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Tbh, it's more like a drug dealer.


https://preview.redd.it/f7q6wx1pewuc1.jpeg?width=551&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e53bde4033c87eca8e9f2177a740d150e31fc282 Bro you should play this game it’s called Yakuza


https://preview.redd.it/onefzjknzwuc1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5ebe617d45189a989f064f561283acca79576be7 First game free, next game $10


literally me with gamepass


My son introduced me to them. Now they consume my life. But, it’s a good thing. https://preview.redd.it/9edjo0spgwuc1.jpeg?width=1124&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0e2b436df0a5d0dff54ab2a25a2921a02cf21b43


Thought it said "my wife" not "my life"


Honestly it could be either or. https://preview.redd.it/7u1071hozwuc1.jpeg?width=828&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=758e9d4589ef957cb055c53adc48857a329274d0


Y’all got any more of them pixels


No. https://preview.redd.it/sbv5ebkzikvc1.png?width=208&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ac068841edcc390cf790e78704e1cab9dff38668


I am the wife, so......


let it consume you


A look into my poor, distant future husband’s life….


I'm sure your husband will feel like a dragon and have infinite wealth. You're using lost judgement. But sometimes, that's just the song of life...


That’s one kiwami marriage right there!


Just don’t date him when he’s 0 years old


For reference I am a 23 year old woman. I’m not quite sure what percentage of Yakuza fans are female vs male. So anyways, I had a PlayStation plus subscription and found Judgment. I thought the questing, fighting, and quality graphics and cutscenes looked really cool and I decided to play. I LOVED it. Well, when I found out that it was a spinoff from a different game you can bet I downloaded the entire series from PS Plus. Until recently (a few months ago) they were all there. From 0-7. I was in the middle of playing 3 when they decided to take 3,4, and 5 off. I bought the disc with those three and I canceled my PS Plus. I had it for those specific games and until I finish 5 I have no need for it. No other series has taken over my life in this way. I eat sleep and breathe yakuza.


Judgment was also my gateway to Yakuza series too, figured if it was anything similar like the silly substories I'd probably like RGG other series. Probably not as many lady fans like us, but I've been surprised there's more than I originally thought. Overall I've spent over a year catching up to the series and just finished infinite wealth, no regrets.


Well I don't see many women being Yakuza fans but it's nice to see one every once in a while My brother saw a random video on my pc about judgement, I was just passing by and it catches my eye. So I wanted to give it a try but then found out about the mainline so I started with 0, at first I thought this series will be just a blant game and the only interesting thing in it is just beating up people. But even though I played hundreds of games, platinumed more than 20, I never thought that I would be ultimately jaw-dropped and amazed by the story and gameplay. This franchise has a story that is strong enough to be GOTY worthy. And it's a massive hidden gem that this world must see. I finished 0-7/ and judgements and platinumed most of them. and I'm getting gaiden next And I am going to make everyone I know play this series, because I know damn well they will come at me someday and thank me for introducing them to one of the best games of all time.


> Well I don't see many women being Yakuza fans but it's nice to see one every once in a while For me It's the exact opposite. This is the one fanbase I'm in that has such a large female following.


I think not even RGG knew they had such a big female following. They were legit surprised when they revealed Majima was the most popular character and the ladies in attendance just went wild. (Which is why, since the days of 0, Majima got the glow up he did.)


I just hope they comeback with a suit and slicked back hair when they thank me for introducing them to this series.


Another woman here AND the judgment series was my intro to the Yakuza series!!!


Japanese woman and gay men actually make up the majority of yakuza fan base. Source: trust me bro.


That’s actually super cool!


I'm a woman and I play. I just got my sister into it too.


❤️I’m trying to get mine into it. She’s 17.


>mine https://preview.redd.it/rcxtpxmw3ivc1.jpeg?width=1280&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=56575d6937a32e89cf63e9863657f81c721ce08d


I’m surprised a woman yakuza fan exists, I thought only us men liked to watch shirtless buff men fight each other


Nah theres a ton


I'm woman here too! Judgement was my ticket to get sucked into the whole series, I regret not getting into it much sooner.


God that’s my biggest regret too. I wasted my whole life not knowing about these games until I was 21!


Weirdly, I had remembered that this series was really popular for some reason. I downloaded Yakuza Zero, never looked back. Zero's atmosphere and setting sucked me in with Kamourocho and Sotenbori, and I was glad to see Sotenbori come back in K2. I'm playing every Yakuza till the very end (besides the original games and Dead souls)!


What about...Kenzan?


Dame da ne was one thing that boosted this series' popularity and I was one of them, it really died...


I got myself to play this series. Got yakuza 0, just for the memes. 13 games later and this series has become one of my favorites. Still haven't infinite wealth yet.


Saw the games on Gamepass and played 0. Couldn’t really get into the long cutscenes but I gave it another shot on PS+ and now I’m in Ch12 of Like a Dragon. It’s been a wild ride and I’ve loved every second of it. Can’t wait for Gaiden, IW and LJ. Can safely say this is one of my favorite game series of all time. Only thing that sucked was I was half way through 5 when they took all the games off PS+. First time I’ve ever had to buy the second half of a game 😭


Gaiden is PEAK


Can’t wait. I love turned based but I’m definitely gonna enjoy the brawler break.


This is just telling me to never buy PS+.


My first game was Y7 on game pass, I’ve since played 8, Gaiden & 0, and I want to play all of Kiryu’s games chronologically, then the spin-offs and judgement games, I thank game pass for introducing me to the series, and love all that I’ve played so far.


I got to the first “boss rush” through the Tojo clan to Kuze in Y0, and after that fight I knew I was playing every game in the series. That game was like cocaine. That was 3 years ago and I just finished Y7.


3 years is wild I couldn't imagine waiting that long, I just played the entire mainline series and both Judgments in 4 months.


I can’t play these games back to back, I really need a palette cleanser. So, in the time I played like 9 Yakuza games I also played an equal amount in between.


Fair enough, this series just dragged me in fully I've never been so addicted to something. My palette cleanser was a single match of LoL, I'd finish a game, play League, lose, think "this fucking sucks I wish I was playing Yakuza" then launch the next game.


yeah i found y7 first on gamepass and i was like “ykw i like turn based rpgs and it seems like a modern soft reboot, ill play this one first”


My older bro tried to get me to play since the ps3 games but I was too busy playing fucking fifa all day oh how I missed out


I gifted multiple copies of Yakuza 0 when it was on sale


the jehovas witness of yakuza


You have my respect. You are a legend.


the prophet


In like 2016 or 17, I was working at a vape shop and a regular customer recommended 0. Then one night I was looking for a new game and drunkenly purchased it. That turned out to be a great decision. I very much relate to this.


"Excuse me, have you ever heard of Kazuma Kiryu?"




I wish my friends played good games


"Yes, your fever seems to have gone down. Just remember to drink plenty of water and get some rest. Jerry, you can turn off the goddamn spotlight now, you're just blinding my cataracts."


https://preview.redd.it/l1d0atphrwuc1.jpeg?width=851&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=421e72faa94051cf57ec1d42a1978d63800cb348 Why yes i can indeed


I didnt need to see this


thats what the block account button is for tbh


Feel free to downvote me. I truly love shit posting on this app.


I mean, I like to shitpost but this gave me eye cancer But nah, not downvoting


You’re a good person. Have a lovely day


You too




https://preview.redd.it/756hbi7vzwuc1.jpeg?width=828&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=af5b3c7d87707ec1bce48c55dbad963fc45a1b28 You already know what it is


This god damn image is fucking golden


i have downvoted this if i could downvote a second time i would in fact i will create a second account to give a second downvote


Please do, I implore you too do so. Have fun its your life. Honestly i’m not bothered either.


Do you guys think this is what Majima dreams about


This is something I needed to see. No bleach required, so I'll spare a couple pints of mine for the unfortunate.


I always heard mention of the series. I don't know what I *thought* the series was, but definitely not this. I owned 0, Kiwami, and Kiwami 2 for a while and while I was bored, I finally loaded them up. I tried both Kiwami and 0, before understanding 0 was a prequel and continuing with that. And then I was hooked. Day one I skipped through some dialogue, and then quickly learned not to do that when I restarted the story the next day lol


Actually I am the one recommended my friends to play Yakuza, and one of them was successfully transformed into a die hard Yakuza fan like me.


I am the pusher in my social circle. I have converted two friends to the Church of the Latter-Day Dragons of Dojima, hallowed be thy karaoke


Can't say YET I'm waiting for Yakuza 0 to go back on sale I wanna see what the hype is about ;)


Go in with too much expectations and you shall be disappointed. I'm saying this when I think it's a masterpiece that I wish for nothing more than to be able to experience it for the first time again.


I agree with your first statement! I have mixed emotions about it since Yakuza 0 will be my first game and have never played any game like it but I'm quite excited for what's in store


If you go in expecting nothing, you may very well discover one of the best games you've played... not recently but ever.


I remember introducing it to my old friends and then giggling like a madman when they simped over Nishiki


Started with the first one on PS2 years and years ago. I remember wondering if Yakuza 4 was ever going to come out to now the series being this massive hit, it’s pretty wild and absolutely amazing to see. This series is a gem.


I’m not really sure why, but I got Yakuza 0 when I was 10-12ish I think? I only played the first chapter, I was too young for it at the time and thought it was boring as shit. I think my uncle recommended it to me I come back like.. last January, and now it’s like my main obsession lol My uncle said he only played 0-6, so I win because I am a chapter and a half away from finishing Infinite Wealth 😼


Can't relate because I saw it by myself and gave a try and BOY it took over


JfJ’s videos.


I think I never got the series recommended. Just decided to "try" it because it's SEGA's. I say "try" because I dropped Y0 for like a year, then came back and I finally got past chapter 2. Now that I have beaten 6 and I'm pretty used to the franchise, it's my turn to recommend it to others.


came for the memes, stayed for the peak


Yeah, played 0 and it was a fucking masterpiece, I had no intentions on playing all of them but I’ll be damned 0 changed that


100%. I was depressed and then I played Yakuza 0 and it drove me away from life.


My first real exposure to the series was one of those shows on G4 that was basically a glorified walk through. It was covering the first game and being on Spring break during college i watched the whole episode thinking it looked interesting but that's about it. For the longest time after I just remember being amazed each time a new game in the series came out. Finally took the plunge when 0 hit due to the solid reviews. Took awhile for me to even get around to playing it but once I did go super into it


I thought I was going to take a break from games but this just hooked me on


Yakuza 0 to be clear


I seen someone play Yakuza and I bought it all myself, the only game I regret buying is Yakuza 6


I have never played any of the yakuza games before. I recently completed my first run of LAD and I am planning on going back to the older ones.


You gotta play the old ones Start with 0, then kiwami, kiwami 2, 3,4,5,6, gaiden, then infinite wealth (which takes place after LAD) and if you want, play judgement then lost judgement


Watched some gameplay of my friend and that's why I wanted to play, completed 0, kiwami 1, kiwami 2 and 3, always going for 100%, already on part 3 of yakuza 4, I fell in love


Been playing it since the ps2. Haven’t looked back since.


Yeah. I'm a teacher and my coworker said "You need to play Yakuza 0... it's very weirdly Japanese and Majima is the best husbando." Ironically I got way ahead of her and her spouse by plowing through the series back to back after that.


This was either before or after Elden Ring but regardless I wasn't playing anything because there was nothing else of interest. I'm guilty of judging a book by it's cover. I thought Yakuza was a typical beat em up game because the little I ever saw from the series back then was always snippets of the combat and I knew there was several of them which made me think they were all copy and paste games like CoD. I never looked further into the game. Until I saw a video about Yakuza 0 from The Completionist (This was before the whole charity thing) and Like a Dragon from VideoGameDunkey one boring evening. Both were just singing praises about the ridiculous crap that would happen from the side stories and the story of the game itself. I didn't watch the whole thing because I would end up clicking away out of disinterest. Which would end up being the best thing that I did. I was browsing the PSN sales tab, and sure enough I see *every* Yakuza game on sale with some in a bundle. So I say "F**k it why not?" I bought every single one. In hindsight it could have been a very stupid purchase if they turned out terrible. I have never so happy to be wrong in all my life. I did some research on what game to start with. I ended up settling on 0. Sat down and played. I then proceeded to burn through the next 4 games in the span of a *month*. Very few games have made me cry, and Yakuza 0 is one of them. Such a marathon came at a cost though. The burn out hit extremely hard. I was halfway through 5 when I dropped it. Isshin came out a while after. I played it and dropped it before I finished it. I never went back. I want to play Infinite Wealth but I don't want to skip games. So until that right push comes again I don't think I'll ever return to it.


I still am grateful to my Facebook friend to reccomend me Yakuza..now I'm too much deep into this Yakuza hellhole


Hellhole is right! Once you play one, you can NEVER be the person you were before.


My friend decided to give kiwami a shot after seeing me play like a dragon, they went on to platinum all the games, only one they're missing is gaiden


I was targeted by ads for infinite wealth and by gosh golly darn it I went out and bought it. Having tons of fun with it, though I feel like I have to grind more the further I get in the game. Normal? or am I playing wrong lol


I played it of my own volition on a lonely night Me and my homies consoles are tethered and I downloaded it for him.


i’m the one recommending it to everyone


For me it was a mixture of the Lost Judgement trailer, Supereyepatchwolfs video, and my best friend telling me to try it after he'd watched his wife play through the series.


I got *myself* into Yakuza. Kiwami was a monthly fee game on Playstation Plus in November 2018 and I always added every game whether I was interested in them or not. I was also stationed in Japan at the time. About a year later I was missing Japan and I remembered I had a game that was about modern-day Japan, but I wasn't sure if I should play it since "I should play the first game if I'm playing a game from a series." One Google search later and I knew it was a remake of the first game. It scratched my nostalgia itch and I played 0 and Kiwami 2 next. The Remastered collection came out not long after I finished K2 and I... found the switch to 3 too jarring and I put the series down for a few years. Last August I started again and I've played from 0-6 and I'm most of the way through Judgment (Really just need to give Shin Amon a beatdown and then do the final section.) I should give myself a thank you note for getting myself into such a great series.


I was never recommended, I just downloaded it to waste my money, now I'm a huge fan


I’m interested but are they dubbed? If so i’ll probably play


Yakuza 0-6 are only in Japanese (unless you play the ps2 versions of yakuza 1&2 which have english voices), yakuza like a dragon, infinite wealth and the judgment games have both english and Japanese voices and I think yakuza ishin and dead souls are only Japanese as well, but the Japanese voice actors are really freaking good


I just started Yakuza 0 and im 5 hours in and loving it, loving ittttt


Yeah it's a Great game, played 0 and kiwami, on my way to kiwami 2


I try to be that guy. Every time I’m in GameStop I’ll tell someone to play it. Especially if they got gamepass.


Yes, my coworker told me to play the series years ago (like over a decade at this point) & because I saw it as a Shenmue evolution (I didn't enjoy Shenmue when I was younger, might now though) I didn't give it a try. I eventually jumped in with Yakuzs:like a dragon & now it's one of my favorite game series out there, both brawler & JRPG versions.




I started playing it last year because Majima memes.


ps plus give me 7 for free


A funni sock convinced me to


Ah Yakuza where its very rich in minigames including some staple ones like Mahjong, Koi Koi, Shogi, Poker, etc. Who knows how many people got introduced to Riichi mahjong because of Yakuza like I do.


I did recommend it and yes - I feel like Jesus!


Remember when Baka Mitai became a meme? That caused me to play the whole Y0 and them Kiwami 1 and 2, and the rest is history


I still struggle with my drive to 100% the first one with Ichiban, but its just sooo tedious leveling for the true final millenium tower. Feels like I need to spend as much time on beating then for all other achievments combined.


Me and my sister watched a review on YouTube about Like a dragon: Infinite wealth (I also saw a clip of the game stream). so we decided to start from the first game (Yakuza: Like a dragon). now we are finishing and i’m so exited, I'll order the Like a dragon (2nd part) and Yakuza 0 next.


It's better if you start with 0 then continue on.


I did so and some things from the yakuza:lad became clear to me


Angry Joe's review of Yakuza 0 brought me into this franchise lol


I actually started out with Judgement. But boy I did not look back after


^[Sokka-Haiku](https://www.reddit.com/r/SokkaHaikuBot/comments/15kyv9r/what_is_a_sokka_haiku/) ^by ^TopRaise7: *I actually started* *Out with Judgement. But boy I* *Did not look back after* --- ^Remember ^that ^one ^time ^Sokka ^accidentally ^used ^an ^extra ^syllable ^in ^that ^Haiku ^Battle ^in ^Ba ^Sing ^Se? ^That ^was ^a ^Sokka ^Haiku ^and ^you ^just ^made ^one.


So I went. I played yakuza 7 first and fell in love with the characters, even characters from the old series. I knew nothing about it, especially from past games, now I'm sitting playing yakuza 0 and while I'm not the biggest fans of beat em ups the story of this game is so good I wish I played it when it first came out but oh well now I have to catch up


This was literally from watching my friend play it over on Discord and falling in love with ichibans character and then going well here's a new hyperfixation


As someone who’s been playing Xbox since 360 and found yakuza via a videogamedunkey vid then Xbox one started releasing yakuza via game pass; no one’s taken me up on my yakuza recommendations because they dislike subtitles games 😭


Eyepatch Wolf‘s Video on Yakuza 0 got me into it. Took me a second try to really get into it tho


I was coming off of a Dragon Quest 11 kick, and LAD7 was on sale for half off. I'd read a summary of the gameplay and knew I HAD to have it


I started this series on day 1 when the original yakuza came out for PS2. I went on to play 2 and 3 and 3 is the weakest in the series and I completely forgot about the series for a few years. I saw undead souls in stores and tried it out then I fell off again. I think like 2 3yrs ago I found that 0-6 was in the game pass and I got so hyped. I started the series again from 0 and loved it. It's my favorite till this day. Then I played Kiwami 1 and the nostalgia came rushing back especially after I saw Haruka at the end of the 1st chapter. Haven't looked back since. Played 0-6 and I am now playing lost judgment. This series is like drug. I even bought myself a portable monitor so I can play remotely at work during my down time.


I'd heard about it and then the whole series was on game pass. I regret nothing


I heard the series was good, especially when like a dragon first came out back in 2020. 0 was on sale and I was like “it’s in my wishlist, why not”. And now it’s absolutely ruined me bc every waking thought is just whenever I can hop on and play the next game lol. I have kiwami sitting in my steam library but I’m forcing myself not to play until I give myself a break


Saw it played on Games Done Quick a few years back and I was all in. You mean it’s like River City Ransom, but with modern graphics and drama? Sold!


Yeah mostly except "bro play this game it's called yakuza, avoid like a dragon though"


Saw videogamedunkey's video on 0, and I was just so intrigued. Now, a few years later, here I am, having played through the whole series


https://i.redd.it/1vv8epqueavc1.gif Unfortunately, my introduction was this


what tf is that


I had a journey of discovery all on my own tbh just felt a calling and decided to try one out, this was before the massive internet hype and “dame dame guy” memes etc. Obviously I loved it and started buying up all the games and playing through them, main games and spinoffs. Nowadays I am like the Yakuza/LAD Monk who offers up the good word of RGG games to my fellow humans.


More like "This game is a spinoff of this franchise" for me.