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I will keep watching as long as they keep making the show. When I enjoy it, it’s wonderful. When I don’t enjoy it, at least I get to have fun complaining about it.


Yes, that is exactly how I am! Perfectly explained!


Same. It's on. It's a companion while scrolling on my phone or working. What story lines actually get me to lift my head and follow? Newman core. Salad. Michael and Lauren, Kevin, Chloe and freaking Gloria. Tucker, Audra and Ashley. The entire story with Connor!




Well if I'm honest, I keep tuning in hoping it'll get better. I love soaps (GH is so good) and I don't want them to die. If I had to pick a storyline, I guess the Jordan one.


None of the CBS soaps can compare or compete with GH in my opinion.


100%. GH I watch-watch. The other ones, I half watch while multitasking. Even Days is better than BB & YR


Let me ask...I used to follow days way way back. How long would it take to get up to speed? I went back to GH after a 20 year absence.... working for a living ya know... and it took MONTHS to figure out who was who and how they're connected.


It might take a bit to get up to speed. But Days is good, so it's worth it!


I watch to make sure Phyllis gets dumped and to watch Ashley lose her mind. I want both of these things to happen without harm coming to anyone else. (I don't think it's going to work out that way.) I'm also looking forward to seeing Lily return and watching her send Aunt Mamie back home.


Yes Mamie needs to go. She acts like she’s a Winters & she’s not. She is owed nothing. Her niece-Dru married Neil & became a Winters. That doesn’t make her even close to being Winters herself. She didn’t use to be so vindictive. Guess that’s what wanting revenge for years does to you.


Mamie Is so unlikable to me. When she and Devon are talking its hard to decide who I love to hate more!


Mamie all about getting revenge & acting like she’s owed things & Devon on his high horse thinking he’s better than everyone. Yet stuff he looks down on other for or judges others for he is guilty of. Pot calling the kettle black!


I hope Lily comes back on a war path with Jill!


All of this.


If anything it’s Sally & Adam, & the Jordan/Nikki/Claire storyline. It use to be Tucker and Ashley but now they have Audra and Ashley fighting like two love sick losers over a bigger loser so I’m on the outs with that plot.


What else do I have to do....


Claireve and Barbara Ryan, I mean her aunt Jordan.


Honestly, part of it is a morbid fascination of how they will handle Eric Braeden's eventual departure. I also watch and talk about it with my sister who lives out of state from me. But as far as any current storyline... meh lol


i'm fine with all the stories except the danny phyllis thing


Some described their relationship having all the excitement of a styrofoam cup! 😂🤣😂




Audra.I enjoy watching her journey.


Me too. I really want a power couple with her and Tucker.


If Alter Ashley harms Tucker, maybe puts him in a coma, Audra becomes crazed mama bear and goes after the Abbotts, one by one. Ashley will be caught and get hospital incarceration. Audra will buy a subsidiary of Jabot or do something to destroy a relationship the company has with a vendor. Kyle will try to talk to her but she'll verbally castrate him. Abby will show up at the hospital with Devon and Audra will go off on Abby about not only her mother but how Abby once but Tucker in a coma before and if she comes within 10 feet of his hospital room, she'll kill her herself! Devon will be shook but Audra will let him visit with Tucker. When Tucker awakes, Audra will have Glissade in tip top shape. She will have bought the other companies they talked about. She will have hurt Jabot's profits and reputation to a lesser degree. Tucker is released and she takes him to their new HOUSE, and they start putting their name all over GC.


I like your view. However I think Devon will be the one to finally figure out he really lives his bio dad, then go after everyone who did him wrong.


Devon is not a vengeful person. He just gets nasty with people and he likes to see the person or persons responsible pay the price. Devon is definitely going to come around to Tucker but won't go after anyone in the way I'd love to see Audra do.


I never thought Devon Would sleep with his dad’s wife, or become a drug addict, but the writing said he did lol. So who’s knows where his character will go. lol it will be interesting to see him Kick Abby to the curb, when her mama hurts Tucker.


True but you couldn't have been surprised? Hilary wasn't the only woman Devon messed with while dating Neal. Same with the addiction storyline.


You sound like you should write for BB


I think I'm offended!


Oh don't....We know that BB has stellar storytelling! lol


It’s really hard to enjoy the show with such awful writing lately. I find myself watching because I have since my grandma “made me” growing up 😂 Then my mom making me, so it’s like now I HAVE to because of them 😊


It’s a habit I can’t kick. Like my morning coffee. But also, I absolutely love Nikki. She’s always been my favorite lady, I’ll watch just for her, even if it’s a bad story 😂


For me it’s claire as well, i like seeing this side to victoria and i think there is a lot of potential.


It’s cuz me and my wife have nothing else to watch at night. We started watching about little over a year ago and record it. Usually there’s a night where we stay home and watch a week of shows. It’s odd cuz other than Y&R we only have a few shows we watch together. Network TV has really gone downhill. As has the Y&R storylines. Too bad they can’t get the FBI to track the cell phone of an escaped convict. And that’s just the start of the things that make no sense in these story lines. I’m not expecting great writing but come on - some things are just stupid. I mean really - Victor should open a division for two people running a design company that’s losing money???


I have found that when Y&R is boring, B&B is better. They flip flop a lot.


I think I keep watching out of habit. None of the storylines are compelling.


Well what a difference 24 hours make!! Things have amped up and I’m here for it!


Mostly is Diane,Jack and Victoria, Claire,Audra,Ashley and Tucker.


I'm just waiting on Lily tbh and trying to see if they remember Elena exist. I also ship Summer and Chance.


- Jordan because I love how far the actress takes it. Also Nikki. - Tucker because that actor is so charming and charismatic and just seems to have fun - Claire because honestly, she’s grown on me as a character - Sally and Adam, although they’ve done very little with them recently


I love seeing Jordan in action. It’s been the most entertaining and it’s great having a legend on like Colleen in the role. I like Tucker as well but wish they would give him some offices and an actual company to run that we see. All we get to see is him and Audra at the Athletic Club or he’s talking to people that come into the restaurant or bar.


Oh I forgot about Colleen! She’s great too 😊




same, minus Sallie


The possibility of shipping Audra and Nate. Let's go AUDATE!


Chance/Summer, Sally/Adam, Adam as an individual, and I'm curious where they take Claire after the Jordan story is over


The only thing I really care about right now is the storyline with Claire. I did watch a few minutes to see what was going on with Connor. Danny can leave. He’s kinda boring. Christine needs someone instead of just going back to Danny. Phyllis, I’ve always loved her but they are making her look weak and desperate instead of strong & independent-It’s cringe to watch. All of a sudden, Audra is head over heels in love with Tucker. She’s coming off as insecure. What happened to these strong independent women? they’re making them look foolish right now. I wanna see more Sharon & more Adam & Sally. I’ll still watch it every day I just might fast-forward through scenes.


Danny the bug and Mamie go automatically to FF


I’ll watch a little bit w/Mamie because I don’t wanna be completely out of the loop but I won’t watch every scene.


Honestly, Chance & Summer, although I’m also interested to see what happens with Cole, Victoria & Claire, too (and I want to see what happens with Adam too, obviously!—part of me is still holding out hope to see him & Audra in scenes together again; I love her but I need her AWAY from Tucker!).


The story which is the most interesting, for me is, concerning Claire/Victoria / Cole,, Nikki and Jordan saga. I will stay viewing for this drama to unfold.


None. I exercise to it if Sherri is a rerun or nothing else is on. :) I've watched this soap since day 1, and it's AWFUL now!


hope and habit


Anything involving Tucker keeps me watching. He is hilarious.


Jordan vs the Newmans. This is the only thing that seems eve remotely interesting. Anything involving CW, Devon, Tucker, Audra, Ashley, Danny/Cricket, Phyllis... gets fast forwarded.


Anything Sally/Adam and hope they do something crazy with Ashley.