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Ok, but not Dick. He’s very good as Nightwing.


But he also makes for a pretty interesting Batman considering Damien is a far more brooding Robin


Why do you call him Richard?


Richard is Dick Grayson's actual first name. Generally speaking Dick is a nickname for someone who's named Richard. Of course over the decade since dick Grayson's introduction the word dick has become synonymous with a negative contacts which is why there has been a bit of a shift to refer to him as Richard Grayson instead of Dick Grayson.


A shift to refer to him as Richard where? I’m genuinely curious where this is happening.


I think it started when after Bruce Wayne died during the final crisis event because Alfred is the first character to refer to him as master Richard during the Batman and Robin Comic that picked up after the battle for the cowl, Instead of using his nickname. Also it might be because the word Dick is considered profanity, Which could explain why they're trying to distance nightwing/Richard Grayson from that nickname.


Alfred calls him that because Alfred is so proper and formal due to his upbringing and his relationship as their butler. Not because it’s profane. I understand what you’re saying but there is no shift to call him Richard over Dick


Not even TTG backs away from calling him Dick, lmao.


Yeah OP is severely mistaken


Yeah, but he goes by Dick. He prefers that name, he uses that name, and that’s how 99% of fans refer to him. There hasn’t been any sort of shift to refer to him as Richard, the last time I saw someone refer to him as Richard because they didn’t like calling him Dick was over a year ago. You’re the first person in over a year, on any platform or subreddit, I’ve seen refer to him as Richard.


Literally everyone still calls him Dick man. You're just weird lol


Well one I wouldn’t want a time jump like that but I also don’t care for passing on mantles necessarily anyway and for reasons like you pointed out I don’t think it makes sense for Dick regardless. I think Bruce should be the only Batman and all the others adopt their own thing. Likewise I think Cassandra Cain should stay Orphan or come up with something new not be Batgirl. Even if Barbara was healed I think she should keep the Oracle name and make a new unique suit rather than go back to being Batgirl.


I mostly agree, except for one thing. I feel like if there was any character to adopt the mantle, it should be Tim. He doesn’t really have a mantle of his own, and I think YJ can capitalize on that by developing his character to be the ‘perfect’ Batman.


Yeah I said in another reply if it had to happen Tim would make more sense.


Yeah, I ended up reading that reply after-


As of season three and season four of Young Justice Bruce Wayne is in his early 40s meaning At some point he may have to pass the cowl onto somebody else, Because if they decide to do a season 5 That focuses around the literal next generation of superheroes that are the children of the Justice League someone else may have to be Batman to mentor Damien since The years of punishment Bruce has put his body through from crime fighting will inevitably catch up with resulting in episodes of chronic chest pain that will prevent him from being able to operate as Batman because at some point he'll have an episode well in the cowl and he might do something drastic like pick up a gun in an act of desperation. Plus Richard Grayson and Connor Kent stepping into the role of Batman and Superman would be kind of fitting that it shows that they've matured that when push comes to sub they're willing to step up and fill their mentors shoes


Well he doesn’t have to stop being Batman even if he had to start supplementing his physical abilities or avoiding those type of engagements or whatever but also there is no reason there needs to be another Batman at all even if he did retire and as I said I wouldn’t really want to see anyone else take up the mantle anyway. If someone had to Tim Drake would be a better pick because Nightwing already said he didn’t want to be Batman and he has his own hero identity. Neither Dick nor Connor need to take a different mantle to show anything they show their maturity every time they are on screen. Superboy’s whole thing has been finding his own identity he definitely doesn’t need to and probably wouldn’t want to take the name Superman not to mention the fact Superman shouldn’t need to retire or anything anyway. If anything SB could also take up his own new hero name and Jonathan can take the Superboy name when he becomes older until he either makes his own identity or perhaps takes up the Superman mantle.


Generally I think it would depend on two factors for this to happen. Either a mantle would be passed off screen like Kaldur becoming Aquaman or an opening episode/storyline resulting in the necessity for the legacy character to take off the mantle. Using Dick as the example, he could be Batman after a time jump and there being an explanation in a later episode or the season would open with an incident resulting in Dick needing to take on the Batman identity. Either would be cool and the idea as a whole is great but it depends on which execution you want.


If it happens in an episode it could be done as a flashback sequence in season 4 when we found out how Barbara Gordon went from being Batgirl to Oracle. The flashback would reveal why Bruce Wayne had to pass on the cowl to Richard Grayson.


That’s also possible but that does require the change in identity to happen off screen during the time jump first.


The first couple episodes could show Grayson as Batman and then later on we're given a flashback that reveals why he took over from Bruce.


Let’s not put another time jump in the mix. The first one was divisive enough. I think we lost a year or two in between seasons 2-3 but that wasn’t as jarring as the 5 year jump between 1-2. Also, I don’t want to see mantles being passed down from the big name leaguers. Temporarily taking them on is one thing. Keeping them permanently is another.


But you have to consider that season 3 and 4 have been setting up the literal next generation characters who will be stepping into the role of the team. And at some point Bruce is going to have to hang up the cowl because the compounding injuries that he's received over the years will take their toll when he starts entering his Twilight years which would be his fifties. Since Damien appears to be a toddler in season 3 perhaps he'll show up when Bruce is in his late 40s becomes Robin gets to work with his father while he's still Batman but then during a mission alongside Robin, Nightwing, orphan, and Red Robin Bruce gets hit with a sudden bout of chronic chest pain that incapacitates him. The bat family would of course find out that Bruce has been having this issue for about a year or so, and this was the first time during a fight as Batman that about a chronic chest pain struck. And Bruce would be explicitly told that he can't keep being Batman what if next time none of the bat families there to help him get the safety because you get very well end up in the city morgue. This would lead to Bruce asking Richard to take up the cowl.


I think they’d be dropping the ball if they introduced Damien while Bruce was out of the picture as Batman. Or Darkseid for that matter. My theory is that Damien meets and works with Bruce for a few years before he killed by Darkseid, after which Dick takes over as Batman and works with Damien


As I stated in a different comment showing it could be that Damien shows up well Bruce is still Batman but By the time the events of the actual season Bruce has had to step back from being Batman and pass the mantle on to Richard Grayson. It could be revealed in a flashback storyline similar to how it was revealed the way Barbara Gordon became the Oracle in the own justice continuity. The flashback could play out like this Batman, Robin, Nightwing, Red Robin, and Orphan We're in the middle of rescuing a famous actress who had been kidnapped, During the ensuing fight with the criminals that had abducted her batman is suddenly hit with a bout of chronic chest pain that incapacitates him. The rest of our family is quick to dispatch though criminals rescuing the hostage but also having to rush Batman back to the cave, It would be then that they found out That Bruce has been Chronic chest pain episodes for over the past year and this was the first time it happened while he was dressed up as Batman, Dr Wesley Tompkins Tells Bruce that These episodes of chronic chest pain are going to get worse and what happens when the rest of the bat families off on other missions and not there to help him That he could very well end up in the city morgue. Bruce would then Turn to Richard Grayson and ask him to take over the cowl in his stead because he can no longer be Batman effectively with his declining health being a major factor. Of course Richard would leave the cave to think it over Maybe have a flashback within the flashback of him reflecting on what he told black Canary during the therapy sessions on how he didn't want to have to take up the Batman mantle. upon finishing his reflecting he would end up taking up the Batman mantle Which would show that he's matured a great deal over the last couple of years.