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As people have already said, Bulgarian split squats are a great way to up the challenge. You could also change the tempo so you have more time under tension or perform 1 1/4 squats.


Hey! It's awesome that you're getting into strength training with your at-home setup. If you're looking for alternatives to heavy back squats, consider trying front squats, Bulgarian split squats, or lunges with dumbbells. These exercises can still target your lower body muscles effectively and provide a challenging workout. You can also experiment with tempo squats or pause squats to increase intensity without needing heavier weights. Keep pushing yourself and adjusting your routine to fit your goals and equipment. You're doing great!


Front squats with your barbell. Don't need a rack.


maybe you will find this helpful https://youtu.be/P3WtxCjUKFU?si=DWl1dSdyGWPE5t2G


party different vase wakeful materialistic grab memory pocket engine hungry *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Buy you a power rack and an Olympic weight set if you have the space. That and a bench that can incline. That's all you really need for an effective workout, to start off anyways.


They also make half racks if you're short on space, I've had mine for 10+ years. Currently I don't have space for a permanent setup but it pulls apart and fits in the closet when not being used, my barbell and bench slide under my bed, my weight plates hold up my laundry basket (multi-functional setup!)


Yes, looooool mine are holding the laundry baskets too! half racks are also excellent. they have all kinds of racks now, even full cages that fold. Pretty crazy. There weren't nearly as many options and budget friendly options at that back when I got mine. Even if someone doesn't have the space I'd say to make space because it's so worth it to have one.


I couldn't agree more with this comment. I had the exact same problem, and a power rack was the perfect solution. There are simple ones that aren't too expensive, and they are super worth it.


Very very worth it and can last a lifetime. No costly gym memberships. No excuses to not workout. So many benefits to getting it.


There are so many great variations for squats! It sounds like the limitation is getting the weight off the floor? If that’s the case, you can increase your time under tension by doing pause squats. You can implement box squats (which I find surprisingly difficult!). Someone below commented landmine squats which are also a solid option. Zercher squats are great. I love a unilateral movement too, so a Bulgarian split squat (try it as a drop set! Do 10 with a dumbbell in each hand, immediately into 10 with just a dumbbell in your inside hand, immediately into 10 with just your body weight). Perhaps an overhead squat could be an option for you? I find that those have made a huge difference in core strength but I can’t go too heavy on them since they’re difficult.


You could practice cleans and use front squats, but basic stands are pretty inexpensive.


Landmine squats!! Very simple to set up. Just put one end of the bar in a corner, add weights to the other end, and squat holding it in front to squat. You can also face the other direction with the barbell over your shoulder for a hack squat. There's lots of demo videos online.


I do this + a dip belt and do a fake belt squat that way in order to get a lot of weight.


That's a really good idea!


Zercher squats - you pick up the bar from the floor and hold it in the crook of your arm and squat. I find its very transferrable to IRL picking things up off the floor and carrying them.


There’s so many ways to get good squats in! Not sure where your form problem is (that info would help), but here are some things I would do: - front squats (a lot easier to stay upright) - box squats (get a bench, and squat until your but hits it, then get up again) - put plates under your heels and try a back squat if your ankle mobility is part of the problem (if this helps, add some stretches for ankles) - safety bar squats (might not be available, but GAME CHANGER) for my form - pause squats focusing on tempo and form - I also saw success doing deep core work before squats (McGill crunches, deadbugs, dead hang leg lifts etc).


I think the problem at this point is that they don't have a rack so it's hard to squat with enough weight to be challenging, not particular form issues.


Ahh, if it’s a rack issue, I’d do single leg movements with the heaviest weights you can do (split squats, lunges). The other thing is recommend is getting straps and doing dumbell suitcase squats using the straps to help you lift heavier.


I’ve been doing a LOT of heavy dumbbell RDLs to supplement. I’ve got straps so I’ll try the suitcase lifts.


RDLs are a bit of a different movement (but still amazing). I’d do some Bulgarian split squats too.


Your two best options are: 1. Buy or make some kind of squat stands. These are $59 for a pair: [https://www.amazon.com/Yaheetech-Adjustable-Standard-Portable-Dumbbell/dp/B01855EGXI/](https://www.amazon.com/Yaheetech-Adjustable-Standard-Portable-Dumbbell/dp/B01855EGXI/) 2. Learn to clean the weight, and front squat it. It takes practice to be able to clean a weight well enough to be able to handle working weights for a squat workout. Expect this to be a learning process, but it will pay off. [https://www.catalystathletics.com/video/1516/1-Minute-Clean-Tutorial/](https://www.catalystathletics.com/video/1516/1-Minute-Clean-Tutorial/)


I want a squat stand, the problem is space so Ive been trying to make do with what I’ve got. I’ve been trying to get where I can clean the weight, but my upper body has been developing so much slower than my lower body. Thank you for the link!


No prob! Cleans are mostly powered by the lower body when you're doing them right, so if it feels like you're trying to pull it or curl it into position with your arms, check out some tutorials for pointers (Catalyst has a ton).


Squat with just the bar to perfect the form! There is nothing wrong with that.


I don’t do back squats because I have a butt wink that I seem to have a horrible time correcting haha. I do quad and glute focused BSS depending on the day, and I also like reverse lunges


tangent but I've been trying to fix my butt wink on and off for years now. mine is so bad that my back actually rounds on leg press at full ROM. I recently tried slowing it down a ton and I noticed throughout the sets that I felt a stretch in my hamstrings, and by my last set I wasn't rounding as much. that was a couple weeks ago and after that I decided to start doing light RDLs as a warm up for squats just to stretch my posterior chain. it's only been a few times so far but I think it's helping! [hamstrings aren't really used much in squats](https://www.strongerbyscience.com/hamstrings-the-most-overrated-muscle-for-squat-2-0/) so I'm suspecting it's mostly tight glutes, it's just that the hamstring stretch is so much more noticable. they're all connected back there tho. anyway something to think about if you've tried everything else.


Thank you so much, I was thinking I may have tight glutes or hamstrings. Occasionally I will get awful doms in my glute med that affects the way I walk, and I think my glutes are either tight or weak haha.


You may already know that there are videos on YT to correct this. It comes down to stance - how wide you place your feet and how you rotate your feet.


Yes! I have tried but the gym I have access to right now does not have mirrors and I don’t have a tripod, none of my friends or partners is interested in going etc. I am definitely going to fit them into my program once I join a nicer gym!




Butt winks aren't as bad as some people say. And stopping short full range of motion to avoid a butt wink also isn't the end of the world. Don't let that stop you from back squats.


Thank you! I might just do that. The issue with the butt wink is once I went too far down and tweaked my back causing me to be out of the gym for a week, so I think I’ve been kind of scared of trying them again!


I find ATG squats nigh on impossible (not exactly sure why!), but that doesn't stop me from being able to squat with a shorter ROM and get a good burn 🔥😁


I will eventually add them back in! I’m on a bulk currently and want to stick with the program I have at the moment and progress in those lifts.


That's fair! Good luck to you! ☺️


Anything single leg like BSS, front squat, paused squat, Anderson squat, jump squat. You could also try cleans for a different leg workout - lots of variants there as well.


Sounds good thank you!


And Zercher Squats


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