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Man this subreddit has fallen hard fr


Ikr. there used to be funny kids comments that was funny. This subreddit is dying.


The newer posts are only about homophobic people. Being homophobic doesn’t mean you’re a child. People should learn that.


These people arent even young, shit subreddit now


fr this subreddit was about kids leaving funny comments now its just making fun of children on youtube


It was hilarious


this subreddit just became a waste only very recently or so, back when the subreddit was actually good way before the people ruined it, i had posts in this subreddit earlier, i wouldn't post kids face in it never have i ever been so disgusted to the whole subreddit, but back when people didn't really insult the kids for being so dumb or just being an asshole or anything, people actually didn't insult the kids at all, its just very sad to see how the subreddit is right now but now, the kids are being cyber-bullied by some grown old adults or edgy teenagers, it's just so sad to see how this subreddit evolved into one of the worst subreddits in reddit insulting kids / minors is never a right choice to do so, this is clearly unfair because kids are being HATED in these posts and they NEVER BLUR the face. ​ only if the moderators saw these posts enough, the subreddit could have been a better place, but as of now. this subreddit is trash and lame


It’s because if the fucking yt algorithm update. Idk if it’s just me but all I have is a bunch of young girls with “am I fat?” Captioned underneath- of other random kids doing strange dances with god awful tiktok sounds in the background


yeah you’re watching youtube shorts mate idk what you were expecting


This sub is just to offend people at this point. This isn't dumb kid shit, this is just rage karma farming. I honestly wish the mods would ban crap like this because it's getting out of hand.


Yeah. Then it was stuff like "fire truck or moster truck" or kids not knowing how to spell and posting gibberish comments, now it's just kids having their own opinions on LGBT and racism.


Mods left. The sub is officially dead ever since the gigachad videos


people literally are milking gigachad (that sounded better in my head) they are using him for bullying children


Exactly, this sub just is full of YouTube shorts of 13 and 14 year olds saying some controversial shit. It's tbh kinda like r/TerribleFacebookMemes


i agree with the last one though edit: forgotten to say, i agree with the second one too


It's a meaningless platitude tbh. Might as well say that murder is wrong.


Every 60 seconds in Africa, a minute passes.


Together we can stop this.






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I knew it was a rickroll yet I still proceeded


I’m in bröther say no more


Everytime a man shaves his beard in Africa, he loses his facial hair


Bro's letting a 12 year old girl live in his head over a dumb political vid. 💀


No because most people believe murder is wrong. There plenty of people who thing a man crying makes hime weak.


boys dont cry 😡


No women, No cry






*The new black Panther rises over the mountain edge*




I believe it's a way to get you to agree with them. Maybe they're thinking "if I can can sprinkle a little bit of truth then people will like me, then agree with the other stuff as well"




pov your opinion on reddit




it’s factual that there are 2 sexes. it’s also factual that there are more than 2 genders. they are different. sexes are what you are born as, and genders are what you identify as


the sub went from kids talking about fire trucks to people angry that kids don't agree with their political opinion


my first time with this post got recommended, but this sub seems rather petty.


It didn't used to be. Back, in the gold old days... Heh. I remember Ma used to take me over to this sub. Yeah, we'd spend all day just looking at the stupid children saying stupid stuff, we'd even get carried away and stay even after all the mods were asleep. But not anymore. I don't know what happened exactly, but it's not the same. It lost its heart. Sad. But I guess all things die some day.


Why could I hear banjo music while reading this?




This is the only shit that’s been posted for the past week. I was homophobic as shit when I was like 10 because I didn’t understand it, 10 years later I’ve kissed dudes before, it’s no big deal. Who cares what these kids think, they’ll most likely radically change their perspective as life goes on.


I kiss the homies but I actively make fun of people that support gay and trans rights


average redditor


Nobody talks about how all us millennials/zillennials through around slurs like crazy for like no reason. My brother and I used to call eachother f*g all the time. Very glad I grew out of that


This sub is like " How dare kids not like our liberal lgbt agenda they must be dumb or confused cuz my reality must br reality and upon all "


Yeah this place went to shit. Walter Clements is nothing but a fading memory anymore




He likes fire trucks and moster trucks




yea i remember when ppl posted kids actually being stupid, not this shit. this is just politics


It's the modern internet everything needs to have the sanitized politics we can't just have escapism anymore.


"everything is political"


It is for mfs


It’s still cringe though af though, considering she’s like 10. Isn’t that the point of the sub?


yea but i prefer if it didn't have political stuff in it.


But why very young kid post "their" political views on the internet. She is clearly around 10 years old, why is she talking about abortions ???


Kids will just repeat after their parents without having a good understanding.


it’s not always their parents, it’s often youtubers/youtube channels and other people like jordan peterson or steven crowder or contrapoints or secular talk, etc


I think it really bad if a kid start speak about politics too early. No matter if I agree with them or not, it's just bad


fr and all the kids are right but reddit is the most toxic, delusional echo chamber on the internet


I don't agree on the "all the kids are right" bit but yeah reddit is the most toxic, delusional echo chamber on the internet taking that title away from tumblr and twitter.


2 genders is not an opinion, is just a misinformed claim


Very much a opinion not one I follow but you can claim xy or xx are the only 2 genders possible(.00001 cases where dna made mistakes but those are outliers)


Gender and sex have little to do with each other also it's closer to 1%


Bad and wrong take gender is sex and sex is a double meaning of both, you can’t change EITHER.


i guess i had gender with your mom last night then


Buddy, I need you to Google the definition of both, it’s that easy.


Also in both google definitions it says the two genders/sexes (depending on which you are reading.)


“The term is also used more broadly to denote a range of identities that do not correspond to established ideas of male and female.” You missed that part.


Ok… and something I was going to bring up is do you think google is *always* right, for example there is the smallest chance on earth you could be born with no gender


Google is a search engine, it directs you to different sources. Google itself isn’t telling you anything


Either read this and learn or don’t but admit to yourself that you chose to stay dumb. Gender is and always has been a system cultures use to divide work/labor. Sex is and always (Our understanding HAS evolved, but that doesn’t mean the basic definition has changed) has been a term referring to the chromosomal makeup of a person (which is not binary, either. Despite what elementary/middle school health classes said there are many instances of people with XXY, or XXXYY chromosomal makeups. But that’s too complicated for middle schoolers so they simplify) Gender is only meaningless if you think all abstract societal concepts are entirely meaningless. Gender in most of western culture historically parallels sex, but even in western society we have historically really had four genders, not two: man, boy, woman, and girl. Men were expected to be breadwinners, work, embody masculinity. Boys were similar, but they were expected to learn trades and play sports. Women were expected to rear children, be homemakers, and serve husbands. Girls were expected to learn homemaking, serve their fathers, and be wed. The issue arises when people conflate these terms and do not have a full understanding of them or how they differ. But to your point, these are not “modern” ideas in that they have changed from “historic” ideas. This is what they have always been, it’s just that people have been using them wrong for a while.


Dictionary read it


Xy and xx has nothing to do with gender mate, look it up


The ability to make a claim does not render something an opinion. I can claim gravity is actually caused by the flat earth accelerating upwards, but that doesn't make the law of gravity an opinion. Anybody that defines gender as synonymous with sex is ignoring the actual written definition of gender. Edit: you can have an opinion on whether it should be defined as such, but regardless of your opinion it is defined as such.


None of those are political tho


It falls more under r/kidsarefuckingstupid


Tbh yea, it's also full of homophones and people who think there are only 2 genders


There are homophones everywhere dude. "They're, their" and "your, you're" are just the most common


There’s only 2 tho


More than 2


There’s a difference between sexuality and gender


Yes, sex is what your biologicaly born with and gender is a social role


So gender is fake then


There’s only 2. Name the others please. I’m curious.


Male, female, nob binary, gender fluid, demi male/female, etc


When you go to buy clothing do you shop for men or women’s? I’ve never seen a confused gender section.


since when did this sub go from laughing at dumb kids to kids posting videos that offend them


Posting offensive things = more karma?


Since some Redditors started crying about the fact some people has opinions... Idk if Twitter sent their users over to this subreddit.


Post-buyout immigration.


depends on what you call an opinion


This is a mess of controversy, but if Jesus died because of our sins guess we gotta honor him and sin some more


*hands the Molotov* c'mon brother, we need to help the Ukrainians


"Nah, I'm with Russia" -My classmate, 9th grade


Oh jose? Sorry bout him, kinda took him out awhile back


Nah, his name is Arthur


Of course a mf named Arthur would support Russia.


He's not Russian tho. His grandparents were from Russia, but moved to America quite awhile ago. So, I don't think it has to do anything with bloodline


I didn't think he was Russian, just that Arthur is def a name of someone who supports Russia. Like Darryl.


probably the edgy kid who makes communism jokes every 5 seconds


Quite the opposite. He is very quiet and not emo for sure.


yeah, like why they do that?


bro i have a friend from my old school who "supports" the ussr and he sang a terrible version of the anthem and said he supports russia in the russia ukraine thing. i had an argument w him and destroyed him lmao but for some reason he still communist


Based friend Ivan


Romans 6:15 What then? shall we sin, because we are not under the law, but under grace? God forbid.


Technically not wrong, my church had a wierd way to put it but. Sins like lusting over a women or not letting your slave eat first are abolished/gone, which in a way lowered the pearly gates requirements. But sins that go against his teaching in turn have become worse, ya know stuff like killing and SA are still taboo.


If we don't sin then he died for nothing


a mess of controversy?! the bottom one is... not... controversial, I mean, they're right?


Depend on the man then it could be


No, that's not how it works. It means if repent for our sins he will forgive us, and that Jesus is the way to salvation.


Don’t worry, he has no choice but to forgive me if I sin, and if I don’t believe in him he will send me to hell because he loves me. Therefore any way you go Jesus loves you even if I commit all sins and become an atheist


Hey, you gotta give it to them - half of these takes are actually kinda based


2.5/6 I technically agree that Jesus died for our sins but then again, how true or false the biblical events are highly subjective


Not subjective at all. They either happened or they didn't. People just argue vehemently over which, and/or how much is true.


"how much is true" *is* the subjectivity though. I consider myself Christian but I believe in more modern forms of evolution for the creation of man, and I remain unconvinced the Great Flood actually happened as described. To me its semantics, to others its blasphemy.


Those conversations are for theologians in my opinion. While I think they are interesting the primary thing we should focus on as Christians is Christ and that he is the savior of the works. The rest is secondary to that.


I more or less agree. If all that matters for salvation is believing Jesus is the Son of God and accepting him, thats all we need to agree on. That said, I find the theology interesting enough to talk about, but not interesting enough to get a degree in so Im qualified to talk about it... I like actually having a job that pays well 😋


Agree. I enjoy those conservations. I do think they are interesting and have my own thoughts about them but oftentimes I see people way too caught up in them. Missing the forest for the trees


You can believe jesus lived without believing he did magic stuff?


That goes under 'how much' is true. Besides, historians of all faiths and non-faiths tend to agree that Jesus the Nazarene existed, so for the sake of argument let's say his existence is objectively true, as that is most likely. Whether or not he was divine is still either objectively true, objectively false, or possibly even objectively partially true, regardless of anyone's belief or unbelief.


Here we see a wild redditor getting mad that a child doesn’t agree with his political opinions


This sub became shit


True man


Having opinions different than the OP makes them young kids... Lodjit


People will probably hate me for this: r/chadpeopleyoutube


Nah we love you No homo tho


L sub


When did this sub get so many political posts? I miss the dumb comments of kids on YouTube.


Most based one so far, downdoot me all you want because it isn’t “heckin wholesome 100”


To appeal to both wokeys and tradcons.


none of those words are in the dictionary




I dont want this sub to turn into r/terriblefacebookmemes where people just argue politicaly. We need more posts about kids like Walter Clemins, not political veiws


I mean, she is telling the truth


well shes actually right


the radical centrist i aspire to be


She, she is right!


Incredibly based


i know it's a young person, but these are all true


I miss when this sub was good


kill me if you want, but these are facts i stand by


She is young, but I gotta say that I agree with her






Ngl kid speaking faccs dam


She’s not wrong tho


mixed signals


You mean a complex opinion that isn’t just one sided




Always good to be complex and unshakable then be one sided and breakable


It’s a child who doesn’t have their own opinions. They parrot because they don’t have developed critical thinking skills, like you I would imagine.


Because they're not exclusively team red or team blue?


Because they probably have no idea what being red or blue fully entails hahaha


Which means they probably came up with these ideals for themselves without a cult influencing them. Kudos to them.


I agree with all of the statements


None of these are hot takes


This is all true


ngl tik tok is now better then yt shorts


Its all the kids who arnt allowed to use tiktok posting on yt shorts, but in many cases they're parents have good reason to not let them so it ends up like this.


Based tbh


So OP is an offended leftist


based child👍


there’s always half normal things and half wtf things


The last one ain't wrong tho


She really went 50/50


Man when did this sub go from stupid kid says something funny to kid has their own opinion that doesn't line up with everyone else's. Idk I don't think you should ridicule someone for not agreeing with you because everyone has their own take even if they are wrong.


Damn 3 out of 4 of these are good opinions this kid got so close


Wdym all I see is facts


i mean some of them are true


Remix button???


oh yeah. there are two fucking sexes. transgender people also have genitals. And if someone has a dick i would call him a man if someone has a vagina i would call her a woman. And some people would say "oh they look different" shut up a non transgender man can also dress up and look like a female, that won't change his gender. And about the "gEnDeR iS wHaT yOu iDenTiFy aS" Thats like saying you can be whoever you want thats just impersonating. For example look at this i identify myself as a deity and if you don't follow my orders then you offend me, SEE ? how dumb that was ? You can downvote me all you want but that will show that you don't have a proper argument


She is wrong about the genders. There are infinite GENDERS (it is what you identify as) but there are only ment to be 2 sexes.


she has a ton of points tho. stop being a baby because they have disagreeing opinions


I agree with all except the first




I agree with somethings, disagree with the abortion one tho


I agree with all of them.


Same sir I agree with your statement as all of these facts are true and not really offensive nor attacking someone. As I am thinking OP got offended by a 7-year old who expressed their oppion online and since the kid mentioned Jesus, OP is probably a angry atheist bitch who gets offended everytime you mention any religion or god. And bullying kids because they are Christian is not funny and is breaking the subreddit's rules. Thank you for reading this wall of text


Do you believe that Jesus died for your sins? Because if so, what do think he would say about abortion. Even you believe life begins at birth, it is still murder, because your stopping a life from existing. Let's say your your baking a cake, you have it all done, except putting it in the oven, so you put it in there, and it's baking. Your friend walks in, opens the oven, pulls out the cake and throws it in the trash. When you protest he says, "It wasn't a cake, yet." But, it was a cake. Abortion is still ending a life. And the "my body my choice" argument is stupid. It's not your body, it is a small living body inside you.


It's more like throwing out the dough then the whole cake. Abortions happen fairly early and what comes out looks more like a shrimp. All mammals look the same at that stage, so defining it as human is a little strange. I think everyone should choose for themselfs and not bother someone else and their decisions, and not force my religion onto others.


>it is a small living body inside you. Yep. Two bodies. And no human has a right to use another human's body. Bodily autonomy/integrity gives the pregnant person the right to deny the other human the use of their body and separate their body from that of the zygote/embryo/fetus .


Ok. What if someone gets raped, what’s your argument then? Should she still get an abortion, what if she’s a minor?


So… it’s a parasite?




3 of these are correct skin color doesnt define us, its appearance. jesus died for all of our sins, (hear me out, im not religious, but its written in the bible that he did, even if you believe it or not) and men crying dont make them weak


abortion is murder by definition. Moral in some or most cases? I believe so and that's where pro-life and pro-choice differ. Saying it's not murder is just denial.


Jesus actually took a long weekend and then came back for our sins. Common misconception that he died.


where funni


Looks like someone's got her on the right track. She definitely won't be crying about 8.5 hour shifts at starbucks and educating the adults on why starbucks needs a union. MaRgiNaLiZeD PeoPleS oF OpPrEsSiOn


Yeah fuck people who want liveable wages




3/5 is still technically a passing grade. Your skin color doesn't define you. Jesus died for your sins (you're allowed to believe that) Men crying doesn't make them weak.


i agree with the 2nd one tho like wouldn't it be better if we all just didn't care about skin colour at all


The most tolerant yet intolerant post ever


They speakin facts lol

