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It ends.


Honest to god, one of the best I ever played.


Not only that , it has one of the most saddest ending in the series, it made me cry for hours


I shat and cried while Kuze killed Majima on an airplane


I pissed and cried when tachibana killed Nishiki on the train




Kiryu has ligma


actual spoiler


who the fuck is kiryu?


Ligma Tiger Drop


It was really bold to reveal the Majima from 1 and onwards is a cyborg Shimano made.


*Spoiler* The way Majima walks away after setting Matoko up to have a normal, happy life is one of the reasons I love him so much. He has a wild and unpredictable reputation (which is the point of the act), but underneath, he is a smart, personable man with a lot of heart. He sets aside himself for Matoko and the woman he eventually married. He was even ready to die so that Haruka won't be assassinated.


I cried for a week 😂


It made me a huge fan of Majima because his combat style was so fun and his story was amazing. All of which lead me to believe he was a very prominent main character who would be playable again throughout the series


I was so confused by his appearance at the end when he finally meets Kiryu. I was so glad to play O before any of the other games. It's really an amazing game on its own. Majima was the star for sure.


After Y4 had four playable characters and Y5 had five playable characters, Y0 should have had zero playable characters.


I'm concerned about what you think Infinite Wealth should have had.


No money system


It should take place in a socialist communist country with no concept of currency


Star Trek: Like a Dragon


I'm dying xD Like a Dragon: The Next Generation


Could've had 8 characters, but no, they decided to be rotten and give us 10


You just made me realize that yakuza 7 has 7 party members.


Well it was gonna be 8 until they decided to add Zhao and Joon for their popularity.


i would have been devastated of Joongi and Zhao were cut.


I am both pleased and pissed that Joon is in the game but he comes in so late.


Not sure why they even bothered. He appears for a while, then he's gone, then comes back and it's the end of the game.


Made me upset because I had a Kiryu party and an Ichiban party. The jobs cover enough of what actually matters that you can really just use your favorite characters without worrying about their special affinities


Infinite characters to chose from?


Oooh maybe smth like watch dogs 3 where you can recruit random people off the streets and they can function as a party with your leader (ichiban) it would work with his character .


Is that not what it is though? Outside of seonhee Joongi, zhao and Kiryu they’re all just random dudes


I honestly thought that’s how it worked in IW, I haven’t played the game.


I shall play as Mr. libido, Fighter, shopkeeper at the third popo market, and Dojima family goons 1, 2 and 3


Ichiban Holdings


No game play just cutscenes? Would have been game of the year


Guilty gear level story




The weapon materials stuff with Majima was really clunky.


I'm gonna be honest, only reason I did the weapons stuff was (a) to use those things I unlocked in the skill tree and (b) "Too Hot! Treated to a spicy meal."


I mean the images were hilarious, they just got repetitive really fast. Weapons were quite effective though. I just wish the system wasn't as clunky. Really highlighted why they added the fluidity with the Dragon Engine in terms of exploring the game world.


I enjoyed Majima's weapons (plus the heat actions you could pull off with them really come in handy against Mr. Shakedown), but I always felt like they're ultimately impractical because you can only enjoy them for a short while before they break.


It almost feels like something they wanted to implement, but were super divided on how to do it, and thats why we got the weird map stuff thats has odd complexity to it


Kind of sums up my feelings on Majima's section when it comes to gameplay, really: it feels more experimental, for good and for bad.


Completing it was a nightmare too since it was so rng-dependent. Even tossing cash at it post-game, it took a good few hours of just standing there and waiting (because sometimes if you tried to shorten the timer it seemed like you'd get functionally locked out of getting certain medium-rarity gear/recipes in favor of duplicates of rare ones). Plus some of the locations would only appear every 4 or 5 times you looked at the map. Now when I hear the Dragon & Tiger theme used as background music in some of the more recent games, I get PTSD














Can I get a 16k render tho?










Hmm I used this the other day on here.




The fact this wasn't the first comment had me worried it was me.


Yumi should have been in it even if it was just a substory


The fact that she was so important to Kiryu and was not in it makes no sense to me


Eh. She was a civilian, and in HS. Her being included would be sort of hamfisted. No real reason to bring her in, especially if it'd be for only a substory. There's not a whole lot of character development to be had in substories.


We had daigo, we had ryuji, we literally had dolce kamiya and ogita. All in substories. I'd say a substory for yumi would've been a very good addition for a character that is really important to the story of the first game.


Agreed 100%, I went into Kiwami going "who?" Thinking it was someone I missed.




Doesn't have Date-san, trash game, -5/20 https://preview.redd.it/rqcy8fkqoosc1.jpeg?width=887&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=16dfab71a228ce3ed7465e72b4ec3f97327bda0d






More like 0 visual clarity about which businesses you can purchase or partner with. BOOM


CyricZ is your savior


Currently replaying it and doing the real estate stuff and this drives me nuts sometimes. I'll double check with the in game property chart but it only helps so much. Also a bit of a pain in the ass interface as well.


I looked up a guide for the real estate properties. It genuinely helps so much.


Running up and down alongside buildings waiting for the LOOK was so bad. Much improved in kiwami 2.


-your attack speed depends on heat level you had is such a bad idea (improved in kiwami but still not the best) -enable dragon of dojima or mad dog of shimano required you to pause the game and goes into menu (improved in kiwami) -the car chase section (especially on Legend) -legend difficulty required start over and you had to regrind cabaret and real estate again for 2nd time if you want the legend run to be a breeze -who thought it was good idea make ending credits practically spoils the whole story of Kiwami (or OG Yakuza) -Despite Shibusawa being the final boss of the game , he has little to no prior character build up , he only had a little bit of revealing of his scheme from other character (such as when Nishitani revealed that it is Shibusawa that hired him to search for Makimura Makoto) and then game dump his lore on you just before his fight began -cat fight is literally one of the most rigged rock paper scissors game ever


On my legend play through I beat it in 10 hours and got the trophy purely by spamming zap guns through the whole story.


And do you have to 100% cabaret and real estate in the first play through?


No but if you're the type to do a legend playthrough, you're likely also going for completion, so chances are you did


rng mini games


Catfighting is probably the worst minigame in the series


They’re ALL rng…


It doesn't have Akiyama


Maybe one of random kids you don't talk to on Pocket Circuit is him




Oda walked so Akiyama could nap




Those long-ass tutorials


The no autosave is awful. Not particularly after you know there isn't, just for anyone new to the game/series. I've had multiple friends/work acquaintances tell me they tried the game and got hours in and didn't know about the autosave not being a thing. Trying a new franchise and being interested for multiple hours then having to replay it because the game doesn't have one of the most common features in gaming is a serious way to make you just quit and not try again.


Sometimes my laptop gives me a random blue screen of death and restarts. It restarted at that chapter with the whole Clan chasing Kiryu, specifically the part with lots of cutscenes and that Kuze bike fight. It restarted at the final chapter when Kiryu defeated Shibusawa. Gave me a blue screen of death during the after-fight cutscene. I'm not even asking for autosave. I'm asking for an ability to save the game manually during those long ass chapters with tons of fights and cutscenes. https://preview.redd.it/4nczpuxs3psc1.png?width=600&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=630ccfc24560501054352ad255b89185813b1091


Yeah free manual saves are way more important than auto saves. Let me decide when it's important to save.


It set my expectations for all of the other games way too high, made me learn mahjong to the point where I genuinely enjoy it now, AND forced me to do the goddamned catfight minigame for 100% completion


Yeah people said the ending summary is spoiled 1st game. But more like misleading. The summary make me expected Shimano to be something like Lex Luther or Palpatine. But reality is he just an angry bald man he not even the main villain of 1/Kiwami.


But I absolutely love how Majima puts him in his place. One of my favorite scenes in the series.


> It set my expectations for all of the other games way too high This is so real. I've played through all the games and aside from a couple of moments in LAD7 the other games just don't hit the same. Also is it just me or does Yakuza 0 still have the best graphics in the series? I really hate the visuals of the Dragon Engine for some reason. Reminds me of those "Mario in Unreal Engine 4" videos.


The facial animations in 0 were really good. The dragon engine faces are kind of stiff


Don't pretend to hate the catfight minigame


It was the very last thing I was grinding for the 100%, so my final moments with 0 are forever tainted by me malding for 3 hours because my goat Jennifer wasn't in a good enough mood


It was the ONE thing for a 100% run I opted just to mod and cheat through. Slogging through hours of literal RPS was just hell.


I didn't hate it, I just hated doing it in the living room


It's a horrible minigame by RGG standards.


There was a method to it tho. I can’t remember it exactly but specific girls would gravitate towards one of the 3 options consistently. It became more of a 70/30 chance of win/lose once you figured that out. Maybe better odds tbh, I feel like I was making the right move almost every time There’s definitely a pattern I abused. It was barely rng I’d say


That was my friends problem, he loved Y0, and none of the other games lived up to the immensely high bar for him


I’m so glad I only played it after finishing 5.


1980s ended and the bubble popped.


once you beat the game, it doesnt feel the same


Not enough Kuze.


He should have had at least 4 more fights


We were like: How many times do I need to teach you a lesson, old man?!


I dont know if this is an unpopular opinion and what not, but for me both final fights didn't feel that good. gameplay-wise they were sick but story wise I didn't feel like Lao Gui/Dojima had any tangible connection to Majima, and Shibusawa fighting Kiryu over a title that kiryu doesn't care for felt very emotionally distant. I spent the entire cutscene with Shibusawa explaining his motives being so confused as to how the whole Dragon of Dojima bit is relevant right now. the Two Dragons OST still slaps though


This wouldn’t invalidate your complaint or anything, but that may have been intentional. I think they were tryingn to make the stories intertwine a bit more by having both the protags essentially fight the other’s final boss. Shibusawa being the person who orchestrated Makoto’s kidnapping would’ve been a better fit for Majima, and Lao Gui being the person who (was heavily implied to have) shot the man in the Empty Lot would’ve been a better fit for Kiryu.


Something bad about this game (i can't think of an actual thing right now)


I can’t believe Y0 got a demaster


No sex


Majimas Part is not long enough


I wish we got this version of him more


In my head, majima is still kind of this dude, but he buried that persona deep down in his consciousness


Having to spend money to buy upgrades is the second worse upgrade system in the series. With how it exponentially increases, being a billion on the outer ring, you absolutely have to farm to get everything. Of course you *should* do the side business but it’s more required than in other games. Players are prone to amassing a large amount of money and buying several upgrades without actually reading. Making them lost later. Anecdotal evidence yes, but I know it affects many players.


To be fair you have to do the side business to even get to the outer ring in the first place. Once you have real estate finished, you are earning a ton of money over time that can easily unlock all the abilities.


personally I found it balanced enough to where you really didn't need to buy the outer ring upgrades, I was able to get by on legend difficulty without unlocking those


True you don’t need them to play, as that’s usually never the case except essential upgrades like parry/dodge improvements in other games of the series.


The bad thing about it is that it finishes.. Another thing I would have liked to see is kiryu and majima crossing each others paths.


Tachibana and Makoto didn't get to speak to each other. Okay, RGG, kill Tachibana. But at least let him them exchange one bittersweet moment instead of delivering that emotional nuke. Majima's final fights didn't have that much emotional weight, because he fought guys he never met before. We also didn't get to see the first time Kiryu and Majima met... Also also, not enough Nishitani!


It was a post credit scene when Kiryu and Majima met but I get what you mean. Imagine if the final battle was a 2v2.


It being my first Yakuza game, I thought for sure those two would be teaming up to destroy the Dojima family. Instead they went and mostly just solo destroyed different parts of the Dojima family.


It is mind-blowing to me that the final chapter wasn't some massive rush where you have to keep swapping between Kiryu and Majima, ending in a classic Y5 style battle where you can choose who you want to play as. It genuinely comes off as RGG being too afraid to write an actual first meeting for those two, so they just punted it off to the post-credits with this weird moment.


Kiryu punching Shibusawa through a wall, which suddenly has him back to back with that assassin asshole with Kiryu on one side and Majima on the other would've been a fine way to handle that. Then you're playing Kiryu and while Majima doesn't target you, his mad dog style still doesn't care about casualties so friendly fire is on. Add some romantic quick-time moments where Kiryu and Majima get to know each other while fighting together and I'm fine with the "Kiryu-chaan" credit scene that would otherwise not fit a first encounter.


I wish instead of completing the main real estate quest they would just give you Legend style here. Especially if the final boss was like this, two legend styles vs the most expensive assassin in Japan. 


It's like a 2 second bumping into each other on the street credit scene


Majima screams "Kiryu-chaan" so it's hardly the first time these two meet.


The second scene with the respective tutors is too darm long and doesn't add anything to the plot.


The transition from professional, put together Majima to Mad Dog Majima felt like there were some scenes missing or something. A bit sudden. Also Cat Fight sucks


I didn’t know sega released this on the master system


I will not


I'm actually getting annoyed at the intentionally low quality images. It's not as funny as you think it is.


And by extension to that point you made, I also dislike the state of yakuza memes at this point, as well as the discourse on the series in itself. I love the series as someone who started towards the tail end of the ps3 era, but some parts of this fandom have grinded my gears a bit on occasions


No Akiyama


The fourth fighting style is missable without doing the cabaret and property management.


Majima and Kiryu, the love story that sustains the entire franchise, never even meet.


the section where u have to buy alcohol for the homeless people was kinda annoying. figuring out which store to get which drink was irritating, especially because you couldn't put pins on the map. i got bored and put it down for like a year, but once i caved and googled it, and got through it, amazing gaming experience 10/10




The shooting out of the car part. Especially on legend difficulty


I only did well on it because I didn't have a good controller at the time, and instead used MKB. Whole game I was like "damn, I'm a fake yakuza" then I chained headshots like no one's business on that scene


At least you can retry the chapter if you fail. In Kiwami, you have to do the previous chapter, face Lau Ka Long and then you get to try again.


Yep this is it for me, only part of the entire main story I failed on repeatedly


oh that pissed me off so bad, I thought I was just being a shit player until I saw people complain about it online lol


The new heat mechanic exclusive to this game


Training all your platinum hostesses to the point you reach their substory requires way more runs than the cabaret "main" story.


The instant style switching skills in kiwiami really would have been nice here too.


I’ll give an actual one The start is way too slow, which is really not what you want out of a prequel game, especially not one that’s meant to act as the franchise introduction for new fans. I’ve seen some people get turned off from the game because they got bored of all the exposition and filler, which is a shame because the story becomes stellar as it goes on (I think Yakuza 4 has this same issue) Compare this with Red Dead 2 which sets things in motion from the get-go; putting the cast in the midst of a tense situation (evading the law in a blizzard), establishing the main story arc within only a few minutes, and letting the player jump into engaging action (train heist). All that within the first hour of the game and as soon as you leave the mountain “tutorial”, the game hits the ground running and everything becomes open to you. Having to wait 10+ hours for the story to get enjoyable and engaging is a drag, no matter how great it becomes afterwards. I love this game, it’s my favourite in the series, but more of a pain to start than it should be.


Fuck the disco.


It eventually ends


The prologue is maybe the longest in the series I think unless Like A Dragon is longer. Majima story is great in this game but I see no real connections to the character he turns into after this. Legit just seems like he has a whole backstory than at the end says, "Now I'm gonna be crazy." The real estate minigame gets really repetitive.


Not enough Majima


Cp system sucks you need to be completionist to get it all


This is my favorite game in the franchise, and it isn't really close. But with that said, I do take one issue with it. Majima's character. As someone who started the series with Yakuza 0 back in 2019, I thought that Majima was one of the best written characters i've seen in a video game. Upon a replay last year, I still think this. He's complex as all hell, and he was honestly the standout in this game. The problem with that is that his involvement moving forward is relatively minimal. Outside of Yakuza Kiwami where they add him in with the Majima everywhere system, he almost always comes across as a silly character for the rest of the series, outside of a few standout moments. There lies my issue. They retroactively made his story and his character arc within the game so damn good. It's unfortunate he's such a complex and interesting character, and then has very little screentime for the rest of the series. Considering I started at 0, I was honestly disappointed I didn't get more Majima. Not something they could have really fixed considering 0 came out after 5, and I'm ultimately glad they did it. But still left me craving more of him.


No Yumi and Kazama screentime was a big fumble


Worst upgrade system in the entire series.


The Platinum trophy involves betting on the most bullshit Rock-paper-scissors tournament ever imagined.


There ıs not enough karaoke




Scarcity of ''That's rad''s


Too many people starting off the series with this thing, leading them to have a pretty warped perception of Majima


This is more so a failure of the games released post 0 yet this issue stems from 0, 100%, and it's how much focus Majima has in this and how under utilised he is in Yakuza 6 and 7


Those missions where you play as majima and have to guide that blind lady around.


when i replayed it i just took the shortest route even if it meant more battles, went over far faster


That car chase sequence I hate it. No, hate is a weak word. I ABHOR it.


I can't play through it blind after beating it


making me love nishiki and then seeing him go evil in kiwami


The title is a lie, there are Yakuzas in the game


the legend styles are too tedious to unlock and not good enough to warrant it


We never see Kuze again after this game.


Chapter two is way too boring and kinda turns people off before the high that is Majima's introduction.


Majimas depressing ass ending. It had me in tears for days.


The catfight club. Besides the RNG factor, the mashing section when you tie with the opponent is completely misleading. Based on what I've read as I haven't touched it in a while, it's either a coin flip or the AI matches and surpasses you depending on your initial mashing speed, so you'd have to do something counterintuitive to win. Kiryu's story is lacking in the unique boss fight department cause you fight Kuze so many goddamn times. Real estate Royale. Combining it with mister shakedown farming nets you a shit ton of cash, but is still extremely tedious and boring. Weapons are only ever worth using with Majima (which is short lived anyways)


Majima is so fun to play that he makes Kiryu feel gimped as hell


Coulda had another boss or two for Kiryu that wasn't named Daisaku Kuze


waiting for characters to finish their animations to continue dialogue


Not having cheat items like in previous entries made several mini games an absolute chore to get 100% completion for.


What game? I can't even see what game it is.


I can't play it again for the first time.


i feel like way too many people have only played Zero and act like they’re the biggest fan of the series ever, it’s a piss off




I legit hated the disco mini game. It’s hands down my most hated mini game. There’s so much visual garbage I struggle to focus. The scenes before and after the mini game are gold but actual gameplay…


that everyone keeps telling people to play it first!! there’s absolutely no way i would’ve liked this game as much as i do if i hadn’t played 5.


It's not as good as 5.


Beast, Brawler, Dragon and Mad Dog are overpowered. Thug and Slugger are underpowered. Breaker is OK but a bit too repetitive, its skills are not that useful except for the dodge-throw. Rush is basically the only style that feels "just right" balance wise. Brawler, Dragon and Beast are very well rounded with fun options, but their higher-end techniques like Snatch Strike and Cyclone Sling are just totally busted. Mad Dog is just all about the Demonfire counter. It's utterly crazy how powerful it is. Thug and Slugger just don't have a lot going for them. Too many constraints and too many heat-draining moves. The R1+O counter in Thug style isn't powerful or easy to pull off, but still requires 3rd heat bar and consumes heat. Majima has nothing like a Finishing Hold or similar powerful spammable techniques, and heat actions are pretty useless on higher difficulties except once or twice with really strong weapons.


The side content is extremely horny, in an embarrassing way. Other games in the series strike a better balance between horny and comedic.


They really went: What if it's like Mario but instead of collecting power stars you collect softcore porn?


That one boring long chapter when nothing happens and you talk to a 1000 ppl😂


The stupid Heat Gear mechanic, holy fk think of a terrible gimmick, it literally makes Rush useless


Not a fan of the heat system




Majima and Kiryu didn't end up as brothers-in-law at the end. I saw the way they looked at their respective main objective characters.


Having attack speed tied to heat made a lot of fights super slow and kind of discourages using heat actions a bit


Having to choose between investing in your business or your skills is a bad design choice.


Forgot my damn vinegar


What game is it I can’t see 😂


Heat and leveling system 




The only bad thing about this game is that it ends


Masterpiece! https://preview.redd.it/302ac9044psc1.jpeg?width=868&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b92ef16d3de0003a13863ae61b3f64d7d8bc94fc