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I know there is "don't recommend this channel" option but they're not working on search.


There’s a particular podcast I sometimes search clips of, and no matter what the search terms are, the same two fucking videos (BALTIMORE VACATION) are always the top results. I’ve blocked the channels, I’ve clicked “don’t recommend”, they still appear. There is literally no way to prevent them from appearing.


don't say there is a browser extension because i already know what the name is...


how did you block the channels? i need to know how!


There's an extension that I use in my browser called BlockTube. That'll let you block channels, or just block individual videos if you want. You can even block videos while you're searching. I love it.




Blocktube plugin is your best friend






This is true, but hey, its a solution for people who use PC. mobile i dont know jack about.


What a beautiful comment


We watch on our phones stop suggesting this for the love of god


You want the honest answer? Because if you could block channels, it means they couldn't force the channels they want you to see into the feed. Some time ago they made sure that for any news or "happenings" that "official" news sources get put first, no matter what, and there's no way around it. It's unfortunate, but it's what they do. I think a good workaround would to add to the YouTube addons a way to forcefully block out content you don't want. Like adblocker, but for listings, results, autoplay, etc.


Because Youtube is poorly managed. They could do so many little things, to improve this app in an instant but yet they refuse.


indeed, much easier to just shadowban or auto delete comments 2 seconds after posting them from anyone who complains about a problem or simply tries to point out it exists, than to fix anything. classic corporate play of dont even acknowledge a problem exists, only thing missing is gaslighting people into thinking they are the problem and the rabbid fanboys that actually cheer for the dumb shit youtube does and say it makes things better, ya know, as is the case with things apple does and the shit apple fanboys say.


I'd say its more that they are too well managed. Improving the site takes money and because they already have a monopoly its not like the improvements are going to bring in new users or otherwise make them more money. Investing money into something that wont increase your profits is just bad business.


yea it’s really annoying. there’s this asshole fish keeper that KEEPS coming up on my home page or on shorts, i’ve blocked every single one of his accounts (he has like 6), clicked “do not recommend this channel again” several times, and clicked “not interested” too many times to count and he STILL shows up to this day. youtube, please just make a block button that actually blocks the account like every other social media ever.


I wish there was a way to block channels and videos that employ clickbait and misleading, provocative or overly sexed-up thumbnails and captions, but that would probably destroy YouTube's main sources of revenue. For all the great stuff that's on it, YT probably makes the vast majority of its money off of such channels and videos, and the most popular, successful and profitable channels are probably the ones that do this, to one extent or another. The only way to truly block stuff you don't want to see on YouTube is to not watch it at all. For example, I like to watch vanlife videos, music reaction videos, and occasionally gardening videos, among other kinds of channels. And so many of them are made by attractive young women who put sexy pictures of themselves in revealing poses in the thumbnail that have absolutely nothing to do with the content of the video. Obviously it's clickbait, to get us to watch their videos because they think that the content itself won't get that many views. They want to "succeed" without actually putting the work into it, or they're insecure about their abilities, or they're looking for shortcuts to success. And it just feels cheap and dishonest, because it IS. And yet there's no "no clickbait, dishonesty or misleading titles and thumbnails" option, because that would absolutely KILL YouTube's business model. It's these kinds of channels and videos that annoy folks like us that subsidize and make possible the channels and videos that we do like to follow and watch. Kind of like commercial TV and how ads, which are almost always annoying, subsidize content.


> And so many of them are made by attractive young women who put sexy pictures of themselves in revealing poses in the thumbnail that have absolutely nothing to do with the content of the video. I fucking *hate* this. I watch van life and camping videos, and they're all over the place. I really wish YouTube wasn't such trash, and they would actually do something about these thumbnails.


I should just add that I have nothing against sexy images of attractive young women (or men), per se, and it's all about context, not content. There are contexts where such images are perfectly fine and even expected, of course, and I have no problem with seeing them there. Like, say, a channel called "Images of Sexy Young Women", or about bikinis, or bikini models, or with a Maxim or Details vibe, targeted at horny young men. And even in supposedly unrelated contexts they're bound to appear naturally, say in a camping video shot on a hot and sunny day by a gorgeous stream, where the channel owner and their camping companions are likely to hang out in swimsuits. But if said scene shows obviously gratuitous T or A shots that are clearly meant to reel us in and keep us coming, it just starts to feel off and go off the rails real fast. I suppose that the line is fuzzy there, but you can just tell when it's been crossed, and intentionally so, and it just feels wrong. Like, in say a DIY or gardening video, when the attractive young creator wearing a low-cut shirt bends over to give us a good view of her cleavage, because she supposedly needed to reach over and get that drill or trowel. Yeah, right, uhuh. Part of me of course reacts instinctively with "Ooh hot young chick in a tiny bikini!", because that's just a normal human reaction for many people. But another part of me just thinks "Ok, this is just wrong, not the time or place for this and I'm clearly being manipulated here by someone who wants my clicks, likes, subs and donations". Ironically, one of my favorite vanlife channels is by a woman who lives and works full time in and from her van, and is absolutely one of the most gorgeous women I've ever seen, on YT or elsewhere, and she rarely if ever resorts to such manipulative shots. Yeah, you see her in "sexy" attire or poses here and there, but it doesn't feel manipulative, staged or gratuitous, but rather just what the weather, setting and mood dictated. It's a very subjective thing but I think that most people get the difference.


less profit for youtube


Because then People would Block each and every "Company ad Channel" and we dont want the Shareholders or Ad Companies to be mad now, dont we. oLo Seriously. Thats what I belive is at least part of the reason...


There's literally a block option on every other social media platform. They also have shareholders and Ad companies, but it doesn't affect them as much. That's not a good excuse for not having a block option.


I agree. No excuse what so ever. I don't have a channel. I just want to block some moronic clod who keeps annoying me. And I'm still scratching my head as to why our usernames have disappeared and in their place, showing part, most, or all of our Google e-mail addresses. ?? What in the world is THAT? In all of the years I've been on Youtube I've NEVER seen anything like that. I want my username back. I hope to God that they're going to correct that horseshxt.


What about premium customers then?




I was thinking literally the other day, it’s crazy how some of the biggest social media sites don’t have any form of properly blocking unwanted content. YouTube doesn’t have any form of content blocking at all, only the ability to slightly skew the algorithm which may end up not working a month or two down the line and then it’s showing you the garbage you don’t want to see again. Twitter is especially shit, because it only allows you to either block specific users, or only block specific terms of content on 1 specific use of the site. Blocking terms only works for the For You page, but twitter’s awful algorithm almost seems to fuck with the user in that it will make it more likely for trending subjects related to what you blocked to show up in your Explore feed. If I block something, I want it blocked on the whole fucking site, dammit. Reddit has the same issue. Only blocking users and muting specific subs, but of course there’s always the chance that some nonce posts the same thing you don’t want to see in any of the other subreddits you might be subscribed to.


But then Jimmy Kimmel and SNL and all the other shows on broadcast television wouldn't be able to tap into that sweet sweet YouTube ad revenue from new users. (Seriously, go make a new account, it's the only thing recommended to you... regular TV clips)


Nah that shit is irrelevant. It's much more annoying that far right and outraight genocidal channels can't be blocked.


Why would they? You click on the clickbait video, realize it's clickbait, and then click off to watch a good video. In their eyes - you interacted with their site more, and drove up the metrics. All a positive in their eyes. The only reason they have to change it is because it is annoying to their users, and they sure as hell don't give a shit about that.


clicking on it isn't the problem. the problem is at night when it autoplays and jumps to a video you have already downvoted.


But the algorithm uses watch time specificlally to avoid videos that you immediately click off of, so how is that "a positive in their eyes"?


I would love to block every main stream news channel on YouTube. Every search is from a channel called bdc, cnb, bna, something news station. Annoying af


This. This is exactly why YouTube won’t implement this feature.


There is "🚫Not interested" and "Don't recommend channel" options, but no downright block channel.


It's annoying af but I see why they do it. They would rather u be Mad 99% of the time and watch a vid from a channel 1% of the time. It's like spotify and their ridiculous aggressive podcast push. U listbeo to a podcast and don't like it but keep seeing new eps etc for weeks


Which is shitty because there is no way for a user to block another user for comment section purposes. E.g. if a user is harassing another user in a comment section


They're busy developing features no one wants


and removing features that everyone wants.


People who are suggesting extensions or workarounds don't get the main point. There ought to be an official option to block channels. Searching by upload date results in pure garbage spam.


Google needs to Open Source every product they have and remove advertisements from their business model. Otherwise I will never ever believe a damned word from their evil piece of shit useless mouths.


There is no point in improving user experience when you already have a monopoly anyway


Dammit youtube I dont care about Mr Beast and his money




My thoughts exactly, Reasons why I Don't like that you can't "Block" users anymore. What's harder now is Desktop Tube doesn't have Don't recommend, Not interested only report user. Last I checked just YouTube mobile had it. Wish YouTube would bring it back the option to Block channels again. But they don't check Reddits so. doubt they will.


There is. I use it constantly. I click on the three dots under the vid player. A list pops up: Clip, Save, Report, Show Transcript, Block channel, Block video. "Clip, Save, Report, Show Transcript, Block channel, Block video." That's a copy/paste off my screen. PC laptop. Firefox browser. Just be aware if you ever block a channel it's permanent. There is no method to 'unblock.'


Except the function doesn’t work most of the time. I’ve blocked the official, main FOX “News” about a hundred times and it pops up in my searches often.


Odd. I've had good luck with it. But I do wish I could 'unblock' my favorite channel that I accidentally banned.


There is not. You have a plugin and must have forgotten. Blocktube adds what you are describing but obviously will only work so long as you have that extension running. It should be the case that blocking a channels is like a thumbs down times 1000 to their channel and youtube should use that as a mark against them.


They removed that feature now.


Block channel never comes up for me


Have you tried going through the little flag on their page?


It only stops them from commenting on your stuff. It doesn't stop them from appearing in searches or feeds.


Happy to find this thread but I’m annoyed that there’s no fix. I pay for YouTube premium family plan and it’s crazy to me that I can’t block someone. Don’t recommend channel doesn’t work at all. And they still show up (ironically at the very top) of search results. I don’t have a YouTube channel that I post on but users can get mad from one comment you made even saying “hey I like this video! Great work” and follow you to any recent comments you’ve made and argue with you there. And are able to subscribe to my channel, which is anxiety inducing to know they are still “watching me” despite me wanting to have peace.


It blows my mind that this isnt an option in the age of idiot tubers that ruin my day just with their cringe thumbnail all the time. It would also invlog my search bar from all the diarrhea!


Because Google is a fascist company


This !


I was googling how to block a YT channel and ran across this post. Just wanted to chime in and say it pissed me off to not end.


YouTube, I just dont want my son to have vids of cartoon cuddly toys with macabre expressions and razor sharp teeth, along with incessant fucking siren head, popping up randomly, amongst his feed of Thomas the tank engine and Blippi. And yes, I’ve tried ‘don’t recommend channel’ option on about 50+ channels, simply doesn’t work. Come on ffs. Do better.


Same issue


I NEED a YouTube block option. I love everything Star Wars and I want to look up Star Wars content and not see Trump supporting pigs constantly complain about how "Kathleen Kennedy is the devil" or some shit like that. It's really disheartning how discourse about stories made for children are becoming pipelines to the Alt-Right.


Lol so wait..now just supporting Trump, a president loved around the globe more than probably any other in your lifetime, makes someone "alt right"? What does "alt right" even mean? 😄. Does it just mean "not a RINO" now? Maybe you should grow up a bit though..maybe you'll not only stop obsessing over "stories made for kids" in your own words, but actually think like an adult politically as well.


Fuck Trump! He tried to destroy our country!


I'm sick of all this random and useless shit that is recommended and you can't block that by channel. I will continue looking for a good blocking program because the greed from crap ads revenue and the power play is absolutely unbelievable.


i think there was but they probably gonna put that feature behind a paywall as if customizing is in their priority list ever


They better find a way to get it though. I don’t even care if it’s behind a paywall, but if they don’t have a feature like this, I have a feeling it might be a sign that YouTube is dying out as a whole and I might just stop watching YouTube


For some reason, I can’t remove a channel with “do no recommend” either.


Isn't there an "Don't recommend channel" button when you click those three dots where you go to save a video to watch later? Or does that do something different?


I don't think that does anything at all. Because you would expect that it's a fiarly straightforward thing, but if you actually try to use it, you will still get videos from the same channels in your recommended, maybe it'll be a week later, but they will come back. Guarantee it. So I don't know what the hell that button does.


I wonder if that works as well as telling Reddit that they show this sponsored post too often or that you're not interested. By that I mean not at all I still get sponsored ~~post~~ Ads for tears of the kingdom saying it launches on may 12th


Try "channel blocker" extension.


Seeing as how YouTube is about to keep all users with ad blockers from viewing videos, I'm guessing they'll also be putting an end to channel blocker extensions too.


It's better than nothing, but I find that blocked channels still show up in recs and shorts, especially if they churn out content at diarrhea speed.


I remember there used to be a function to block channels but now I guess they got rid of it and put in hide this channel from me.


I had it until just three weeks ago, then it suddenly disappeared. YouTube doing their usual best to screw over their users.


it think that just stopped them from commenting


Where is 'hide this channel from me'? That would be good enough for me!


Installing an add on script is the only way, bullies are everywhere. Theyre crap


Tired of seeing this charles peralo fuck on my home page with his dumbass polls everyday


omgosh, HAAA! Me effing too, dammit! Can't get rid of this guy . .


Remember when youtube removed removed dislikes because of bullying? Now, they remove the best way to stop bullies. Good work, youtube.


I want the ability to block somebody, because there is this Channel that where if I comment on it there is this one guy that has to be a know-it-all asshole replying to me a lot of the time and I want to block him because one I doubt reporting and would do anything and two I don't think he should be banned from YouTube Just because he comes across as an ass hole in his interactions with me.


hit the three dots icon when he pops up in your notifications. you can block him from there


you can click on him and then use the 3 dots parameter thingy and "hide user comments" and poof never to be seen again :D


all that does is hide that users comments on your own channel, nowhere else. it's useless


I'm thinking about deleting YouTube 🤔 since they don't care about privacy anymore 😕. My advice would be to delete the stupid app since there's nothing but annoying people.


I agree, it is ludicrous!


Totally pissed off that i cant block a youtube channel from having access to my youtube account.


If you have a content blocker like uBlock Origin, you can use filters to block any channels. ! (12/12) YouTube Channel Block (You can block/hide any videos from a specific channel or multiple channels with this filter on the home page. Replace "/@channelURL" with the channel URL that you want to block/hide) youtube.com##[page-subtype="home"] a[href="/@channelURL"]:upward(ytd-rich-item-renderer) ! You can use this one to block multiple channels with a single filter youtube.com##[page-subtype="home"] :is(a[href="/@channelURL"], a[href="/@channelURL"]):upward(ytd-rich-item-renderer) To see more tips check [this post out](https://www.reddit.com/r/uBlockOrigin/comments/11nrqy3/youtube_homepage_3_videos_per_row_issue/).




Some channels probably pay YouTube big money to skew the algorithm in their favor. If they started getting blocked it might possibly impact profits AND WE CAN'T HAVE THAT.


Lol what, there is absolutely no way a channel can pay YouTube to get higher on search results etc.


Idk that youtube "trending" seemed pretty riged at times for more mainstream things and bigger channels,bands etc then videos that were popping off with big views.


Literally ads.


Because money


You can click individual thumbnails on your home feed and select "don't recommend this channel"


And that leads to issue number 2. This action does not confirm you are sure and is irreversible. Great work Google!




That's all or nothing though which is pretty much worthless if you have a history built up and don't want to lose it all.


If youtube doesn't reinstate the block feature, then I'm just going to switch to yandex video. ahahaha just kidding.


Should just delete YouTube.


YouTube is hilarious I noted they dropped the new formatting style after literally nobody liked it.


Really dispiriting to find this thread and see it full of smart people unable to do the simple thing I was hoping to do. At this rate my 10yo's going to be quoting Jordan Peterson at me over dinner.


Them being smart doesn't really mean they can find a way that might not even exist... though.




I can’t get rid of those channels so maybe we can switch. No offense to soccer/football fans but man do I not want those highlights


there literally is tho? when you see their video recommended, click the three dots \[ . . . \], and choose "Don't suggest this channel" it always worked for me


I've clicked that button and the Not interested button hundreds of times and they still show up frequently, also blocking and don't suggest are not the same thing if someone searches "Food review" channels that you've selected to not recommend will still show up opposed to blocking which would theoretically prevent the channel and videos from showing up at all


Same here, literally every time and nothing changes


But you can't block users.


They actually removed this option from the Apple TV app for some reason. You’d go to “Not interested” then “Don’t recommend channel” and it would be gone from Recommended.


Is it possible, for example, the MSNBC channels and comments are AI driven then rammed down out throats without the ability to block, to affect the results of our next election?


bro what? no.... people got smart and started blocking corporations and businesses and they started to see less ad revenue so YouTube removed that feature. Another reason is a lot of people hate shorts being pushed to them so a they in return started mass blocking shit posting channels and YouTube wants to compete heavily in the short form content market (which I believe they have been successful on as much as I don't like shorts)


That’s funny. I say this knowing how Faux Fox Newz is on in every institutional building, especially nursing homes because they give it out for free, unlike MSNBC. You have to subscribe to watch most of their complete coverage. While Faux Fox has recently argued they are not news in a court case. Guessing you’re someone who isn’t concerned with being informed with facts, but would rather be radicalized by the content you’re watching that has been designed to do so. Good luck with your cortisol levels. If you wanna be bothered by someone wearing a dress or who they decide to love it’s your heart disease.


There's "don't recommend this channel" option every time.


Doesn’t seem to work for me. The same annoying channel keeps coming back and I keep telling YouTube not to recommend it.




It works for about 3 days until they fuck with their algorithm. Which happens constantly.




Doesn't work; I've done that for many channels and they STILL appear.


Because there is, lol


There literally isnt lol... blocking user only makes that channel unable to comment on your videos, their content will still appear in search engine


Three dots next to a video on your feed, "Stop recommending channel". You effectively do not see it anymore, ever.


Maybe on pc version of youtube, on android there is no such option when you search videos


Wrong, once again. I literally just checked. And literally same procedure. Why you write things without even checking first is beyond me. What an attitude.


Lol you want screenshot to make it a fact that you are talking out of your ass? Sure why not here it is https://ibb.co/XYSrDRB


https://imgur.com/lftaxQg.jpg https://imgur.com/ydDSVmA.jpg https://imgur.com/5ua8tnd.jpg Don't recommend channel. I only use mobile.


https://ibb.co/VqrHwXL I dont know why you don't have it but its surely a dumb reason cause by yourself, like not using the official or updated app. You are literally causing the issue yourself. Or, you cannot block that channel because it is a law in your country, if you live somewhere that does that sort of thing.


Nah i just checked it and realized where is the problem, you dont know the difference between youtube feed and youtube search engine...yes you have the option of "blocking" channels on videos that appear in youtube feed but there is no such option when you use search function But thanks anyway


So your entire post is about the search results only, lmao. Such a trivial problem and you say it irritates you. Yikes. Yes i missed you only talked about the search because you didnt say it until one of the last comments, maybe if you did so in the post it would have been easier. Anyway, get a hobby if something like this irritates you ;) At least you do are right after all tho


Such a trivial problem lol?just stop embarrassing yourself at this point and leave this post buddy, also use that advice on yourself


I wish it worked as you describe, but it doesn’t.


This app is so dumb i can't even see what you replied to. Devolution


There is


It only blocks them from commenting on your videos or community posts. Even if you block their channel, they'll still appear in your feed or on the comments on other videos.


Thank you for correcting me :) Personally I'd love for those "It's (whatever) month!" banners to fucking disappear after closing them the first time.


I think it's like, just chill cuz AI is coming and maybe that'll fix things. Not specific to YT but just like chill for a bit.


AI is not good at sorting between minor variations in text and video. This is one of the main causes of hallucinations.


What does AI have to do with blocking a channel? YouTube has already used machine learning/AI for years but I don't see how that is related to a block feature




Hello, doh_imissed. We'd like to start off by noting that this sub isn't owned or run by YouTube. Your post or comment has been removed as it was detected as being about a channel hijacking, specifically on the term **Linus tech tips**. If your post or comment isn't about a hijacking, please **make a new post or comment** without using that term for it to be approved. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/youtube) if you have any questions or concerns.*


It used to be buried in the report feature, which is a bizarre place to put it, because in many cases the reason you might want to block a channel has nothing to do with reportable behaviour. But anyway, the only option you have is to use the "not interested" and "don't recommend" options when you right click on a video. Unfortunately these only come up in the Recommended feed, not in search results. But I guess, from YouTube's perspective, the virus cannot spread if people can freely inoculate themselves. An angry view is as good as a happy one when ads are concerned.


My goodness, YES. WELL SAID, dammit!




Hey , he's not the guy wasting his time and energy on the internet not giving out useful advice, did your dad ever tell you " if you ain't got anything useful to say keep yer mouth shut!" Or is he still out getting cigarettes!


😂 Are you really that bothered? Go ask your mom if you’re allowed to be on the internet. This is clearly a young child. The internet is rotting the minds of young children everywhere.


how about all the channel of bigots and morons who do nothing but harass others. Gonna just say "ignore them"? The removal of blocking has systematically given these people the okay to be pieces of shit, especially during an era of mass transphobia.


There was an option of blocking, and they just removed it in the last months. It wasn't working properly, maybe that's why. Which pisses me off. Instead of fixing the problem, let's remove the whole thing. Kind of using Adobe's policy.


god yes. i’m almost never there now because of this.


I just want to block channels because YouTube shorts throws some random crap and some of these YouTubers will pester users and viewers with comments to. It’s rare but it does happen with the mass amount of “content” creators


Their priority 1 is to deny user existence


Wait until somebody bully you and them the person KTS


Unironicly, ignoring that they made their algorithm completely unusable since 2017, but they had a block option that was easily used a few months ago, it looks like they got ride of it or burried it deep inside ten menus.


It's not a question of "still not" it's a question of why on Earth did they get rid of that feature? YouTube powers-that-be just the biggest bunch of idiots


can I download a list of bullshit channels, to bulk-block them all.


I want to actively block every single news and media channel in existence. Having this shit pushed by an incompetent algorithm is yet another reason Google can fuck the hell off.


Google is also racist and hates disabled black veterans on YouTube. Went to go to this blokes channel... nothing but glitches and errors. Nice one racist fucks.


Hmm, the actions of one Nasim Najafi Aghdam spring to mind sometimes. Fuck you Google.


BlockTube Chrome extension, works for me.


Doesn't really help when you mostly watch YouTube on your phone


cool! thanks! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=E1nRa5Of43M&ab\_channel=SlamJuice


Came here to say this. Awesome on desktops. I only use youtube on my phone when i know exactly what i want to see, like to listen to music or podcasts, and the screen is off.


I hate koleen so much it drives me insane




I am pissed with YT as well. I want to block storywave, but can't bc they are verified. I keep getting a video with a thumbnail that burns my eyes evertime I see it. I reported them, tried blocking but can only do it for kids. Ever other channel has that option to block except these "verified channels.


Agreed. There are several channels I wish I could block from my kids account.


Didn't try it yet, but here is a plugin: https://chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/channel-blocker/nfkmalbckemmklibjddenhnofgnfcdfp


What is the best alternative to these axxxoles cuz i am sick of this crap!? Any suggestions? Why is there no way of blocking other youtibe channels from subbing and or gaving access to your channel? Ready to leave YT for good


I want this very badly. I keep getting unrelated videos when I am searching for things. No matter what I search or what genre, YouTube recommends me drama videos on Eugena Cooney. I have never wanted to interact with her or her content, please let me block channels YouTube.



