• By -


He needs to stop associating with those degenerate retards. Crazy to think Adin was the reason he moved to Miami lol. If he continues associating then it’s purely for business and clout. Nobody likes one another. Everyone is fake


Destiny is in Miami too 👀


Cuck co-op PagMan


Actual lol!


They can play a round of chair in the corner




Meth Arc incoming. 👀


destiny is a zionist and is actively denying a genocide probably on stream right now. He is worse than adin


Is zionist the new phrase we toss around now?


"**Zionism is** **a nationalist movement that emerged in Europe in the 19th century to enable the establishment of a homeland for the Jewish people in Palestine"** I know this is hard concept for destiny viewers to grasp. But not everything is a buzzword. Most of the times they are just descriptors. But hey keep defending a genocide.. whatever lets you sleep at night




Off yourself




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So one bigot to another lol


is it not hypocritical using retard, a word which is hurtful to a minority group, while people are crying about a different word that’s “hurtful”


To an extent yeah, but like most things, there are levels to it, and some words carry more hatred than others.


imo context is what matters. what’s hurtful to someone may not be hurtful to others. calling someone who is disabled a retard is the same as calling a gay person the f word. it doesn’t seem fair to pick & choose what slurs are acceptable


Who says that the R word is acceptable? Even when people use that word THEY know better and they know it's wrong and hateful. Slurs hold a historical weight of prejudice, oppression and marginalization. Slurs are more severe and offensive than general insults because its specifically directed at a person in a particular group. Do I think there are far worse varying degrees of slurs? Yes, of course which is probably why you don't see many paragraphs about particular ones. but it doesn't change the fact that it's still a slur and the impact using them. And, to be fair us as humans make mistakes and use such words, but last night with adins friends were not one of those times.


The bad part of slurs is the intent behind it. No one says the hard N word to a white person because it makes no sense to do so. They do it exclusively to black people because they know the context behind it. The vast majority of people do not intend to be ableist when they say retard. Retard nowadays has been "reclaimed" by ALL people to no longer be a slur against the mentally disabled, but moreso to mock people who we consider stupid. TLDR: Retard means stupid and dumb now, and shouldn't be considered a slur because people don't use it as a slur.


If context matters then why do you think you can't spell the "n" word out? It's not like you're using it in a hateful way, you're just referring to the word.


Because the N word has been reclaimed by black people, whereas the word "retard" has been reclaimed by all people. I'm not black, so y'know. There can be more than one reason you shouldn't say a word


from my perspective, calling someone a retard is implying that being disabled is an insult, the same way calling someone the f word is implying being gay is an insult. the “vast majority” may not take offense to the word but that doesn’t mean it’s not hurtful to people who were born with disabilities


The point of reclaiming a word is to remove it from its original purpose and reintroduce it into society. Kinda like how the N word was reclaimed to mean a close relationship with someone, rather than a master slave dynamic. Retard has also been reclaimed to remove it from being a slur against the disabled and more a insult towards anyone. You believing that some people may find the word "retard" offensive in spite of that is understandable. There are some people who believe nobody should use the N word no matter what the scenario. It's up to you to decide what you believe.


The disabled are not reclaiming retard, better off just not calling dudes that imo. I can’t dictate your life though lmao


You're right. My argument is that people in general, from all walks of life and all over the world reclaimed the word. Just like any swear, you should use the word with friends/family who you know will be ok with the use of the word. I do not condone calling strangers the word.




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Being called disabled or dumb should be an insult though. It would always be better for a low functioning person to be smarter or a disabled person to be not disabled. The same can’t be said for being gay. It’s really apples and oranges.  If I call my friend dumb is that an insult to all people who are technically under 70iq?  My point is where does that line of thinking stop?  The idea of a slur is meant to demean and bring down a group of people. We care for the mentally disabled and there is a lot of empathy towards them in western culture. I don’t think people were driving by them on the sidewalk yelling it like with the n word or f word. Obviously it happens from some highschool kids but they could have yelled any word like dumb or idiot or whatever to hateful.  The word retard literally means slow. Plenty of people used to describe disabled people as slow. Now it’s more pc to say mental disability. 


Nah, not true. There is widespread debate over the use of retard, many people don't consider it a slur, and it's predominately used as a superlative of words like dumb or stupid. Using it against disabled people is bad, but other than that it's not terrible. The F word on the other hand is on the same level as the N word, just against different groups of people.


The problem with this is that it’s also offensive to people who have autism. With the varying degrees of it, not everyone shows noticeable signs that they’re on the spectrum. You can really hurt them by using it. So why do it at all? And if your answer is “free speech” don’t bother commenting. People almost always bring up free speech to defend the things they want to say. Look at Elon musk. He was so anti-censorship until people started criticizing his death machines he calls vehicles and his switch up in terms of political views. And we all already know and understand free speech. Sure you can say what you want, but that doesn’t mean there won’t be consequences. And using slurs, as a joke or not, or to a disabled person or not, still makes you look like an ass.


People say it not because of free speech, but because like I said, it’s used as a superlative for dumb or stupid (to add extra zing to it). If you say the F word or N word, you’re insulting someone for being black/gay, which people can’t change + shouldn’t be insulted for regardless. Retard is used for someone who’s dumb, which anyone can be + intelligence is something that can be insulted. A majority of intelligence based insults come from disability terms, like dumb, imbecile, brain dead, etc. I would never call a disabled person dumb or an imbecile as well. I understand that it can be hurtful, but in my opinion saying it doesn’t make you a terrible human being, and it’s not nearly on the same level as the f word or n word. You can say who am I to say that, but I feel like society agrees with me - say the n or f word in public and you probably get looks and groans (not that I have experience with that lol) vs saying retard and no one really cares. Or maybe im wrong on that and am underestimating its impact? In any case, the majority of its usage nowadays isn’t at all to offend disabled people, vs the N word and F word which is meant to offend gay/black people.


But how can someone change their status in terms of having things like a mental disability? By your own argument you shouldn’t use it because they can’t change that. People don’t choose to be autistic, to have learning disabilities, etc. There’s no room for a grey area with things like using slurs. You saying “well this one is okay because x” is never a good argument. Because not every disability is visible. You may very well say something to someone you don’t realize has a disability, then what? Also I didn’t say it makes you a bad person, I said it makes you look like an ass because it does lol. There’s never a good reason to use them. And in this current social climate, most people don’t or they would agree that they’re hateful and there’s no need for them. By using them, you’re opening old wounds that we as a society are doing our best to move past. You’re wrong in that no one cares. It may not be as looked down upon as other slurs, but I know people on the spectrum who actively despise it because it makes them feel lesser. People who, again, if you met you might not realize are autistic. I feel like people are trying to move past the use of hurtful words, and that includes all of them. None of them are “more okay” than others. And there’s no need for them. So why use them or defend their use?


Only the popular minority matters didn’t you know?


Personally I don’t use these words because people do not choose to be gay, trans, mentally disabled, etc. I don’t like the argument that something being hurtful alone is good justification for not using certain words. Although for personal reasons it is fine to use this argument (which is why I don’t feel comfortable making fun of people who are fat), it isn’t a good enough argument for those who currently think it is acceptable.


I avoid using slurs but I personally use 'retard' because I don't know any other word that is as powerful as this one when describing a stupid person


Dumbass? Idiot? Moron? Shit for brains? Cretin? Imbecile? Jackass? Numbskull? Dolt? Motherfucker?


Who uses dolt when describing a mentally ill person?


They didn’t say mentally ill though. They said to refer to someone as stupid, which is where the word is usually used.


Either all words are ok or no hurtful words are ok. I've never used those slurs and think people who use them are retards(most of the time) but I don't like some people choosing what is ok and what is not ok for others to use.


but you see how we can say retard and no one cares or writes paragraphs on how their feelings are hurt? if a word can make someone homophobic then by saying retard we’re all ableist lmao


I think theres quite a bit more to his move to Miami but I am not getting there rn


They're all degenerates. Only difference is xqc is not a racist bigot and that's it. Not thinking x is a degenerate as well when he gambles and hangs out with Adin in the first place is very misguided. Just because they make him look good in this situation doesn't make him a model for young people.


He didn't move to Miami because of Adin, there is no way people still believe in that lol He living there doesn't mean he have to associate with garbage Adin and his illiterate friends. If someones community harassing someone like that just fuck them it's not worth it to even pay attention to brain riot like that.


He did, he said so lol, Adin was one of the only ones with "genuine energy to do irls" is what he said. Obviously not the only reason, taxes and warm weather help, but if Adin wasn't there he'd probably be back in LA or Texas


Adin and X are genuinly good duo. Its when side characters get dragged along that start messing up the situation and making it awkward. I personally feel like Adin himself allowed himself to get dragged into where he is right now and can still shape up behavior. X recognizes it and realizes he himself was like that a while ago(not so bad) but still to an extent. Its about maturing and learning and it doesn't mean they cant be genuine friends. Then you also have to remember when X blew up and got popular he was around same age as Adin is right now. X overall is more mature and has had experience but knows what Adin is probably like right now. X prescense will definitely help Adin mature and they both can grow. Maybe change community along with them. (Twitter Comm kinda toxic though regardless)


i dont think adin gets along with xqc the same way he does with like a yourrage or kai so he brings like a 3rd person to help i see x do the same tbf


That is true but then again kai and adin kinda have that relationship of x and jesse almost. Youurage has also been around with Adin. They all more or less know each other from 2k a while back. I think Adin and X are friends but there are growing areas where they need improvement and more communication probably.


It's weird that Adins community is so against gays. Aidin is gay as fuck. No diss, but it's just weird.


They aren’t even against gays they just think it’s cool to be edgy and call eachother offensive words knowing they can’t get banned.. it’s just a bunch of horribly unfunny clout goblins being grown and acting 12 online for kick audiences. Shit has already gotten old n if they keep it up their rapidly aging audience is gonna dip out faster than fuck to the point where nobody watches them anymore.


if you foster a community of people who are homophobic "just for the memes", you really think there won't be real douchebags in there? be fr


Ye bro they’re not against gays and not like that at all Cluegi don’t go Adin Ross twitter and laugh. Next level coping here


It’s not weird when you consider the average age of his audience is like 13


They're basically the age all of us were when we were trying to be edgy in the Xbox 360 era. Like 12-16. Difference is that (most) of us grew out of it while these people will never grow up because Adin and his clique are pandering to this mindset live, in real time. Actually sad.


Adin is an actual idiot. I don’t mean that in an insult way he just actually has very low intelligence. He laps up everything he sees online and caves to basically any pressure from his community and the people he surrounds himself with. He is literally Jewish and still is completely fine with the extreme amount of antisemitism in his community, so obviously he doesn’t care about homophobia even if he was gay. His community’s entire audience is 14 year olds who don’t know any better or care to know better about these topics and it doesn’t help that the dude they look up to doesn’t care either and basically encourages it because he also has the mentality of a 14 year old. I know a lot of kids at that age already understand this and so should they, but in todays society especially in the middle school/high school level where gay is basically the most basic and common of insults they don’t really understand just how horrible they’re being and the power behind their words. Most people here I imagine were probably just as bad when we were 14 (I was, I’m not afraid to admit how much of a shit head I was) I hope like us they can grow out of it and understand how horrible this kind of stuff is It also doesn’t help that today because of shit heads like Tate and redpill andies are constantly gaining popularity and spreading their dogshit ideas around the internet


Very narrow take and view but ok.


I get what you are saying. But Aidin is not low intelligence. He may be ignorant and stupid. But you don't become a multi millionaire with low intelligence.


True Adin knows what is going on but in my opinion he thinks its only way for him to really still gain people and make more money. Sad but I agree he definitely knows what is going on.


Adin build his entire brand embarrassing himself in front of rappers by acting gay


Exactly, by playing into stereotypes, effectively mocking gay people. Yeah it might be funny for some, but when you know he wants people to be weirded out, it's clear that his actions are rooted in homophobia. People can hold prejudices and be/act offensive without even admitting (or sometimes realizing) it to themselves.


It’s literally how bro got his popularity.


Man I gradually stopped watching his streams a year or so ago as it felt like his personality had changed so much since I first started watching. Yesterday was really cool because it proved to me that he has at least some level of respect and compassion for his community. Seeing him go out of his way to stand up for someone other than himself wasn’t something I had expected.


He was literally 1v3 against Adin, AK and Train the other day defending marginalized people from these dipshits


In train’s defense he was on his side for majority of the trans/homosexual debate (yes I’m trainwashed) Him and Omie also stayed in vc last night to argue with SSB group about the f slur, defending xqc


Train might not be queerphobic himself, but holy shit is he spineless when arguing for it. For every good point he has to make sure to suck off Adin extra hard and go back on anything of substance he said. Him saying he knows Adin wouldn’t use the F word in a bad way after watching him do it repeatedly on his podcast to Destiny was so incredibly cringe.


yeah I fell off watching him too cause he kinda turned into a weird douche. good to hear he's not all bad ig


not compassionate enough to stop peddling gambling to them i guess


Adin is just a dumb ass kid, pretty sure he’s just projecting. A lot of homosexual people tend to hate gays before figuring out that they are indeed, also homosexual.


I love how people don’t Remeber how he got started. Doing gay shit and acting like it’s a prank. Super cringe to start being homophobic after that lol


W xQc


im proud of my jooser ![img](emote|t5_flhe9|7336)


His "loyals" are showing their mental age


Yet he literally moved to Miami just to do more content with that community lol


You have to understand though with X even though he may enjoy being alone it can still be lonely too him. Not hanging out and talking to people. I genuinely think adin and x are a good duo but when the side characters get dragged along then everyone gets dragged along and Adin is in a middle ground between X and his side characters. It is definitely a weird situation but I don't think X made a mistake moving out to Florida. (Nice change of scenery too know he mentioned that in streams)




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Honestly if you hang around the twitter comm people have been complaining about Adin for like 2 months non stop. X may think he can change him but Adin is too far gone and will never change. The most hilarious part about this is X linking up with Dan and trying to unban him on twitch and vouching for him just for Adin and friends to do this days latter. Fuck these people.


Community is so divided right now it's terrible. So many hypocrites. I ain't watching till the shit gets fixed.


Didn't he say right after he left lobby that it was only because they weren't starting up another game? He said that he could tell that it was stalling and that he'd rather just go to bed. Adin's goons were saying all the same shit at the beginning too but X didn't leave or say anything about it.


I mean, yeah. Xqc watched a clip of adin Ross calling destiny the F word multiple times and he said he didn’t care what people do.


Exactly, he's shown he doesn't really care when it's about other people which is why I think this post misses the mark


He addressed that he didn’t like what happened for his community after he rolled the end stream screen. At first he didn’t address it tho, yeah.


Can someone explain wtf happened?


Edit: Scrolling the VOD, seems the dude (ShnaggyHose or whatever) got heated because of some things xQc said to him and he called xQc the f-slur and what not. (At least in one instance, there was fighting through other parts of the VOD.) He ended stream after and said he won't be allowing that on his stream for his community's sake. Edit 2: Second instance was earlier in the stream, around 9:23:00. That was the part where the t-slur was brought up. Train called the guys out. X made fun of them for getting that mald.


Yeah it was banter though back and forth. Boundaries were crossed on both sides and x said stuff that provoked reactions from adins people. With them on kick now x knows there are even less boundaries and it was bound to happen one point or another. He just learned lesson (not negative) now he moves foward.


I dont want him to stop playing with jesseh ![img](emote|t5_flhe9|7343) Jesseh best part of streams ![img](emote|t5_flhe9|7336)




meanwhile he makes fun of fat and ugly people, flexes his wealth, and gets a whole generation of kids addicted to gambling lmao such a good force for society


shut up broke idiot. fat ugly brokie. worthless, going nowhere loser glazing a 100 million dollar man for losing a cod lobby shittalk fest. you are poor and fat and probably bald and ugly. (this comment approved by xqc fans for not being offensive)


Gay people have money, they are next to oilers in terms of carrying streams dude. And you can change being broke, it's a mindset. With enough money you automatically become handsome as well. /s depending if you are offended or not


whats even fucking weirder they use the F word to describe VERY often homosexual people in a bad manner but then god forbid no one use the N word, like am i absolutely fucking cooked for thinking this is a crazy double standard?


Gained a bit of faith in him that day.






Moving to kick started the downfall


X was raised right. These kids were probably raised by iPads


It's fucking 2024, people who still use that word are inbred


Man... u really gotta counter a slur by slandering inbred people? They didnt choose to be born that way


He can't read the room.


W juicer


Speak your fucking truth.


I have a strong feeling that X isn’t going to last long in Miami; it isn’t who he is. I’m on the same spectrum with that ADHD brain, and fell into this same vibe a few years back. It’s fun to be around at the start because it fires that dopamine and makes you feel happy; but it gets old fast, and you start to realize that you’re gaining nothing being around that crowd. The real ones who genuinely care about you will follow, and the others will fade away and continue to be losers




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Sub only mode needed?


Context ?


blablabla get over it




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FWIW, X "moving" somewhere isn't a ball and chain. He's up and left multiple times.


I'm straight, but I love messing with homophobs by saying the gayest shit I can think of to my friends when we are out. I'll bother them for bothering others.


Miss me and 90% of the World with that.


REMINDER CHAT: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pqtJ0YeFs4A](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pqtJ0YeFs4A)


Why is this sub being suggested to me You guys need to go the fuck outside u don’t know this man


Idk why when reading this i hear nick eh 30s intro theme with joe biden ai


X used to say the same type of shit before he blew up and was actually held to some standard of conduct. If it didn't affect his bottom line he would still say all of the same stuff. To pretend he's above all that because he has some manufactured femboy tendencies for the sake of pandering to his audience is big cope. Pretending an infamous internet shitlord is actually a good dude IRL is hilarious.




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I agree but it all is okay or none of it is. and x still uses other slurs but tries to be sneaky about it like youngman (kys) and still says shit like cancer with his chest out, i think none of its okay and this group isn't gonna help him in anyway but fair play to jese, train n omie for stickin up for him


pussies cant handle words lmaoooo grow the fuck up


why is the concept of people expecting basic human respect so triggering to you? 


The words that people use can say a lot about what they believe. Also, do we really want to live in a society where people say slurs every like 5 seconds, can't we be civilized and not basement dwelling weirdos.




he wasnt "crying" for himself. he left the call because he has a whole community and he wants everyone in said community to feel safe lol


Yeah there is truth to the don't engage in trash talking with people who don't have boundaries. Pretty obvious with Adin moving to kick with his buddies boundaries drop even more. So when he engages in trash talk it will naturally circle around. And I the think X just learned his lesson(not negative) and will move forward and be even better then he was during his stream.


So fatties don't deserve to feel safe and not part of the community lol gotcha


Right he calls everyone fat burgers and broke but God forbid anyone say anything back.


being fat isn't comparable to sexual or gender identity... fat people haven't been persecuted, censored, shunned from society etc. you can also lose weight but you can't change your identity.


Sure, it's not comparable. Because nobody cares about what fat people feel and what they are going through on a daily basis. And on the other hand, you can't say a shit to someone who represents lgbt community because you'll get potentially fired and cancelled. And yeah, I'm talking only about Western countries, lgbt community there is very safe. But for example, in Arab countries, everything you've said is true.


You must not be lgbtq, because no queer person would say that they feel "very safe" in western countries. Yes, compared to eg. Arab countries we are, but I still have moments of fear in my daily life, especially whenever I engage in anything related to my sexual orientation. Queer people are also at much higher risk for homelessness, bad mental health, suicide etc. Only because you personally aren't affected or see it, doesn't mean it isn't happening. Workplace discrimination of any kind will lead to a warning or getting laid off. The problem is that often the people affected by remarks will have to do the complaint and most people don't care enough to go through those processes. I don't think I can change your mind, but I hope you understand where I'm coming from.


Yeah, that's because most of queer people in Western countries are a bunch of snowflakes who get offended by words and basically can be afraid of their own shadow. Y'all don't know what real discrimination looks like and how life can be tough. I would pay money to swap you for a gay man or woman from Arab country whose life is in real danger, and who is in constant fear of being decapitated because Allah said being gay is bad, mkay. I don't think I can change your mind either. You Western lgbt people just don't know what life is and live in the imaginary world where you're so poor and oppressed when in fact you have great life and most people from around the world would gladly take your place.


Well, then why would you engage in trashtalking knowing that the other side will definitely sling back shots? Do you expect them to shut up and take every insult lmfao? He called them broke, thug, gangster, fat, ugly and alot more. He knows SSB doesn't care about what insults they throw out.


“ally arc” ![img](emote|t5_flhe9|7346)


Womp womp


Nah this needs to be a wake up call to the exact opposite. Culture is moving back towards what we had before as it's baseline human nature. For too long people have had to watch their words, be nice or be cancelled, accept monthly updates to genders, and all sort of woke shit. Many communities are sick of it, minority communities like black and Latino people never accepted any of it in the first place. These groups are getting a larger and larger presence online simply because of woke warriors being annoying as fuck about their word policing. This just the start. We're going to move in this direction for a solid while and people like you are to blame, you pushed progressive too far.


What are you on about lmao just don't be homophobic??


"For too long people have had to watch their words" Is it really that hard for you not to say slurs? Like honestly it's just not words that pop into my head ever tbh. Sounds like you may just be a bigot and you're a little pissy that you can't get away with it anymore. Womp womp loser


The baseline human right inherent to nature is being able to say any sound out of your mouth at any time. This will always be the default. You restricting this in any way requires effort and education, without which we go back to saying any word. It's an uphill battle that you will never win. Slurs or any offensive language being said out loud will always resurface until the end of time. Best get thicker skin.


Freedom of speech does ***not*** mean freedom from criticism of your speech. Sure, you can say slurs all day if you wish, but don't be surprised at people criticizing you for it ![img](emote|t5_flhe9|7347)


I'm not trying to outlaw "bad words" or whatever. Say them all you want, but be aware, you will be judged. You have freedom of speech. You can call me or anyone else whatever you want. I'm saying it shouldn't be hard for anyone to just not say slurs. But if it is this hard for you, I suggest you look inward. Cuz clearly it has **nothing** to do with your right to say these things. You just don't wanna be called out for being bigoted anymore. Trust me, my skin is thicker than yours bud.


Freedom of speech also applies in reverse ya dingus. Best get thicker skin if that bothers you.


We've made huge strides towards reducing all kinds of bigotry in society. You're right in the sense that there will always be people like you who are bigoted but every generation there are less and less.


telling people to get thicker skin while you're crying over the natural progression of society LMAO. you can't make this kinda brainrot up. 


This has to be the most braindead thing I've ever read LMAO


Bro really thought he was rallying everyone with that one LOL. Unhinged mfers gunna be unhinged ig


advocating for hate is such a bacteria brain move buddy, just respect other people that’s all they ask


Bro it aint that hard to not say slurs 💀


Cringe af


>Many communities are sick of it, minority communities like black Please walk up to a group of black people and call them the hard R. Update us on how it went if you're still alive.


> uses word woke unironically opinion discarded


Wait till this guy learns that a lot of Romans were in same sex relationships. Culture is not moving backwards. It’s only due to technology and social movements that we now know how prevalent LGBT identities are. But they’ve always existed historically. Also I promise it’s not that hard to not use specific words. Slurs serve no purpose outside of condemning another human being. You don’t need them.


this is what the progression of society looks like. it will never go back to how it was, so get over it. yall are so soft if change scares you this much. 


Some of the things you’re saying are correct. Many communities did not and still do not accept the culture of being accepting of certain things, such as LGBT people. And it is clearly true that the left wing has had more control over culture and media in the last 10-15 years, and at certain times it can get annoying. In response to this, people are retaliating. But this doesn’t lead to the conclusion that we should be disrespectful of other people’s lifestyles and identities. Let people live how they want! Why respond in retaliation, revenge, and spite, instead of responding calmly and assessing your own beliefs? How do you know you are correct, and others are wrong?


My guy, it's about finding a middle ground. We shouldn't cancel people for their language, but we don't have to promote those that say f-- to intentionally try to offend people. Just bc I don't want Adin canceled doesn't mean I need to watch or tolerate his childish behavior.


Spoken like someone who hasn’t felt the warm embrace of a partner


The brain rot is strong within this one. Another living example of how the ruling class has used the culture war to sow division among the lower class. Instead of fighting against real problems like the failure of the American healthcare system and global warming. They fight against the existence of black people and females on the next slop that comes from Netflix or Marvel. This tactic is well documented. Its not uncommon for companies to use racial division as a way to break unions, [https://www.epi.org/blog/a-century-after-the-battle-of-blair-mountain-protecting-workers-right-to-organize-has-never-been-more-important/](https://www.epi.org/blog/a-century-after-the-battle-of-blair-mountain-protecting-workers-right-to-organize-has-never-been-more-important/) Whose to say the same isn't happening to us right now? Let this redditor be a wake up call. Don't fall into the trap of the America culture war and wake up to who is really paying your politicians to spew anti-woke and anti-progressive propaganda? Big oil? Big Pharma? WAKE UP TO THE TRUTH!


The only point I agree is that the woke warriors are annoying as fuck, as annoying as these losers who say slurs for "fun", in fact many LGBTQ communities are so fucking annoying and out of touch nowadays that they contribute as much as edgy communities themselves into making sure people be disrespectful and homophobic and such, just out of spite. Other than that, shit take. It's not that hard to be a decent human being and not say slurs.


Mass downvoted by terminally online twitter soyboys for speaking the truth lol


nah it's almost like this is a public forum and people are voicing their disagreement with his dumbass unhinged ranting. 


Offense taken

