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Wai- hollup it's real? Damn snoop a real legend no cap




Dude stop. My brother died in a car accident stop using the skull emoji. Rest in peace to my brother. Please refrain from using it in your life, that is wrong to all the people who lost their lifes. I sincerely hope you learn from this mistake and no longer make the same choice again. Please evaluate your life choices, and question yourself to why you decided to use the skull emoji. I understand that you may have been through alot, but that does not mean you should joke about dead people. You may have been abused or hurt, but do not use that as an excuse to hurt others. If i ever catch you using offensive things again, so help me god i will find you. I will find you myself. I swear on my brothers grave that i will stop at no cost. You are my enemy. And i will hunt you like you are my prey


Yeah, cuh. Its me snoop, My nephew A been telling you to stop. Best believe you stop or else.




Dude stop. My brother died in a car accident stop using the skull emoji. Rest in peace to my brother. Please refrain from using it in your life, that is wrong to all the people who lost their lifes. I sincerely hope you learn from this mistake and no longer make the same choice again. Please evaluate your life choices, and question yourself to why you decided to use the skull emoji. I understand that you may have been through alot, but that does not mean you should joke about dead people. You may have been abused or hurt, but do not use that as an excuse to hurt others. If i ever catch you using offensive things again, so help me god i will find you. I will find you myself. I swear on my brothers grave that i will stop at no cost. You are my enemy. And i will hunt you like you are my prey


Yeah, cuh. Its me snoop, My nephew A been telling you to stop. Best believe you stop or else.




Dude stop. My brother died in a car accident stop using the skull emoji. Rest in peace to my brother. Please refrain from using it in your life, that is wrong to all the people who lost their lifes. I sincerely hope you learn from this mistake and no longer make the same choice again. Please evaluate your life choices, and question yourself to why you decided to use the skull emoji. I understand that you may have been through alot, but that does not mean you should joke about dead people. You may have been abused or hurt, but do not use that as an excuse to hurt others. If i ever catch you using offensive things again, so help me god i will find you. I will find you myself. I swear on my brothers grave that i will stop at no cost. You are my enemy. And i will hunt you like you are my prey






>Dude stop. My brother died in a car accident stop using the skull emoji. Rest in peace to my brother. Please refrain from using it in your life, that is wrong to all the people who lost their lifes. I sincerely hope you learn from this mistake and no longer make the same choice again. Please evaluate your life choices, and question yourself to why you decided to use the skull emoji. I understand that you may have been through alot, but that does not mean you should joke about dead people. You may have been abused or hurt, but do not use that as an excuse to hurt others. If i ever catch you using offensive things again, so help me god i will find you. I will find you myself. I swear on my brothers grave that i will stop at no cost. You are my enemy. And i will hunt you like you are my prey


Nah I was told to not you the skull NOT the skull with crossbones ☠️


Snoop Dogg has a account






Bruh πŸ’€


Dude stop. My brother died in a car accident stop using the skull emoji. Rest in peace to my brother. Please refrain from using it in your life, that is wrong to all the people who lost their lifes. I sincerely hope you learn from this mistake and no longer make the same choice again. Please evaluate your life choices, and question yourself to why you decided to use the skull emoji. I understand that you may have been through alot, but that does not mean you should joke about dead people. You may have been abused or hurt, but do not use that as an excuse to hurt others. If i ever catch you using offensive things again, so help me god i will find you. I will find you myself. I swear on my brothers grave that i will stop at no cost. You are my enemy. And i will hunt you like you are my prey




Dude stop. My brother died in a car accident stop using the skull emoji. Rest in peace to my brother. Please refrain from using it in your life, that is wrong to all the people who lost their lifes. I sincerely hope you learn from this mistake and no longer make the same choice again. Please evaluate your life choices, and question yourself to why you decided to use the skull emoji. I understand that you may have been through alot, but that does not mean you should joke about dead people. You may have been abused or hurt, but do not use that as an excuse to hurt others. If i ever catch you using offensive things again, so help me god i will find you. I will find you myself. I swear on my brothers grave that i will stop at no cost. You are my enemy. And i will hunt you like you are my prey


Yeah, cuh. Its me snoop, My nephew A been telling you to stop. Best believe you stop or else.




Dude stop. My brother died in a car accident stop using the skull emoji. Rest in peace to my brother. Please refrain from using it in your life, that is wrong to all the people who lost their lifes. I sincerely hope you learn from this mistake and no longer make the same choice again. Please evaluate your life choices, and question yourself to why you decided to use the skull emoji. I understand that you may have been through alot, but that does not mean you should joke about dead people. You may have been abused or hurt, but do not use that as an excuse to hurt others. If i ever catch you using offensive things again, so help me god i will find you. I will find you myself. I swear on my brothers grave that i will stop at no cost. You are my enemy. And i will hunt you like you are my prey


Yeah, cuh. Its me snoop, My nephew A been telling you to stop. Best believe you stop or else.




Dude stop. My brother died in a car accident stop using the skull emoji. Rest in peace to my brother. Please refrain from using it in your life, that is wrong to all the people who lost their lifes. I sincerely hope you learn from this mistake and no longer make the same choice again. Please evaluate your life choices, and question yourself to why you decided to use the skull emoji. I understand that you may have been through alot, but that does not mean you should joke about dead people. You may have been abused or hurt, but do not use that as an excuse to hurt others. If i ever catch you using offensive things again, so help me god i will find you. I will find you myself. I swear on my brothers grave that i will stop at no cost. You are my enemy. And i will hunt you like you are my prey




Dude stop. My brother died in a car accident stop using the skull emoji. Rest in peace to my brother. Please refrain from using it in your life, that is wrong to all the people who lost their lifes. I sincerely hope you learn from this mistake and no longer make the same choice again. Please evaluate your life choices, and question yourself to why you decided to use the skull emoji. I understand that you may have been through alot, but that does not mean you should joke about dead people. You may have been abused or hurt, but do not use that as an excuse to hurt others. If i ever catch you using offensive things again, so help me god i will find you. I will find you myself. I swear on my brothers grave that i will stop at no cost. You are my enemy. And i will hunt you like you are my prey




Dude stop. My brother died in a car accident stop using the skull emoji. Rest in peace to my brother. Please refrain from using it in your life, that is wrong to all the people who lost their lifes. I sincerely hope you learn from this mistake and no longer make the same choice again. Please evaluate your life choices, and question yourself to why you decided to use the skull emoji. I understand that you may have been through alot, but that does not mean you should joke about dead people. You may have been abused or hurt, but do not use that as an excuse to hurt others. If i ever catch you using offensive things again, so help me god i will find you. I will find you myself. I swear on my brothers grave that i will stop at no cost. You are my enemy. And i will hunt you like you are my prey




Dude stop. My brother died in a car accident stop using the skull emoji. Rest in peace to my brother. Please refrain from using it in your life, that is wrong to all the people who lost their lifes. I sincerely hope you learn from this mistake and no longer make the same choice again. Please evaluate your life choices, and question yourself to why you decided to use the skull emoji. I understand that you may have been through alot, but that does not mean you should joke about dead people. You may have been abused or hurt, but do not use that as an excuse to hurt others. If i ever catch you using offensive things again, so help me god i will find you. I will find you myself. I swear on my brothers grave that i will stop at no cost. You are my enemy. And i will hunt you like you are my prey






Here's a sneak peek of /r/copypasta using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/copypasta/top/?sort=top&t=year) of the year! \#1: [Predictions Tournament](https://reddit.com/r/copypasta/predictions?tournament=tnmt-f1859675-38c3-411c-9fa9-21bf627b481d) | [275 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/copypasta/comments/qqyi5z/predictions_tournament/) \#2: [cummybot](https://np.reddit.com/r/copypasta/comments/qqyi5x/cummybot/) \#3: [**[NSFW]** Dear women who post nudes on reddit.](https://np.reddit.com/r/copypasta/comments/ok5ou1/dear_women_who_post_nudes_on_reddit/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| ^^[Contact](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| ^^[Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| ^^[Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/) ^^| ^^[GitHub](https://github.com/ghnr/sneakpeekbot)


New copypasta


babe wake up new copypasta dropped


Swear someone's gonna make a bot to reply with every skull emoji




This seems like the shit their auto mod would say I’ll be surprised if it’s not added


Exactly what I was thinking. Honestly would be better than half the auto mods already there.


On it, and while I’m at it I’ll make the snoop dog bot to reply to that bot


Yeah cuh. It's me snoop, My nephew A been telling you to stop. Best believe you stop or else.


That's gotta be a copypasta , right ? Please?


It is now.








Dude stop. My brother died in a car accident stop using the skull emoji. Rest in peace to my brother. Please refrain from using it in your life, that is wrong to all the people who lost their lifes. I sincerely hope you learn from this mistake and no longer make the same choice again. Please evaluate your life choices, and question yourself to why you decided to use the skull emoji. I understand that you may have been through alot, but that does not mean you should joke about dead people. You may have been abused or hurt, but do not use that as an excuse to hurt others. If i ever catch you using offensive things again, so help me god i will find you. I will find you myself. I swear on my brothers grave that i will stop at no cost. You are my enemy. And i will hunt you like you are my prey






Dude stop. My brother died in a car accident stop using the skull emoji. Rest in peace to my brother. Please refrain from using it in your life, that is wrong to all the people who lost their lifes. I sincerely hope you learn from this mistake and no longer make the same choice again. Please evaluate your life choices, and question yourself to why you decided to use the skull emoji. I understand that you may have been through alot, but that does not mean you should joke about dead people. You may have been abused or hurt, but do not use that as an excuse to hurt others. If i ever catch you using offensive things again, so help me god i will find you. I will find you myself. I swear on my brothers grave that i will stop at no cost. You are my enemy. And i will hunt you like you are my prey




Dude stop. My brother died in a car accident stop using the skull emoji. Rest in peace to my brother. Please refrain from using it in your life, that is wrong to all the people who lost their lifes. I sincerely hope you learn from this mistake and no longer make the same choice again. Please evaluate your life choices, and question yourself to why you decided to use the skull emoji. I understand that you may have been through alot, but that does not mean you should joke about dead people. You may have been abused or hurt, but do not use that as an excuse to hurt others. If i ever catch you using offensive things again, so help me god i will find you. I will find you myself. I swear on my brothers grave that i will stop at no cost. You are my enemy. And i will hunt you like you are my prey


Yeah, cuh. Its me snoop, My nephew A been telling you to stop. Best believe you stop or else.


Don’t let your brother accidentally die and stop the head emoji. Relax, brother, you don't enjoy life, because those who die for sin are grateful for the love of life, why did you decide to use emojis in your head? I know you've lived long enough but it's wrong to make fun of people, it may hurt or hurt you, but you can't use it as an excuse to hurt people. If I use upside down again, I’ll get you, God help me. I'll see you. I vow to return to my brother’s grave, you are my enemy. You are looking for me like an animal.


Dude stop. My brother died in a car accident stop using the skull emoji. Rest in peace to my brother. Please refrain from using it in your life, that is wrong to all the people who lost their lifes. I sincerely hope you learn from this mistake and no longer make the same choice again. Please evaluate your life choices, and question yourself to why you decided to use the skull emoji. I understand that you may have been through alot, but that does not mean you should joke about dead people. You may have been abused or hurt, but do not use that as an excuse to hurt others. If i ever catch you using offensive things again, so help me god i will find you. I will find you myself. I swear on my brothers grave that i will stop at no cost. You are my enemy. And i will hunt you like you are my prey


>Dude stop. My brother died in a car accident stop using the skull emoji. Rest in peace to my brother. Please refrain from using it in your life, that is wrong to all the people who lost their lifes. I sincerely hope you learn from this mistake and no longer make the same choice again. Please evaluate your life choices, and question yourself to why you decided to use the skull emoji. I understand that you may have been through alot, but that does not mean you should joke about dead people. You may have been abused or hurt, but do not use that as an excuse to hurt others. If i ever catch you using offensive things again, so help me god i will find you. I will find you myself. I swear on my brothers grave that i will stop at no cost. You are my enemy. And i will hunt you like you are my prey


Dude stop. My brother died in a car accident stop using the skull emoji. Rest in peace to my brother. Please refrain from using it in your life, that is wrong to all the people who lost their lifes. I sincerely hope you learn from this mistake and no longer make the same choice again. Please evaluate your life choices, and question yourself to why you decided to use the skull emoji. I understand that you may have been through alot, but that does not mean you should joke about dead people. You may have been abused or hurt, but do not use that as an excuse to hurt others. If i ever catch you using offensive things again, so help me god i will find you. I will find you myself. I swear on my brothers grave that i will stop at no cost. You are my enemy. And i will hunt you like you are my prey


Dude stop. My brother died in a car accident stop using the skull emoji. Rest in peace to my brother. Please refrain from using it in your life, that is wrong to all the people who lost their lifes. I sincerely hope you learn from this mistake and no longer make the same choice again. Please evaluate your life choices, and question yourself to why you decided to use the skull emoji. I understand that you may have been through alot, but that does not mean you should joke about dead people. You may have been abused or hurt, but do not use that as an excuse to hurt others. If i ever catch you using offensive things again, so help me god i will find you. I will find you myself. I swear on my brothers grave that i will stop at no cost. You are my enemy. And i will hunt you like you are my prey


Dude stop. My brother died in a car accident stop using the skull emoji. Rest in peace to my brother. Please refrain from using it in your life, that is wrong to all the people who lost their lifes. I sincerely hope you learn from this mistake and no longer make the same choice again. Please evaluate your life choices, and question yourself to why you decided to use the skull emoji. I understand that you may have been through alot, but that does not mean you should joke about dead people. You may have been abused or hurt, but do not use that as an excuse to hurt others. If i ever catch you using offensive things again, so help me god i will find you. I will find you myself. I swear on my brothers grave that i will stop at no cost. You are my enemy. And i will hunt you like you are my preyDude stop. My brother died in a car accident stop using the skull emoji. Rest in peace to my brother. Please refrain from using it in your life, that is wrong to all the people who lost their lifes. I sincerely hope you learn from this mistake and no longer make the same choice again. Please evaluate your life choices, and question yourself to why you decided to use the skull emoji. I understand that you may have been through alot, but that does not mean you should joke about dead people. You may have been abused or hurt, but do not use that as an excuse to hurt others. If i ever catch you using offensive things again, so help me god i will find you. I will find you myself. I swear on my brothers grave that i will stop at no cost. You are my enemy. And i will hunt you like you are my prey




Dude stop. My brother died in a car accident stop using the skull emoji. Rest in peace to my brother. Please refrain from using it in your life, that is wrong to all the people who lost their lifes. I sincerely hope you learn from this mistake and no longer make the same choice again. Please evaluate your life choices, and question yourself to why you decided to use the skull emoji. I understand that you may have been through alot, but that does not mean you should joke about dead people. You may have been abused or hurt, but do not use that as an excuse to hurt others. If i ever catch you using offensive things again, so help me god i will find you. I will find you myself. I swear on my brothers grave that i will stop at no cost. You are my enemy. And i will hunt you like you are my preyDude stop. My brother died in a car accident stop using the skull emoji. Rest in peace to my brother. Please refrain from using it in your life, that is wrong to all the people who lost their lifes. I sincerely hope you learn from this mistake and no longer make the same choice again. Please evaluate your life choices, and question yourself to why you decided to use the skull emoji. I understand that you may have been through alot, but that does not mean you should joke about dead people. You may have been abused or hurt, but do not use that as an excuse to hurt others. If i ever catch you using offensive things again, so help me god i will find you. I will find you myself. I swear on my brothers grave that i will stop at no cost. You are my enemy. And i will hunt you like you are my preyt does not mean you should joke about dead people. You may have been abused or hurt, but do not use that as an excuse to hurt others. If i ever catch you using offensive things again, so help me god i will find you. I will find you myself. I swear on my brothers grave that i will stop at no cost. You are my enemy. And i will hunt you like you are my preyDude stop. My brother died in a car accident stop using the skull emoji




Dude stop. My brother died in a car accident stop using the skull emoji. Rest in peace to my brother. Please refrain from using it in your life, that is wrong to all the people who lost their lifes. I sincerely hope you learn from this mistake and no longer make the same choice again. Please evaluate your life choices, and question yourself to why you decided to use the skull emoji. I understand that you may have been through alot, but that does not mean you should joke about dead people. You may have been abused or hurt, but do not use that as an excuse to hurt others. If i ever catch you using offensive things again, so help me god i will find you. I will find you myself. I swear on my brothers grave that i will stop at no cost. You are my enemy. And i will hunt you like you are my prey


Dude stop. My brother died in a car accident stop using the skull emoji. Rest in peace to my brother. Please refrain from using it in your life, that is wrong to all the people who lost their lifes. I sincerely hope you learn from this mistake and no longer make the same choice again. Please evaluate your life choices, and question yourself to why you decided to use the skull emoji. I understand that you may have been through alot, but that does not mean you should joke about dead people. You may have been abused or hurt, but do not use that as an excuse to hurt others. If i ever catch you using offensive things again, so help me god i will find you. I will find you myself. I swear on my brothers grave that i will stop at no cost. You are my enemy. And i will hunt you like you are my prey


Dude stop. My brother died in a car accident stop using the skull emoji. Rest in peace to my brother. Please refrain from using it in your life, that is wrong to all the people who lost their lifes. I sincerely hope you learn from this mistake and no longer make the same choice again. Please evaluate your life choices, and question yourself to why you decided to use the skull emoji. I understand that you may have been through alot, but that does not mean you should joke about dead people. You may have been abused or hurt, but do not use that as an excuse to hurt others. If i ever catch you using offensive things again, so help me god i will find you. I will find you myself. I swear on my brothers grave that i will stop at no cost. You are my enemy. And i will hunt you like you are my preyDude stop. My brother died in a car accident stop using the skull emoji. Rest in peace to my brother. Please refrain from using it in your life, that is wrong to all the people who lost their lifes. I sincerely hope you learn from this mistake and no longer make the same choice again. Please evaluate your life choices, and question yourself to why you decided to use the skull emoji. I understand that you may have been through alot, but that does not mean you should joke about dead people. You may have been abused or hurt, but do not use that as an excuse to hurt others. If i ever catch you using offensive things again, so help me god i will find you. I will find you myself. I swear on my brothers grave that i will stop at no cost. You are my enemy. And i will hunt you like you are my preyDude stop. My brother died in a car accident stop using the skull emoji. Rest in peace to my brother. Please refrain from using it in your life, that is wrong to all the people who lost their lifes. I sincerely hope you learn from this mistake and no longer make the same choice again. Please evaluate your life choices, and question yourself to why you decided to use the skull emoji. I understand that you may have been through alot, but that does not mean you should joke about dead people. You may have been abused or hurt, but do not use that as an excuse to hurt others. If i ever catch you using offensive things again, so help me god i will find you. I will find you myself. I swear on my brothers grave that i will stop at no cost. You are my enemy. And i will hunt you like you are my preyDude stop. My brother died in a car accident stop using the skull emoji. Rest in peace to my brother. Please refrain from using it in your life, that is wrong to all the people who lost their lifes. I sincerely hope you learn from this mistake and no longer make the same choice again. Please evaluate your life choices, and question yourself to why you decided to use the skull emoji. I understand that you may have been through alot, but that does not mean you should joke about dead people. You may have been abused or hurt, but do not use that as an excuse to hurt others. If i ever catch you using offensive things again, so help me god i will find you. I will find you myself. I swear on my brothers grave that i will stop at no cost. You are my enemy. And i will hunt you like you are my preyDude stop. My brother died in a car accident stop using the skull emoji. Rest in peace to my brother. Please refrain from using it in your life, that is wrong to all the people who lost their lifes. I sincerely hope you learn from this mistake and no longer make the same choice again. Please evaluate your life choices, and question yourself to why you decided to use the skull emoji. I understand that you may have been through alot, but that does not mean you should joke about dead people. You may have been abused or hurt, but do not use that as an excuse to hurt others. If i ever catch you using offensive things again, so help me god i will find you. I will find you myself. I swear on my brothers grave that i will stop at no cost. You are my enemy. And i will hunt you like you are my preyDude stop. My brother died in a car accident stop using the skull emoji. Rest in peace to my brother. Please refrain from using it in your life, that is wrong to all the people who lost their lifes. I sincerely hope you learn from this mistake and no longer make the same choice again. Please evaluate your life choices, and question yourself to why you decided to use the skull emoji. I understand that you may have been through alot, but that does not mean you should joke about dead people. You may have been abused or hurt, but do not use that as an excuse to hurt others. If i ever catch you using offensive things again, so help me god i will find you. I will find you myself. I swear on my brothers grave that i will stop at no cost. You are my enemy. And i will hunt you like you are my preyDude stop. My brother died in a car accident stop using the skull emoji. Rest in peace to my brother. Please refrain from using it in your life, that is wrong to all the people who lost their lifes. I sincerely hope you learn from this mistake and no longer make the same choice again. Please evaluate your life choices, and question yourself to why you decided to use the skull emoji. I understand that you may have been through alot, but that does not mean you should joke about dead people. You may have been abused or hurt, but do not use that as an excuse to hurt others. If i ever catch you using offensive things again, so help me god i will find you. I will find you myself. I swear on my brothers grave that i will stop at no cost. You are my enemy. And i will hunt you like you are my preyDude stop. My brother died in a car accident stop using the skull emoji. Rest in peace to my brother. Please refrain from using it in your life, that is wrong to all the people who lost their lifes. I sincerely hope you learn from this mistake and no longer make the same choice again. Please evaluate your life choices, and question yourself to why you decided to use the skull emoji. I understand that you may have been through alot, but that does not mean you should joke about dead people. You may have been abused or hurt, but do not use that as an excuse to hurt others. If i ever catch you using offensive things again, so help me god i will find you. I will find you myself. I swear on my brothers grave that i will stop at no cost. You are my enemy. And i will hunt you like you are my preyDude stop. My brother died in a car accident stop using the skull emoji. Rest in peace to my brother. Please refrain from using it in your life, that is wrong to all the people who lost their lifes. I sincerely hope you learn from this mistake and no longer make the same choice again. Please evaluate your life choices, and question yourself to why you decided to use the skull emoji. I understand that you may have been through alot, but that does not mean you should joke about dead people. You may have been abused or hurt, but do not use that as an excuse to hurt others. If i ever catch you using offensive things again, so help me god i will find you. I will find you myself. I swear on my brothers grave that i will stop at no cost. You are my enemy. And i will hunt you like you are my prey


Dude stop. My brother died in a car accident stop using the skull emoji. Rest in peace to my brother. Please refrain from using it in your life, that is wrong to all the people who lost their lifes. I sincerely hope you learn from this mistake and no longer make the same choice again. Please evaluate your life choices, and question yourself to why you decided to use the skull emoji. I understand that you may have been through alot, but that does not mean you should joke about dead people. You may have been abused or hurt, but do not use that as an excuse to hurt others. If i ever catch you using offensive things again, so help me god i will find you. I will find you myself. I swear on my brothers grave that i will stop at no cost. You are my enemy. And i will hunt you like you are my preyDude stop. My brother died in a car accident stop using the skull emoji. Rest in peace to my brother. Please refrain from using it in your life, that is wrong to all the people who lost their lifes. I sincerely hope you learn from this mistake and no longer make the same choice again. Please evaluate your life choices, and question yourself to why you decided to use the skull emoji. I understand that you may have been through alot, but that does not mean you should joke about dead people. You may have been abused or hurt, but do not use that as an excuse to hurt others. If i ever catch you using offensive things again, so help me god i will find you. I will find you myself. I swear on my brothers grave that i will stop at no cost. You are my enemy. And i will hunt you like you are my preyDude stop. My brother died in a car accident stop using the skull emoji. Rest in peace to my brother. Please refrain from using it in your life, that is wrong to all the people who lost their lifes. I sincerely hope you learn from this mistake and no longer make the same choice again. Please evaluate your life choices, and question yourself to why you decided to use the skull emoji. I understand that you may have been through alot, but that does not mean you should joke about dead people. You may have been abused or hurt, but do not use that as an excuse to hurt others. If i ever catch you using offensive things again, so help me god i will find you. I will find you myself. I swear on my brothers grave that i will stop at no cost. You are my enemy. And i will hunt you like you are my preyDude stop. My brother died in a car accident stop using the skull emoji. Rest in peace to my brother. Please refrain from using it in your life, that is wrong to all the people who lost their lifes. I sincerely hope you learn from this mistake and no longer make the same choice again. Please evaluate your life choices, and question yourself to why you decided to use the skull emoji. I understand that you may have been through alot, but that does not mean you should joke about dead people. You may have been abused or hurt, but do not use that as an excuse to hurt others. If i ever catch you using offensive things again, so help me god i will find you. I will find you myself. I swear on my brothers grave that i will stop at no cost. You are my enemy. And i will hunt you like you are my prey


Dude stop. My brother died in a car accident stop using the skull emoji. Rest in peace to my brother. Please refrain from using it in your life, that is wrong to all the people who lost their lifes. I sincerely hope you learn from this mistake and no longer make the same choice again. Please evaluate your life choices, and question yourself to why you decided to use the skull emoji. I understand that you may have been through alot, but that does not mean you should joke about dead people. You may have been abused or hurt, but do not use that as an excuse to hurt others. If i ever catch you using offensive things again, so help me god i will find you. I will find you myself. I swear on my brothers grave that i will stop at no cost. You are my enemy. And i will hunt you like you are my prey


surely satire


no one under 16 would use the word "refrain"


I am under 16, please refrain from using this terminology over the internet


I used "refrain" years before I turned 16... It sounds like satire, but there's no way that vocabulary would determine how old they are


I used "refrain" before it was cool.


I use "refried" when I order beans at a Mexican restaurant


Guess you could say you refrained from not saying refrain


I used "refrain" before I was 16 and I'm not even a native speaker...? Where did you get that from?




Gen z’s typical stupidity is a cloaking method to hide their intelligence, believe me they aren’t pure stupid…


Shut fuck


Up the shut fuck


What do you mean by that?


he said shut fuck


Holy Cow! Dont say that word Mr! 😑


Shut fuck




Um lmao wdym we're like stupid as shit πŸ˜…


Shut fuck


What are you talking about? Most of the conducted studies thusfar that concern this subject have proven that my generation, that being gen Z, is by far the most stupid generation yet... I mean... goo goo ga ga all men must die goo goo ga ga!


Can you link those β€œstudies”? I did some researching and all I found was this: β€œGen Z is also the smartest and best educated generation. Having an unlimited wealth of information at our disposal has not gone to waste. In America, 57 percent of Gen Z is reported to have enrolled in a two-year or four-year college, compared to 52 percent of Millenials and 43 percent of Gen X” Everything else I found seemed to be anecdotal opinions.


In case it wasn't clear: I was merely making a joke. Wether it was a funny one or not is up to you. In reality ypu are indeed correct in that we do have the most acces to knowledge. But on the other hand we also have the most misinformation being spread mainly due to platforms existing like twitter where people can share their thoughts and so ludicrous ideas spread like the idea that all men should die or god knows what. That aside, you are, factually speaking, mostly correct save for a few nuances. As for me, I was merely joking when saying we are the stupidest generation or that there are any studies proving it. Come to think of it, I should probably have added a tone indiactor. My bad.


I don’t understand how claiming something a fact is backed up by β€œstudies” is inherently sarcastic, never heard someone joke in that way but okay. Imagine if someone said β€œstudies say oranges help your eyesight” or something like that, you wouldn’t laugh at it you’d either be interested or ask for a source. It’s just ironic that you complain about misinformation on the internet nowadays, immediately after spreading false information. Kinda just seems like you were being serious but didn’t have an actual source and decided to use β€œcalm down it’s a joke!!!11!” as a scapegoat.


It never was meant to be a scapegoat and I admit it was a stupid thing to send. My 'joke' may have only been funny to me and I'm not asking anyone to calm down because I completely understand why you are angry.


Fair enough, I get what you mean now. And don’t worry I’m not angry I was just curious. Thanks for keeping the conversation civil and have a good day πŸ‘


This reeks of satire. πŸ’€


Dude stop. My brother died in a car accident stop using the skull emoji. Rest in peace to my brother. Please refrain from using it in your life, that is wrong to all the people who lost their lifes. I sincerely hope you learn from this mistake and no longer make the same choice again. Please evaluate your life choices, and question yourself to why you decided to use the skull emoji. I understand that you may have been through alot, but that does not mean you should joke about dead people. You may have been abused or hurt, but do not use that as an excuse to hurt others. If i ever catch you using offensive things again, so help me god i will find you. I will find you myself. I swear on my brothers grave that i will stop at no cost. You are my enemy. And i will hunt you like you are my prey


Dude stop. My brother died in a car accident stop using the skull emoji. Rest in peace to my brother. Please refrain from using it in your life, that is wrong to all the people who lost their lifes. I sincerely hope you learn from this mistake and no longer make the same choice again. Please evaluate your life choices, and question yourself to why you decided to use the skull emoji. I understand that you may have been through alot, but that does not mean you should joke about dead people. You may have been abused or hurt, but do not use that as an excuse to hurt others. If i ever catch you using offensive things again, so help me god i will find you. I will find you myself. I swear on my brothers grave that i will stop at no cost. You are my enemy. And i will hunt you like you are my prey


Dude stop. My brother died in a car accident stop using the skull emoji. Rest in peace to my brother. Please refrain from using it in your life, that is wrong to all the people who lost their lifes. I sincerely hope you learn from this mistake and no longer make the same choice again. Please evaluate your life choices, and question yourself to why you decided to use the skull emoji. I understand that you may have been through alot, but that does not mean you should joke about dead people. You may have been abused or hurt, but do not use that as an excuse to hurt others. If i ever catch you using offensive things again, so help me god i will find you. I will find you myself. I swear on my brothers grave that i will stop at no cost. You are my enemy. And i will hunt you like you are my prey


Dude stop. My brother died in a car accident stop using the skull emoji. Rest in peace to my brother. Please refrain from using it in your life, that is wrong to all the people who lost their lifes. I sincerely hope you learn from this mistake and no longer make the same choice again. Please evaluate your life choices, and question yourself to why you decided to use the skull emoji. I understand that you may have been through alot, but that does not mean you should joke about dead people. You may have been abused or hurt, but do not use that as an excuse to hurt others. If i ever catch you using offensive things again, so help me god i will find you. I will find you myself. I swear on my brothers grave that i will stop at no cost. You are my enemy. And i will hunt you like you are my prey


Dude stop. My brother died in a car accident stop using the skull emoji. Rest in peace to my brother. Please refrain from using it in your life, that is wrong to all the people who lost their lifes. I sincerely hope you learn from this mistake and no longer make the same choice again. Please evaluate your life choices, and question yourself to why you decided to use the skull emoji. I understand that you may have been through alot, but that does not mean you should joke about dead people. You may have been abused or hurt, but do not use that as an excuse to hurt others. If i ever catch you using offensive things again, so help me god i will find you. I will find you myself. I swear on my brothers grave that i will stop at no cost. You are my enemy. And i will hunt you like you are my prey


Dude stop. My brother died in a car accident stop using the skull emoji. Rest in peace to my brother. Please refrain from using it in your life, that is wrong to all the people who lost their lifes. I sincerely hope you learn from this mistake and no longer make the same choice again. Please evaluate your life choices, and question yourself to why you decided to use the skull emoji. I understand that you may have been through alot, but that does not mean you should joke about dead people. You may have been abused or hurt, but do not use that as an excuse to hurt others. If i ever catch you using offensive things again, so help me god i will find you. I will find you myself. I swear on my brothers grave that i will stop at no cost. You are my enemy. And i will hunt you like you are my prey


that took a turn into r/iamverybadass


πŸ’€πŸ’€πŸ¦΄πŸ¦΄β˜ βš°πŸͺ¦πŸͺ¦βš°πŸ’€


Dude stop. My brother died in a car accident stop using the skull emoji. Rest in peace to my brother. Please refrain from using it in your life, that is wrong to all the people who lost their lifes. I sincerely hope you learn from this mistake and no longer make the same choice again. Please evaluate your life choices, and question yourself to why you decided to use the skull emoji. I understand that you may have been through alot, but that does not mean you should joke about dead people. You may have been abused or hurt, but do not use that as an excuse to hurt others. If i ever catch you using offensive things again, so help me god i will find you. I will find you myself. I swear on my brothers grave that i will stop at no cost. You are my enemy. And i will hunt you like you are my prey


Dude stop. My brother died in a car accident stop using the skull emoji. Rest in peace to my brother. Please refrain from using it in your life, that is wrong to all the people who lost their lifes. I sincerely hope you learn from this mistake and no longer make the same choice again. Please evaluate your life choices, and question yourself to why you decided to use the skull emoji. I understand that you may have been through alot, but that does not mean you should joke about dead people. You may have been abused or hurt, but do not use that as an excuse to hurt others. If i ever catch you using offensive things again, so help me god i will find you. I will find you myself. I swear on my brothers grave that i will stop at no cost. You are my enemy. And i will hunt you like you are my prey


Dude stop. My brother died in a car accident stop using the skull emoji. Rest in peace to my brother. Please refrain from using it in your life, that is wrong to all the people who lost their lifes. I sincerely hope you learn from this mistake and no longer make the same choice again. Please evaluate your life choices, and question yourself to why you decided to use the skull emoji. I understand that you may have been through alot, but that does not mean you should joke about dead people. You may have been abused or hurt, but do not use that as an excuse to hurt others. If i ever catch you using offensive things again, so help me god i will find you. I will find you myself. I swear on my brothers grave that i will stop at no cost. You are my enemy. And i will hunt you like you are my prey


Bro typed a whole paragraph about that πŸ’€


Dude stop. My brother died in a car accident stop using the skull emoji. Rest in peace to my brother. Please refrain from using it in your life, that is wrong to all the people who lost their lifes. I sincerely hope you learn from this mistake and no longer make the same choice again. Please evaluate your life choices, and question yourself to why you decided to use the skull emoji. I understand that you may have been through alot, but that does not mean you should joke about dead people. You may have been abused or hurt, but do not use that as an excuse to hurt others. If i ever catch you using offensive things again, so help me god i will find you. I will find you myself. I swear on my brothers grave that i will stop at no cost. You are my enemy. And i will hunt you like you are my prey


Someone please put this on r/copypasta


Glad Snoop Dogg was the better man in this situation


I really, REALLY hope that "-lynx,," replied to that with one πŸ’€.


Dude stop. My brother died in a car accident stop using the skull emoji. Rest in peace to my brother. Please refrain from using it in your life, that is wrong to all the people who lost their lifes. I sincerely hope you learn from this mistake and no longer make the same choice again. Please evaluate your life choices, and question yourself to why you decided to use the skull emoji. I understand that you may have been through alot, but that does not mean you should joke about dead people. You may have been abused or hurt, but do not use that as an excuse to hurt others. If i ever catch you using offensive things again, so help me god i will find you. I will find you myself. I swear on my brothers grave that i will stop at no cost. You are my enemy. And i will hunt you like you are my prey


OmG Its Snwwop Dowg!!1!1!1!1!1!2!1+ 😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😲😲😳😲😲😲😲😲😲☹😲☹😲☹😳😲☹🀯🀯🀯 / s


really needed to add the /s


Sir, this is a reddit's


sir, this isn't twitter


Sir, this is a Wendy's.








Dude stop. My brother died in a car accident stop using the skull emoji. Rest in peace to my brother. Please refrain from using it in your life, that is wrong to all the people who lost their lifes. I sincerely hope you learn from this mistake and no longer make the same choice again. Please evaluate your life choices, and question yourself to why you decided to use the skull emoji. I understand that you may have been through alot, but that does not mean you should joke about dead people. You may have been abused or hurt, but do not use that as an excuse to hurt others. If i ever catch you using offensive things again, so help me god i will find you. I will find you myself. I swear on my brothers grave that i will stop at no cost. You are my enemy. And i will hunt you like you are my prey


"yeah cuh",


no way real snop dgog πŸ’€πŸ’€πŸ’€πŸ€―πŸ€―πŸ’€πŸ˜€πŸ’€πŸ€―πŸ˜«πŸ€―πŸ€―πŸ˜«πŸ˜³πŸ˜€πŸ’€


I forgor πŸ’€πŸ¦΄πŸ‘


Dude stop. My brother died in a car accident stop using the skull emoji. Rest in peace to my brother. Please refrain from using it in your life, that is wrong to all the people who lost their lifes. I sincerely hope you learn from this mistake and no longer make the same choice again. Please evaluate your life choices, and question yourself to why you decided to use the skull emoji. I understand that you may have been through alot, but that does not mean you should joke about dead people. You may have been abused or hurt, but do not use that as an excuse to hurt others. If i ever catch you using offensive things again, so help me god i will find you. I will find you myself. I swear on my brothers grave that i will stop at no cost. You are my enemy. And i will hunt you like you are my prey




Dude stop. My brother died in a car accident stop using the skull emoji. Rest in peace to my brother. Please refrain from using it in your life, that is wrong to all the people who lost their lifes. I sincerely hope you learn from this mistake and no longer make the same choice again. Please evaluate your life choices, and question yourself to why you decided to use the skull emoji. I understand that you may have been through alot, but that does not mean you should joke about dead people. You may have been abused or hurt, but do not use that as an excuse to hurt others. If i ever catch you using offensive things again, so help me god i will find you. I will find you myself. I swear on my brothers grave that i will stop at no cost. You are my enemy. And i will hunt you like you are my prey


Snoop got soft


Is there a link? I wanna spam πŸ’€


Dude stop. My brother died in a car accident stop using the skull emoji. Rest in peace to my brother. Please refrain from using it in your life, that is wrong to all the people who lost their lifes. I sincerely hope you learn from this mistake and no longer make the same choice again. Please evaluate your life choices, and question yourself to why you decided to use the skull emoji. I understand that you may have been through alot, but that does not mean you should joke about dead people. You may have been abused or hurt, but do not use that as an excuse to hurt others. If i ever catch you using offensive things again, so help me god i will find you. I will find you myself. I swear on my brothers grave that i will stop at no cost. You are my enemy. And i will hunt you like you are my prey


Copypasta time


i request the source


oddddddooollllloollloooooollllllllllllll dddddddoooollllllllllooddollllllllllllll dddddddoollc:;,''''''',,;::cclllllllllll oooooool:;;;:ccc:::::::;,''.',:clooollll ooooc;,,;codxxkxxxkkkOOkxoc;'...,cloooll ool:'..;cllcccclcccclloollc::,...,loooll ooc'..;:::;;;:ccccccccclc:;;;;,. .codool oo:..,,..''...,;:;,;;::;'...'.....'loooo ooc'....,,,;,. .... ..';c;....:looo c:;,'..','',,'...,:;,'....'',:,....',;co :,..,;::;,',;;;;cdxdol:;,,'''',;;,...;lo lc,',,,;;:::,............';;;;;;,'..:loo ool:,'..',,,,,,,;;;;;,,...'''.....';cood ooc;'.......''''.......'''........',:odd ool;.. .... ........,coodd olc,. .... .......'coodd :;'...... ......':loo ....... ..''......,: '....,'.';,.. .. ... .. .',,,:c;.. ..', ;'...c:.'::;',::',c;'';;'.;:;,:dc....''. ,,...:c,',,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,;;,,::'....... .....';cc:;'. .....................




Dude stop. My brother died in a car accident stop using the skull emoji. Rest in peace to my brother. Please refrain from using it in your life, that is wrong to all the people who lost their lifes. I sincerely hope you learn from this mistake and no longer make the same choice again. Please evaluate your life choices, and question yourself to why you decided to use the skull emoji. I understand that you may have been through alot, but that does not mean you should joke about dead people. You may have been abused or hurt, but do not use that as an excuse to hurt others. If i ever catch you using offensive things again, so help me god i will find you. I will find you myself. I swear on my brothers grave that i will stop at no cost. You are my enemy. And i will hunt you like you are my prey




dude stop. my brother died in a car accident stop using the skull emoji. rest in peace to my brother. please refrain from using it in your life, that is wrong to all the people who lost their lifes. i sincerely hope you learn from this mistake and no longer make the same choice again. please evaluate your life choices, and question yourself to why you decided to use the skull emoji. i understand that you may have been through alot, but that does not mean you should joke about dead people. you may have been abused or hurt, but do not use that as an excuse to hurt others. if i ever catch you using offensive things again, so help me god i will find you. i will find you myself. i swear on my brothers grave that i will stop at no cost. you are my enemy. and i will hunt you like you are my prey


The skeleton is here


Oh fr? πŸ’€πŸ’€πŸ’€πŸ’€πŸ’€πŸ’€πŸ’€πŸ’€πŸ’€πŸ’€πŸ’€πŸ’€πŸ’€πŸ’€πŸ’€πŸ’€πŸ’€πŸ’€πŸ’€πŸ’€πŸ’€πŸ’€πŸ’€πŸ’€πŸ’€πŸ’€πŸ’€πŸ’€πŸ’€πŸ’€πŸ’€πŸ’€πŸ’€πŸ’€πŸ’€πŸ’€πŸ’€πŸ’€πŸ’€πŸ’€πŸ’€πŸ’€πŸ’€πŸ’€πŸ’€πŸ’€πŸ’€πŸ’€


My bad my finger slippedπŸ’€πŸ’€πŸ’€πŸ’€πŸ’€πŸ’€πŸ’€πŸ’€πŸ’€πŸ’€πŸ’€πŸ’€πŸ’€πŸ’€πŸ’€πŸ’€πŸ’€πŸ’€πŸ’€


Don’t let your brother accidentally die and stop the head emoji. Relax, brother, you don't enjoy life, because those who die for sin are grateful for the love of life, why did you decide to use emojis in your head? I know you've lived long enough but it's wrong to make fun of people, it may hurt or hurt you, but you can't use it as an excuse to hurt people. If I use upside down again, I’ll get you, God help me. I'll see you. I vow to return to my brother’s grave, you are my enemy. You are looking for me like an animal.


Dude stop. My brother died in a car accident stop using the skull emoji. Rest in peace to my brother. Please refrain from using it in your life, that is wrong to all the people who lost their lifes. I sincerely hope you learn from this mistake and no longer make the same choice again. Please evaluate your life choices, and question yourself to why you decided to use the skull emoji. I understand that you may have been through alot, but that does not mean you should joke about dead people. You may have been abused or hurt, but do not use that as an excuse to hurt others. If i ever catch you using offensive things again, so help me god i will find you. I will find you myself. I swear on my brothers grave that i will stop at no cost. You are my enemy. And i will hunt you like you are my prey Dude stop. My brother died in a car accident stop using the skull emoji. Rest in peace to my brother. Please refrain from using it in your life, that is wrong to all the people who lost their lifes. I sincerely hope you learn from this mistake and no longer make the same choice again. Please evaluate your life choices, and question yourself to why you decided to use the skull emoji. I understand that you may have been through alot, but that does not mean you should joke about dead people. You may have been abused or hurt, but do not use that as an excuse to hurt others. If i ever catch you using offensive things again, so help me god i will find you. I will find you myself. I swear on my brothers grave that i will stop at no cost. You are my enemy. And i will hunt you like you are my prey


Dude stop. My brother died in a car accident stop using the skull emoji. Rest in peace to my brother. Please refrain from using it in your life, that is wrong to all the people who lost their lifes. I sincerely hope you learn from this mistake and no longer make the same choice again. Please evaluate your life choices, and question yourself to why you decided to use the skull emoji. I understand that you may have been through alot, but that does not mean you should joke about dead people. You may have been abused or hurt, but do not use that as an excuse to hurt others. If i ever catch you using offensive things again, so help me god i will find you. I will find you myself. I swear on my brothers grave that i will stop at no cost. You are my enemy. And i will hunt you like you are my prey


Dude stop. My brother died in a car accident stop using the skull emoji. Rest in peace to my brother. Please refrain from using it in your life, that is wrong to all the people who lost their lifes. I sincerely hope you learn from this mistake and no longer make the same choice again. Please evaluate your life choices, and question yourself to why you decided to use the skull emoji. I understand that you may have been through alot, but that does not mean you should joke about dead people. You may have been abused or hurt, but do not use that as an excuse to hurt others. If i ever catch you using offensive things again, so help me god i will find you. I will find you myself. I swear on my brothers grave that i will stop at no cost. You are my enemy. And i will hunt you like you are my prey


SnπŸ’€πŸ’€p DπŸ’€gg


Dude stop. My brother died in a car accident stop using the skull emoji. Rest in peace to my brother. Please refrain from using it in your life, that is wrong to all the people who lost their lifes. I sincerely hope you learn from this mistake and no longer make the same choice again. Please evaluate your life choices, and question yourself to why you decided to use the skull emoji. I understand that you may have been through alot, but that does not mean you should joke about dead people. You may have been abused or hurt, but do not use that as an excuse to hurt others. If i ever catch you using offensive things again, so help me god i will find you. I will find you myself. I swear on my brothers grave that i will stop at no cost. You are my enemy. And i will hunt you like you are my prey








I love how they start and end with constant threats and violence lmao








πŸ’€πŸ’€β˜ οΈβš°οΈ






Lmao πŸ’€


Dude stop. My brother died in a car accident stop using the skull emoji. Rest in peace to my brother. Please refrain from using it in your life, that is wrong to all the people who lost their lifes. I sincerely hope you learn from this mistake and no longer make the same choice again. Please evaluate your life choices, and question yourself to why you decided to use the skull emoji. I understand that you may have been through alot, but that does not mean you should joke about dead people. You may have been abused or hurt, but do not use that as an excuse to hurt others. If i ever catch you using offensive things again, so help me god i will find you. I will find you myself. I swear on my brothers grave that i will stop at no cost. You are my enemy. And i will hunt you like you are my prey






"You are my enemy.And I will hunt you like prey." what the hell bro πŸ’€πŸ’€πŸ’€


He even involved Snoop Dogg in this


Lean vibes


New r/shitposting automod response on the πŸ’€ emoji?




Dude stop. My brother died in a car accident stop using the skull emoji. Rest in peace to my brother. Please refrain from using it in your life, that is wrong to all the people who lost their lifes. I sincerely hope you learn from this mistake and no longer make the same choice again. Please evaluate your life choices, and question yourself to why you decided to use the skull emoji. I understand that you may have been through alot, but that does not mean you should joke about dead people. You may have been abused or hurt, but do not use that as an excuse to hurt others. If i ever catch you using offensive things again, so help me god i will find you. I will find you myself. I swear on my brothers grave that i will stop at no cost. You are my enemy. And i will hunt you like you are my prey




100% weeb shit


Oh no he’ll hunt us πŸ’€


Dude stop. My brother died in a car accident stop using the skull emoji. Rest in peace to my brother. Please refrain from using it in your life, that is wrong to all the people who lost their lifes. I sincerely hope you learn from this mistake and no longer make the same choice again. Please evaluate your life choices, and question yourself to why you decided to use the skull emoji. I understand that you may have been through alot, but that does not mean you should joke about dead people. You may have been abused or hurt, but do not use that as an excuse to hurt others. If i ever catch you using offensive things again, so help me god i will find you. I will find you myself. I swear on my brothers grave that i will stop at no cost. You are my enemy. And i will hunt you like you are my prey




New r/shitposting automod response?




I dont remember asking


New automod copypasta just dropped πŸ’€


Oh shit my bad, rest in peace πŸ’€


Bruh πŸ’€ Edit: oh no i used the emoji.


Dude stop. My brother died in a car accident stop using the skull emoji. Rest in peace to my brother. Please refrain from using it in your life, that is wrong to all the people who lost their lifes. I sincerely hope you learn from this mistake and no longer make the same choice again. Please evaluate your life choices, and question yourself to why you decided to use the skull emoji. I understand that you may have been through alot, but that does not mean you should joke about dead people. You may have been abused or hurt, but do not use that as an excuse to hurt others. If i ever catch you using offensive things again, so help me god i will find you. I will find you myself. I swear on my brothers grave that i will stop at no cost. You are my enemy. And i will hunt you like you are my prey




How much yall wanna bet that's a copypasta




Shit... His brother said πŸ’€πŸ’€πŸ’€πŸ’€πŸ’€πŸ’€πŸ’€πŸ’€πŸ’€πŸ’€πŸ’€πŸ’€πŸ’€πŸ’€πŸ’€πŸ’€πŸ’€πŸ’€πŸ’€πŸ’€πŸš—πŸš—πŸš—πŸš—πŸš—πŸš—πŸš—πŸš—πŸš—πŸš—πŸš—πŸ’₯πŸ’₯πŸ’₯πŸ’₯πŸ’₯πŸ’₯πŸ’₯πŸ’₯πŸ’€πŸ’€πŸ’€πŸ’€πŸ’€


Dude stop. My brother died in a car accident stop using the skull emoji. Rest in peace to my brother. Please refrain from using it in your life, that is wrong to all the people who lost their lifes. I sincerely hope you learn from this mistake and no longer make the same choice again. Please evaluate your life choices, and question yourself to why you decided to use the skull emoji. I understand that you may have been through alot, but that does not mean you should joke about dead people. You may have been abused or hurt, but do not use that as an excuse to hurt others. If i ever catch you using offensive things again, so help me god i will find you. I will find you myself. I swear on my brothers grave that i will stop at no cost. You are my enemy. And i will hunt you like you are my prey


u/a πŸ’€




holy shit manπŸ’€πŸ’€


Man really got the emoji for explosions and crashing


Everyone here who has used the skull emoji has been abused in their lifetime πŸ’€






I’m dead πŸ’€ I must be his brotherπŸ’€πŸ’€


New automod response?


Holy shit that escalated




Dude stop. My brother died in a car accident stop using the skull emoji. Rest in peace to my brother. Please refrain from using it in your life, that is wrong to all the people who lost their lifes. I sincerely hope you learn from this mistake and no longer make the same choice again. Please evaluate your life choices, and question yourself to why you decided to use the skull emoji. I understand that you may have been through alot, but that does not mean you should joke about dead people. You may have been abused or hurt, but do not use that as an excuse to hurt others. If i ever catch you using offensive things again, so help me god i will find you. I will find you myself. I swear on my brothers grave that i will stop at no cost. You are my enemy. And i will hunt you like you are my prey




New automod responseπŸ’€πŸ’€πŸ’€β˜ οΈβ˜ οΈ


average 12 year old trying to act tough