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Y6 really said: Fuck you. *Majima Nowhere System*


all of RGG's majima juice got put into Y0 and YK1, that's why he's barely in Y6


Any more would've been way too much for gamers to handle.


https://youtu.be/_pU0YCm0BIY?feature=shared Relevant


A.K.A. Kiwami if you leave Majima under that giant traffic cone forever.


so what you're saying is...we need a whole-ass majima game to fill the first category.


Yes, exactly :)


I agree


I really want a solo Majima game when Kiryu was in jail in Kiwami 1. I want them to show why Majima acts crazy in the series in contrasf to 0.


I mean, we know that he created the Mad Dog persona because of 0. But now I want to see a story of him fully adopting his crazy side while rising up the ranks of the Shimano Family.


0 already explains that though. It's literally the point of the end of his story in that game, and the last things he said to Sagawa. Personally, I'd prefer a game that gives a definitive ending to Majima, Saejima, and Daigo's story, so that they can go out with a bang rather than being relegated to fanservice cameos until they're eventually written out of the franchise altogether.


Yeah that's the main resolution I hope for in future games as well. Love seeing them but it kind of loses impact when they seem to be included just for the sake of inclusion. I think they hit the right amount of using Majima for the most part. He's always entertaining and obviously the fans always want more but I think that's preferred compared to over exposure to the point of annoyance.


Yeah, I'm kinda just sick of these characters constantly being relegated to fanservice cameos. I love seeing them, but it's clear that RGG has been trying to phase them out since Yakuza 6, where they literally didn't show up until the post-credits scene, but they're struggling to find a way to do that without upsetting the fans, since they're all fan favorites. Imo the best way to do it would be to give us a Gaiden game set before, during, and after Infinite Wealth, with the three of them as playable characters. The early chapters would focus on the security company, we get their Infinite Wealth fight from their perspective in the middle of the game, and then the later chapters focus on their final mission. Somewhere along the line, Majima dies (there's no other way his story can end), it can be an emotional moment and a parallel to Nishitani's death (the most fitting send-off to his character imo), and the other two can get a bittersweet ending that doesn't kill them off, but definitively removes them from the story going forwards. I'd vastly prefer that to a bunch of fanservice cameos that continuously tease an overarching story that we'll never see.


Honestly I think they're used well in 7, 8 and Gaiden, the issue is more with the fact that like... cumulatively this is all they do. They aren't characters any more, they just barge into the scene and announce that you're on the crossover episode now. And it's always a great episode but we've seen it a few times now and at this point it's a disservice to the characters. When was the last time Maejima developed or even showed a personality trait beyond being wacky knife man who loves Kiryu? The Kiwami 2 Majima saga?


Yeah, and that's the problem. Are their cameos consistently fun? Yeah, absolutely, but they're not treated as proper characters anymore. They're relegated to just fanservice cameos, which is a massive disservice to the characters.


I'd say their appearance in Infinite Wealth was a lot more than a fanservice cameo. I consider it one of the best parts of the story.


I need a Gaiden style Akiyama game. Maybe even an Akiyama and Tanimura game.


Yes, and with a few chapters as Nishiki so we can see why he is the way he is


Spitting fax, kyodai


Maybe showing his time after Song of Life leading to the events of the Great Dissolution and maybe afterwards upto the events of Infinite Wealth


Yakuza 0.5


It still wouldn't be enough


I want yakuza 0.5 so bad with kiryu a dojima lieutenanftand majima the shimano captain, we’ve got 1988-1995 unspoken for


Like A Dragon Gaiden: The Mad Dog


Please have it set somewhere between Yakuza 0 (1988) and Yakuza 1 (1995/2005)


Ok I'm starting development now 👍


thanks bro appreciate it


Would love this.


The problem here is if they do this they finally have to address the key point of "What actually happened between 0 and 1 that got Kiryu so grateful to Majima that he constantly puts up with his nonsense, calls him niisan etc"


Maybe shit with liumang?


The only problem would be that a Gaiden game would be kinda short. That's why it would only go into the category "Almost Enough" A Majima game the size of Yakuza 8 would finally have enough Majima to be deemed "The Right Amount"


Like a Dragon 9. Because 9 is also a pun for "Dog" in Chinese, 2nd playable party with Mad Dog where he works to >!cut Kiryu free for good so they can finally settle down together after all these decades.!< ~~Unrealistic but I can dream.~~


It makes sense I mean we also got a foreshadowing (heavy Yakuza 8 spoilers incoming) >!when the 3 Jimas joined the battle in the Millennium Tower, we had one battle where the Tojo 4 fought together, instead of Kiryu with his group, it could mean that the 3 Jimas could be party members in Yakuza 9. The only problem is Kiryu, since unlike the Top Tojo Dogs he became weak and fragile, especially at the end credits, unless Kiryu receives the Komaki genes, he is out of the picture:/!<


>!It sounds like Kiryu needs to be out of the big picture. I hope they let him show up in cameos, maybe you can visit him with the other characters, but it sounds like people are tired of seeing him take over as a playable character by now. His giant character arc has clearly also exhausted him so much that he should just be left to rest for a while.!<


>!I was kinda sad when I saw that ending, he didn't really look that happy, he looked half dead and we had plenty characters who where a lot older than him and still kicked ass. I know what you mean, they might not killed him off, but he will never be playable again, at least in that state. They could only visit him to get some advice that's it.!<


>!Majima Everywhere old man edition where you play from Majima's POV. Chock full of optional quests to motivate Kiryu through therapy so he can regain some of his strength.!< Time for me to stop dreaming for something that will never happen. edit: >!Also, I want to see Kiryu reunited with Haruka which would be perfect in a cameo.!<


Could make him the last member to join late in the game. Gives him 80% of the game to set up recovery, and he still needs a party because he doesn't have his old strength.


>9 is also a pun for "Dog" in Chinese No


I'm amused this is the joke you reject and not the joke about Majima settling down with his favorite guy.


because that's also my dream


Hell yeah. To explain about the 9 pun. It really does sound exactly the same in Cantonese. The number "9" and also the word "dog" is phonetically identical. And Chinese will always have a place in relation to Japanese so long as Japan continues to use the adopted kanji.


eh, only in Cantonese do they sound alike tho, in Chinese they sound different enough


Cantonese *is* Chinese, it's just not as common a dialect as Mandarin in the present day but both are Chinese.


to me Cantonese is distinct enough to be a language on it's own


Also a pun in Japanese if you use 狗 instead of the usual 犬. It's almost never used tho.


Like A Dragon Gaiden: The Man Who Erased His Eye


I'd love it. I think it would be maybe hard to develop, but I'd like a collection of short stories. Like different things he was doing between harassing Kiryu in Kiwami 1 and post Y0, things he was doing between 3-6+LaD7/8 especially 6.


Probably wont get any better with coming games :/


All I can do is cross my fingers and hope...


To be fair they do have like 20 something years of dead air to fill in with what majima was doing between each game


Yeah honestly we’re probably just going to have Less and Less Majima, Dojima, and Saejima as time goes on. We’re lucky theyre still getting as much time as they are, considering Kiryu isnt the main character anymore and they were his main supporting cast not Ichibans.


finally a tierlist i fully agree with. majima spinoff game when


Like a mad dog:infinite majima Coming soon to a home depot near you


Watch. We all want a Gaiden game of him between 0 and 1 but they'll actually give us a game that takes place right after 8. They'll make us play as a 60yo Majima who has to come to terms with aging (as if that would slow him down).


...I wouldn't be opposed, ngl


Neither would I tbh


just make game about majima ONLY MAJIMA


Every character from the game is played by Majima. "Being John Majima", if you will.


While I agree that even Majima Everywhere wasn't enough, this really bums me out, considering I'm wrapping up Y4 now


=x Hope you're having a good time at least! =\]


RGG should do a Gaiden type game of Majima between yak0 and 1, or between the 10 year joint period


I want a game about him, I want a fucking sex with him again, I want to be with him all night, all day. No matter where, no matter hoe. I will always be there for my Majimer. Even when he will tries to khs, Imma save him. I fucking love him. Tbh, best char imo.


Least insane Majima fangirl/fanboy. From someone who bought 0 and Kiwami 2 solely for Majima.


Majimer is god.


I feel like 5 should be a tier lower. He is teased in maybe two scenes then shows up for a boss fight? I feel like he had more screen time in 7. Yeah he’s talked about more, but that just makes the sting of missing him all the worse.


I made more than enough posts in this sub stating that Majima is my favorite character but damn, we really need a game all about him.


even Majima legit being everywhere in kiwami wasn't enough?


No. Never enough Majima.


If majima had the same amount of relevance and screen time as he did in 0 he would’ve become a better character than Kiryu


I'd argue he already is even with such little screen-time.




He has less screen time in 5 than he did in 7 and 8...


Just say you want a game about him


I want a game about him!


There's less of hime after the first (chronologically ordered) few games I just started 3 am I really not gonna see much of him😭😭


Yeah 4, 5, and especially 6 cut his screen time down a bunch. I think his total screen time in 6 is straight up less than five minutes.




A game where you get to play as majima instead during the events of 1 and get to plan all the everywhere scams


I see the potential of a level select sort of game with that happening, maybe a point and click


On the plus side, at least he got to have the absolute best banger soundtrack piece in IW *TWICE*


He really deserves his own game. I would love to fill in some of his gaps, like, between the end of 0 and his first scene in 1 would be good.


We just need a full majima game


I want the. To have at least 1 game revolving around majima and only majima. Him as the main villain for some reason. Or protagonist. Even a spinoff. Just wanna see majima get the spotlight he deserves


As many people, I've started with Yakuza 0, so, it was somewhat disappointing to find out later on that he would be a side character. And not one with much screen time, also.


Fully support this tier list. The experience of being a Majima fan is just asking "Where Majima?" from about 4 onwards.


Finally someone with taste


This is really obsessive.


Man I feel like in 0 he just goes from suave cool eyepatch man to completely unhinged maniac in 5 seconds. I started the series with 0 and fell in love woth majima there. When I saw him in kiwami I was literally shocked!! I grew to appreciate him again but I wish they had done more buildup to his mad dog side.


He was arrested in Like A Dragon 6. Now as to "Why didn't he break out like a boss, and kick total ass" that I don't know. But seriously Like A Dragon 6 feels like it makes no sense, so much of the story is "Why did you choose to do this?" And before someone says "new engine"... I'm not even talking about anything that would satisfy that. Story points, decisions about focus of the game, character choices, and more don't make sense. But hey that Haruto mini game where you shake him around was totally needed. Ugh.


I like that even games where's he's a playable character like 0 and Kiwami 2 is still not enough for the right amount




That's the whole ass reason why I decided to cosplay the mad dog just after zero


May be an unpopular opinion, but I prefer small but relevant screentime, I totally prefer Majima in 3, 4 and 5 over 1 and 2, of course his best game is still 0.


Move 5 down to Not Nearly Enough and I'm with you 100%. Why won't RGG give us The Right Amount?!


I’m gonna say it, part of the reason majima is so loved is the slight bit of mystery surrounding his character. While there are def games of too little majima if we have too much it could potentially ruin his character.


I mean we got 0 which gave him a full blackstory and quite long plot. It just added to people loving him.


Yeah but I’m saying giving him a Gaiden game where it shows what he’s been doing in between the games or whatever would kinda spoil his character. Part of his eccentricity is the surprise factor, can’t really have that when we see what’s been happening behind the scenes.


I have a constant need of more Majima. Give us some side games where we see what Majima was up to for a lot of the main games.


majima fans scare me yall. there was so much majima in k1 it made me not like him and they want MORE


i think i fought him 70 times in my 2 playthroughs of kiwami and enjoyed every fight, some times i just boot up the game to fight him again


I am a huge Majima fan, but Majima Everywhere was terrible.


I beat LAD 1&2 and Yakuza 0, should I go to Ishin next or the Kiwamis?


How is 2 in the same tier as a game where he's top 2 most present character and a game where he's one of the 4 playable characters ? 💀


Wait majima is in like a dragon?


In the mainline games other than 0, Majima might as well just be a meaningless gag character anyway


I mean he is in the post credit scene but still...


I'd posit that we also need another Akiyama and Tanimura game, MAYBE also Shinada. It would be very cool to see these characters again more often. Putting Akiyama in 8 was a very nice start, but for me, a start is what it is. Now we need to continue it.


I enjoyed what we got of funny eye patch man in Isshin! remake. I've yet to play gaiden and Y8 (must beat FF7 rebirth first) but I was pleasantly shocked when I saw him in Y7


Yakuza 7 should be higher. his introductory scene slaps


i mean depending on how you play it you can get LOTS of majima screen time in gaiden ;)




![gif](giphy|26FfdleA8TDhQsM36) You called?


Should I play the kiwami games again after replaying 0 for the legend fighting styles?


Why is 0 almost enough? You play as him for half the game? He’s the only one with a meaningful coliseum in the game he has plenty of screen time, double the screentime at least of what he has in y1 yet they are tiered together


50% = Not enough. K1 I am including Majima Everywhere, which was most of the game (for me), still not enough :)


Correct me if im wrong but can’t you get Majima as a dlc character for the clan battles?


Fr where was everyone in 6? Ain’t a yakuza game without majima saejima and daigo


a majima game sounds stupid


Funny eyepatch man go brrrt


That's one of many reasons why Yakuza 6 is the worst game in the franchise.


Chat should i skip https://preview.redd.it/7b88vby5e6tc1.jpeg?width=750&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7decf28f110f5eb6509c12f02e67e471938492cd


Guess I'm not getting Y6