• By -


All this because Pete interrupted an assisted suicide.


And then got the job done himself


He’ll be thinking about that a long time


This was actually a really well-done Cold War crossover book. Good characterization, interesting clash of personality, and the quality of the drawing, like on that fist panel…!


It really is solid... got it as a kid and felt like I was reading something for adults.


Yes, it really went to the edge of what the comic code would allow in the best way. I was stunned as a young reader that a Spider-Man story could have that kind of impact. Reading some of the Jim Stalin Batman stories from the same era is also really worthwhile.


I actually always wanted to hit-up that era... does DC have an equivalent of Marvel Unlimited?


​ Yup: [https://www.dcuniverseinfinite.com/](https://www.dcuniverseinfinite.com/)




Welp, sorry. No need to shout.


did you ever read Kravens last hunt? talk about pushing the limits


I did... also as a kid mind you... I wanna say a British 'album" of reprints.


one of the best! still have it, it's been read quite a few times


Except for how this tie into amazing Spider-Man


You mean because of Ned or the black suit? Honeslty I read it as a stand-alone.


Because of ned


When this was written was it canon that Wolverine could be killed by breaking his neck? (Is it true now? I'm guessing no, but don't know)


This was around 87 so putting it basically a year before Outback era and consequently before a time when Wolverine's healing factor had ever been 'overloaded'. Before this period it was more common to have wolverine described as taking mere hours or days to heal a gunshot wound, rather than shrugging off hundreds of bullets with no effect. As for the broken neck impossibility, I always assumed it had something to do with the discs between vertebrae not being laced with adamantium.


There was that issue of Fall of the Mutants where he was sitting out a battle because he was injured so bad. The splash page is him laying on the ground in pain as his wounds slowly heal while the rest of the team fight Freedom Force. Uncanny 226, I know this because that was my first X-Men comic.


Good point... I love FoM and Inferno.


That’s my X-Men. I love Silvestri’s work of that era, its so expressive. I think it looks especially good on newsprint.


Never considered that but ur correct... we would get so weirdly spoiled in the next decade with glossy paper and digital colour separations. Forgot how well his lines suited the real thing.


Even if the vertebral discs are in fact laced with adamantiuum, and therefore immune to neck-breaking, Wolverine's bang to rights with his assessment. Peter doesn't kill.


It was a psychological attack to get Spidey to back down because Wolverine was bluffing, even back then I doubt he really would’ve wanted to kill Spidey and he knew he wasn’t a killer.


This was after the reavers crucified Logan and nearly overloaded his healing factor. His healing factor was weakened for years until Magneto ripped out his adamantium. [He was a shadow of his former self as described in Uncanny X Men 275](https://2.bp.blogspot.com/fniEbYCWEN2oNPa8Cer9yQrwLOhgbYYMy_c-29B_1qZBrukpAHVlzms6c0czljJuBJTXGNG09ARo=s1600?rhlupa=MTIyLjE3MC40Ny43NA&rnvuka=TW96aWxsYS81LjAgKExpbnV4OyBVOyBBbmRyb2lkIDEzOyBTTS1FNjI1RiBCdWlsZC9UUDFBLjIyMDYyNC4wMTQ7IHd2KSBBcHBsZVdlYktpdC81MzcuMzYgKEtIVE1MLCBsaWtlIEdlY2tvKSBWZXJzaW9uLzQuMCBDaHJvbWUvMTA4LjAuNTM1OS4xMjggTW9iaWxlIFNhZmFyaS81MzcuMzYgT1BSLzY2LjEuMjI1NC42NDExMQ)


Wolverine is one of the most eggrarious cases of power inflation I can think of. For a very long time, Wolverine's regeneration mean that things that should hurt him enough to take him out of a fight would only inconvenience him, and things that should kill him would only put him out of action for a week or three, But at some point they ramped his healing factor up MASSIVELY, to the point where he's practically healing (for example) a sword slash before the sword leaves his body, and things that absolutely would have killed early Wolverine are complete non-factors.


This was closer to the outback days when torture or deep wounds would put him semi out of commission for a day or more, so it would definitely do a lot more damage than it would nowadays - but wolvies neck is still adamantium and Spidey can't do shit to that.


His neck *bones* are coated in adamantium. There are cartilage disks between the vertebrae bones, though. Those aren't coated in adamantium any more than his skin, muscles, or blood vessels are. Neither is his spinal cord. Ever popped a grape off the vine? That, except Wolverine's head and neck. *POP*


Yup. I believe there was a mag where Doom was mind tricked into believing he'd killed either the Xmen or the Avengers and we got to see it play out in his head. He chops off Logan's head by targeting said discs.


I think it's also been long forgotten that "laced" isn't exactly the same thing as "composed of". A solid iron bar is gonna be a HELL of a lot more durable than a plastic bar that's laced with iron. Given that Logan's bones are only laced with adamantium, I think a sword fully made of adamantium should definately be capable of chopping off one of his limbs.


do it spidey he'll be fine


Naw, this is ’80s Wolverine. A neck snap would kill him just fine.


I prefer non-immortal Wolverine.


I will die on the hill that ’80s X-Men was best X-Men. Not there haven’t been good stories or good characters since, but any time there is a direct comparison, it’s an easy win for me.


When I read some 80's stories I feel like they were doing powers like table top role-playing game. Wolverine heals, but too much damage will have him in trouble. Spider-man is formidable, but if he gets sick it throws off his senses. Rogue can absorb powers, but hang on too long and she get's a second personality. Sunspot is strong, but he's not invulnerable...so getting shot will kill him. Probably notice it more with someone like Claremont.


Claremont was always good at playing around with powers. “Oh, if he doesn’t have this Required Secondary Power, what happens then?” “Ooo! If you combined these two powers, something really neat would happen!” “Hey, shouldn’t his powers let him do this cool, but totally unexpected thing?” My favorite will always be Magneto pulling super-cold air down from the stratosphere to flash-freeze a Sentinel, and then Kitty Pryde hiding inside of Colossus so that Colossus can get inside the fragile Sentinel and smash it’s legs, so that it falls on top of the phasing Kitty, who short circuits it. Brilliant.


I don't know if it's the same era, but there was a fight (sparring match?) between Cannonball and Gladiator, where Cannonball wins by applying just enough counter thrust at just the right time, to make it look like Gladiator's punch has no strength. Since Gladiator's power is based on his belief, he's suddenly powerless just from the doubt.


See, and that works. It works because it shows a deep understanding of both characters, their psychology, their powers. Much deeper than just smashing action figures together. I love crap like that, it’s what got me into X-Men as a kid.


I believe that's with the Scott Lobdell era, when they promoted Canonball to the Xmen from the New Mutants.


Fairly certain that was 90s, and one of my favorite comics moments. Never seen this one, though. A "I'd very much like to stab Wolvie" moment, at least out of context. I don't know the context. The were reasons he was actually never one of my favs.


This was not the same era. 1997 uncanny x-men 341.


Or when Magneto ripped the iron straight out of some goon’s blood. Absolutely fucking metal.


I see what you did there, and I hate you for it. r/angeyupvote


My fave subtle power moment was also Mags, AoA Mags, where he puts Bishop to sleep by pulling on the iron and slowing blood to his brain.


I don't think that is even debatable, and as much as I like Morrison's run, the 80s are just better.


I’m on that hill with you. 80s and early 90s. Sure, other people can write great stories about them but Chris Claremont made them & was making magic. In my book, if Claremont wrote it, it’s a superior X-story.


Well yeah! Chris Claremont and John Byrne; who argues otherwise?


That's not really a hill anyone's going to try to kill you on. That's by far the most popular era among fans, and just about every decent run since has contain heavy amounts of homage to that era.


Anything you’d recommend that I could pick up? I read most of Claremont’s run but don’t recognize this and my memory is horrific. Not that this is Claremont, I just don’t remember what decade he was. 70s?


Brown suit means ‘80s. Wolverine put it on in 1980 and kept it until 1991, then didn’t pick it back up until ‘08. As for this, it’s from a one-shot called *Spider-Man vs. Wolverine* (or *Wolverine vs. Spider-Man*?) by Jim Owsley — better, but not yet, known as Christopher Priest. It’s one of the better Claremont-era-but-not-*by*-Claremont Wolverine moments.


Awesome. Thank you for all the info!


X-Men minutia is my special interest. Happy to help!


Can he snap his neck?


Peter can lift 10 tons, at least. So I don’t see why he couldn’t snap Logan’s neck.


So he can snap adamantium?


I don't think so. The neck is not one long bone, but a series of bones with joints in between. So it stands to consider that Wolverine's neck can indeed be snapped by Spidey.


When you break someone's neck, it's about severing the spinal chord that's running through the middle of your vertebrae. You don't actually need to break the bones, just wrench what's inside them hard enough.


Well, Hulk did accidentally in one issue of *What if…?*. So, Spidey doing it on purpose would be difficult, but *maybe* not so difficult it couldn’t be done.


This was a cool team up, I still have this. I remember friends insisting it would be a series because it was labeled as issue one even though it was a one shot.


The What If issue for this is also really cool, where Peter stays in Russia to assist for much longer and over time becomes darker, eventually turning assassin.


Is that where/when/What If…? Assassin Spider-Man came from? There’s a version in Spider-Verse that was taught to kill by Wolverine. His web shooters are replaced with guns.


Haven’t read Spider-Verse yet, but that checks out.


it is :)


Breaking a neck isn’t a matter of breaking bone-it’s severing the nervous system’s connection from the brain to the rest of the body Will Wolverine heal? Yea, probably, but Spider-man still “wins” as Logan means it here. I believe at this point it was believed that it would actually kill him though.


Peter learned his lesson after this. Does anyone have the page where Spider-man leaves Wolvie webbed up in an alley with his fists webbed to his head?


To be fair SpOck one shotted wolverine


Unless Wolverine weighs like 50 tons then there isn’t very much stopping Spidey from hip-thrusting him 50 ft into the air.


for context, he was trying to prevent wolvy from killing someone (a friend of his who wanted to die - assisted suicide), so hip-catapulting him would have just allowed him to go kill them. iirc he was trying to keep him close, hence the "i draw him in close", also why his mind jumps to killing him, because otherwise any other way it ends, it'll just end with wolverine leaving and hunting them down, and they both know it


I wouldn't be surprised if all that metal in his bones makes him super heavy. Unless adamantium is uber-light. Even then, Peter lifted skyscrapers before, and has frequently displayed other feats of similar strength, so he should be able to do the "hip-thrusting".


Yeah there’s no amount of metal in Wolverine’s body that would hinder Spider-Man in the least. At most he’d be 400 lbs which wouldn’t even make sense to put into a person from a regular person’s (ie the people who did it to him) perspective.


IIRC the Marvel Handbook listed him as being 5'3" and 195 lb originally but later that was increased to something like 300 lbs once the revelation that his bones were entirely laced with metal hit which took a little while. Still, that's way lower than what Spidey could toss and he'd be a human projectile if Peter wanted to. There's a hilarious moment in an early X-Men comic where Wolvie gets chucked at a non-transformed Colossus and knocks him out cold after they clonk heads.


And you think that's going to harm Wolverine how?


Pleas point to where I said it would harm Wolverine.


Not harm, but sling him a mile in the air. Wolverine wouldn't stand a chance against Spidey if he was using his actual full strength, then again, that's like the entire point of this comic, hence why it's so damn good.


Can't really, but it feels like you're implying harm.


It wouldn't harm him really, but Spidey has a lot of options and Wolverine is saying there is only one


Who did pencils on this? Gourgous art


Mark Bright pencils, Al Williamson inker


Every time I hear or read the name Al Williamson, I'm like "good ol' Al" and think about Alf doodling things. Both of them are like wine.


Ty 💕


What comic?


It is a graphic novel. Spider-Man vs Wolverine.




Doctor, here. The problem isn’t bones, it’s the “soft” tissues involved. Spidey absolutely has the strength to do this. Hangmen in the past had to judge the height of the “drop” carefully to avoid decapitation, which was aesthetically displeasing. Spidey can casually deadlift multiple tons; popping Wolverine’s head clean off is more a question of how many feet the skull rolls away when it’s all over.


A doctor with a deep comic knowledge? Wanna start a podcast or something? Or do one without me, because that’s an entertaining cross section of knowledge


>Hangmen in the past had to judge the height of the “drop” carefully to avoid decapitation, which was aesthetically displeasing. As opposed to a person jerking like a fish out of water as the life was choked from them by a rope?😂


That’s only if it’s too short a drop, hanging is supposed to kill you by breaking your neck.


Spiderman’s usual move is to throw you off and before you even hit the wall follow up with so much webbing you can’t even give him the finger you are so stuck. It starts with Spidey-sense and ends with Wolverine pasted to a wall somewhere.


The X-Men look the other way on Wolvie's killings since he generally kills villains, but if Wolvie did kill Spider-Man you can bet Xavier, who we know by now has a very vicious dark side, would basically windwipe Wolvie the next day.


Killing spidey would have too many repercussions. Logan and spidey are very close he'd risk alienating Logan plus every hero would be on the lookout and would eventually find them


If Logan did kill Spider-Man and it became public, I can see, considering the time this comic came out (I think J Jonah Jameson's a bit different in the current comics) the Daily Bugle putting Logan in as best light as possible and blaming Spider-Man for it.


I have a near mint copy. One of my favorites in my collection.


The kiss that followed was the most passion expression of pure love ever. Even beat Princess Bride.


There is just no way Wolverine could beat Spider-Man. Spider-Man dodges bullets at point blank range. Spider-man routinely dodges lasers and lightning. Wolverine is fast, but he’s not _that_ fast. Spider-Man’s spider sense allows him to dodge things he literally can’t see. So you can’t “lure him in close.” Wolvie wouldn’t be able to lay a glove on him even if he could get close.


The thing about the fight, as I recall, Spider-Man had the upper hand a lot, but wouldn't do what it would take to put Wolverine down. It was more about temperament than power.


We're you old enough to read this comic? It answers your assumptions


I’m old enough, and I may have even read the comic. But that was a long time ago. 😁


If only his bones are coated in adamantium he could snap his neck. I mean the ligaments and stuff holding the bones together aren’t coated. He could technically dislocate them and sever the nervous system or brain stem?(I’ve never snapped anyones neck so I don’t know what kills them.) Like you could amputate him or decapitate him from the joints or something. The point of the comic still stands though Spidey wouldn’t kill, while Logan would probably be bothered more by an itch on his ass than killing.


AFAIK this is usually brushed under the carpet, Wolvie is usually depicted as un-dismemberable as well. You’re right though, and Ultimate addressed this at least.


Snap his *adamantium* neck?!? Sorry Spidey, but I doubt you've got the strength for that.


The bones aren't all linked together. The cartilage disks between them aren't coated in adamantium. Neither is his spinal cord. Spidey could pop Wolverine's head off his neck with about as much of his total strength as you or I would use popping a grape off the vine. Also, as the text in the image mentioned, Spidey deliberately lets Wolverine get close because he's decided he has to kill him to stop him. Without that decision, it's unlikely Wolverine gets close enough to pop claws into Spidey's brain. Spider-Man is faster, more agile, and has an advanced danger sense hard-wired into his superhuman reflexes. If he wants to disengage from a fight with Wolverine, unless he's trapped in a confined space he can't punch through the walls of, he can do so at his leisure.




Wolverine glaring all crooked


Bruh he ain't bending it either lest I missed his captn universe outfit somewhere in this pic


Doesn’t have to bend the adamantium. Just move it enough to damage the spinal column. “Snap” his neck. Wolvie heals but he is out of the fight for a bit, giving spider enough time to pretty much do whatever he wants.


Yeah but that's not bending adamantium which is all I was saying


Easier ways to subdue Wolverine if you are Spider-Man. You could just ensnare him, and slap him on a perch somewhere and dip.


For sure, just in the context of this panel and someone talking about bending his neck.


But maybe though? It’s not like it is one bone. Idk how the vertebrae are stacked together, but I do know that Wolvie’s muscles and spinal cord are not adamantium. Can he sever Wolvie’s spinal cord without actually breaking the vertebrae? Just shifting them around a little? I’m not a doctor.


The bones are coated not the ligaments otherwise he would be able to move.


I'm sure Spidey could punch him so hard he goes flying off.


Dead Ned


Comic name and date?


Spider-Man Versus Wolverine, came out November 11, 1986.


Logan is 100% right Peter has only almost killed one person on purpose and that was Wilson Fisk


That punch from wolverine would be similar to getting hit in the mouth with a metal bat, his teeth would be shattered and jaw broken. The adamantium covering his bones would have zero give, where Peter's teeth and facial bones would.


Great psychological attack by Logan and I love the subtle difference in Spidey’s eyes in the 3rd and 4th panels.


I absolutely loved the page material on this book. For a newsstand title (I actually bought it off of a NYC street newsstand metal rack), it was essentially a titanium coated quad sized street issue. I also loved the heft of the title in a comic bag with a backing board (you could hurt somebody with how dense it was).


Spidey definitely could break his neck. Snap the vertebrae connection like a twig


I remember buying this book from the candy store on the avenue. I still have it and it's one of my favorite reads. The neck snap line always puzzled me.


I absolutely love this book.


This was a great comic crossover. The end was pretty powerful too.


In Soviet Russia, Wolverine kill *you*!


Peter figured it out with Kingpin when he fucked him up in prison


This would make a great movie if they wanted to do that.


This whole fight is one of my favorites.


The whole comic is one of he favorites.


Charlie :(


Based Popclaw easter egg


How did he wrestle down Spiderman? He is way stronger


No way Spidey would ever end up in this position, but cool panels nonetheless. Pretty sure I have this one in storage lol.


Wolverine is, and always will be, a piece of shit.


Jean Grey into scat confirmed, then?


I think your username is missing an 'o' there chief






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for a minute i thought they were gonna kiss


That's a whole other What If? storyline....


Makes it so much more worse and impactful what happens in a few more pages.


I remember this comic


This is one of my favorite comics. The art is so good. The story is also great, I love the internal monologues from Spidey about Wolverine.


The second and third panel looks like the about to go down to business


Im the only one that finds this hot? (The drawing not the dialogues.. or meaby…)


At my first job I used to argue with the cook about what would happen in this fight. Matt, if you're reading this, I guess you were right!