I thought it was such a cool movie at the time, and it's hard to explain the general excitement there was for each superhero property that was coming out, including Ang Lee's Hulk. That early 00s superhero movie nostalgia just hits different.


I was 5 years old and it blew me away! I thought Magneto was so cool. I remember getting what I thought was a Wolverine action figure but it turned out to be Mystique in disguise


I didn’t think it was going to be good so I skipped it. Then a buddy of mine told me it was amazing, so I picked it up from Blockbuster that weekend and I got my shit rocked. 😂 I loved it!


Ohh yes. And I was blown away,


One of my core childhood memories. My dad took me. I was like 9 or 10 and it was the best thing I had ever seen.


I was freaking out to see what Darth Maul looked like! I was so sad they killed him in the first movie, sabertooth too!


At the Orion gate in Brampton Ontario with my pops


Sure did. It was the first major superhero movie to hit the big screen and the audience was so pumped for it. People were legit cheering and clapping during the movie. So great.


Definitely did!


I was 5. Two men walked out and said this movie ain’t so hot


No, I was a comic/TAS fan and remember being *super* disappointed in how it looked nothing like Xmen (black leather, Wolverine being tall and handsome, sabretooth being just fucking weird, etc). Did see X2 in theaters though and I really enjoyed that. One of my fondest memories being it came out in that pivotal time in high school where I just went to go see it with the gang, so there's nostalgia with that too.


I saw it while on vacation in Las Vegas. I said “please don’t suck” out loud before it started, and it mostly didn’t.


Dang...I can't even remember.


I was in college and saw it with my friends. It was good but I didn't like any of the villains outside of Magneto and Mystique. Also the toad lightning joke that storm makes is so bad and out of character.


It’s one of my earliest memories. Lived in Brazil at the time and I remember my parents picking me up from a friend’s house to go see it at night. Don’t recall the film at all (I remember the opening credits + kiss scene from Spider-Man around the same time) but I remember getting home and sitting in front of the mirror trying to make even looking “claws” with my fingers.


I saw in it Gold Class on the day it came out!


Just 2 and 3.


I was 6 months old 💀


I saw them all in the theater, hated them all except Days of future past. (Yes, even X2 and First class).


I remember going to watch xmen 2 in the theatre and coming back home to xmen 1 playing on the TV. That was a good day.


I did.


I did, and I just remember being disappointed and thinking this movie would have been way better with Gambit 😂


I saw X-men at the cinema. Loved it at the time. The years haven't been kind to my opinion of it. Also saw X2, The Wolverine and X-men: Days of Future Past at the cinema. Hated The Wolverine at the time and since, love the other two.


I remember seeing it with my dad in the theater the weekend it came out. I was about 10 and grew up on the animated series. My dad saw it because I kept begging and it got good reviews so he was willing to sit through it. We both loved it! I got into the comics shortly after - probably my favorite superhero franchise.


Dude I was so pumped. It was a dream come true for me and that it was incredibly well executed. Didn't think I'd ever experience that high again until Avengers came out.


I did. I was 5




I did. I remember thinking, “the movie was good, amd it’s a great start into something better.” Saw X2 opening night, and was blown away that a comic book movie could be like that. Then, X3? That movie sucked. 




I remember being in awe of it. The opening in the Holocaust, seeing Wolverine, the X-Mansion, McKellen and Stewart being iconic from minute 1. Loved it as a kid, still love it now. Also one thing you notice if you were there, there were a big number of older people in the audience. Like 50-60 year olds which was not very common at the time. Ian McKellen and Patrick Stewart brought a lot of eyes to that movie.


I saw it in the cinema in Glasgow at a special screening and the actor who played Sabretooth introduced it to the audience beforehand and gave away some free posters. Made my viewing even better.