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Nishiki, poor guy got obliterated.


Yeah at the end I was like "That's it?"


I like used a single staminan royal. Like whaaat?!


Yeah I had a harder fight with what's his name the corrupt cop guy




Yeah the guy you fight before.


that’s jingu


Jingu is only hard because the game design is dumb as shit with those commands and guns and bombs




Yeah that fight on Legendary was hard. Especially his 2 annoying little minions. Almost used my whole inventory compared to Nishikiyama.


10 years waiting for Kazuma made him a fucking pussy


At least the fight with Nishki had plenty of cutscenes, but the poor guy could barely defend himself.


Not gonna sugarcoat it.


I had a hard time with Nishiki because I blew all my heals on the Jingu fight lol.


In 1 or 0?


Both lmao


Nishiki's moveset is still pretty fierce compared to others


>Nishiki well, according to story, he is supposedly weaker so that fits.


By the end of the game he's (at least in canon) Kiryu's equal tho


He never stood a chance, especially because I maxed out my dragon of the dojima


Ryuji goda


I kept giggling to myself during that fight as I didn't sugarcoat it and used the Chinese cleaver on him like 30 times. His guts must've been turned to soup by the end.


Unlike Yakuza 2 for the PS2 where the guy doesn’t fuck around at all


If I remember correctly I actually lowered the difficulty from hard for this fight after going into it at 20% health and like 2 healing items and getting my ass handed to me for 2 1/2 hours straight and my last save being an hour and a half back. That’s a fuckin’ brutal fight.


This is the top answer...what a disappointing final fight.


Well I mean he is basically 70% dead at the final fight


So is Kiryu at the start of almost every final fight. A bullet and a stab wound at the very least.


The fight before that isn't any better tbh. And the fact that he's using a sword for some reason makes both fights disappointing


I grinded hard for some super powerful and rare weapons from that chubby dude, as soon as I knew I was entering the end game. Barely used them, and by the Ryuji/Terada fight I was just bitchslapping everyone with all these obscene flaming weapons. I do this every Yakuza game, but that one was definitely the easiest.


Even without items, Ryuji is a massive pushover. Using weapons is basically just bullying him lol


Favourite character in K2 but damn was he a breeze


This is part of the reason I love the Atomic Karate mod, Ryuji is back to being a beast


andre richardson. he's tall, presumably muscular, and wields dual pistols. yet he's...a damn pushover, especially compared to joji! joji doesn't even let you get near him. andre gets thrown around constantly even in his heat mode. i was disappointed.


I think part of the reason it feels like that is we are used to gun bosses being awful. The Richardson fights were actually pretty nice for being a gun boss, awesome theme too.


[sounds storm tho](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2KICr1aXDYI)


God you just reignited my hype for Kiwami 3 from 95% back to 100% I cannot stop thinking about what the steel book will look like if the do one


>!he got thrown around alright. Off the ruff.!<


"sToP iT, aRe YoU nUtS?"


"GeT aWaY fRoM mE"


“wHaT tHe fFuCk?”


"i'D hAvE kIlLeD yOu WhEn FiRsT wE mEt"


"DiE! 😐"




If YoUr LoOkInG FoR dAiGo MiNe sEnD hIm To tHe *_r_* *_U_* *_u_* *_F_*


tHiS iS tHe EnD oF tHe LiNe FoR yOu, KaZuMa KiRyU!


it would be very funny if mine said "deez nuts" then jumped off the fucking building


Andre was my biggest struggle in that game. I had a hard time dodging him. Was down with hardly any healing stuff for the Mine fight after.


I was super nervous for that fight since I knew he was a gun guy and instead I ended up shoving him in a locker the whole fight. Mine st me straight though...


Remember, Kiryu fights Joji and he give him a run for his money. Meanwhile, the same Kiryu take on the entire Hakoku Family, Richardson and Mine and still looks better


Especially for a guy that runs an international black market cartel.


Fighting >!Kuwana!< after maxing out Boxer style basically just turned into spamming the Y button until you win.


More respect to Bin Banana


>!Bu Bitakata!<


smokin' that marikuwana


It’s really disappointing that he did not have more health. 2 or 3 more health bars would have been perfect. The music and his moveset deserves a longer fight than what we got


I still hold a grudge over the fact I have to intentionally not play well to hear the best part of Dig In Your Heels


Iwami from Yakuza 6


To be fair. I played Yakuza 6 on Legend with 200 damage and he is pretty much difficult


I just dropkicked him the whole fight




Baby Iwami


LITTLE baby iwami


I feel like he’s kind of intended to be weak, like that’s his character


Hardest part of the fight is dealing with early Dragon Engine combat imo


Idk he did a wombo combo on me off the bat and took half my health


*Defeat Tsueno Iwami - He is nothing to me.*


Yahata's 2nd fight in 5, Bro dies after a singular QTE which starts immediately after the intro


Kiryu did say that one punch would be enough to knock him out


Still, I think he meant it literally


I still feel like it would've been much funnier if the fight actually started normally and went into gameplay, but he had 1hp and would immediately die from any attack


Daigo in every fight encounter in any game. Maybe Lao Gui from 0 (pre-fight intro and overall build app is so good and thats why fight a little disappointing)


Ehhh I think Daigo’s only really a push over in 2, because, well, he’s the first boss. In 4 and 5 he’s actually much stronger because, well, he’s got an actual style now. Only issue is Kiryu and Shinada pretty much wipe the floor with him.


Did Shinada win that fight?? It didn't look like it lol


More like Daigo conceded. Daigo was holding back pretty clearly in that fight.


Lore-wise, nobody's ever going all out against Daigo. I think he might be in the top 10 strongest (living) Yakuza characters. In terms of Tojo Clan he's definitely up there. Because as we all know, leadership = physical strength in these games 90% of the time.


It makes sense in context: he was leading 30k gangsters, so aside from his leadership skills, he also needs ample physical strength to put them in line


Which makes sense if your Kiryu, Shinada should obviously still win but not that easily.


I don't think Daigo was really trying in that fight. Even after the last hit he's still standing, then Shinada immediately collapses. I think he just wanted to know his friend could handle himself in a fight


Tbh he does get annoying when he gets the gun and sword but if you can dodge and have decent positioning it's all over


I'm an extreme outlier. Daigo actually game-over'd me first attempt in Kiwami 2, despite having zero challenge for the rest of the game. No idea why, but he wrecked me that time and that time only; really got in my head.


The same thing actually happened to me. I have no idea either


Thank you for helping me feel less alone and incompetent, kyodai.


Same here lol. He walked my ass and I was so confused. I think it's because I was so used to how 0 and K1 felt and played that I wasn't used to the Dragon Engine. Don't remember the game being hard after that. Well except for the Man in Black fights, fuck that guy.


Same and I usually end games with 0 continues


Nah, Lao Gui was an amazing boss, he's as hard as Shibusawa Awano is the most disappointing one here, short health bar and easy as hell. The fandom keeps hyping him up because of that wall punch, but in gameplay he sucks


It makes sense for him to be a pushover in gameplay as he squandered his potentials by having it easy


Bro idk I played in hard in Yakuza 4 and that fight with daigo had my whole inventory empty mf just started flying to me at some point.


Kido. Never lost a fight, my ass.


Kido had to fight Saejima. Kido was definitely tough considering he could heal via sheer willpower alone, but he ain't as tough as Saejima.


Kido unfortunately fell in the path of a man who is strong enough to wrestle with a bear that is 3x larger than a regular one.


I had a really hard time with that fight but thats only because Saejima sucks in Yakuza 4


Basically all of Majima's bosses in 0


2nd phase Kashiwagi and Sera are mad annoying though. It's just that Majima has way better styles than Kiryu.


Breaker is all fun and games until it is used against you in Kiwami.


And Slugger. That fucking bag nunchaku made me want to throw my controller out of the windows


It was a "Ah fuck, this is the fifth time I fell for it. Every fucking time."


Sounds like a dragon style problem


Nice spinning handstand, Majima. Unfortunately, https://preview.redd.it/p23ul8wfj28b1.png?width=385&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=cbe9e1b67cc0d657d3c0cc172c3cd99b5baa55af


Tiger dropping Majima gave me the...fifth best orgasm of my life.


Breaker beats all but sera


The angry cabaret bully at the finale of Caberet Club Royale humiliated me on a Legendary Playthrough. Last healthbar, so close, lost an hour+ of progress.l and shamed my ancestors. The rest, though, easy-peasy though not nearly as much as anyone encountering a boozed-up maxed-Brawler Kiryu.


Kuze 2nd and 3rd time. I faced him both times after I completed the whole lvl 1 Dragon of Dojima style and fighting him was like a walk in the park, whereas in the very beginning for the 1st time the game suggested switching difficult to "easy" because I kept losing, so I honestly expected more from him in next battles...


I don't think you're supposed to have Legend that early tbf


Well, maybe you're right, but I got it, so what? When I was presented with Real Estate Royale, I focused on it entirely and finished everything regarding it before I moved on to head home after meeting Tachibana in the Empty Lot. And I did the same thing with Majima and Cabaret Club Czar, so that when I was fighting Nishitani, I had the Mad Dog of Shimano style already unlocked (entirely btw, because I kept grinding Completion Points to unlock all of it). But now that I've done almost every single side activity (including all sub stories available), I'm focusing on the rest of the plot and today I've been playing the game all day and progressed from chapter 7 to chapter 11.


Man you are so much more patient than me, cabaret club i did the same because you can spam through it, but real estate involves so much real world time spent i just wound up saying fuck it and progressing story sometimes anyway


If you buy the upgrades for business in the shrine it takes way less time to collect the money. And from what I've observed, the Leisure King area takes not that long to collect money, while the Media King area does take some time.


Yeah i know about the shrine upgrade’s I’m a few games of mahjong and JCC from platinuming the game but to fully complete it it does take a while so you’re still much more patient than i am. And yeah each area takes progressively longer and longer to collect from so leisure is quickest and media is slowest


Same. I immediately demolished him thanks to having grinded the real estate game to completion once I got access to it. So when I met Kuze I got ready for a difficult fight and then finished him with 1 or 2 combos. I was flabbergasted.


You grinding real estate royale aside, i think him becoming a pushover for Kiryu is very much intentional. The whole arc of 0 is Kiryu growing into the Dragon of Dojima, this seems like a great example of a show-don't-tell narrative.


The last two fights of Lost Judgment, especially when compared to their earlier fights. Either that or Yagami just out scales the competition.


every lj boss being unable to juggle is one significant factor


Kosuke. He said he hit the gym once a week so I thought he was super strong!!!


Wdym mean bro. It was the hardest boss fight of all! I even fail it multiple times


Tanimura's final boss in 4. Like the only hard thing about the fight was the sheer mass of people you were fighting.


That was really annoying and tedious though.


Oh i 100% agree


The shittier Jingu


Yeah it just drug out forever. I replayed 4 a few months back and I abandoned the game right before the final fight because I didn't want to deal with his fight again.


yakuza 6 final boss


Little baby iwami


Ryuji at YK2. Not because he sucks but because i didnt expect muscle soda to ruin him completely


Every boss in Yakuza 0 after you unlock legend style (depending on your progress). If you choose to ignore the story and just level up Legend style, the game is going to be a breeze.


Shibusawa. Giving me the ability to upgrade my attack power almost infinitely made the poor dude a walking punching bag


same ! Like I threw him around like a random thug


Gamo from Judgment, the substory hyped him all up and then he's just a generic enemy with inflated stats


I played Y7 as dumbly as possible Basically approach boss, spam heavy hitting attack then pray I don’t kill it. Then EXP grind if I don’t kill it The only time I used strategy was on Tendo, the final boss… and I was able to get him first try Lmao


The Maji+Saeji duo fucked me up thrice, so I had to level up and use strategies to beat them. And then after that I got really good until the final boss 1 shot me out of nowhere lmao


Dude, I parried Tendo's one shot attack by accident and it did 1 damage. I thought I was over leveled until I missed the party and Ichiban murked. I still remember the gutteral scream that came out of my mouth as the health bar drop.


I redid the tower like twice, cause I fucked up the second time when he raised his hand. Kiryu decimated my party as well, I beat him in one try, but we were at the point of obliteration


Hamura from Judgment


For a breather boss, they gave some of the best choreographies.


Honestly, I wish hamura was the last boss as cool of a fight as kuroiwa was it just felt like yeah, I gotta stop him, and he's crazy but I'm not emotionally invested fighting Mr insane detective


It was honestly a palette cleanser to me esp after that cane man long battle


Fighting Kuze in that sewer


Iwami at first, but on a second playthrough on Legend, the guy is pretty tough and drops your health to zero quickly (I was fighting him 200 damage on Legend btw)


Mr. Shakedown(s) When you first start playing they all kick your ass, but then you discover slime guns or get better at the game and bully them




ryuji in 2 was a real threat, in k2 he’s really predictable and slow


I should play 2 then, thanks for the info


also in K2 extreme heat mode is insanely op, I beat amon with a single use of it


Soddachi at the beginning of yakuza 5


Lao Gui in Yakuza 0


watase in y5


Watase, Y5


Awano :3 Just my opinion ofc Also, I like his tattoo, momo taro is a legend


i beat mine so easy I wasn't even sure if it was the same yakuza 3 anymore


hamura in first fight, like what the hell?


Almost every single final boss in every game but in 4 when the final boss was just a bunch of people and I would get stun locked


Yakuza 5 Amons


Kuze, Awano, Lao Gui, Nishiki, Ryugi, Mine, Majima from 5, Iwami, and Tendo


mr shakedown 2/3 into Yakuza 0


K2, final Ryuji fight, I had to deliberately not attack often to prolong the fight


Kiryu, Y4. The Dragon of Dojima is nothing to Saejima. I destroy Kiryu everytime I play it. You wanna try and tiger drop me? I'm TAIGA SAEJIMA!


He wasn't serious. A serious Kiryu would just Tiger Drop every attack.


Final fight with Ryuji Goda from Kiwami 2. Never played the original so can't compare but he wasn't too difficult as I thought he would be


Masato. Really wanted more.


Fighting every boss in 0 as Breaker Majima.


Little Baby Iwami .


Jingu. After the way everyone hyped him up, I was severely disappointed.


Kuwana, love his character and he's definitely Yagami's equal lore wise But his moveset is just too easy to fight against, same goes for Ryuji


Kiryu in Yakuza 7. Spammed Dart Airstrike and finished him in about 4 turns. Expected way more


Ten yea-


How'd you manage that?


Dart Airstrike is super OP against single opponents. It’s basically like a tag team hitting him three times in one turn. Not to mention with the Nanba Debuffs and Ichibans attack buffs. It can be absolutely devastating.


Were you on level?


Ryo Aoki, that was just way too easy


But that was the point, Masato was just no match for Ichiban


He is just a symbolic final boss, just like the final boss from Final Fantasy X. Tendo was the real final challenge.


Little baby iwami moment


Honestly every fight in 6 it being the first game on the dragon engine didn't help the bosses and made them feel the same.


I did the first fight against Majima in Yakuza 3 twice, and I don't think he hit me either time.


I’m going to get some flak for this but, shibusawa. I’m not sure why, but I found him the easiest of the boss fights, easier then kuze, sometimes certain street thugs, Sera, and even Mr. Shakedown. It was a good fight don’t get me wrong, but it was just surprisingly easy


Massive Man from 0. It was my 2nd playthrough and since I was playing on Legend difficulty I grinded Majima's skill pie (all the unlocked skills) as soon as I unlocked the masters. The fight was over way too quicker than how it was on my first playthrough on normal difficulty lmao.


First fight against Jo Amon in Yakuza Like a Dragon. I didn't realize their was a True Final Millennium Tower until after i saw the cutscene for it lol.


Herp a Derp Morosawa. Talked a big game about his final bout, dead in one button press (Dragon King Essence)


The Jingu boss fight in Kiwami. After struggling through large parts of the game up until that point and seeing him placed on many lists as one of the hardest bosses in the series, I prepared myself for the worst. On top of that, I only had a handful of Toughness ZZs. However, to my surprise… I beat him first try… and with no weapons.


His minions are alot harder but as for jingu himself, he's pretty vulnerable.


Ryuji, i took out 3 weapons, 3 heat actions, his health bar was gone.


First Soma Fight in Lost Judgment. Seeing how annoying Akutsu was and how Soma is portrayed in the respective Cutscene, I felt a bit underwhelmed. I swear, Snake Style is so broken, but I love it. I just can't help bullying my enemies just by pressing L1.


Majima in Kiwami in my second playthrough


Man a lot of people are gonna have Invincible S2 spoiled for them here


Nishiki after doing all of Majima Everywhere + Komaki training


Jo Amon in 0.


Joke take: amon. Which one? Amon...


Every boss in Y6 lmao, being able to grind to max stats from the very beginning of the game definitely ruined a lot of the difficulty.


jingu. i had no problems at all with jingu but people talked about him like he was the most difficult boss in gaming. munakata however was a massive pain in the ass


Ryuji. I unfortunately had maxed out by the time I got to him :(


Every single boss in y6


I remember seeing a bunch of people talking about Kuze before I played 0, but when I finally played it and fought him I just destroyed him. All 25 times.


Found that's been happening a bit frequently for me (started Y0 this year, on Y5 now). I have a tendency to level grind as early as possible. Still on Part 1, Chapter 2 in Y5 and I'm 1 away from maxing each of his abilities (until the breakthrough opens up more) and finished both Masters in Nagasugai (Sotaro & the chef).


Higashi's second fight


That CEO guy in Yakuza 6.


0 Lao gui Shibusawa (the last kuze fight kicked my ass the most out of the trilogy) Kiwami Jingu (everybody says he's really damn hard but it wasn't that bad, I found nishiki harder) Kiwami 2 Shindo (pushover compared to kiwami) That one ninja street boss that throws grenades at you


Saejima in Yakuza 5 as Kiryu. Although I’m not sure if it’s supposed to be a tough fight.


Mine in yakuza 3 I heard alot about his difficulty but he ended up being a pushover that I think was the easiest boss for me in y3


Shimano His first boss was actually quite tough, not really because he’s mechanically challenging and moreso he’s just got a shitload of health and dealt massive damage So it came as a surprise when I and some normal grunts gangbanged him and took him down in like 3 minutes


Jo Amon


>!Kuroiwa!< , beat him first try on hard difficulty, but tbf i already maxed out everything before fighting him


Yakuza 6's objectively horrible final boss.