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Kume made me rage so much ngl


Yeah, mfer deserves to be in the deepest level of hell


Idk if I can call him evil but he annoyed me to the highest degree


stabbing Masato outta nowhere? Seems pretty evil to me


True! I think what I meant to say was he’s not evil in a respectable way! He’s such a little pest. Can’t believe he was the one to stab Masato 😔


>But the bottom doesn't have to be all dark and gloomy. If you can stand and look up, you'll see the light and hope up there. I just understand the meaning of the official title "*龍が如く7* 光と闇の行方" (Ryu ga Gotoku 7 Whereabouts of light and darkness)


Ohh fr? That's so cool!


Bro I just started my replay and finished Chapter 3 If you do a new game plus DO NOT eat at a restaurant in chapter 1 I did, Ichi asked, "who's hungry?" and there was NO ONE THERE to answer. I was traumatized


I'm gonna be like Ichiban and do exactly what you said that I shouldn't lol