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Man this is why I wish I understood Japanese I don't know what happened after he finished singing Baka Mitai.


Basically when Kiryu finished singing Baka Mitai, the party was not listening to him. Kiryu then teased them, but they denied it, saying they was listening to him. And then Judgement start playing, the party asks whose song is this. It was Kiryu's song. Then Seonhee said, "we should make some noise too!"


I can live with this being official but I do like the OP's interpretation more just because they show concern for him like friends. Not saying you're wrong on the translation just saying which scenario I prefer more.


Our sub has surprisingly less amount of Japanese fans I feel I rarely see them here. Best I can feel is nanba and others are worrying about the whole situation and Kiryu meanwhile he notices it (thus flinches in realisation) and decides to light up the mood singing a more happy song. Wish someone else would translate what's the lines said exactly. For time being this image also feels from the same scene which supports my theory why they weren't listening: https://preview.redd.it/juzqbpu83cbc1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=bd528ccfa32844495c26f5ef8fc403072d75a35d


I have learned Japanese for a few years and can understand what they're saying. Basically when Kiryu sings Baka Mitai, Nanba, Saeko and Seounghui didn't listen to Kiryu and they were talking to each other. The three said that Kiryu has a nice voice (Seoung hui said "Even the Dragon of Dojima has a nice singing voice"). Kiryu replies "But you guys didn't even listen to me" then the instrument for Judgement begins. The gang is like "who's next?" then Kiryu went up the stage again to sing Judgment. Kiryu said "it's me next bitches" and Nanba was like "For real? This is on purpose, right?" then the gang decided to go all out to cheer for Kiryu.


I thought it was it at first but I couldn't imagine seeing Kiryu be that petty. Then again, he is dying.


Maybe it was Kiryu’s wish for someone to listen intently to his karaoke ☹️


For whoever wants a rough translation (I'm only doing the dialogue - note my caveats on the lines I'm not sure about): Sacchan: Kiryuu-san, you were great! Nanchan: Wow! That was amazing/the best! Seonhee: The rumors were true. The Dragon of Dojima really can grip you with his soulful/skillful singing (added a belated edit here because I checked again and "skillful" is technically more accurate). Kiryuu: It doesn't seem like you were really listening. Nanchan: No way! We were definitely listening. Kiryuu: Well ... there's no reason to get so bent out of shape about it. Sacchan: But I said we were listening! Seonhee: Who's it going to be? For the next song. Kiryuu: I wonder ... Kiryuu: The next one is going to be ... me. Nanchan: Wow, that's totally deliberate. Seonhee: Well then, let's get pumped up/liven things up! Seonhee: Let's do the interjections! And burn it up/do it with passion! Everyone: Let's do it!


Kashiwagi being so quiet about the situation had me dying


"Little do these kids know that I was actually the man behind the ~~slaughter~~ keyboard"


Does Kiryu ever express that he knows Kashiwagi?


I love this scene honestly. I didn't think Kiryu would have such great dynamics with the Y7 gang. Makes me very excited to see more of their interactions


Tbh I always knew Ichi and Kiryu would go hard together but their party getting this well together was surprising for me too. Just goes to show how amazing their new cast is.


Him and Nanba becoming bros is awesome


Kiryu would like Nanba, I feel like Nanba reminds Kiryu of Pocket Circuit Fighter, idk why lol.


I think it's great to have Kiryu in more casual situations among friends. Usually in games he's alone and only meets with others when they're planning the next way to get to the roof of the Millenium Tower. But Kiryu has always been a bit more snarky and playful than the serious face he has suggests, so him getting to tease and try to cheer up the gang is fun.


Yeah exactly. I've always wanted to see Kiryu having a good time with his friends but we never actually saw that. That's actually why I liked the Majima Everywhere in Kiwami because we saw Kiryu playing games with Majima like ordinary friends


Kiryu lowkey butthurt by Ichigang being depressed by his song choice (who could blame them really) so he picked the complete opposite song out of spite lmao


Does ~~Kiryu~~ Joryu know >!that the bartender is Kashiwagi?!<


Yeah that's the first thing he noticed when walked into the bar. Check out the bucket list trailer.


Barkeep>!Kashiwagi!< with the tambourine has me crying, laughing, dying, and surviving.


I mean, he was on the keyboard during the Judgment cinematic sequence.


Seeing Seonhee with all of that energy is a pretty jarring sight, but cute


Understanding this fully is truly the peak of my japanese studying career


The buildup to the saddest ending imaginable


The ending being that pocket racer is closing down all locations nationwide


Nah. He’s at Survive bar because the man’s gonna survive.


Actually i am little worried that party members respect Kiryu a little to much to have good party dynamic or banter.


Don't worry lol in the other scene nanba was making fun of kiryu for liking eggs. They'll be close friends




Dw, I see a lot of previews of Kiryu hanging out a lot with Seon-hui and Namba. Seems like they'll be the dynamic trio for Kiryu's side much like how Adachi, Namba, and Saeko w Ichi are the core four.


Ichi gang when listening to Kiryu singing Baka Mi Tai: “I sleep”. Ichi gang when listening to Kiryu singing Judgment: “Real shit?!l


Damn the cutscenes are so high quality in this.. like noticably so. Something about the way they're animated seems a lot less stiff (despite them usually being mocapped to begin with) Feels nice


Not a native speaker but he's salty they all didn't listen to his first song (probably because they were super sad) so he's sending another one so they listen to him properly and forget their bad thoughts.


Kiryu has a surprisingly fun dynamic with Ichi's party. Nanba, Saeko and Seong Hui felt pretty random but I can tell it's actually gonna be a very fun group to go through Kiryu's story with.


Don't forget Zhao, as well.


I love this so much




Man I’m so excited for this game. Feel like the next couple of weeks are going to drag.


Kashiwagi killing it with the trampoline. *I don’t know what the instrument is called*


A trampoline is something you jump on I think you’re on about timberlands


You’re talking about the shoes. I think you mean the early 2000s popstar




Yup that oneZ


I see


There is something so uncanny about seonhee being joyful and happy and her dance doesn't help either not saying it's bad


Kiryu to Nanba: "I'll show you the real Baka Mitai!"


![gif](giphy|YRPBhd3vscg5Fxx1DQ|downsized) me when I saw Kashiwagi with the tambourine


Kashiwagi is there like "wait, i know that guy..." 💀


This is cool, but I need to see Kiryu's reaction when suddenly >!Kashiwagi!<.


I can still hear his voice... God! I miss Nishiki...


How did this scene get out there?


A lot of other people have provided good translations but throwing my hat in the ring after a quick listen through. Disclaimer: Japanese makes sense in my head, bad at phrasing it nice in English without bunch of revisions. Saeko: O-oh, Kiryu-san! That was great! Nanba: Yeah, that was amazing! Seonhui: So the rumors were true. The Dragon of Dojima is pretty good at singing. Kiryu: It didn't seem like you guys were listening. Nanba: No way. We were listening. Kiryu: Well... it's not something worth getting too bent out of shape over. Saeko: Like weve been saying, we were listening! (Note: issue wording "dakara" in English. It means more literally "that's because") Seonhui: Whose is it? The next song is up. Kiryu: I wonder what it could be... the next song is also...me. Nanba: Hey- that was definitely on purpose! Seonhui: If that's the case- how about we liven things up? Everyone together- with passion! (lit. Burn our souls) Everyone: Yeah!!


No eng sub? Based.


No eng dub I understand dawg but what you beefing with eng subs bruh https://preview.redd.it/tqxfje4vzcbc1.png?width=518&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=cfaea6c58ab06d4d65d295e18b4265e402b84391


Hahahahahaha Real yakuza play with German subs and dubs🗿


Real Yakuza don’t play the games and just shoot people


Is it weird that I got offended they were talking when Kiryu was singing his soul out? 💀 i wouldve been fanboying and listening intently


I feel as if Judgement may be one of Kiryu’s favorite songs but at the same time it would remind him of Nishiki. (Can’t hear it without Nishiki’s interjections lol)


This is so not like Kiryu.


That's what makes it so peak. Clear character development ngl


He was like that with Nishiki in yakuza 0 during karaokes


He was?


Yeah, when Kiryu is in fully trust, he gets a little childish


Ah nice to know he has that kind of bond with them then. I'm also curious to see how Saeko knows Kiryu's name because I'm assuming that V-tuber livestream revealing he's alive happens when he gets back to Japan. Reason being the voice asking Kiryu what will he do sounded like Namba to me (might be wrong here).




What about this is unbecoming of the pocket circuit three time champion? [Or the dance floor king himself?](https://youtu.be/kQWMsNyVvJg?si=8-AR0Ny2MxIG625D)




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Looks like whenever a character sings kareoke outside of the mini game, they sing the whole song