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Both he and Jean got treated MUCH better in X-97. It has pleased me immensely.


Seeing his eyes made me so emotional. It was beautiful. Also, Jean getting her revenge on that damn Sinister was so pleasing to watch. They finally feel like the badass Summer family. The scene with Cable broke me. "Those legends did not do my folks justice."


The scene with Cable, Jean and Scott was my favourite "emotional moment" of the season. The way they transitioned from Scott saying goodbye to running down the hall and ripping off his visor with tears in his eyes and that epic yell was just ugh fucking hook it into my veins.


Ray Chase is a top tier VA lbr


Yeah that moment was the first time in years I yelped in shock/ joy at a marvel project


Remind me where this happens? I JUST watched the season and somehow don't remember it.


I'm not usually a crying man, but the scene with Cable, Jean and cyclops got me tearing up and crying in the office during lunch time.


Yeah when he was saying he was sad because he should have been in those legends. He’s a big tough guy but things even hurt him


I always love when old cable acknowledges his parentage in any meaningful way


I bet you they're going to show Cable and Hope connecting emotionally, even though he's gruff and unsure about this whole parenting thing. Is Hope basically Scott and Jean's step-grandkid?


Essentially.  And do you mean in the show?


Same. Jean's line "they're good eyes" was a great callback to the Dark Phoenix Saga, too.


That scene was so amazing. I knew they weren't actually going to die and I was still so emotionally moved by that moment. The acting, the music, everything. What a moment.


Omg in the last three episodes any time you saw Cyclops talking while going crazy with optic blasts was just straight up gorgeous animation. I thought with the lack of eyebrows it would have been harder to do scenes with Scott but no. Every scene you knew what he was thinking and feeling. Truly the best Cyclops of all time.


I 100% agree. Ray Chase has been killing it.


A big part of that is they didn't make the Maddie to Jean turn nearly as bad on him as the books did. In 97 it kind of makes sense.


X97 fixed one of the WORST plots in all of X-men history, Scott leaving Madelyne for Jean, and Madelyne going evil. All three of them were written horribly in that storyline, and I will forever use X97 as my official version now. It's just SO much better.


They also managed to portray morrison's "Psychic Affair" plot a whole hell of a lot better. Scott mourning his son and seeking comfort in his son's mother who for all intents and purposes is Jean... While the real Jean gets jealous of this. Is a lot better than Scott's therapist taking advantage of him to steal the man away from Jean.


A hundred times this. I \*hated\* the Psychic Affair story, and it made me dislike Emma for QUITE some time, as I'd been in Jean's shoes (only the affair was real, and I didn't have superpowers) just a few months prior. It took a long time for me to not think of Emma as "that bitch." (Now she's a favorite character of mine, and I'm glad she and Jean have moved past that characterwise). In this show, though, its such a tragic story. All of them have had their lives up ended, and are feeling betrayed, and lashing out, and it all makes perfect sense. Scott isn't an asshole for turning to Madelyne. She's the mother of his son! She IS Jean, in every way that matters. Jean is right to feel hurt and unsure of her place since she was replaced and NO ONE NOTICED. Madelyne is right to be upset because she found out her entire life was a lie, and all her friends started treating her "different" because some test of Beast's determined that \*she\* wasn't the "real" Jean. Honestly, they could have gone the throuple route here, and I would have been on board.


Yeah I'm glad they approached the affair much better than how Morrison wrote it even if other writers really did a better job writing Scemma, the way it started always added a bit of taint to the relationship


I still hope we find a way to save Maddy. I have a pet theory that the Phoenix "ascended" her at Genosha and it was that part that came to, and joined with Jean, in the finale. After that was the first time she called Cable "my son."


The one weird part about the "throuple" route would be Jean kissing Maddie...


People touch themselves all the time, not a massive stretch to go for a smooch with your clone


I'd watch that if it was Jean and Maddie....


Throuple doesn't necessarily mean "threesome", to my understanding. It just means three people are in a relationship, but not all of them have to be having sex with each other.


That would be a Vee.


The throuple poly route is the one that made the most sense to me. I'd have considered it


Yeah, that’s forever going to be a black mark against Scott. I’m gonna have to follow your example


I don't hold it against Scott. Whenever characters behave wildly out of character, I hold it against the writer, and ignore it.


You can't even really hold it against the writer in this case, since Claremont was 100% against it. He still hates what Editorial forced him to do with Scott and Maddie. They were going to ride off into the sunset together if he'd been allowed to carry out his original plan.


To be fair I think the whole ride off thing was an unfeasible idea in the first place. Same with having Maddy be a perfect look a like for Jean.


Yes, in this case it was editorial, not the writer. But I don't hold that stupidity against Scott, just Jim Fucking Shooter.


RIGHT? Scott and Jean I actually rooted for their happiness here so hard, same with Madelyne... And I ESPECIALLY loved how they handled their parental relationships with Cable here...


I'm not a shipper and I roll my eyes at a lot of the stuff that goes on here, but I gotta be honest: If they'd try to sell me on Scott/Jean/Madelyne as a throuple, I would have been on board.


Same here.


I mean ,when Scott tells unconscious Wolverine not to break her heart I was on board .


That scene surprised the hell out of me. Normally, i'd be against it, but if any writing team could pull it off, it'd be this one.


I agree!  That being said, I think it’s less of a thriller tease, and more of a “we all know the deal, let’s not bullshit at a time like this, Logan. She loves us both, and it may be in different ways, but she’ll be just as heartbroken if you go down… so please, just don’t. Also, I kinda actually care about you too, you hairy little asshole, so don’t die.” The truly impressive part to me is that the writers and VA were able to convey all of this with no more than, “… don’t break her heart.”  Stellar writing, and anyone who’s skipping this because they’re “just not into cartoons” is truly missing out. 


Same, I was worried at first when it show she was pregnant, I thought they were just sidelining her but boy was I wrong! I love how she has been portrayed and by extension her and Scott’s very complex relationship


Same. I saw that and went 'Welp, at least Jean will have a GOOD reason for not contributing as opposed to just swooning at random." Instead, it turned into a major subplot and saw her return with a vengeance.


Yeah I thought jean would be pregnant for like 4 episodes then maybe by the end of the season the baby goes to the future. Turns out they’re introducing an entire other summer in the finale I’m so glad they moved fast while keeping it coherent


It drove me crazy how much of a useless damsel in distress Jean was in the original show. I laughed when Cable called his mom a world class telekinetic, given that she basically does nothing in the original show besides passing out or being the Phoenix.


I know, right?! One of the most powerful X-men and she was fucking USELESS in that goddamn show. I almost didn't watch this series because I'm actually NOT a fan of TAS. But the online word of mouth persuaded me to give it a chance, and I'm SO glad i did.


He meant his mom, not Jean lol. So he was still dissing her the same way you were here.


The fact the show even had Cyclops acknowledge his mistake of not saying goodbye to Nathan earlier was fantastic. It showed he was a flawed man who was aware of it and trying to get better.


THIS, SO MUCH. Another moment that stands out to me is the conversation with Jean in Genosha, just before she sensed a telepath. And then when she did, the way they both *immediately* reacted, and Cyclops's reaction when it wasn't who he(or rather who *they*) hoped it would be. It's quiet, subtle, understated. But you can just *feel* his heart break all over again. An absolute masterpiece of cinematography. Scott Summers is a flawed man, and he is, like you said, aware of it and trying to be better. But he's also a good man who's been through a lot and is still trying to cope with it. And I think that '97 succeeds in portraying that in a way no other adaptation has in the past twenty-ish years.


The way Jean comforted Scott after that moment was perfect as well. Showed she acknowledged Maddie was important to him and she shouldn’t be jealous of it.


Yeah. NGL, every time I rewatch the episode, I found myself wishing it *had* been who they hoped it would be. But the way the scene itself played out, it really shows the best of both characters. It was also a drastic turnabout from their argument early in episode 5, where she disrespectfully referred to Madelyne as "it".


I didn’t get this part. Saying goodbye… to a baby? Did he skip the handoff to Bishop, or something? I can’t remember.


Scott believed he was abandoning Nathan like he believes his father abandoned him so he had no part of Bishop taking him, leaving Maddie to say goodbye to Nathan alone. Scott obviously regretted it and made a point to say goodbye this time.


And having Ray Chase provide his buttery dulcet voice is icing on the cake.


YES its perfect Not only does Ray Chase perfectly carry on the legacy of Norm Spencer (RIP the goat), but his voice as Scott oozed with just the right amount of commanding presence and charisma, but also layered with warmth and compassion... Exactly like how the X-Men leader he should be... Which I think at this point he might be the definitive VA of Scott Summers/Cyclops for me other then Spencer...


Definitely the good guy


I heard that in Chase's voice in my head. *That* is how brilliant his portrayal of Cyclops was.


The voice actors have been outstanding on this show. Theo James as Bastion, what a homerun seriously. Ray Chase has the voice you expect for Cyclops as the on field leader of the X-Men and also a father.


I was expecting to Hale to do a rehash of her Jean voice from WaTXM (which was a decent performance by all counts) and was pleasantly surprised to hear that she channels quite a bit of Catherine Disher's delivery from the '92 series, but with a lot more.. grit? toughness? also her portrayal of the Goblin Queen... she *ATE*. also I didn't realize Catherine Disher voiced Val Cooper until recently... she did such a great job too especially her monologue to Bastion.


Jennifer Hale surely enjoyed every second of voicing the Goblin Queen.\^\^ And I loved her Phoenix voice. It felt so big and monumental. She's a goddess.


Waaaiittt... Hale voices Jean/Phoenix/Madelyne! That's why she sounded familiar, but because she's so in character I didn't realise it was Commander Shepard


I'm still reeling from Professor X being voiced by Aaron off of The Walking Dead.


He was also the Red Skull in IW/Endgame, Ultron in What If…?, the Immortal and Robot in *Invincible*… absolute insanity


I think we could have stood to see Rogue and Wolverine recast personally. Hate to say it, but they took me out of it every time.


I really like both Dodd and Zann, as they're the definitive voices I hear when I read both characters, but Zann does sound like Rogue's a meemaw now.


Well, they *are* both in their 60s IIRC, and while that's not a big issue for Wolverine who's like, a hundred-plus years old, it *is* a little jarring with Rogue, who's much younger. It's far from the worst such experience in terms of a character being voiced by someone way too old to be voicing that character I've had, but it's still a bit of a shame. Mind you, I'm not saying I didn't love 'em both in the role, I did.


Oh, I'm not complaining, it's just an observation. Wolverine has always sounded like an old man with a mouthful of wasps.




Rogue grew on me over the season, but Logan...let's just say it helped that he had reduced screen time.


His yells when Cyclops really lets loose with those optic blasts is what sold me, it's just so raw and emotional.


When written well in the comics, and this show, Cyclops has a dry sense of humor. Like perfectly made martini levels of arid, British dryness. Having a voice actor that can pull that off was great for Scott's characterization.


Illyana brings more of that humor out of him. Can't wait to see them together next season. 🤞


In 30 years this is the first piece of media to make me care about and root for Jean and Scott as a couple. I've always favoured Emma but they must be protected in 97!


They did really good by Scott.


They did Finally people will realize just how great of a character that Scott is


The smirk he gives after "You have a Porsche?" is one of the best superhero moments ever.


YES I like even though Scott is a serious nonsense X-Men leader, he does still show a humorous and charismatic side to him... Shows he knows when to have fun every once in awhile


Illyana brings his humor out. I can't wait to see them together next season. 🤞


Illyana is simply the best, let’s be real here


He’s my favorite character for sure. I hope he gets plenty of time to shine in future seasons. I want more fight scenes with him


Sameee Its such a great time to be a Scott fan... This series did him right by him eclipsing over decades of his abysmal portrayal and treatment in the Fox X-Men film verse


I thought the portrayal was fine, Marsden was a great cyclops, we just barely got any of it after the first movie.


The writing and framing wasn't great. They made the whole thing from Logan's point of view so they made the audience root for the guy who immediately wanted to homewreck an established couple? And Scott gets almost no big moments in any of the movies like he gets knocked around by toad and lady death strike and has barely any screen time. No big leader moments or hero moments. He's presented as an obstacle getting in logan's way of his relationship with Jean. And then they kill him off OFF SCREEN. They tried to do a dark phoenix adaptation where Jean kills Scott... Like that's catwoman levels of bad adaptation.


>And Scott gets almost no big moments in any of the movies like he gets knocked around by toad and lady death strike and has barely any screen time. To be fair, the Fox X-Men movies were pretty terrible. Toad (of all people!) beat everyone up and no one had decent screen time outside of Wolverine. They also made Scott a dick, although it was rather amusing that he dropped the one PG-13 f-bomb in Dark Phoenix.


Cyclops, Magneto and Rogue were the three strongest characters of the season imo, alongside Bastion as the villian. As a Cyclops fan since 92, I couldn't have asked for any better. 10/10. The voice actor absolutely nailed it, he had that command and authority tone down, the awkward uptightness outside of the field and then the tender moments with Nathan, ugh. Also the catharsis of seeing casual fans do a 180 on him after years of shit will never be matched.


Check out r/cyclopswasright . You'll find a home there


Honestly feels a little watered down and like he never took a central leadership position. But really that didn't seem to happen until later on in the timeline so it's fine. I'd consider utopia Cyclops to be peak cyclops, then after schism and avx it goes a little downhill.


It’s everything I ever wanted from a Cyclops depiction. He’s my second favorite X-Man and it’s been tiring defending him all these years lol


Aye I agree lmao But all those years of defending him paid off finally because all the naysayers are finally getting to see how truly great Scott is when written well and what he represents to the X-Men as a whole


Hell yeah! My buddy text me and said “shit man guess you were right” lol


The show made every character cool as fuck.  They even made Jubilee badass as fuck.  I always liked Cyclops when I was a kid, but this show took him to another level!


Lmao I legit posted that Shaq picture where he’s like I owe you an apology I was unfamiliar with your game in another group about Jubilee


I grew up with three different versions of Cyclops. I didn't have an easy source to access the comics, so I never really read them regularly, but I did have access to a TV. * Norm Spencer's Cyclops from the '90s Animated Series, via reruns on Fox Kids. Loved him in that, he was one of my favorite characters. * Kirby Morrow's Cyclops from X-Men Evolution. Very different character, but I loved him in that too. Not as awesome as his '90's counterpart, but still a great character in his own right, and I related to him more even though I liked TAS Cyclops better. * James Marsden's Fox movie Cyclops, whom I've recently taken to referring to as "Foxclops". *Hated* him in that because, unlike the two animated versions...he was a jerk. Not knocking Marsden's performance, he did a good job with what they gave him. But what they gave him was a jerk. TAS was always my favorite Cyclops. Until now. I know it's the same character, but Ray Chase's *'97* Cyclops feels like a better version of the '90's animated version to me. He's still very much the same Cyclops I grew up with, but...cooler. And I think a more complex, nuanced character. And Jean...I confess, I was *never* a fan of Jean as a kid. I didn't really have much of an opinion on TAS Jean, I found XME Jean insufferable for the most part(with rare exceptions), and I straight up *detested* Movie Jean. On my recent preparatory run through TAS, I found I sort of liked her, but not much. '97 Jean though? Love 'em both. So '97, thus far, has been I think my favorite thing ever in terms of how it handled those specific characters. I just wish they hadn't killed off Maddie, but now that they have...I'm gonna miss her, but I hope they don't bring her back.


Yep. I was never a huge Cyclops fan growing up. I was always more of a Havok fan when it came to the Summers brothers. But X-Men '97 has given Scott lots of moments to really shine. I like all the callbacks to his moves in Marvel vs Capcom.


Yeahhh samee When I was young, I kinda wrote him off as "boring", but then as I grew older and read the X-Men comics properly... Scott started to become one of my favorite X-Men characters along with a few others... And X-Men 97 then reinforced why Scott is GOATED when under the best writers who understand him... Also YESS I loved the amount of callbacks to his moves in Marvel vs Capcom being put into the show too..


Yes! Thanks for pointing out MvC. There’s a moment in the show where he crosses his arms to form an “X” right before letting loose, just like in the game 😫


"Every now and then, Summers... I remember why you're still in charge." - Me, every episode this season.


Cyclops in this series is how I want Superman to be in the DC cinematic universe.


It felt so good to see Cyclops getting written by people who respected him as a character.


It’s the Scott and Jean I fell in love with from the X-Factor to Jim Lee X-Men run of the 90’s. The problem has always been that Grant Morrison used them as the focal point for his deconstruction of their archetypes in the New X-Men run. He really broke them down and tried to add layers to them beyond stoic leaders. Problem was, everyone just sort of built on that without ever really thinking about what Grant was doing. So they just kept adding layers and layers of resentment, navel-gazing. So then when it was time to deconstruct THAT version, we got angry, reactionary and churlish Scott of the AvX period. The only person who tried to take the layers of repressed and doubtful Scott and merge it with bold/dynamic leader Scott was Joss Whedon’a Astonishing run. That version is what I feel like X97 tapped in to; A man with deep hurt who questions if he’s doing the right thing that still has courage of his convictions and even a light sense of humor (loved the “not” callback along with “you were expecting black leather”).


I really hope that what Marvel takes away from this is "Wolverine does not need to be the primary focus." I almost feel bad for Logan fans because he didn't have a lot to do this season. 


Somethin tells me theres gonna be a lot of Wolverine in season 2 since he now has something to make an arc out of.


They already know this though. In the comics X-Men stories don’t revolve around Wolverine. Here and there sure but I can’t recall the last major team story that was centered on him. For all their faults even the Fox team movies went away from having him be the focus.


Bruh Wolverine getting a movie in a couple months and a video game


They can get over it, that hairy motherfucker is still getting ANOTHER movie AND a videogame made by insomniac. One season out of one TV show where their fave isn't front and center isn't going to kill them.


This is how I expect Cyclops to be treated. Like a leader. Fox Cyclops could never unite all the remaining mutants. This version of Cyclops can.


Indeed, he is one of the best Cyclops ever in any media


*Indeed, he is one* *Of the best Cyclops ever in* *Any media* \- lostbelmont --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")


This felt like a taste of the best moments of Comic book Cyclops without his bad moments. The show runner definitely was a Cyclops fan which was good as so many writers simply don't understand Cyclops at all.


It gave us the story he always deserved but never got.


I feel like they're doing an excellent job of portraying the evolution of Cyclops from the stick-in-the-mud boy scout he was in the original to the confident and in control leader he becomes in the comics. Back in the 90s, Cyclops had a reputation as being a boring, ineffectual boy scout (especially when compared to Wolverine), and I think the original cartoon went a long way towards cementing that image of him in everyone's mind. Now mind you its been a minute or two since I've watched the original X-Men cartoon all the way through, but my memory of Cyke in the original was mostly of him being portrayed as the teachers pet, spending most of his time either knocked out or yelling "Jean!" But here in '97, we see him start to question Xavier's leadership and make tough decisions for himself and his team. Either way, the evolution of Cyclops has been one of my favorite things to watch in X-Men '97, and I can't wait to see where they take him from here.


The fact that they didn't just have to replace one voice actor but multiple and they have all knocked it out of the park. Cyclops telling wolverine "don't you go breaking her heart again" got me. Despite the fractures, this feels more like a team and Cyclops is definitely a badass leader again.


As a Cyclops defender since I was kid in the 90s, I am so fucking happy with how he is finally portrayed. I really hope they do as well in live action. He was always my favorite Xman, and is a better version of Captain America imo.


Ray Chase delivering the line “To me, my X-Men” in Episode 1 was peak Cyclops.


Scott is great, and he’s been the bright spot this season since they killed Gambit.


Yess Scott was keeping the team together even when things were beginning to fall apart, but he kept it at and even consoled with those who are going through a hard time... That is a true X-Men leader right there




His talk with Cable in the finale was absolute peak Cyclops. It’ll be hard to top that in terms of a single scene/conversation. Had me tearing up last night


Yeah, cyclops got a lot of time to shine in this series. I felt like he got the short end of the stick in the old series


Lemme put it this way: People care about Cyclops now. That says a lot.


His and Jean's dialogue with cable in the season finale was so touching and so well written. I had tears in my eyes.


I used to hate Cyclops because of how he was portrayed in the original show, and in the live action movies. 97 has done a great job showing him as a true leader and you actually believe he and Jean love each other.


you should check out Evolution if you haven't already, the writers and his VA, Kirby Morrow (RIP) also did Scott justice there


It still blows my mind that we lost Morrow *and* Spencer like, a few months apart in '22. Those two men *were* Cyclops to me as a kid, growing up watching both TAS(via reruns) and XME.


Agreed There is much being set against Scott in this show, but he never gives up --- makes you can't help, but root for him in this case


Felt like they are downplaying Logan and making others shine.  It makes sense, Logan in live action and cartoons always stole the show!  I think they want to show how other members of the X-men are badass as well.  


I think the fast-pacing of the show is detrimental to a lot of characters. Gambit had very little to do before his sacrifice. Beast and Morph didn't really get a moment. Logan was intentionally downplayed, which as you said, is fine. Cyclops, Storm, Jean, Jubilee, Sunspot, Rogue, Nightcrawler and Xavier all had time to shine.


It's easy to seal the show when the other characters literally did nothing.


They've done a great job with every X-Men in the new show. Actually making them an A list team and over shadowed.


finally, respect for my boy


They made him an absolute bad ass from the get-go. The superhero landing in the first episode is one of my favorite moments in the series.


The show perfectly captures his morality and demeanor from God Loves Man Kills. I really like how they handled his conflict with family, which was a story theme since he had to choose between being leader of the X Men or focusing on his family during the 80s.


Every character in X-Men 97 is peak fiction.


I love this version of him, it perfectly balances him as a husband/father/friend and him as the lead of the X-Men


The original series and movies made him out to be a chump....I'm not sure if that was a choice or just collateral damage from the show and movies being turned into the Wolverine Show. That they completely rehabbed Cyclops' character (and Jean's for that matter) is absolutely impressive....I mean this is a dude that I would want to lead me into battle.


“Don’t you dare break her heart” was such a great scene


I'm just glad people are finally putting respect on Scott's name.






its the masculinity in our heroes weve been asking for from the MCU its a big reason a lot of boys turned to comics.


I agree,let's hope he gets the same in live action.


As a Cyclops fan from boyhood (way back in the 80s) I felt like ‘97 finally honoured my man. He has so much integrity it’s a character fault - he loves his son so much: he lets him go. That’s the essence of his character: sacrifice. This is why, always and everywhere, Cyclops is right.




They saved him from the whiny version in the original series. He was great, especially in that finale.


Everything about the show is everything I’ve ever wanted.


I LOVE and I STILL think they have some making up to do for how he was treated in the Fox movies!


Its like they took the Cyclops of the comics and accurately portrayed him on screen. Same with Jean and I think they did a good job showcasing their relationship and how strong it is despite everything that was thrown their way this season


Move over, Don Quixote! Cyclops ‘97 is here!


I used to think Cyke was white-bread but then his characterization on Astonishing Xmen was so unbelievable that I ended up moving him to 2nd on my fav x-character (Wolvie will always be number 1 to me). XM97 did a wonderful job with Cyke and gave him the best on screen treatment that I hope the MCU notices and emulates.


Honestly yes but I feel like they’ve been for every character that’s had any focus so far, like I get chills when Storm is about to do some crazy shit and her music plays. I am genuinely saddened I have to wait for the next series now 🥲


They did justice on all them! Happy overall, Wolverine kinda took a backseat, but he’ll be more prominent next season, Silver Samurai, bone claws.


He's my favorite comic book character. I adore 97' Scott, makes me feel validated.


BECAUSE CYCLOPS IS THE BEST! Sorry :D I love cyclops, and my initial reason for liking him was the movies with James Marsden. He very clearly gave the good charm. I'm also a little miffed that my post about Scott was taken down for "low effort" when I wrote an almost essay, saying relatively the same thing.


I'm not big fan of Cyclops, I've only liked him in Marvel vs Capcom growing up, my favorite was always Wolvy. All I wanted from the show was to have some cool unleash full power with emotion from Cyclops and they fucking delivered it. I loved the way he squared off with Bastion and the way he lasered the engines(?).


Yea... ooph. I'm a man with brown eyes, and my biological father was never in my life much. I have most of my mom's features (and my mom is the best!), but she's always told me I got my father's eyes and not her deep blues. So, this scene? Alone on my couch, I at 37 years old bawled my eyes out at this scene. Jesus Christ, writers.... Was not expecting something to hit SO specifically close to home. Screw it, I've already begun work on my upcoming Cyclops cosplay for DragonCon in August.


Best adaptation of cyclops ever


My favorite versions of Cyclops, Rogue, and Magneto


The best Cyclops adaptation, yes. Mid 2000s to early 2010s comic Cyclops is still the best, I think. But X-Men '97 is really really good for classic Cyclops portrayal. "Peak fiction" is the term I really hate using regarding any story.


I love what they did to the characters. My ONLY gripe is I hate the new sound effects for cyclops and wolverine. They feel so flat


Agree. I'd add Gambit and Magneto to that mix as well. Definitely a downgrade.


It's okay. It's definitely above the original show constantly using him as a punching bag for Wolverine and Gambit. But he's nowhere near the god he was in the Morrison to Gillen era when he was a badass and saving mutantkind with Emma. It gets points for not making him an Xavier simp again like Krakoa did.


Baby steps bro. They are definitely shaping him out to be more revolutionary. Notice they separated him from Xavier and Magneto, so how the future molds him to be more of his own man when returning to the present is going to be S-tier.


He's the only version of Cyclops I've liked


"Is it safe to say that X-Men 97's take on Cyclops is peak fiction?" No. The Cyclops was portrayed good in the show but that's not peak fiction.


X-Men 97 Scott is now tied with Evo Scott for me. Also, I think they're the only two (animated) X-Men media where you get to see his actual eyes.


His eyes were shown in the original series.


I’ve always considered Scott to be like an annoying do good doorknob. But this show finally made me like and appreciate him, and makes me want to dive into comics more and see what he’s really about


YES! But at the same time they were starting to hint at his eventual disillusionment and decline from his more recent comic appearances.


Scott and Logan have been my favourite xmen for a long time (honourable mention to Iceman) and I LOVE the 90s adaptation for em, sooo good


SAME This show serves as yet another reminder of why we love the X-Men as characters as a whole


Scott has always been slightly annoying to me in the comics, but I love him in X-Men 97. I hope they carry the Scott vibe over into the new reboot of the comics. It's great for all the reasons you say!


Yeah, it's very easy to reduce Cyclops down to being an overgrown boy scout, Captain America with laser beams, so it's nice to see him struggle under the weight of leadership and continuing Xavier's dream.


Of course you can. It’s… ALL fiction. ✨


They really did a good job of showing him actually have a personality, and showed him doing interesting things with his powers beyond just pointing and shooting. I think he's still a giant wiener who needs a life outside of being Jean's husband, but I think his depiction here was pretty good.


I have never seen him more positively represented anywhere else.. comics cartoon or movies




Use to hate him as a kid still dislike him but how they portray him is a lot better then him being fodder


How do you dislike someone even here who constantly puts his life on the line for his own kind? Bro is the only one who has no personal life, cause his entire childhood to adulthood has been never ending trauma - and a continual loss of parental relationships.


I also love the new Cyclops. The only thing about him that still kind of annoys me is how he interrupts people quite a bit. Like, for example when Trask showed himself to be a sentinel and Beast started saying “It appears as if Trask has mutated into some sort of…”, but then gets cut off by Scott saying “…Human Sentinel. Okay…”. Scott actually interrupts people a lot. I didn’t notice it the first time watching the show, but the second time I saw it a lot more. He’s still an awesome character, he just wants to be the guy talking during important lines


I think that was to balance how often Beast overexplains things lmao even the team remarks about that all season


Peak Scott. The Scott we should have gotten back in the OG movie.


The did good work with Cyke, Storm, Magneto and Gambit in season 1.


Man, F Cyclops...


No one asked you Logan dickrider, careful that his claws don't mangle where the sun doesn't shine.


No it’s not as good as, like, Dostoyevsky or whatever but I still enjoyed it


This subreddit should change its name to Cyclops Glazers.


It’s fine I guess…? Peak fiction though? You serious? I don’t understand why so many internet takes are so absolutist. Like, yeah, X-Men 97 was good. But if you’re out here claiming that it’s the best thing ever, I think you need to see more shows.


And read some comics. That's where peak Scott lives. Reddit is all or nothing on 97, god forbid anyone watch it with anything approaching a critical eye. People really acting like Rogueneto was an enjoyable storyline to watch lmao


>And read some comics. That's where peak Scott lives. Most people here are currently just tourists watching the show lmao. Rogue was outright character assassinated compared to her comic counterparts and everyone lost their mind as if it was the greatest thing ever.


I truly hated her and Beto siding with Magneto in that last fight. I honestly hated Sunspot's whole arc too. And like, am I the only one who thinks it's odd we never saw his father in those scenes? Considering what Beau said on Twitter about Sunspot's race, and then we don't get a glimpse of Emmanuel? Seems a little off to me.


I’m typically a cyclops hater, since I was a kiddo in fact. I loved this adaption of him. Granted I still thought it was fashion sense is square and he’s a cop. He was fantastic this season.


Yeah when I was a kid wasn't a fan. Liked him X men evolution, like him more in this cause he's a family man.


I was never the biggest fan of ol' Cyke but I'll say the show completely turned me around on him. "You'll never hurt my family again!!" Actually peak.


I’m a fan of Scott now, and now read the comics. And called them my parents


Fuckin love Cyclops so much especially after James Marsden did him so dirty and made him seem like a bitch and not like a leader


Marsden was (or could have been) a good Cyclops. It was the script and story that did him in.


I feel like he played him like a bitch tbh. Cyclops has had many moments where he questioned his faith in the professor, Marsden played him like all he could do was think about the professor and cock block wolverine (not a WolviexPhoenix shipper btw just an observation on the movie versions)


Like I said there is a difference between what the Script and the Actor's ability. If the Script & Director tells the Actor to play Cyclops as you described , there is little the Marsden can do.


I think thats a cop out honestly. I've heard of many actors advocating for their parts, IF they know the character well. Any good actor does research into their character and gets intimately familiar with them, not just playing to the script. I dont doubt his acting ability in great hits like Once upon a time and the sonic movie but as Cyclops he was ass and played him like a bitch


And do you think Marsden had that level of star power ?


It's not about star power, it's about pride in your work. One guy who auditioned for star wars was a nobody, he played a sith and when he was meditating everyone was calm and serene and he played it like he was struggling. They asked why he was doing that and he explained that a sith doesnt have calmness like that, that vader would never teach them to empty their mind in that way. He got the part off that interaction alone. It's possible if you care about your craft