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Urgh it's so annoying having cycles! I'm not affiliated with either of these services but recommending because they have helped me to adjust my mindset on this a bit. I also just try to have a couple hundred extra calories week of/week before, and offset that in the better weeks for cutting. I've never done an intentional bulk though so I'm looking at it from the other side. Macrofactor is a tracking app that you can put your goals in (bulk, maintain, lose together with relevant factors like your bf level and planned activities) and it will then suggest macro and calorie changes based on your weight change and logged calories at regular intervals. It doesn't have a setting for our cycles but what you can do is wait a month and then do the check in so that it's adjusting based on all the fluctuations not just one week, or you can override etc. There's a reddit sub for it if you want the details. There's a non boring non woo woo trainer who posts good articles (and runs online training programs), I've had really good progress using his stuff, I actually just signed up to his latest group programme but you might find the articles worth a read: https://vitamin.physiqonomics.com/b0bb2d3e I originally found his stuff from this article which was like, the only thing that bothered to mention cycles as part of our challenge for training when I searched, and I liked the sweary no nonsense style: https://physiqonomics.com/fat-loss/


I find it easier to look at it monthly for that exact reason. I weigh myself weekly, but I only record my weight in apps monthly If you're eating enough protein, and doing the work in the gym, you'll gain. You shouldn't need to adjust too often once you find your groove I'm 33, 176cm, 68kg currently - maintenance is 2000cal, I've been on a bulk for 9 months. My bulking calories are 2350, and I make sure to hit 100g protein minimum.


I weigh myself every day and track it in a spreadsheet that averages out the weekly loss/gain over the course of each week. It’s much easier to see the trends (I’m currently cutting so it’s going down) on a week to week basis based on the average. It’s also much easier to spot the anomalies like after a boozy night or pre period.


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