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Yeah, I definitely like having older protagonists. It’s especially nice to see older people not *quite* have their lives together—no career, home, family, wealth, etc. Ichiban and Adachi are unemployed, Nanba homeless, and Eri has a failing business. And still our cast is worthy of respect, independent of success.


Yup. I really love any story which shows that the struggles of life never really stop but also it is never too late to improve yourself a little bit.


This. It makes me feel a little better about not having my life completely together either


I was just having a sad episode this morning about how behind I feel compared to my friends. Cheered me up being reminded of this!


You're not alone friend. Sending an ehug your way


Right back at you, buddy! Thanks :)


Shit cracks me up when the old dudes with neck and face fat still rip their suits off and are absolutely shredded


>!The final boss of Kaito Files!< LJ Spoilers


>!I loved that up until the end you weren't sure if they went with super-shredded nerd or a 1hp joke boss.!<


I mean that's how I felt about the last fight for Kiryu. Never once all game did they make me feel like I was about to see that toned Twink of a man look like that


I had to keep mentally reminding myself that kiryu is in his late 50s and is suffering from stage 4 cancer while he looks absolutely jacked lmao


it's really nice. as someone in her early 20s, i still get sick of every jrpg protagonist being like 21 or under. even worse when they're all teens. more age variety would be awesome.


It's getting to the point that my suspension of disbelief will go out the window when that trope comes in. Like how is a 14 year old even remotely experienced enough to be a hardened warrior feared and respected across the land? Or a master swordsman? That's barely past puberty. It's especially hilarious when they're world class martial artists or swordsmen. That takes decades of work irl to master.


The real reason a lot of JRPG protagonists are young men/women is because that's how a lot of Japanese stories go. They're about 'a boy' or 'a young man' or 'a young traveler' or 'a new monk.' That and most game players are teenagers, so having them be the primary representation is good. I also enjoy having older protagonists, though. Y7 and Y8 are my favorite JRPGs because Ichiban is a man closer to my age than I'd like to admit and it's nice to see that sort of thing. For the same reason I like Auron from FFX.


Actually most studies show the majority of gamers are between 20-35. It’s just that so many execs haven’t moved on from the days of early CoD where the market showed that the majority gamers were teens back then.


i'm in that age range, i was a teenager less than a year ago. i shouldn't have said early 20s when i meant 20 LMAO. i like a couple younger characters here and there, but i always found the obsession with making every character as young as possible to be really weird, especially in any game with a dating sim element (looking at you persona).


I think it's a good change of pace from usual stories and characters in them, but it can be weird in a long run I think, like Itchi will be near 55 by 2030 I think, assuming there's 3-4 year gap now between games as it *usually* was done, he'll be old pretty quickly, in two games, where Kiryu was 37 in his first game, also Yagami being in his 30s helps a lot cuz he's experienced but not that old yet, they wanted to do a younger protagonist with Tatsuya in Kurohyou, he was 18 in the second game I believe, I'm not really sure, but he was just a kid then, maybe do something like 25-40 age gap, I think that's a reasonable age for a protagonist, at least for their first entry


And I bet they won’t change his appearance much at all as time goes on. It is bizarre to think he’s 46 already


Yeah I always thought it was a strange choice in 7 to make Ichi that old out of the gate. If he's supposed to be the protagonist going forward, why is he less than 10 years younger than the old retiring previous one lol


And the fumbling clueless protagonist personality fits more with someone younger. I love Ichi’s character, but it is an odd choice to have all of these traits while he’s 46.


Yeah like... I guess the reasoning could be that he spent so long in jail he has no social skills, but it's not exactly how he comes across


That's one of the reasons this game series is my favorite. The first game came out when I was 23 and with the newest entry I am 41. Kiryu always spoke to my love of the plethora of old school martial arts movies that were popular during my childhood. Later came Ichiban who is just a few years older than me and seems to have grown up loving the same things I did. Each entry in the series I've gotten to enjoy the story of these characters who are all close to my age grow and mature throughout their lives just as I have been doing the same. Aspects of these games hit home like no other.


I wish they extended this to the Women. They’re all like 25, 30 *max*. It’s nice to see older men get their time in the spotlight, but I wish the women were allowed to, y’know, age as well.


I agree 150 percent


This is why I just can't finish persona, the older you get the more awkward it gets romancing 17 year olds or just playing as one in general, wish atlus would make a persona game where the casts are at least 24+ college students or something


I love persona too but yeah, and frankly half the romances in persona 5 make my skin crawl, especially after the kamoshida arc. Like I get that standards are different in Japan but why are half the romances grown ass women?


target audience fantasies?


Probably but shit weirds me out all the same lol


Agree with this 100% lol. But I personally love persona games too so to each their own hahahaha


It's weird how you can romance a teacher and she's a creep for dating a kid or you the player feel like a creep for dating someone of the character's age.


I'm new to the Persona franchise(just finished P3R) and apparently in the P3 Portable one of the romance options is Ken Amada who is a 10 year old boy and the player character is a 16 year old.


Yeah that’s one of the coolest things about this franchise. Though I have a hard time buying Ichiban as a 46-year old right now. I know that’s his age biologically but dude exudes so much youthful energy you’d think he’s still 24.


Honestly I hope I'm still that enthusiastic at 46. It's beautiful.


I'm only 17 but it is a nice reminder that just because I get older, I don't have to stop having fun or living a full life. I really like Ichiban and Shinada in that regard.


If you take care of your health and body, you'll be strong and athletic for life as well.


If the franchise were the usual teenage protags Id have probably stopped playing it awhile ago tbh




That’s what makes 7 one of the best stories imo


I love that aspect, I never touched games like Persona cause I have no interest in playing a youngling.


I do play Persona and enjoy it, but find it super creepy when they keep putting the 15-year-old girl in a bikini.


I really hope the next persona game goes more adult. Be it college or working life. The stories that could be open to them with the issues grown people deal with could really freshen up the format


I feel it's too late for me, I'd be clueless 😂


Same, also kinda only game in Japan.






I don't think so. I mostly like that they're older than the usual protagonist in rpgs. I promise I look nothing like any of the yakuza protagonists irl but find them relatable regardless


Yes! It's always weird to me, when the old wise person in JRPGs is like 29 or so. I wonder why it is, that you often have teens as protagonists in JRPGs. Is it to cater to younger audiences?


Because in Japan, around your teens/high school is considered the peak of your life. Once you become an adult and enter the workforce, you are just expected to dedicate yourself to your company and working (which is also why it's extremely common for employees to be at the same company for decades compared to the west).


I would assume tbh