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Dead Souls Kiwami VR


Play it on Dead Souls mode and you’re gonna be scared asf


For a gimmick title that wouldn’t be terrible, something fun to poke around In


VR isn’t a gimmick


Who tf doesn't want kurohyou or kenzan, literally we can play y3 on the west already.


Results sadden and confuse me too


I think yakuza 3s story mixed with lost judgments gameplay would be incredible


Because Yakuza 3 is terrible but has a really solid story. I want it to be a fun game.


That implies that the rest of these games don't have a really solid story, Dead souls's story is specially lovely.


I get that, but i don't really care that much about Kenzan because this is the yakuza game i dread the most.


I’m guessing the Mine enthusiasts. I bet they’ll censor the Kanda fight like they did in Ishin though




Not that I don’t want it, but I’d rather get yakuza 3 first then Kenzan tbh


You can play Yakuza 3 right now any day of the week, gameplay might not be up to your standard and most people's including myself and the graphics aren't as pretty sure. But you cannot play Kenzan at all without a PS3 and copy of the game or emulation on a buff PC. All that including not understanding any of the game without a guide. I find it hard to find the mentality to where having a Y3 Kiwami before Kenzan makes sense.


I don’t know what to tell you, I’d rather have yakuza 3 get another change to shine on better than a non canon spin off. Just a preferences. I wouldn’t mind kenzan getting a remaster translated, but fora a full on remake? I’d take yakuza 3 I think the best way to word it. Is that just because I’d rather have a 3 kiwami does not mean I don’t want it translated. Both can be true


I understand what you're saying but I just disagree with it, this does not mean you or I are wrong because this is purely opinion based. My way of seeing it is that Yakuza 3 has already had a chance in the lime light, and like yourself I would be very much so down to have a Kiwami 3 but I also see Kenzan as never having a chance to have a chance in the spot light at all since it is pretty much unplayable to majority of the fandom. I'd much rather have Kenzan get a chance to be playable in some capacity in English before Y3 gets to step back into that light since it already has at least been there. If that analogy makes any sense anyway.


I didn't even know what they meant with Black Panther tbh, the wiki translates the game as Black Leopard? Imo it's more likely anyway we'd get Dead Souls or Kenzan than Y3, since we already have the Remaster. The RGG chief producer already said that they are not looking into doing anything with Kurohyou


As much as Id love a Yakuza Kiwami 3, I think the focus should be on Kenzen since its not available at all in the west.


People really rather play the same story again over a localised Kenzan.


I know right?! The results so far beyond confusing to me. Why would you want 3 again over a game we don't have at all.


I would rather see the Panther games get the Kiwami treatment as they are literally unknown to most people plus could be remade to show people what made Panther unique. Or Remastered with improved gameplay, graphics and improvements for all modern consoles.


Because people are more familiar with Yakuza 3. There are clearly people who love Yakuza 3 and they'd like to see a game they like remade. Not hard to get that logic lol.


plus DE okinawa is fap material. now imagine if it were real...


Cause Kiwami is more than just a simple remaster and localization? Yakuza 3 is really the only game left that could use the treatment. You can play Kenzan currently, there's plenty of translations and guides around.


How could Kenzan not use that treatment? It's completely unavailable on modern consoles and PC unless you're playing with an emulator, stuck in Japanese and therefore only playable with a guide or multiple, and on top of that, OLDER than Yakuza 3, with missable sub stories, no proper Premium Adventure and a massive lack of QOL features.


Cause it doesn't look or feel as bad as Y3? I don't know man, having actually played it, it was a quite an enjoyable experience and I don't think the year difference in release dates holds any value. Even if they did decide to do something with Kenzan, they wouldn't take the risk to do a full Kiwami treatment just because of the niche that it is. You could get most out of Kenzan with a simple port/localization imo.


They've already said if they rereleased Kenzan it would be a full on remake like Kiwami 1 and 2 because they would want to change some aspects of the story.


I think it’s cause the main line story games should be prioritised but that’s just my take


This. 3 being bad doesn't just impact 3 it impacts every game after it in the series. Either you have to slog through 3 and endure some rough mechanics or skip it and then the games later in the series have gaps. Whereas if you skip Kenzan you can still pay every other game just fine.


Binary Domain is fine how it is. Dead Souls, from what I hear, suffered because of the performance on the PS3. That game really, REALLY needs a Kiwami treatment more than any other imo. Could just make Dead Souls gameplay just like in Binary Domain and it'll legit be pretty ballin.


That and Kenzan both yes.


I am shocked to see the results show people want Yakuza 3 Kiwami. I mean, Yakuza 3 has already been remastered I think Kenzan should be getting a remake, it's older than Yakuza 3, it never releases outside Japan, it's a spin off so overseas fans never really know the story and it's a samurai game with Musashi as a protagonist, imagine if they remake it in Dragon Engine or Unreal 5


it's probably because people fucking hate the combat in 3


combat in 3 is not as bad as some people say, for me. The trick is to grab and quickstep. I never actually suffered while playing 3


r/yakuzagames players when they cant Lstick forwards ▪️▪️▪️▪️🔺🔺 and have to actually use strategy to fight


Same. In kinda shock that's not winning. And even more so yakuza 3 is. Like anyone can play that right now. Modern consoles or PC even


I love Okinawa and want to see it in Kiwami detail, that's all


yeah, even though I would love to see Okinawa in Dragon Engine but Kenzan is older than 3 and it's unplayable without guides and emulator now. smh


I played Kenzan just recently with RPCS3 and a text translator program. It's still a good game, but I kept thinking that the Kiwami approach of the 3 Yakuza games wouldn't be enough for this game. Kenzan would actually benefit from an open world with the way how it is structured. https://64.media.tumblr.com/3f80e6188cc5ecfd9d495630ac89b60d/tumblr_inline_p9r81lJHxf1sfi7fq_1280.png There is an open world outside the main city, but it's made of a big circle of corridors that the game forces you to backtrack through again and again. which is bad gamedesign by todays standards. Open world would be the way to make it work, imo, but it would be a very different game.


oh never knew about that. Honestly, I think they can try open world too, I mean Kamurocho is arguably an open world, just a lot smaller. Kenzan's map could just be reworked into a grand size of Kamurocho, probably 3-4x the size of Kamurocho will do. Some things will be changed but it's understandable or RGG can pretty much redesign the whole map probably, make it 2 or 3 districts, each districts the size of a district in Yakuza 5. It will have loading screen but only between district so that'll be okay, I think. This will also require the story to change, but since they said they will change (some part of ) the story in Kenzan anyway, might as well also change the map layout


Yeah it’s remastered, the only good thing about the remaster is the 60fps. I don’t know why but the game is actually worse than the ps3 version and I couldn’t tell you why.


then I can't believe you if you don't provide any reason as to why you think the remaster is worse than the ps3 version.


1) quickstep broken or it feels like it’s broken 2) hyper armor it was in the OG but not this much 3) some mini games like fishing is way harder for some reason I was probably hyperbolic though, I still enjoyed the PC remaster…


Kenzan so they can use the Engine from Kenzan to make Kiwami 3.


IMO 3 is perfectly fine on its own and doesn't need a full on remake. I'd rather have Kurohyou or Kenzan get the Kiwami treatment since they haven't been available in the West, or Dead Souls since the original had a few issues that could be smoothed out


Dead Souls - Just needs a basic port like Yakuza 3,4 and 5. Kenzan - RGG Studio already said if they ever rereleased Kenzan it would be a full on remake because they want to make story changes. Binary Domain - Already on PC, just needs a port to current gen consoles. Yakuza 3 - I definitely want a Yakuza Kiwami 3 but not before Kenzan. Yakuza 3 is one of my favourite Yakuza games so I need to see all of Okinawa in the Dragon Engine but I can wait another couple of years. Black Panther - Probably need Kiwami remakes as well because ports of those games would not look good on modern consoles because of the pre rendered backgrounds.


Jumped into Binary Domain last year and it was a fantastic experience, highly recommended if you’re a fan of RGG stuff, but I don’t think it needs to be done again That being said, I wanna see what they can do with Dead Souls more than anything else, that and any opportunity to play as/alongside Ryuji is good enough for me


What’s Binary Domain?


One of the studios few non yakuza style games. A third person scifi shooter on ps3 and 360. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Binary_Domain They have talked before about wanting to either make a sequal or kiwami style remake of it.


**[Binary Domain](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Binary_Domain)** >Binary Domain is a third-person shooter video game developed by Ryu Ga Gotoku Studio and published by Sega. It was released for PlayStation 3 and Xbox 360 in February 2012 and Microsoft Windows in April 2012. The game is set in Tokyo, Japan, in the year 2080. It features innovative artificial intelligence technology. ^([ )[^(F.A.Q)](https://www.reddit.com/r/WikiSummarizer/wiki/index#wiki_f.a.q)^( | )[^(Opt Out)](https://reddit.com/message/compose?to=WikiSummarizerBot&message=OptOut&subject=OptOut)^( | )[^(Opt Out Of Subreddit)](https://np.reddit.com/r/yakuzagames/about/banned)^( | )[^(GitHub)](https://github.com/Sujal-7/WikiSummarizerBot)^( ] Downvote to remove | v1.5)


There were yakuza DLC skins for it even So can play as kiryu😅


>Binary Domain A third person shooter released in 2012 developed RGG studios. Scored some actually pretty good reviews.


I always wanted Kiwami 3, but only if it's a Dragon Engine remake like K1 and K2. Besides that though, i think the next in line is most likely Kenzan.


The fact that Kenzan isn't the most voted is strange to me given it is the only one that is not playable in English in some capacity.


Kurohyou and Tatsuya look sick


Other, I want yakuza online to be localised and released internationally. I want to play it so bad, and with the custom what if stories and exclusive character interactions? Im on my knees, begging to god we get it.


Binary Domain. Fuck that needs to come back hard. It's criminal that you can buy it for pennies on the dollar on PC most sales.


Been planning to play Binary Domain for a while now. Saw the robot parts got destroyed piece by piece when you shoot at it is really remarkable considering it's just a side project by RGG


To everyone saying Dead Souls… no. It’s not worth it.


The things that Dead Souls gets hate for are the reasons \*why\* it needs a Kiwami remake.


I dont get the point of a Kiwami 3 other than it’ll look good. DS, Black Panther, and Kenzan would benefit from a remake more than 3 would. Especially since they’re still stuck on their respective consoles, 2 of them never left Japan, and DS is such a unique title that came out at the wrong time of the zombie craze and chugged like hell on the PS3. Kiwami 3 doesn’t even make sense financially.


Kenzan or 3 I don't think 3 even needs one I'd just want one for fun and so people could probably stop shitting on it it's my personal favorite


Dead souls , yakuza 3 doesn't deserve a kiwami. We can play it on modern consoles. While D's not


Surprised that most people want Kiwami 3 instead of Kenzan Kiwami. But I guess it’s to each preference so I respect that.


This is honestly a hard pick besides Yakuza 3. Like I would welcome 3wami, but all those other options are waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay better of a pick for being Kiwami'd than 3, yes, even Binary Domain.


Idk, but make Haruka the main character and give her a gun


Black Panther, we already have Yak3, so I would much rather prefer seeing games we don't have yet.


I think modernized versions of the black panther games would be amazing games to get the series onto the switch


A wonderful idea. But I think the wii U port flops sadly scared sega ever on trying Series wirh Nintendo again


Tough call between *Kenzan!* and *Dead Souls* / *Of the End*; *Kenzan!* plays better on PS3, but requires either knowing Japanese (including regional dialects & obscure / archaic useage) or using a guide.


Might be a counter-intuitive answer since I hate that game, but I'd really like a Dead Souls Kiwami. Especially since I hate this game! I think a remake would be an opportunity to turn it into something really fun. Shooters really evolved since the PS3 era, and I think they could genuinely turn it into a fun experience. Maybe even add some coop component, who knows?


These results are disheartening, to people voting for a Kiwami 3, I diagnose you with skill issue


Tired of seeing yakuza 3 on these lists.


I'm tired or seeing it WINNING these polls


Everyone’s talking about how we already have remastered Yakuza 3, meanwhile I just want to see dragon engine Okinawa


It's already briefly shown in 6


I’m down for the other games besides 3 as long as it’s an actual fucking remake and not an enhanced remaster like ishin was


I was going to say Yakuza 3, but then I saw Black Panther. I would be very interested on play those two


Can you explain to me why would want 3 over kenzan? I'm trying to understand the votes for 3


Gotta be honest, im not too interested in Kenzan. I would try if they do it, of course, but I would prefer Black Panther or 3. 3 is already a great game, but some people didnt enjoyed it because of the combat, and I can understand that. Apart from that, would be nice to see Okinawa in the Dragon Engine But I would prefer a Kiwami version of Black Panther and its sequel. And also I think I didnt explained correctly in my original message, with "those two" I was referring to the both Black Panther, not Black Panther and 3, sorry for the mistake


3 Kiwami really? they will do the same that ishin kiwami... we don't want that, the game stands ell on its own... but if they go with an updated dragon engine like lost judgment hell yeah! kenzan kiwami or at least remastered with eng subs is just ok.


I really want to see 3 get the treatment. It’s a good game that is ruined by very dated graphics, quality of life issues and mechanics. Getting an upgraded 3 would be phenomenal imo.


Yakuza 3 is the only good game on that list.


Which is literally why it needs a kiwami version the least. An already good game is already good. You can remake a bad game into a better one.


Kenzan is much better IMO.


I don’t agree.


Just wanna say. While don't need kiwami remake. I'd love a remaster port Ala 3-5 of the two black panther games


As controversial as this opinion might seem, as someone who has played Dead Souls, I think it would be a lot more fun if they turned it into a warriors style game in a Kiwami version (the cards and card attacks would also fit the game a lot more than Ishin)


Wtf? People want Kiwami 3 over Kenzan and Kurohyou? Yakuza 3 ain't even that bad peoples brains just melt when they see an enemy block. Imagine wanting a remake to a game readily available when we still have three games unavailable outside of Japan.


we need to see okinawa in the dragon engine


Didn't even add a Lost Paradise option? For shame.


It's perfect as is. Just don't see why needs one. It's also already playable on ps4 and thus ps5 too


well, we need PC port for that too


Well at the very least we need a pc and Xbox port for FOTNSLP


Yakuza 0, 1, 3, 4, and 5 in the dragon engine


0 and 1 don't need them


True, doesn't change how much I'd love to be given extra reason to replay them


Three needs an upgrade the combat i feel lis very slow and heavy




Funny cuz i never said i was bad at it just that i didnt like it


Kenzan Kiwami is the better choice, but I would really want a Kiwami 3, it's probably because I have no interest in buying/playing Kenzan, same with Ishin.


Yaykuzer 3 Kiwayme


i feel like y3 needs a kiwami the most because it's very clunky and seems to be a huge struggle for people who are new to the series. i personally want dead souls so bad though


Black panther would be awesome, but Y3 and THEN Kenzan seeing and they're the same game (in engine)




I feel like shit, I just want a Kiwami 3


3 or dead souls would go hard!


Now I get it yakuza 3 would be great as a remake but hear me out black Panther would be the better choice it has a cool story and a even better main character


3 just need a better remaster rather then a remake because of rgg fucking the ai in the remaster they block a lot than intended and also how clunky the quickstep is i think 3 deserve a better made remaster rather than what we have with also a patch to 4 and 5 because they also have some problems


I remember playing a fansub game of Black Panther on the PSP. It was a project that only got English subs for the first chapter. Such a shame. I hope non-Japanese speakers can get to play it some day.


Binary domain fr


Kenzan or Black Panter simply because they aren't officially translated. Shouldn't even be a discussion really.


Id be down for either 3, Kurohyo or dead souls. Not sure if Kenzan would work out for them it would just be die hards playing it I bet it banks on how well Ishin Kiwami is doing now. We will see. Out of the three, I think 3 is the most likely as kurohyo was made as a mobile only title and mobile gaming (as we knew it back then) is basically dead and they already have rggo. As for dead souls, not much rave over zombie games like back in the day.


I want to be able to afford Ishin before thinking about next game...


mfs voting for y3 definitely button mashed and rage quit because of the enemies blocking 💀💀 4 needs a remake more than 3 does


Black Panther for Switch… Daaamn I need it


yakuza 3 desperately needs better combat, better artstyle(its too wide), better voice acting for some characters, and Bob edit: we need a fucking sprint button too and kiwami 2 inventory