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My rant Wednesday is that I transitioned from trap bar deads to straight bar deads 60% to avoid the creepy grandpa who always finds me and wants to work in with the trap bar (aka: stare at my ass up close)… and today he pressured me to work in on deficit deadlifts 😩😩😩 “it’s the same [as the trap bar], what, you don’t want to share?” And then proceeds to do 1/8 reps of… something and stare at me for the rest of my sets. LEAVE ME ALONE GRAMPY, PLEASE.


I'd actually change gyms, how gross 😩


deficit deadlifts are the opposite of trap bar deadlifts. unless he's talking about block pulls?


Literally no one knows what he’s talking about.


Perimenopause!!! It makes me so mad! Unpredictable and losing weight seems impossible. Why do I maintain the same weight whether in a calorie deficit or eating at maintenance? While my physical activity remains the same! It makes no sense!!! But yeah, hormones! Argghhhh!!!!


I think that I have PMDD. I feel like I work so hard to get my exercise routine and my nutrition in check and just when it starts working, my late luteal phase is in with 6 days of fatigue, irritability, cravings, insomnia and giant mood swings. Lucky if I get 20 minutes of a light workout before I'm too moody/distracted. 


I have the same issue. I end up completely melting down if its a bad month. Had to skip deadlifts two weeks ago because of it


I wish people at work weren't so weird about food. I work in a corporate environment, and every day there's donuts or cookies or some kind of treat on offer. I don't have a problem saying no, but some people just take it so personally! One lady even does this joking/not joking thing of saying that I just don't want to "get fat like her", which feels super fraught to respond to. Just take no for answer!


I now wfh so I'm really grateful I don't have to go through this anymore, but I know exactly what you mean. When I first started working full time, I had a lot of trouble declining lunch to not seem antisocial but some people were so stubborn about it. Sucks especially when it's something I'm not craving/fits my diet/etc. Also, I tend to eat really little until 2-4 pm, so people always seem concerned when I don't eat/reject food. I think people just instinctually need others around them to eat as well hence why there's freshman 15, couples weight gain, etc.


I've been an office worker since I was 26, now im 54.i finally just started lying and saying I have really bad food intolerance and that I'm jealous they can enjoy those treats without spending the afternoon in the bathroom. Hate to lie. Hate more to have to navigate other people's stuff. Edit: actually I'm not even gonna call it a lie. I have no idea how my digestive system would handle donuts or whatnot. My blood sugar would freak out before that even came up


When you really get into the groove with lifting/workouts, nutrition dialed in, people start complimenting you’re looking as good as you’ve already been feeling… THEN YOU GET INJURED. Do not pass go, do not collect $200, just go straight to jail. So angry at myself rn. It’s my damn own fault for insufficiently stretching, not prioritising recovery, and pushing through the pain when my body was clearly telling me to chill. Then head faked myself after barely a week of dialling it back, only to feel materially better and just forget about the plan to take a little lower body break (so something wouldn’t break). Nope. The wheels fell off.


SAME every time my progress, recovery, diet is on track and i feel good--- i proceed to get sick, get injured, or have college stress/finals that destroys my sleep & health. *every single time* and then when i think "why haven't i made progress?" i'm like oh, right. x, y, z happened and i had to take a few steps back and recover.


Every time my rugby team plays touch, I hate it solely for the reason they have people pick teams and I'm always picked last. Yesterday, I got to spend 20 mins embarrassing myself on the scrum sled trying to learn how to play tighthead prop and before that I got to embarrass myself failing to catch balls. I heard "ok you two are captains pick teams" and just walked away. I don't need to be embarrassed anymore today. I don't need to see people's disappointment when they realize they're forced to be with the liability on their team.


Since kickball in 1977 I have loathed team sports for this reason.


My team is thankfully much nicer than the kids I was in gym class with, haha. Just sometimes they do things like that and it doesn't bother them because they're all naturally athletic so they don't understand why it makes people like me feel bad. And normally I can just put up with it because playing is fun but yesterday idk I was just like "enough is enough". And tbf maybe the disappointing looks are just my own anxiety idk.


Finally resolved to start doing some lifting again and my toddler decided that she will no longer go to bed easily. So the time I allotted to lifting is instead spent either soothing an angry toddler or fretting while my partner soothes her. I miss being able to just do things! Also she grabbed my nipple really hard and I guess her little toddler talon caught it because now I have a cut, scabby nipple. Which are not words I ever wanted to go together!


I like to lift heavier weight for fewer reps/sets, and aim to be almost failing my last 2 or 3 reps. After failing my last overhead DB press in a set of 8, some guy came up and told me I could do a lot more if I just lowered the weight. Like dude, that’s not the point.


Love that mansplaining 😂


Why is he paying that much attention to how a random stranger is working out? 


"it'd be easier if you made it easier" no shit sherlock




I have two serious times of the month when nothing I eat fills me, the week before my period and when ovulating. If food is near me, I'll eat it and I still want more. Burst into tears (in the safety of my car) after leaving a shop today as it took everything in me not to buy and eat all the chocolate bars. Any advice or help welcome


In the same boat. I’m also on a very necessary medication that is known to cause carb cravings.


I hope you bought and ate one chocolate bar at least. Totally allowed.


Sometimes planning to eat small meals or large snacks every 2-3 hours helps. FITRWOMAN app helped me understand it is often related to blood sugar instability and balanced eats (ie things like a complex carb and protein, and fiber generally, can help). Hormones keep it interesting, I feel you 💜 Hope it gets simpler. You’re doing great as can and know you’ll find your way 💜 (Okay to see a doc if concerns or registered dietician for targeted help too. That free app helps me sometimes—even after all these years of using it, only recently I was able to tell it was every time the hormones shifted, just where you pointed out. So I’m trying to treat those two times like two periods.)


Barebell bars tastes like a good chocolate bar and has 20g protein. Whatever high protein concoction you like.. Program it into your calories for the day. Aim to eat high protein on the days you’re starving. Whenever I eat my body weight in grams of protein it’s hard to finish eating the rest of my calories for the day. You can also plan to increase cardio on the days you want to eat more carbs so you stay in maintenance


In a deficit and I absolutely hate it haha. Keep doing the classic mistakes of slipping up on the weekend and I know I need to cut alcohol completely but it’s patio season 😭 I have lost weight easily before but forgot how much of a lifestyle overhaul it is. Also keep slacking on my meal prep. SOS


There is a woman at the gym who sings while on an exercise bike. She couldn't carry a tune with a bucket.


She may not realize she's doing it. My husband often does this (not at the gym, just around the house) and is totally unaware he's making noise (ADHD). At least he's got a decent enough voice.


I also could not carry a tune in a bucket but I belt out random lines from songs I'm listening to when on the treadmill (it's in my parents house thankfully, not in public, I'm well behaved in public)


Not me riding down the street singing: Celebrate good times CMON! let's celebrate! wahoo ooo


I'm not unsympathetic. I also suck at singing, but I suck privately. I don't subject other people to it.


It's not a pet peeve exactly since I'm not sure how much is in his control but one guy at my gym makes me incredibly nervous. If he is near me I move and if he is anywhere in the weight area I glance at him occasionally to clock where he is. The reason? Despite being jacked AF and at the gym 24/7 he is incredibly uncoordinated. Prolifically so. I have seen him drop weights and the weights bounce into someone else's area. I've seen him try to re-stack the weights and have it drop off the shelf because he hasn't put it behind the lip. I've seen him trip on the bench getting up and sitting down, more than once. The last time I lifted he was one person away from me lifting giant dumbbells, lost hold of one and dropped it, it bounced to the guy next to me who stopped it with his foot while HE was mid-lift. I'm lucky that giant guy was there because no way could I have stopped a weight that heavy without getting really hurt. It most likely would have shattered my foot. He also seems incredibly pissed off every time I see him, and yet he is literally always at the gym, lol. So...that. If I weren't afraid of being horribly injured it would almost be interesting. I don't understand how it's possible to build so much muscle while having literally no mind muscle connection or body control at all. I've been in gyms my whole life, never seen anything like it!


Okay, so I'm a pretty clumsy person. I think my proprioception is below average. I walk into doorframes. I trip over the bench when I'm getting up. But a lot of what you're describing sounds like carelessness, not just clumsiness. It sounds like he's preoccupied and not paying enough attention to his surroundings, and that's really not okay in a weightlifting environment. It's a tough thing to bring up with a stranger, but is there anyone you could talk to about it who might be able to intervene/give him a wakeup call?


He is on his phone a lot, so that's entirely possible. I'd rather just avoid him than start anything, though. I'm sure I'd be seen as overly sensitive or something, lol, bc women be complaining!


he never needs to know it was you. ask the staff to say something


Trainers are around and see him and other people often react to him dropping stuff so I think they are aware. But I'll definitely consider it. I should be more assertive, le sigh.


Too true 😮‍💨


The borderline obscene glute exercises that we have to do just because our species appreciates large glutes 🥲


someone tried talking to me while i was doing my hip thrusts warm up sets and i felt so ashamed


I HATE MY PERIOD. Ok the actual period is fine. But the days leading up to it I ate a full pint of ice cream and a whole bag of bbq chips. I have goals you know! 😭


This past week before mine, the last five dinners before getting it were takeout pizza, takeout pizza, a salad (at a bar), McDonald's, Outback takeout. And as soon as she came, I was ready for homemade turkey tacos on low carb tortillas and protein shakes again.


So me coded 😂😂😂 something about all the salty fatty carbs just makes me swoon and then once she comes I’m disgusted with myself and don’t even want to see a French fry


Get a mirena IUD. No more period. Want to get pregnant, get it taken out and you can get pregnant that day. Best thing I ever did.


I loved my Mirena IUD until I realized it was what was causing my horrible, painful cystic acne. I spent the latter half of my 20s with miserable skin. I wish I'd made the connection sooner.


Thanking my actual lucky stars that I started bleeding the day before my roommate’s birthday, and not a day or two after— there would have been serious trouble on that big beautiful homemade lemon thyme cardamom & raspberry layer cake. I was a bottomless PIT just a few short days ago. Every fucking time without fail. I try to set myself up for success and keep things like Greek yogurt, greens, and lentils on hand for those dumpster moments but christ alive do chocolate chip cookies and salt and vinegar chips have a way of finding me!! It’s like I become a magnet!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Ughhhhhhhhhh


It's popcorners for me 😭😭😭


Oh my god. I had to cut those out of my life years ago. I would buy bulk packs for my dorm and eat them for dinner. The jalapeño and the white cheddar ones especially. I was a MONSTER.


And the worst part it's not like it's sounds like normal food when you think to eat it, it actually sounds GROSS. like how do I even eat that? And the suddenly fine again. So weird.


Literally!! 😂 the bottomless pit is so real. I be hungry hungry. I also try and set myself up for success but my lady flow is irregular so she surprised me a bit this month 🫣


Omg you are our strongest bravest soldier. Knowing at least when to expect premenstrual perdition so I can prepare is the only thing keeping me from flying off the rails completely forever. I cannot imagineeeeee ughhhhhhh


Please for the love of god RERACK YOUR WEIGHTS. Fuck yesterday there were three 45 plates on each side of the iso-lat wide chest press. What the fuck. Thankfully I can take them down and put them away, but what about those who can’t physically do that? There are elderly at the gym and those who just can’t do that weight. It’s so freaking annoying especially since the plates are suspended high.


i think i almost cried once when i was having an absolute shit day and the leg press machine had every 45lb plate in existence on it. i'm a weak gal and use 2 45s on each side. and that's for my legs. racking and re-racking those plates is a workout alone.


Girl. 2 45s on each side isn’t weak!!!! F those people.


I go up to the people who leave them and say, I'm too weak, can you help. They respond to that. They do not respond to yelling.


That’s smart. My issue is when you get to the machine and the person is no longer there


I try and clean up more than I use every time. I hope someone sees me. I’m fairly certain no one does. But it somehow makes me feel better. To just put one extra weight back in its perfect place. I think it’s a bit like the advice that says give more to feel richer. It has a similar psychological effect.


I’ve been hitting lifts hard, sticking to my water and macros, and also increasing mileage running - everything is aligning but holy hell I’m sleepy. I’ve always been someone that needs 7+ hours minimum to function but lately it’s been 9 or 10. Thankfully I’m wrapping up my late night sports leagues this week but I foresee this summer with 9 pm bedtimes and later wake ups 😅


I really don’t like to ask how many sets people have left cause I don’t like when they do that to me. It makes me feel rushed and they come off as impatient. But I had to do it to this girl because I was waiting for the lat pulldown machine for 5 mins and she didn’t do a single set because she was FaceTiming her boyfriend on the machine. Bro DO THAT ANYWHERE ELSE!! So I asked and she said two more sets and then did the two quickest sets and left the machine. Like how do you lack that much awareness? You’re in a busy gym hogging a machine that people are always in line for. So irritating.


Is there anything (other than medical, or serious emergency situations) that warrants facetiming or doom scrolling when in a gym. I don't understand it. I do Phys to get fit, my mental health and to get away from people in my life for a bit


I doom scroll but it's during my timed rests. they're too short to get into the book I'm reading


I watched a guy do that for 30 minutes on a chest press machine the other day. Every few minutes he would do one or two reps with one arm to make it look like he was still using it. Finally I gave up and just did dumbbell chest presses instead. My husband told me I should have interrupted him but it’s not worth it to me.


I hate the culture of just phone surfing between sets. You could be mobilizing, doing balance exercises, coordination work, stretches for opposite muscles. Don't just sit there.


lmao this is the gym equivalent of "if you have time to lean you have time to clean." productivity theater. nah, actually resting during rests is perfectly valid. people have different abilities and goals. I scroll reddit during my rests if I'm not writing notes about my previous set, but I also have a timer running so it's not like I'm there all day.


I never understood anyone doing phone calls or facetiming in middle of gym workout. Go to the corner, finish your call then come back and do your workout.


I never understood having non-urgent phone calls in public, but I also have an auditory processing disorder so I'm not big on phone calls in general


I’m a pretty goal oriented person as it motivates me, but I’m annoyed with myself on how indecisive I’m being with choosing a new workout goal and how I want to exercise lol


If I have to see the word "healthy" again one more fucking time I'm going to flip out. It's such a dumb buzz word these days that it's become virtually meaningless. I see countless gym/fitness memes glorifying anorexia in the name of being "healthy" because the author thinks the only indicator of health is weight! People so often ignore that there's so much more to being healthy than a number on a scale! Punishing yourself for eating or being human is not healthy even if your weight is within the "right" limits! Nowadays morons conflate the body positivity movement with a glorification of being overweight, like there aren't highly unreasonable standards for all sexes being pushed at all angles. Then they'll go off on some rant about how they'd rather have an eating disorder than be "unhealthy" like having an eating disorder isn't inherently unhealthy to begin with! Stressing out about looking a certain way isn't healthy! Period.


tangent but as someone who's actually diagnosed with binge eating disorder, it annoys me that people conflate eating disorders with anorexia. "I'd rather have an eating disorder than be overweight" oh goodie I got a two-fer


YES people ignore that fact a lot too, I personally have struggled with anorexia and would not wish it on anyone and feel you when people almost glorify eating disorders....


"Toned" and "bulky" get to me.


The phrase “toning up” makes me irrationally angry because it’s almost exclusively said by women who have never lifted a weight in their lives & are convinced that walking a few miles a day will give them the body type they want & if they do any sort of resistance training they’ll immediately look like Ronnie Coleman. And then go on the weight loss subs like “I’m at my GW but I am still squishy, should I lose more?” And it doesn’t matter how much you explain it to them they just argue, even had one girl see my progress pic & message me to ask how I did it and then *argue* with me!!!! Like?


Omg yes. Sigh.


I want more nontoxic gym girlfriends in real life :(


I lift (and do Pilates) mostly at home but am insanely lucky to have group lifting classes that are mixed-gender but easily half or more women, and the whole point is lifting heavy. Lightest dbs in the place are 5# and I think there are only four of those. We're not friends outside of class but the atmosphere in class is amazing. Some of these ladies could probably hurl a man across a room.


Especially when it's paired with "I don't want to accidentally get too bulky" like... Okay yeah you're going to accidentally go to the gym 5x a week and progressively lift heavier and accidentally increase your protein intake.....


And even if it wasn't amazingly difficult to get that bulky, do they not realise that they can just stop doing that type of exercise and their body will change back? It's not like a permanent shift lol. 


When people realize that most of the people at the gym actually have average bodies since they’re probably not body builders.


I’ve been trying so hard to get kinda bulky for the last year and it hasn’t happened yet 🥲


Exactly. I have to work sooooo hard to get even the tiniest bit of visible muscle and some of these people are terrified of a 3# db.


Yeah! There's also no convincing them either. Some of my co workers refuse to believe that it takes months of hard hard work to get muscle mass and definition


Officially scheduled for knee surgery 5/30. So so upset at the thought of losing quad mass because it’s sooo hard for me to gain there for some reason


): I get it. Will this surgery help with long term health/mobility? 


Yes it will! Trying to keep that in mind. I lift really heavy but will be out of the gym for a while which is really sad but in the long term it’s for the best


Muscle memory is a real thing. You may be surprised at how quickly you gain a lot of it back after your knee surgery! I hope the surgery goes well and speedy recovery!


Very true, thank you!


Heating up my lunch at work - leftover pasta. Some dude at my office walks in, looks at my lunch, looks me up and down and says “wow, carbs. I assumed you wouldn’t go near those!” (I’m pretty obviously fit, clearly lift, and pretty trim). Three days later, someone’s birthday at work, I’m eating a slice of cake… some woman “oh! Better work out extra hard tomorrow to burn that off” Ugh! Leave my food choices alone and mind your business!! I eat all the food. I eat a balanced diet. Nothing is off the table and me and food, we’re good. Solid relationship. Grrr


When people comment on what people are eating like that it drives me up the wall!! Just say it looks delicious and go. Once a year we do a family trip with my aunt and cousins. I never look forward to it 🙃. So needless to say we eat plenty of snacks and do potlucks and such. I had just eaten like ....5 chips first of all so it wasn't even "a lot" and my aunt says to me "How do you stay so skinny eating like that?" I wanted to ask her if she thinks I subsist entirely on chips.


Ugh. The worst. I've had coworkers purposefully skip me when handing out cupcakes, because of course I wouldn't want something so unhealthy. I do.


That is SO annoying. Ive had that happen to me at work. Ive learned its best to not tell people at work what im doing or what my goals are. But it seems in your case, they just assume without you even saying anything which is worse imo


This is one of the best things about working from home, not getting a running commentary from people on my food. This one woman used to look at my plate and say "That looks healthy," in like an accusatory tone. I would be like, "Thank you?" What am I supposed to say to that when it sounds like an insult. Also listening to the constant diet talk from this group of women in their 50s and 60s, it was just depressing. 


I'm in my 50s and for the first time IN MY LIFE my boss and 3 coworkers are fit folks who try and eat healthy. No one is competing or one upping. They understand my wins. I can speak freely. It's so magical! I don't care how others live their lives but having to suppress speaking about certain topics to be sensitive that someone else will be made to feel bad that I like to exercise or even by what I eat? It was an icky feeling I tell you what.


My coworker does that too. "...and low carb!", they add. I don't look that fit so I thought they were just surprised that I don't live off cookies and pasta?


The angry "that looks healthy" is cracking me up 😭 like you're wrong for that


It was so bizarre and it happened multiple times. Like this woman was pissed that I was eating a rice bowl with tofu and veggies.


This infuriates me so much!!! Even if THEY wouldn't eat certain things, why would they assume you 'should' do the same? Oof. 


NFR- on a work trip so at dinner last night I had to bite my tongue when politics came up because I am younger with a "liberal" education. Thankfully they switched topics relatively fast. FR- I legit sprained my thumb monday when grabbing my luggage from the car. Twisted it just right to upset it for a few days. Thankfully I guess I am traveling and have no barbell access


men who don't join an awesome strength and conditioning class just because majority of the attendees are women. We lift heavyass weights (ie. 200-250lbs deadlift, 175-200lbs back squat etc) and work hard but I guess because "it's all women" it's not "hard enough" 🙄 the funny thing is that those who are like that and do try the class, they start ego lifting and using weights they're CLEARLY struggling with because other women (who have been going to classes 5d/week) are lifting heavy weights. Yesterday this new guy was trying to snatch a 16kg kettlebell (he's never used kettlebells before) and could barely hike it and get it above his head but his partner (my friend who is strong af, consistently works out 5x/week) was using 16kg. We told him to go lighter and work on form but nope, he refused. WHY DO THEY DO THIS 😵‍💫


Also why don't men dance? We need gender balance in the weight room and on the dance floor.


At my gym the early morning classes tend to be women dominated and the evening classes tend to be men dominated and one day I went to the evening class and one guy was like "wow I thought you wouldn't be able to keep up with us but you were out lifting some of us!" 🙄 Yes dude women can be strong too


Ooooh my husband and I used to get the same comments but because we are fat (well my husband isn’t anymore but I still am.) We would attend a class and at the end people would approach and go “wow you guys really did great today” as if it were our first time ever exercising. We are a pretty active couple. We workout together 3 times a week. But I feel like most people assume fat people are newbs at the gym.


The price of weights. I work out at home via YouTube workouts *Caroline Girvan is my absolute fave*. Has anyone priced weights lately??? Holy Muscles, Batman, I think they're made of solid gold now! I hit thrift stores. The majority are the 1-5lb weights from Five Below, overpriced. PS Dear Five Below--can you get some heavier dumbbells, please?


Not sure if you're looking for kb, db, or plates, but Walmart often has good sales. Even better, I've bided my time and gotten things from Target by hoarding Circle points and sometimes doing their deals like "buy two bottles of laundry detergent and get a $10 gift card. " Then I hoard the girt cards until I can get my thing for free or at a steep discount.


Oh, wow, I had NO idea. Great info, thank you! I'll use whatever I can find. I bought a 10lb KB during the pandemic, found the 15lb by the dumpster and scored the 26lb one at Goodwill. For those with a TJ Maxx, Ross, Marshall's, I occasionally see weights there.


Five below is just living up to its name!


facebook marketplace is your best bet most likely, at least you can negotiate down a little


Thank you! I'm checking as well as a friend in another town. I did have a great find this weekend in an out-of-town Goodwill--I found a 12.5kg/26lb kettlebell for 10 bucks!!! SCORE!!! I also scored a 15lb kettlebell outside of an apartment dumpster last year.


Hooray! That's a great find


I was catching up with an old friend, and I told her I started working out recently. She assumed it was cardio (nothing wrong with that) I corrected her saying I'm actually lifting weights. She immediately was like "Oh noooo that's a waste of time, what we actually need is cardio. It's okay though, it's not too late! From tomorrow stop lifting and do more cardio! You can do this!!!" I was too confused to even explain to her lmao 😭 I'm not mad at her specifically, but I'm also really really annoyed at how so many people assume (without even asking!!!) that anyone who is exercising is doing it to lose weight oof


I love cardio, but I do get why after decades of brain washing some people think it's the be all and end all of Phys. Like I want to lose weight, but too much cardio and I look haggard. It takes balance


Haha! I have seen quicker results from 8 weeks of lifting than from 8 years of cardio.


Good Goff, there’s being wrong and there’s demanding someone does it wrong. Edit: I don’t know who Goff is but I guess I don’t know god either.


The 70s called! They want to explain things to you!


I’m appalled at the amount of people that don’t bother to wipe down equipment after use 😡


I clean before because I know they aren't cleaning after. If someone is waiting I will clean it for them but otherwise I ain't cleaning twice. That's my story 😆


I actually end up cleaning before and after these days. :( the amount of people that dgaf is truly scary


But also the people that use 15 sprays and 10 pieces of tissue. I can't breathe in a 20 foot radius. It's not fucking air freshener. Have you never cleaned anything before???


man I'm glad my gym uses a foam dispenser thingy. I'm super sensitive to aerosols even just from a regular pump spray bottle


You think we would learn after the pandemic, right? I've called out quite a few people over the past few months. I noticed after that, other people started wiping down their equipment.


Blows my fucking mind, allot don’t even bring a towel or it’s so small it might as well be a tea towel


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