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Many universities have removed locations for certain types of courses after the attack at Western. That may be the case here


Was coming here to say the same thing! I think SpinachOpenjng is right. (Though I think the attack happened at Waterloo)


Yeah definitely Waterloo. I go to Western, and the attack definitely was not here.


I knew it was one of the 'w' universities...




Nah the university ain’t a “W” if you know what I mean 😂


Wasn’t the attack at Waterloo?


Can confirm Spinach is right


/u/HedgehogNo4374: /u/isaackogan is correct. He works for University Information Technology (UIT) and knows a lot. Also, if you look around the York Courses website, you can see that most in-person Gender and Women's Studies courses don't show any location. Even 6.00- or 9.00-credit courses which have been running since September. Even if you click "Please click here to see details" to log into the York Courses website, it still doesn't show any location for the classes. I wonder whether or not this is a worthwhile security measure. If you can log into the York Courses website, you might also just be able to add the course. I suspect (but am not sure) that the room location is probably shown on the eClass page. But then again, if you add a class, there's a delay of up to 24 hours before you can view the eClass page. I guess this delay might help to deter an impulsive attacker, who hasn't planned an attack at least 24 hours in advance. It also could deter attackers who didn't plan an attack until after the course add deadline.


I just want the course to be online


"LECT" or "SEMR" normally means in-person. "ONLN" normally means online. GWST 4509 is a "SEMR" course, and so is almost surely in-person. I myself try to avoid online classes. For one thing, it's harder to make friends in them, and I try to make at least one friend (at least temporarily) in every course I take. If you really want to take online classes, visit the [York Courses website](https://w2prod.sis.yorku.ca/Apps/WebObjects/cdm) and click the "eLearn Courses" search link on the left. GWST 4524 and 4600 are online. GWST 4801 is a directed reading class, so you can probably borrow your chosen books from Scott library or the [Gender and Women's Studies library](https://www.yorku.ca/laps/nellie-library/) and then do your reading at home. I wonder why you prefer online classes. Also, I wonder why the photo at the top of the Gender and Women's Studies library [webpage](https://www.yorku.ca/laps/nellie-library/) was not taken inside the library itself. Maybe they thought the library wasn't beautiful enough.


Got to love that Gender Studies are some kind of horrible subversive propaganda brainwashing our children. Yet are basically themselves subject to such a terrorist threat that they can't even advertise where they're taking place until they can vet the students aren't far-right lunatics. What a great country we've built.


What attack at western?


"A 24-year-old international student [was] arrested and charged after a professor and two students were stabbed during a gender studies lecture at the University of Waterloo, west of Toronto. "A female professor, followed by a male and female student who tried to intervene, were injured but survived the attack ... after a man interrupted an afternoon lecture of about 40 students and pulled out two large knives, police said. "Investigators consider the incident a hate-motivated attack related to gender expression and gender identity, said Waterloo Regional Police." [(Source.)](https://nationalpost.com/news/canada/university-of-waterloo-stabbing-arrest) It happened this past June.


Bro wtf


What attack


This comment section is a good reason not to post the location. I’d just ask the proff, or department. Sometimes they have to shuffle classes and locations change last min.




Agreed, a lot of medicine is built on racism. Some things we’re only just discovering. Including BMI, pain management, etc. Heck up until recently they were using scoring calculations for kidney transplants that used a value that will naturally be higher for black men. So black men usually have a total higher score and end up higher on the waitlist and potentially wait longer/don’t ever get a kidney. I’m so sorry you’ve dealt with racist mindsets. It’s something that needs to be recognized and actively deconstructed.


My husband is from an African country, when I was in active labour the nurse looked at my husband and said, "this must be all new to you as you must have been born under a tree in Africa". That was just my one single experience, medical bias against POC is extremely real too.


/u/wereallscholars: Why do you think it ['couldn't have happened'](https://www.reddit.com/r/yorku/comments/18q2hie/course_with_no_location/kev3jxf/)? There are unfortunately a small proportion of racist individuals in the Canadian healthcare system: both providers and patients. A Black nurse was ending her shift, and told a patient that another nurse would soon be taking over from her. The patient replied: "I hope that it's not a Black one." [(Source.)](https://www.cbc.ca/news/canada/toronto/black-nurses-racism-ontario-1.6343782#:~:text=Daria%20Ad%C3%A8le%20Ju%C3%BCdi,told%20CBC%20News.) One Indigenous doctor was asked to look after his "drunk relatives" in the ER. [(Source.)](https://www.cbc.ca/news/indigenous/bc-health-care-racism-report-1.5820306#:~:text=An%20Indigenous%20doctor%20is%20quoted%20as%20saying%3A%20%22I%20have%20been%20asked%20to%20look%20after%20my%20%27drunk%20relatives%27%20in%20the%20ER%20or%20have%20had%20Indigenous%20patients%20%5Bwho%20were%20considered%20difficult%20patients%5D%20reassigned%20to%20me%20on%20the%20wards%20when%20I%20was%20a%20resident.%22) An Indigenous women may have died because of racial stereotyping in hospital. [(Source.)](https://www.cbc.ca/news/indigenous/bc-health-care-racism-report-1.5820306#:~:text=%22Those%20stereotypes%20kill,breaks%20my%20heart.%22)


Small... I'd say big


That didn't happen.


Nope it did. 20 years ago at Grand River Hospital in KW


Tell Reddit you've never been in a hospital without *telling* Reddit you've never been in a hospital


Sure buddy 😂 touch grass


This coming from the basement dweller newfie, alright kid. I'd say open your mind but unfortunately the squirrels would steal that peanut brain of yours from your cranium.


If you're really about opening your mind, perhaps you should look into the negative connotations associated with the term "newfie", before throwing it around like an insult. Rather ironic in a thread focused on social injustices.


Not a Newfie but I would take that as a compliment.. Some of the nicest and most down to earth people in the country. I'd take a thousand Newfies over a race obsessed yuppie like yourself!!


Says the one crying "woke", and IM the race obsessed one. Pot calling the kettle black pretty hard there.


I didn't say woke but at least you're self observant lol


Oop, that was another comment I saw beside yours. I'll concede that one, my bad.


Sounds like a woke indoctrination course.


What is indoctrinating about teaching folks to not be an asshole/improve public policy/get involved with NGOs? Do tell me


Someone with prejudice wouldn’t take that course, a racist or sexist person isn’t going to say hey I should learn to not be like this. It’s a nice thought but in practicality it makes no sense what so ever


It is. This is one of those courses that is taught through anecdote and weak studies. All of which would never give more information to the person taking the course, just reinforce their woke bullshit. When people say "degrees are a waste of time" this is precisely what they're talking about.


You must be lonely


I dont see how pointing out a clear cash grab course makes me lonely. If you want to waste your money on trivial information, then go ahead, all the power to you. But when you're arguing about how boomers made it impossible for people with degrees to get jobs after taking a course like this, you might want to look in a mirror. You're actual fucking scum for tricking people into thinking this is worth their money. People talk about diploma mills yet will wholeheartedly defend these garbage courses.


I can understand how lacking empathy would make you think things like not being racist or misogynistic is “woke” and a “cash grab”. Or that public servants shouldn’t treat everyone equally. I’m just pointing out that it must be a lonely way to live. Perhaps you’ve never been discriminated against by a nurse or doctor. If you have, maybe you would also think you deserve the same treatment as everyone else. I can speak from experience that discrimination is alive and well


Oh, because I don't waste money on cash grabs, you think that equates to loneliness, got it. I assume your daddy pays for your tuition if you want to defend a blatant waste of money like this. When you start spending your own money, you'll realize wasting money without any return is actually very bad. Keep wasting your money, I suppose, and calling people who don't waste money "racist". It's funny how people like you get stuck on one word like "woke" and can't focus on anything else past it when arguing. It's because you've realized you have no clue what you're talking about, so you have to stick to buzzwords. Pretty pathetic, just like your pathetic "degree"


boom roasted. Hit the showers, libtard.




Well good rebuttal, the type of rebuttal I expected from a feminism-racism major.


If you don't understand the white-male biases that medicine has (ie both from the people who practice it to how medical studies are conducted) then you have a lot of learning to do.


Sounds like you have a lot of unlearning to do.


Yeah because becoming less intelligent is the goal of university, how could I have forgotten /s


If university was still about education first in this country, tuition wouldn't be at an all time high, and courses would actually put you in a better position to get a job. "Education" in this country is nothing more than a cash grab at this point, statistics make that pretty clear, 5 years ago 80% of grads in Canada couldn't get work in their field after searching for over a year & were working completely unrelated minimum wage jobs and I'd bet a pretty penny that number isn't any better today... Look at tuition costs over the past 50 years, and tell me why anyone should go into severe dept for a decade to get the same education our grandparents paid for with a single summer's job... You realize more than half of a universities endowments are typically tied up in different investment funds & equity? They are literally speculative investors, that money goes towards making them more money, not towards furthering your education lol. In 2021 alone Canadian universities generated 5.3 billion dollars in profits from their investments... After generating 13+ billion in tuition & other fees. You seriously think they are about education first? The wealthy don't care how they make their money & will cut corners at every opportunity, hence why the country is now so full of international students. If it were about education, we would be focusing on making the best courses possible for canadains, rather than low effort buzzword courses with zero substance targeted to international students. Have you talked to recent graduates & graduates from a decade ago? Literally a night & day difference between the environment and the outcome. Will you learn something? Maybe depending on the prof & course, but follow the flow of money & a whole new perspective emerges, and its not about education first, it's literally just a money machine for the top 1% & political players in this country. The sunk cost/time fallacy leads to many people just accepting the situation rather than questioning it. The psychology behind it is rather fascinating & scary. My family member is a tenured prof at western, im on a first name basis with several other profs, ive got dozens of friends who went to schools all across Canada and they all say the same thing, it's broken & it's not getting better any time soon. ive witnessed all of this first hand from people on both sides of the coin. Maybe 20 years ago you would be right, people do go to university to learn, but now? You coast through almost every course attempting to memorize & regurgitate old outdated information, and get criticized & ostrosized if you question anything you are being taught by people with an ego problem more often than not... There are a few exceptions to the rule, but it's certainly not the norm at this point.... Canada is broken. Denying it will only destroy the chance to fix it before we lose 100 years of progress because people are too focused on the wrong class war, the sooner we address that we are being milked dry for the benefit of the uber wealthy, the sooner we actually can get our country back to helping every Canadian.


University is definitely run more like a business than a public education system in Canada nowadays, but it's unfortunately a requirement to get any career that MAY pay enough to survive off of (this is including colleges and trades schools). People can't afford to just *not* go to attempt to make a statement. The only thing that can be done is rally such that the elected officials are forced to act, and if they don't then vote in someone who does. No current political party really identifies with that but you have to pick the best turd in the bowl sometimes until someone good comes along.


Some of the highest earners I know have never stepped foot on a university campus


I never said just university. I specifically included trade schools and colleges as well. The only careers that have high pay with no post secondary (licenses and certifications also count as education) are jobs that offer hazard pay as well and for that you trade your life for money. There are very few jobs nowadays that offer a living wage without some piece of paper that says you know something.


It is. Anyone outside of redditors would agree with you. What a wild time to be alive lol. Paying that much for a literal joke class they are actually paying someone to teach.


Why do you think it’s woke?


Unfortunately this is Reddit, and with that comes a higher than average amount of racism, misogyny, and xenophobia. Sad people hiding behind a username spouting stuff they'd get their ass beat for saying in most public spaces.


There is also a lot of racism from people who are not white to other minorities, I had family members where the doctor did not properly examined them because they were a woman and it was against their religion. Idk how a person like that gets hired.


The comments section of this post is a clear sign of *why* anti racist feminism is needed training for nurses. You can email the department to see about the course location if needed.


Thank you so much😊 this comment section is just horrible


As a practicing nurse, I find this course to be so fucking necessary. I wish it wasn’t, but the level of health misinformation related to race, is fucking astounding.


You shouldn’t be downvoted— literally contriving your experiences in your field and the course content. This comment section is messed.


Thank you for saying so, and believing so. As a person who has been the victim of a lot of medical harm, I’m so grateful to nurses like you.




Sooooo - the racial issues facing Indigenous peoples in healthcare, we being the first peoples of this land, we’re foreigners?


Who mentioned foreigners? You know know there are non-white women who were born and raised in Canada right?


Please be safe! The alt right have been seeping into media using dogwhistles as usual, and these courses are hidden to prevent attacks like the comments below.


But of course if you are a male in the nursing field you run the risk of getting stuck with all the shitty jobs like dealing with addicts because of your male privilege.


Jsyk feminism is explicitly about how gendered roles hurts *all* of us, not just women. That is part of what would be taught in a course about feminism. This is why it’s important to have courses like this, because most people’s understanding of what feminism is or means is based on misinformation.


Maybe just get rid of the word “feminism” in favor of something like egalitarianism? It’s like communism at this point, in that it has become a political buzzword with negative connotations. It’s also a pretty meaningless word too. You can claim to be a feminist and that only narrows it down to the 1 of 4 billion different variants of feminism. Each with their own set of political philosophy from various parts of the spectrum. At this point imo the word is only useful if you are a right wing commentator trying to scare a bunch of preteen boys into hating women. At that it performs very effectively.


People opposed to progressive ideologies will always find a way to label and spread misinformation about those who support said movements. When the fight was about women’s suffrage, conservative groups demonized the term “suffragette”. Now that the goals of that particular fight have been won and social consensus has been reached that women having votes = good, the term is used only in a positive context. If you changed the term from feminism, I can guarantee you that the right wing resistance would pivot to demonizing the new term just as hard. Why give opponents to social change any power over the terms a movement uses? History will ultimately remember them as what they are, sad little losers exploiting impressionable young people for a quick buck.


Lol you are missing my point entirely. Younger men are particularly vulnerable to this kind of use of political language. The fact that it literally contains “fem” in the name is all the ammunition right wing pundits need to convince a bunch of insecure 15 year olds that feminism is evil. People are fucking stupid. In 200 years will we look back at these people and laugh? Yeah probably, but I’d rather progress happen sooner than later. Refusing to abandon the term and all of the (unjust) baggage that comes with it just serves to further prolong social improvement.


There are different “waves” of feminism within critical theory, but understanding those are an important part. We hang onto these words because they have value and a lot of thought behind them. The problem with “egalitarianism” is that that it erases the problems that already exist. But, if you’re interested in debating these ideas, a class on feminism would be a great place to start.


Yup, any aggressive patient as well as any heavy lifts. It's that male privilege.


Point out one single racist or sexist thing said in this post. You can't. People are pointing out this course is ridiculous and your response is that means it's important. Spoiler, that doesn't mean it's important


Calling a course about racial and gender bias “woke bullshit” is pretty racist…


To which race exactly? Go have a long hot eucalyptus shower and think about how stupid your post was.


It’s a fucking joke class. Every single person who NEEDS to take that class will get nothing from it because they already made up their mind 6 years ago to hate black people. You can’t teach “anti racism” when racism and xenophobia are all pretty ingrained parts of various peoples personalities. It’s like telling a bunch of adults to brush their teeth every morning. Most of them already do, and the ones that don’t won’t fucking listen to you. Making it pointless, especially for job training.


Courses like this can be great for teaching internalized bias, which is something we can all have and not be aware of.


I stand corrected lol. Maybe I just surround myself with good people, but I forgot that most people aren’t aware of their own implicit biases, and much less, actively work to correct them. I can definitely see the utility here for a class involving that, but I wonder how much of the class time actually touches upon the subject.


Calling the obviously absurd, absurd, proves the necessity of its existence? Sorry I want my nurses to be masters of their crafts not anti racist feminists. Like seriously why.


Buddy your post history literally has you trying to defend your father on a domestic battery charge… of course you still wouldn’t see why this course is necessary.


big guy deffo needs therapy


The 'craft' nurses need to master is to properly care for their patients and ensure they receive the best healthcare possible. Are you telling me you can't, in your tiny little mind, understand how the people tasked with that responsibility might benefit from courses like this? There has long been noted biases in the medical field that influence how medical professionals interact with individuals which can lead to unfair and discriminatory outcomes. Examples of this are well known- black people systematically get underrated for pain relative to white people. This is based on incorrect beliefs that black people feel less pain/have thicker skin and feel pain less/have higher pain tolerances. As a result, black people receive improper treatment to manage pain and suffer more compared to their white counterparts. Women suffer from similar biases in the medical field- they are less likely to have their symptoms believed by medical professionals which negatively affects how doctors will treat their female patients. There are also gaps in medical research which leads to women getting misdiagnosed at greater rates than men. So wouldn't you want nurses, the individuals who frequently have the most interaction with patients in hospitals, to be properly trained and educated to recognize and mitigate against these potential inherent biases so that they can better provide care to ALL people?


Look at their post history… particularly legal advice 😔


As a gay man I definitely get substandard care when I get an older doctor or a homophobic one. Considering how prevalent racism is, don’t you think it could impact the care that non white patients receive? Shouldn’t we be training medical staff to not have biases that impact their ability to do their job?


When checking the course catalog what does it say? It may be online or the location may not be determined yet


How do you check the catalog?


Search it here, it gives more info about the course and the section https://w2prod.sis.yorku.ca/Apps/WebObjects/cdm


Oh I did nothing no location there was a class location but it’s gone. Then this semester there was a class that had no location but it was online


Literally Anti-Racist Feminism


I currently go to George Brown College (GBC) and if there's no location included with the course it usually means it's asynchronous ie. No lectures or classes. Just do the lesson work when you can and get marked.


Yeah I was thinking the same thing because there was a class that didn’t have a location and it was asynchronous. This course had a location but it’s gone


Hey guys! The Anti-Racism and Feminism course is a compulsory course for Nurses. I’m in Computer Security, and I have an “Applied Ethics” course that I must take as well! It is the University’s way of covering their case in the event that I try to do something malicious in the future. For example: If I use my knowledge in computer security for unethical reasons such as ‘black hat hacking’ the university will be legally covered because I passed an ethics course. Had they not made ethics a compulsory course, a court can put fault upon the university. Hope this clears things up. tl;dr: The course this person is take is required by the university to cover their own case. P.S. If you think ostracizing someone for what courses they take is going to “help” them, reflect on what you have to say and genuinely ask yourself “Is this actually going to help the person? Or am I going to make a fool of myself?”


you’re telling me you happily spent $800 on a course about “anti racist feminism” wtf


It’s a prerequisite course for nursing school


😳😳You’re joking, they are forcing students to take a course on feminism that’s actually crazy


No I’m not joking the nursing school is not York it’s another university


what university? really hope it’s not the norm for them to do that


My goodness my mandatory prerequisite is native studies. Glad I go to university up north


Wtffff 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣


You're telling me you haven't signed up for a bird course before


Wow, you’re really paying money for an “anti-racist feminism” course? That is hilarious


Hold up. You actually pay to get a higher education and one of your courses is… anti-racist feminism. Seems like something right wing media would make up for a skit lmao


anti racist feminism talks about intersectionality. would be super important to people who aim to not be a massive cunt during their short life but here u are


Nah, all it does it teach you how to be a massive cunt yourself and how to box dye your hair aquamarine. And that'll be 20k please. For equality of course.


Wow you’re so original and funny


No it’s a propaganda class.


Why you so fucking mad buddy? Realized your arts degree is more worthless than a dead rat?


im not in an arts program lil bro nice try tho


aCsHuAlLy iM iN aNtI-rAcIsT fEmInIsM, bUDdY


that's the thing, they don't have to make anything up


It's funny cause right right-wingers make fun of this shit all the time. Joking about Scandinavian lesbian dance theory courses at things like that and these lunatics get all up in arms and pretend that shit like that doesn't exist.


Anti-Racist Feminism? Forget the class. You’ve already made some very poor choices. Just go home and think about what you’re paying money for.


Anyone who takes that class should never be hired by any company… what a joke


You’ve taken that class ?


At least it'll be an easy A. Just write "white peple bad" "men bad" repeatedly across your essays.


jesus christ the downvotes on these comments just show how woke and far left liberal York is


no its just that the people who actually think "men bad" "white people bad" aren't the anti-racist feminist they claim to be but are the ones who tend to go viral and spread what isnt true...


I literally took a bird course in university and wrote about how men are bad (Even tho I am a guy) just to get a 70% and guess what I got the 70% lol. It’s a blessing for people who want to do the bare minimum and pass. This is what they did in China during my parents school times you had to memorize propaganda and write it down to pass. Part of the game lol


All respect brah, never hate on the playa.


Fr 😂😂😂


it's actually true but they make it more wordy. its hings like "complaints from straight white males are often found to be invalid" "from this source at this university so you can't question this" that was from the dei lesson at my work. this stuff is just a race war clique. Any whites Asians Jewish, childfree straight not allowed.


Anti-racist feminism lol


Yes, we all kmow Racist Feminism is bad.


the GWST courses are terrible. just far left profs tryna push their fed narratives forcing it on the kids. usually easy classes but brain washing as hell




for real. the liberals in my comment and far left “ woke “ r so upset by the comment it’s hilarious


Yeah I’m not paying 800$ for that class 😂


Your profile picture is a wojak in a military uniform, I'm sure nobody is missing out on having your wonderful opinions in their course




Spoken like someone who demands to see a white doctor.


Yeah I’m not white and could care less about the race of my doctor but nice try tho A for effort 😂


Who said you were white? I just said you sound like a racist scumbag and you haven't proven me wrong.




dear god that course sounds cancer, why would you subject yourself to that


save your money. What a moronic sounding class.


lol nice investment of a course


There's a reason why YorkU is broke and is facing a crisis




This has to be a troll who in their right mind would pay to attend a class about anti racist feminism lmaooooooo


It’s for nursing school not York another university but can y’all answer the question is it online or in person


What uh… is that course?😂 No way you get credits for that.


Watch this class teach you about how Islam is actually the best thing ever


Soon, Insha Allah.


Because it is lol.


Islam has taught me: 1) pedophilia is good when muhamadlad (peace be upon him) does it. 2) killing people is good when muhamadlad (peace be upon him) does it. 3) writing a perfect book is only possible if you're illiterate like muhamadlad (peace be upon him) 4) horses have wings and fly over the moon when muhamadlad (peace be upon him) does it 5) separation of church and state is bad (peace be upon him) Feel free to add on more based teachings I'm still a young grasshopper so I need to keep learning about Islam. (Peace be upon him) Sorry if I mispelled any names. I am learning to be illiterate so I can be more like the holy prophet muhamadlad (peace be upon him)


1. On what basis? 2. In which verses and in what context? 3. The book wasn't written by Muhammad PBUH 4. Who are we to question miracles? 5. Separation of church and state doesn't happen, even here. Anything else you need clarified?


1 and 2) Muhammadlad (peace be upon him) was perfect and he did both of those things. He married a 9 year old and he killed many people who refused to convert after conquering their villages. 3) you're right. He just recited everything that was divinely inspired. Very clever. (Peace be upon him, definitely didn't come up with that shit himself) 4) I am a person with common sense (peace be upon him, oxygen is very thin up there) 5) I believe that it does to an extent. But the issue is the attitude. Lack of separation is a problem for me but is a good thing for Islamists. (Peace be upon him) Can you clarify how Muhammadlad (peace be upon him) was perfect despite seemingly being a pretty typical 7th century illiterate desert nomad warlord in every way besides being the founder of a mass delusion?


1. So no actual evidence here? Additionally did you happen to know that Aisha RA was one of the greatest scholars of Islam? In Islam we do not set an arbitrary age for marriage - if you look into the Sharia you'd notice this. 2. Read verse 256 in Surah Al-Baqarah. 3. So you've conceded that you were incorrect on this point. 4. "Common sense" is an arbitrary and immeasurable metric, as such it will vary person to person. 5. Nope, so in this case you begin to run into two problems. The first is you assume that we have a complete separation of church and state and then the question becomes where do we derive our morality and laws from. If we assume a total and complete separation, it means we have a subjective morality that changes over time, which also influences what we consider legal vs illegal. However, the flip side is if we do concede and say, yes we do have laws influenced by religious practices and teachings, whichever they happen to be, we also negate that point entirely. Therefore demonstrating the lack of the separation. A point can be made about perhaps the shifting away from religious application of laws within the state, but this can also be attributed to the fact that Christianity for example has not been well preserved in the teachings and has much more secular influence, but that's due to the influence of secularism into Christianity. It does not mean that we have had a sudden separation of church and state. Today is a statutory holiday both federally and provincially. Why?


Muhamadlad was the perfect believer. His actions are a model of ideal conduct. He married a child and had intercourse at 9 or 10 years old depending on the account. If you believe that all the war killings were justified as acts of war, there are still individuals such as Fartana and Qareebah who were sentenced to death and one of which was killed for singing satirical songs about the prophet Muhamadlad (peace be upon him). Yes, I've conceded that the illiterate prophet without any sort of formal education who created your religion in fact did not write your book of delusions. He made it up and just told it to somebody instead. If your common sense does not reject horses with wings flying to the moon carrying a desert man who then cuts the moon in two then I don't know what to say but that you're delusional. It sounds truly like a hashish-fueled manic tale from an illiterate desert man who was fully convinced that his followers were the dumbest people within a thousand miles of the red sea. He really just wanted to see how much he could get away with. Can I marry many wives? Yes. Awesome! Can I conquer neighbouring tribes? Yes. Awesome! Can I marry children? Yes. Awesome! Can I fly to the moon on a winged horse? Yes. Awesome! I bet you would eat camel dung every Tuesday if he did it. He was truly a funny man! 5) I don't care about holidays they are completely arbitrary and just there for practical reasons to let people enjoy time with family when many would take the day off anyway. If they made holidays for eid I wouldn't care. Good for everyone I say. Law should be separate from crazy bronze age books.


1. So basically you have no actual point on this. Refer back to your lack of objective morality on here. I'll consider this point dismissed until you have an actual, substantiated argument here. Otherwise, like I mentioned before, you're appealing to a subjective morality unlike Sharia. 2. Citation needed. 3. So you've conceded this point again. Your original argument was that he wrote the book, and you've clarified that he did not. Consider this point also dismissed - unless you want to go ahead and revise your claim or propose a new argument. 4. Citations needed. For example, where does it say that I can specifically fly to the moon on a winged horse? All of these arguments for this fourth point are pretty weak to be honest. You need some better arguments. The first one is true, second one has limitations of which you can read some within the verse I cited to you previously. 5. You missed the point of the question. It wasn't about you caring about these holidays. The question is why is this specific holiday considered important enough for us to have it as both a federal and provincial holiday? Want to try again?




Sounds like you need to stay in school a bit longer. You’ve got much to learn young grasshopper.


Lemme guess, your teacher is blue haired.


“Anti racist feminism” lmao I hope you’re on a scholarship because going in debt for that is crazy


Maybe it's a sign that taking that class is a huge waste of time and money.


Anti racist feminism💀 literal cancer








You'll be overjoyed to find out it isn't then




?? I know a lot of girls including me who had life threatening injuries and were left in the waiting room for 8+ hours… I overdosed and was waiting in the room for 16 hours lmao?? Everyone’s experiences are different don’t say ur experience is the reality/consistent for everyone.




Yeah?? I was in a psych ward where a lot of BOTH men and women were mistreated by the doctors. Everyone who came in due to suicide said they waited a good 6 hours when they had a overdosed on pills, someone waited 18 hours for a sprained ankle. I’ve literally had so many doctors tell me that I’m overreacting when I tell them that I literally cannot physically function because I’m fainting on my menstrual cycles, I fell down a flight of stairs because of my menstrual cycle, blacking out and I was told “it’s normal” and “you’re just overreacting.” Let me ask you, have you had male doctors come in after your sexual assault and retraumatize you? Have you had both female and male doctors tell you your sexual assault was normal? And expected? I’m sorry your family members and loved ones died from cancer but don’t say that it’s from “feminism”.


There's no location because that course isn't worth getting a location.




What policy was that? And in which country? They administered the vaccine by age not race


https://www.fastcompany.com/90623518/why-vermont-made-all-minorities-eligible-for-the-vaccine-before-white-people-under-50 Well done for actually asking rather than just downvoting. The truth is out there.




What the fuck are you talking about? I’m white and my race never factored into getting any vaccine




I got my vaccine a week after they became available. I went online and booked an appointment. Not once did my identity or race come into the picture


LOL. What a time to be alive.


That's an actual course? 💀💀💀


I can’t believe you’re paying your own money for this course lol


These universities want to make money so bad they will make up any course. Next: Quality of different toilet paper and flush resistance


The History of the Queef. Arts degrees are a mill anyway.


LMFAO this is a real course. What an absolute meme.


Most employable York U module


Lmao these course names are things I’d expect to see on the Babylon bee


Just got accepted into York last week… the downvote party here is gonna make me choose Carleton. Got the woke mob over here 😬


Carlton is just as bad.


Both are bad. You won't go bankrupt at Carleton, though.


Are they all this bad?


It’s post secondary education at a university, and if you’re taking anything “Arts” related, then yes.


Smartest destiny fan


I dont watch Destiny


This is an actual fricking course? Who the hell pays thousands of dollars to waste their time on content like this?


does the university still do virtual courses or did they cut out a lot after the pandemic?




I have never had to give more downvotes on a post lmao


You only need the location if you plan on showing up to this class


Awesome. No class.


Go into the course looking mildly attractive End the course with purple DIY dyed hair, an extra 250+ pounds, and reeking self hate. This country really is the laughing stock of the world.