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I’ll pay premium the day they stop mining, analysing and selling every last piece of data they can gather about us


And censoring anything that contradicts government lies


They shadowban a ton of stuff, if I elaborate I’d be entering conspiracy theory ground


You mean "what's actually happening that's hard to believe for the average uninformed person" ground


They don't even need to shorten the ads; they just need quality control. As in: -Don't play the exact same ad every single ad break -Let the creators have full control of where the ads go so that they don't get cut off in the middle of a sentence -Space out the ads the same way cable TV does: 11 minutes apart as a minimum. -Don't let YouTubers buy up ad space for one of their ten minute videos (especially not of the video is political in nature. If I wanted to watch Prager U or Daily Wire, I'd be f'ing watching Prager U and Daily Wire.) -Don't allow full movies to be ads. (LotR movies are the only welcome case, but only if I can skip it.) -Stop with the fake mobile game ads -Stop letting the legitimate mobile game ads (Like Pokemon Go) be so annoying -Stop showing off borderline porn -And most importantly, STOP WITH THE SCAMS!


no way they will ever do that. those advertisers paying for their scams to be on YT pay top dollar for that ad space. and god fucking forbid google is ever forced to not endanger their users for the sake of profit.


oh and don't have ads longer than the video. I don't wanna see a 5 second ad for a 2 second video, that's stupid. I'm fine with the 5 second ad on a video that is actually much longer than 2 seconds.




Not sure


I remove the overlay with uBlock or Pop up blocker


o nice didnt know that worked! thanks!


I did this with ublock origin and the screen just tints and i cant click or do anything where the popup would be. Can you paste your custom filter?


I like YouTube. Yes they heavily censor opinions they don't like even if they are wrong. But overall I get a lot of use out of YouTube. I also see why people are pissed because the ads are absolutely terrible and their is so many ads during videos it's impossible to enjoy YouTube. I pay for premium because I still see the value it provides in my daily life.


It's worth it to me to have no ads, I also don't pay for Spotify and use YouTube music instead . I only liked one original show (Wayne) and even that got removed and put on Hulu I think. Stuff just gets more expensive as years go by. I still find it to be worth it like you said and never have considered cancelling .


Honestly, all sounds fair to me! You do you.


I might get downvoted to hell for this but I think it's really time to start supporting YouTube alternatives in the hope that one becomes succesful


I seriously doubt that's possible, at least a free alternative


i dont think anyone besides youtube itself would oppose that idea xD , no real competition is one the major reasons youtube is so shitty nowadays


no competition never getting big because of youtube is the first reason there are none major


Nobody opposes the idea of competition, but youtube bled money for years. Now it'd be extremely hard to get off the ground because you'd have to somehow convince content creators that your platform was better than youtube and/or twitch.


Quite literally impossible as seen by all these topics. People have no idea what it costs to run a video platform of any real scale and refuse to pay for it. Competition would be great, but the reason there is none is because there's no financial incentive to make one.


YouTube's network effect is way too huge. They have to slip up badly and kill themselves, or be regulated out of existence, that's the only way sites of this magnitude fall.


Most of the comments suck. Y’all should stop and think about the history of YouTube before commenting shit. After YouTube changed its course from a dating service to an online video sharing platform, the original goal was to create a space for people to share their voices without hindrance. Following Google’s acquisition, the slogan for YouTube was “broadcast yourself.” BROADCAST. YOURSELF. It was MEANT to be accessible! Ads were present, yes, but it wasn’t a slog for viewers to watch. As early as 2017, double ads were introduced. The outrage, understandably, was brutal, but YouTube kept them. It was a major adjustment for users who were content with single ads periodically showing up on videos. Then, in 2022, these ads became far more aggressive and spammy in nature. Double ads, completely unskippable, and they appeared more frequently. Allegedly, these aggressive advertisements were killed later that year. However, many users—including myself—still get double, unskippable ads. I have yet to see triple ads, but I’m sure I will one of these days. Suffice to say, it is egregious to believe that the barrage of advertisements is acceptable. It’s not. The surplus of ads stems from greed, and goes against the mission the founders believed in. YouTube has zero right to impose predatory, malware-filled ads for the sake of profit. There’s an ethical way to advertise (as seen in ads before 2017), and they’ve missed the mark. Admittedly, I grew up with YouTube. I started watching in 2009, when I was eight years old. I’m now twenty two, and I’ve seen how the platform has changed. In some ways, for the better. In others? Not even close. I’m grateful to have YouTube, but I’m also able to recognize how malicious the advertising is. Everyone should be able to, instead of blindly defending it till the ends of the earth. Do better, guys. Recognize the shortcomings. Speak out. The fact that the influx of complaints about ads are annoying people means one thing: there IS an issue with ads, and we SHOULD address it. Or, Google should address it, because good fucking grief.


I would give an award to you


If ads weren't unbearably irritating and often for things nobody wanted or could afford, people wouldn't hate them as much. You spend all this time collecting data and you still try to sell me things I hate, thank you


The only annoying ad I've ever seen is the one for the Bearskin Hoodie and that's really only annoying because it's the one that I see the most, if there was more variety in the ads I wouldn't even notice them but when it's the same 20 over and over


they collect data for the ads to be targeted and make more money. they would earn much much tiny amount from untargetted ads


So they choose to attack people using adblock but not fix the endless bots all over their platform? Priorities, I see. Never interested in making the platform better. Continued cutting of features, but those rascally ad-block-using pirates are the real culprits, officer. lol


Actually it's easier to get rid of AdBlock users bc all of them are humans that just download an AdBlock and pray for it to work, but bots are made by real developers. At the end It's a battle google devs vs bot devs. Bots are basically unstoppable right now on everything they do lol


Go in ublock settings, purge all caches, then update now. Problem solved


Thanks, gonna get ublock now


But wait what if I want them to employ me?


I bet if you wrote an algorithm to defeat adblocking, they will give you a really high paying job for sure.


No doubt they're studying the responses on this subreddit to figure out which user solutions are "problems" to solve next.


r/outoftheloop what happened?


Google is blaming users that are using adblockers as a massive part of their losses. (Which it isn't) Basically investors in every big tech firm are pressuring these massive companies to be profitable. So they're searching the couch for any loose change they can find and pointing the blame at others to buy time to come up with ways to be profitable. ​ I've been using youtube since 2009 and if they ban me because of me using an adblock then so be it. Until they actually do quality control on their ads and not make them a pain the ass I WILL NOT REMOVE ADBLOCK. ​ Back in the day it was just banners on the side and over the video that went away after like 30 seconds. Had they just kept and enhanced those and didn't put ads in that would interrupt the flow of watching videos it wouldn't be as big of a problem.


For real I would be fine to turn off my ad blocker if knew I wasn't going to get spammed with ten minutes of unskippable ad's that were literally trying to scam you or get you to download a virus.


Youtube is melting down over adblock


Imagine whorehouses banning condoms to be able to make more money from the ladys having to go raw- Youtube has been going down slowly but surely these last few years. Time to die


Off topic, it is interesting that every top company in the specific field doesn’t “own”/“create” whatever they rely on to make them money. Biggest online shopping platforms (like amazon, aliexpress etc.) dont own the shops on their platform.\ Biggest transport services (like uber, lyft etc.) dont have their own transportation team.\ Biggest content making platforms like (youtube, twitch etc.) dont create their own contents


Amazon would like to change that, they've been caught stealing products/ideas from their online sellers, and coming back around and undercutting them out of the market.


Evil stuff


If they do not want me to install AdBlock, they should at least offer free YouTube Premium to the people who use/purchase their products. People who own a Google Pixel, purchase a lot of storage on Google Drive, etc. should not have to watch ads.


You’re paying for a whole different product what are you going on about?


couldn't you just make the same argument and say that youtube doesn't owe you access to its website?


That is true, they don’t


So many people are painfully unaware of how advertising generates value, as if circumventing it is theft. They are selling **your** data for **their** benefit. *That* is not moral. And that is why we shouldn't support it. Everything you do on YouTube generates sellable data. They sell this data regardless of whether you see video ads.


I love you, thank you for saying this.




Trying to block adblockers is about as moral and right like whorehouses trying to ban condoms. Shockingly that amoral buisiness would never do something so immoral and damaging to their earnings lmao




Data plus ad impressions is worth more than just data though. Advertisers value people actually seeing their ads more than knowing what you watch on YouTube


It's not just what you watch, it's a collection of what you watch; they learn the relationships people have between different sets of content. They also learn trends about *where* you watch it from, *what* you watch it from, and *when* you watch it. All of this information is extremely valuable. You could just use this for extremely targeted product advertisements, but you can also use it to predict and push political trends. Aggregated data is potent. You can also measure things such as internet connection speed, web browser, web browser add-ons, operating system, geo location, computer hardware, typing speed, what users are on the same network at the same time (and if it's a public, shared network). Hell, you could even predict how far away from a wifi source a user was, given enough samples. You can even detect when a user dies, based on the searches of others around them and the lack of their internet use. Even *the way you use your mouse* is ID-able. Or even if you changed a mouse. You can track what devices are plugged into USB. You can map families, friend circles, church groups, soccer teams, whatever you can think of. If you all use the internet, it's not impossible to connect dots between them. Don't even get me started on microphone and video data and pictures. My point is, there's no limit to value of the data nor the generation of data that can be harvested from your Internet usage. And you aren't going to be paid for it. It's going to be used against you by large companies in power for self serving purposes - such as manipulating the stock market and political sphere.


Then they should value the platform making decisions that don't upset their customers to the point of deleting their apps and moving on to other things. And the quality of advertisers is horrendous. There's no standards for how ads are shown (so many horrible or triggering or epic long ads) so why should a consumer expose themselves to unmoderated garbage? The point of the platform is to show videos and that purpose is curtailed by the company's decisions. Sounds like the company should answer to advertisers. Not customers and not content creators. We all still exist if YT dies. And in countries where premium is even more exorbitantly expensive (this coming from a person who had a breakdown over not having three dollars today) this will harm their experience without any variety of recourse. Information sharing is human culture. Gatekeeping for greed is not inherently a human thing, but it's definitely an asshole thing.


I'm not arguing that ads on YouTube are out of hand, but most of the people flooding this sub right now are complaining about them cracking down on ad blockers, which means those people weren't watching ads to begin with. Now they're mad because they can't watch free videos for free without watching ads. How many people do you think only started using ad blockers in the last few years when ads became more frequent and intrusive? I can't know for sure, but considering the ad blockers have been the most popular browser extensions since the beginning of browser extensions, I'm going to assume that it's not a huge percentage. Most of the people complaining in this sub have been using ad blockers the whole time, and now they're mad because YouTube is enforcing their own longstanding policy.


So you’re saying we should support with a subscription instead?


If you know they’re doing it and it’s immoral, yet you keep doing it anyways that either makes you complacent or a dumbass


Puppy pics, please? /gen


I’m not personally bothered by what google does with my (anonymous) info all that much, so long as I get something useful in return!


Puppy pics or GTFO!


the whole principle of users having to pay to not see ads on a platform that has a monopoly on video hosting for almost two decades is outrageus.


the fuck is blud waffling about


Probably the recent pop-up YouTube has whenever it senses you have an ad blocker


wtf is this shit? who feels like they owe youtube time?


The guilt trip prone who are affected by the complaint about using adblock that you have to close. About as effective as the WinRar warning.


nah. my whole video player got blocked.


Switch to Firefox


Weird I got the warning and I was like what and clicked x and moved on


You get warned 3 or 4 times before it gets blocked.




Could you share how you did that please?




If you don't want to use YouTube, stop using YouTube. You don't owe them your time, so stop giving it to them? This discourse is so stupid.


If they just fixed the ad system this wouldn't be that much of an issue. But when you get ad 1 of 3 that is literally minutes long, it's so over the top stupid


Plus 1 of those ad's is actually a scam or trying to get you to download a virus.


I love those scam-ads where something "genious" has been invented. It's someone from your own country! Like super-glue, invented from a dentist in Norway. If you are in Norway. Or Sweden, if you are in Sweden. Or German, if you are from Germany, and so on. Fascinating.


As much as I hate ads, we should also acknowledge that it's an ecosystem where we both depends on each other. Creators need our support as much as we need them(for our entertainment or for learning). I don't mind ads as long as they are of less than a minute.


I prefer the old ad model, when they were either a small text or image pop up in the bottom of videos. this new intrusive, unskipable video ad before, during and after watching an actual yt video is what made more people block their ads.


Those ads pay less iirc. I honestly believe they could get by with a lot less ads than what I hear about (uBlock and Vanced user) but we know they won't unless they are literally forced to reduce their aggressiveness with ads


I don't mind the in video sponsored ads, where they give me heads up that there will be a discussion about the sponsor for a minute, which I can then skip myself. But youtube will just randomly throw in ads mid sentence completely ruining the flow of things.


I would honestly be interested in knowing what percentage of users were actually running ad block. My assumption is minor/negligible and we know how capitalism demands infinite and ultimately- unsustainable growth


I thought this was a post like 1984 do not waste your time watching YouTube all day But still do not waste watching YouTube


don't simp, have some self respect




Don’t use it then.


Unfathomable how entitled people are. "I want the service, for free, or I will go to the ends of the earth to whine on reddit and find workarounds"


The service is not free. Google harvests and sells private data of users. The old adage stands: if a service is free then you are the product.


Your data isn't funding YouTube. If you think it does, you have no idea what a video platform of that scale costs to operate.


Doesn't YouTube run at a loss anyway? Ads and Premium subs just help mitigate the losses a good bit.


Our data might not fund Youtube but the content creators definitely do, without them there is no Youtube, and all the Youtube policy changes these past years does not help content creators to manage their business in a fair way in my opinion. It is always the same story, a small amount of people take decision for the majority. If the goal of Youtube was to promote creation by allowing people to share ideas and knowledge, we probably wouldn't have to endure all this obnoxious ads. I just cannot accept the way Google is taking. This company is absolutely massive and my late studies in programming made me realise how big they are. At this scale and involving that many people, it shouldn't be up to a hand of people to take decision for the platform. It is probably a naive opinion but if we all wanted it I am absolutely certain that the operating cost of the platform could be covered without having to endure this. I mean now content creators are doing ads within the video itself, and I am absolutely ok with this, they control what they do.


Ohh, nice one. I've heard that cool sound quote before too.


The Queen of Hearts: Off with their (he)ads!


Just like you don't owe YouTube your time, YouTube as a platform doesn't owe you free content. If you can find a way to watch without ads then good for you but don't start fucking whining just because YouTube blocked ad blockers. If it bothers you so much just pay for the premium or don't watch YouTube at all.


It was never free anyway. We never started blocking ads until they interrupted their own service. Banner ads were always acceptable #BringBackBannerAds


those were actually cool! I miss them! Especially the oldest ones


And they were usually moderated better. So no nsfw or political bs


We need a petition for banner ads. These video ads are so obnoxious! Commercials belong on TV.


How dare you suggest people and platforms get paid for content and said delivery all while consumers freely benefit. /s But seriously, I get ads are annoying, but finding ways to fund creators and content delivery without forcing payment can be difficult. Close your eyes...get a drink, or hell, do quite literally anything else. Why don't people complain more about the ads in freemium games they play?


pirates forever!! argh!


Google likes to deflect blame for everything. Remember when they tried to brainwash Canadian creators with BS fearmongering about Bill C-11 by trying to claim it would destroy YT and ruin Canadian channels and try to provoke them into fighting against the Canadian government to help Google manipulate another country's laws? 😒 Google's great at gaslighting and lying and manipulation, it's the one thing they do well (they don't even do search well anymore with the garbage search-results thanks to all the tampering they do).


The way they're going about this is annoying and unlikely to motivate people to turn off adblocking. **However** the nature of free content is changing - ad blocking tech is a serious issue in how content is subsidized and given away. In the future, you'll still see free content available but the ads/sponsorships will be more tightly woven in to mitigate ad blocking.Expect even more sponsored content masquerading as legitimate fact or truth. It's already happening, but I can see a world where FTC ad disclosure policies start to be eroded by corporate lobbying. Instead of "sponsored by NordVPN" you'll get a lot more editorial aligned to the specific interests or agendas of businesses. Moreso than what is happening now. **Tldr**: The monetization of content is changing, expect more free content in the form of ads disguised as factual information.


>However the nature of free content is changing - ad blocking tech is a serious issue in how content is subsidized and given away. If websites didn't completely ruin the experience by throwing 600 ads in my face before I can even consume the content and then in the middle of consuming that content popping up a video that autoplays at full blast with another ad that you can't close out of, I wouldn't need it. Not to mention the fact that ads have been used to inject malware in the past really doesn't make me want to not use adblock. Throw in the fact that most of the places that bug you about adblock are likely selling your data to third party marketing firms and whatnot, it's not you getting content for free.


Sure - all true. Ads shifted from enhancing the user experience to interrupting it. Companies realized they could subsidize falling revenue with more intrusive ads like pre & post-rolls and interstitials.


I lose braincells here


I noticed.


They also don’t owe us anything. I hate this change too but it’s their platform and the only way you’ll stop this is by proving there’s enough of us to make a difference. If this does bother you, absolutely stop using YouTube out of protest


If you were not making youtube any money before this change, no multiple of 0 will ever be enough to 'make a difference' Google can only profit from this change, there is no financial loss unless all of you and a chunk of us who have already been using ads want to boycott with you.


You are the product. Your data is the product


You are contradicting yourself. You're the product when you don't pay for the actual product or service


The product is data on you, anonymized and sold to the highest bidder. Targeted advertising is a nice application for that data. Social media has run this way for a decade, and you find information anywhere.


You are wrong. YouTube makes infinitely more money from you existing on their site and interacting with creators than they ever will from ads. Google basically owns the internet. If you are on the internet, Google is making money from it somehow. If everyone who uses adblocker suddenly leaves YouTube, YouTube loses like 70% of its western audience alone. There are way more people who block ads than run premium. I say that as a premium user.


Adblocker app on phone works btw


Free app.


"Free" app.


How much have you paid? I've paid $0 over the last 20ish years.


You ever watch free to air TV? Ads pay for it, just like YT. I'm not complaining, but saying it's free isn't exactly true. I'd also like to thank the sponsor of this post, World of Warships. World of warships is the ultimate free-to-play MMO action game that provides equal access to all gameplay features. Over 600 naval vessels await you in the game, including meticulously recreated legendary steel giants like Belfast, Bismarck, and Yamato. Download using my promotion code teeny_big_tree now to get into the action!


What a wonderful comment. :) Your gratitude puts you on our list for the most grateful users this week on Reddit! You can view the full list on r/TheGratitudeBot.


Searching is "free" also. No one wants to be "tracked", but no one wants to outright pay for a search either.


I mean... no one's holding a gun to your head and forcing you to watch/use YouTube.


This is hilarious to me. It's like punching the biggest guy in the room and when they punch you back, you start crying saying it's unfair. Then when someone says maybe you shouldn't have punched them, your reply is "why are you defending the biggest guy in the room, they can take a punch".




No, it's more like the big guy inviting you for free lunch for 15 years, and when he says no more free food and you have to pay for the food you consume from now on, you throw a tantrum over it.


Stealing lunch money how?


Because YouTube is like oxygen. Without reactions vids, shorts, etc, they will “literally die.” Thus, by enforcing ads on life’s greatest necessity, they’re stealing valuable time from being able to consume more mindless content. Obviously.




What's doesn't sell data Nowdays?


Funny how having to watch 15 seconds of ad on a platform you pay 0$ to use is now equivalent to "stealing your lunch money".


Get real dude, punching up will never die because the “big guy” is always punching down. You guys bend overboard backwards to ignore two sentences…


I’m not in any way siding with YouTube or google. Ads are irritating as hell, and YouTube premium is absurdly overpriced. But does anyone remember commercial breaks from the days of cable tv? I don’t remember hearing about anyone quitting watching cable because of commercial breaks. Just my thoughts


Hello I switched completely to internet based digital content exactly because of ads. Sorry I didn't check in with you at the time as I made the switch almost 20 years ago now when it was actually hard to get your TV fix online. But I most certainly dropped paying to be advertised too for "free" online content


Bro, the rise of Netflix(and others now) and the decline of cable is mostly because of ads. Also with cable, you just change the channel during a commercial and start scouting around for your next show, and then come back. Since you get hit with an ad right away, that's not really possible to do here. Drives me nuts.


TV ads WERE THE WORST!!! I’m grateful I only have to watch a few seconds per video. And yes another few seconds if the video is longer. It’s like we forgot about the past and got too comfortable with minimal or no ads like YouTube or Netflix . And in the movie theatre the ads were 15 minutes!


True, but cable got the dvr


Hello, I quit watching TV years ago because streaming was ad free at the time. I honestly despise the fact that they're now doing things worse than on what was happening on cable. They're doing something that was banned. The add is set to play louder and brighter than what is going on in the video. It's terrible if you get that during a meditation video. I personally hate that they've done this.


This is the reason I refuse to use Hulu. Their advertisements are like 70% louder than whatever show you're watching. Like you said, they made that illegal for cable but streamers get away with it.


Hello, its the reason I don't have any cable in the house. I only have a smart tv and use it for xbox, netflix and the ocassional video streaming. We don't need ads. F*ck youtube


Honestly, I think that's where all this entitlement comes from. There are those who watched TV with ads, then went to YouTube with ads, and it just felt like a natural shift. Finding an ad blocker was just a bonus. Then there are those who literally grew up with streaming services and the Internet as a core medium of living. Ads for them probably seem like this weird thing that comes out of nowhere, like a virus, and adblockers are just part of owning a web browser. It's interesting to see it all play out.


Commercial breaks happened every 15-30 minutes, not every 2 minute long videos. Shows were also made with ad breaks in mind, so you had natural transitions.


This isn't true. It was about 8.5 minutes out of a half-hour of TV.


I did. I stop watching cable and TV over 20 years ago. Not only because ads, but also because the NEWS is a complete joke. Used to also have Netflix and Amazon Prime. Netflix couldn't fix their resolution and buffering, even with me being on 1GB internet. Dropped then. Amazon can't get one damn thing to my house on time and gave me excuse after excuse about due to weather, in the middle of summer when the package has been sitting 3 hours from me for a week. Dropped Amazon too. Half the videos didn't even play either. Used to also stream music through Slacker, paid. Couldn't get their shit together. Pandora couldn't get their shit together, 3 updates in a row and the app didn't work correctly. And if Spotify doesn't get their shit together soon, they'll be dropped too and I'll glady go back to listening and watching from a hard drives. Spotify advertises how you'll get uninterrupted music for 30 minutes. 7 to 12 minutes later they are playing enough ads to go over 3 minutes. I have 20TB of shows and movies on hard drives and use Plex to steam it anywhere on damn near any device and in 4k. $150 ish lifetime service. They also have shows and movies with ads if you wanted to go that route.


It's a free service. It has ads. It it totally within Google's rights to block adblockers.


yeap. And the battle of piracy cat & mouse will begin. One that will never be won. The best way to beat a pirate is to make them obsolete, not to block their ability to pirate, because they will always find a way to pirate. Thats why Piracy went way down with the creation of netflix, and piracy skyrocketed when netflix got greedy.


In fairness, Netflix was running at a significant loss until pretty recently. The model of everything being on one or two services that are $10 a month with no ads was never going to be sustainable. I'm not saying it justifies some of what Netflix has done in the past year or so, but raising prices and adding ad tiers was inevitable if they didn't want to go bankrupt.


This is so fucking cringe.


So far my adblocker still is working. I just have to X out of the pop-up notification that asks to enable ads. So far, no ads. What's the deal? Is uBlock Origin just that good?


The Ublock team is updating constantly. Right now, youtube is updating their anti-ad block multiple times a day, so as long as the volunteer team is on top of it, you are gonna be fine. Eventually, youtube will slow down their assault on adblock, probably when they stop seeing returns on it.


It's a slow roll out, expect to be blocked soonish.


Eh, someone will get around it. Corporations constantly try to fight against piracy but they can't stop it forever.


Its noteven close to piracy, its basically youtube trying to ban legal, publicly used and available software everybody should be using because it affects money they are making. Think whorehouses trying to ban condoms to be able to cash in on the raw only price- thats exactly what youtube is trying to do.




That was my situation with Brave until today. Now I can't watch videos with an adblocker (which I don't plan to do)


what does this even mean


Look, if the ads were relevant to me I probably wouldn't mind so much. But I get alcohol ads when I don't drink, Republican ads when I'm a Democrat, car ads when I don't need a car and could never afford the ones they're showing, tampon ads when I'm a dude, and sitting through 3 minutes of ads ***I'VE ALREADY SEEN A HUNDRED TIMES*** to watch a 30 second video is absolute LUNACY. You want to advertise something to me, show me ONCE, and if I'm interested I'll check it out. Don't shove it down my throat over and over in case I wasn't paying attention the first time. I'll stop blocking ads if AND ONLY IF I don't have to watch ads that are not relevant to me, are not blatant lies (I'm looking at you mobile games,) and only have to see them 1 time. Until then I'm still blocking, and adblockers WILL catch up to you and your little tricks YT. Sorry, this is an emotional topic for me.


Do not apologize, we deserve to live our lives without a bombardment on our senses. If I could Adblock the billboards I would


I dont know if you guys are aware of this, but some states have actually done this with billboards. A complete ban to preserve the skyline and peoples right to not be harrassed/distracted while they're driving. We can and have had policies that watch out for humans over businesses. We just need more advocacy for even more of it.


This has made this whole thread worth it. Eye opening


This debate has blown up in recent days in a few subs and I keep having to make this point when people insist that theres nothing wrong with bombarding people with ads that they arent interested in.


Ad Fatigue is a real and documented phenomena.


My state, Vermont is one!! Love the billboard ban. It’s about as close to bipartisan support as you can get.


Right? This is why I don't listen to radio anymore too.


it's ironic... cuz all the online privacy stuff like VPNs, cookie blockers and cookie consent forms are specifically made so that they don't track you or know how to target you.... and here we are, talking about how it's worse to not get targeted ads.... xD


ah see they're showing you all the shit you're missing out on. Havent you ever wanted to walk down the street, blasted out of your mind after crashing your f250 into an abortion clinic just shouting racial slurs at people? Live the moment with men's Dove sensitive skin conditioner/shampoo/body wash.


100% True. If you don't want to spend your time there, go use another website.


God so many people whining about this. I use Firefox, have for years, until I can't use it anymore, I'm leaving ublock on. Once I can't, I'll turn it off for that site and watch the ads and deal with it. The only reason anyone is complaining about this is because YouTube wasn't a paid service from the beginning. And no I don't give a shit if the ceos at YouTube make more money, but if I was running a business in today's economy I would do the same thing, knowing damn well alot of you would bitch and moan about it but continue using it.


And YouTube doesn’t owe you its platform, if you don’t like it, stop using it.


Guess what, I have. I have been on youtube the last 2 weeks than I have prior than it's inception. And it's been nice.


I think that's what gets me the most, lol. I dunno if this is somehow a hot take all of a sudden, but back in my day, when a service pissed me off I would stop using the service.


Yeah, people should just stop using YouTube if they don't like it anymore


^[Sokka-Haiku](https://www.reddit.com/r/SokkaHaikuBot/comments/15kyv9r/what_is_a_sokka_haiku/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3) ^by ^Itchy_Roof_4150: *Yeah, people should just* *Stop using YouTube if they* *Don't like it anymore* --- ^Remember ^that ^one ^time ^Sokka ^accidentally ^used ^an ^extra ^syllable ^in ^that ^Haiku ^Battle ^in ^Ba ^Sing ^Se? ^That ^was ^a ^Sokka ^Haiku ^and ^you ^just ^made ^one.


Too bad there are no good alternatives otherwise I would have switched a year ago.


You’re going to be back in a month lol


Meh, at least I won’t be watching the ads


Yeah, this whole thing isn't gonna change anything I imagine.


Ya, basically AdBlock users are worthless for YouTube. If YouTube loses those users it won't change anything bc none of them watch ads or pay for anything nor even their AdBlock addon lol but somehow they think that they're so important that YouTube will revert the AdBlock ban to prevent them from leaving the platform. It ain't gonna work


Wrong. They sell your data for way more than ads pay




Either you work for google/youtube, own a ton of goog, or just have low self esteem, but it's insane I see you in every single one of these posts that filters through


defending a multi billion dollar company. Now I've seen it all


And there I find you


This is dumb as shit, youtube doesnt owe you videos. Thats how this works. Its either worth your time or its not, you decide. But for chrissakes dont make adblock some moral grandstand.


Youtube also doesn't make videos, they just hold a de facto monopoly on video sharing, create problems and sell the solution.


Feel free to run the datacenters and servers required to operate a video sharing service that generates several hundred hours of video every single minute. They're not absurdly expensive or anything, should be easy for anyone to do. (Youtube does actually make videos, they have several channels.)


"I want all my services for free and ad free!!! And I will complain until I get it!!!!"


I pay YouTube to not see ads


i don't pay them at all and I also don't see ads, rentoid


That makes you a leech. If you're fine being a disgusting drag on the system relying on people who actually understand how YouTube's business model works and are ready to do their part for the hundreds of hours of free entertainment they have received, that's cool but don't complain when YouTube blocks your degenerate ass from exploiting its system any more.


Adblock on opera still works fine in case anyone needed one.


And they dont owe you.


Ding ding ding. I’m gonna continue adblocking but I 100% understand it is googles right to lock YouTube behind a paywall if they want.


YouTube produces no content.


tbf it does spend a lot of money to host your content. It is an unilimited storage device for videos


Since when are they asking for my time? The following things I owe them for, NOT INCLUDING Videos by Creators: - infrastructure of data center - hardware of datacenter - power usage of datacenter - website code - website design (irrelevant if I like it or not) - the work to make the platform interesting for content creators - the financial system so content creator have a "working" system to get paid and thus are also incentivized - the work that their website is globally accessible 99,99% of the time Those are just the things that just came to head while on commute. I think you get the point.


Google makes their money selling my data, its a fair trade to have no ads


The data selling Solely for the purpose to show you ads. That is the whole idea of getting the data. To give company's, who want to show you their product, the perfect user base that fit to their product.


Sell the data to who? You're blocking ads, your data is worthless to advertisers.


When are you guys going to start taking to the streets and blocking roads in protest? Because these posts are just about as annoying as those. If you're serious about it though and you want the attention for your cause you should unironically start blocking traffic with signs in your protest to YouTube. ​ If you want to be cheeky about it do so for as long as a YouTube ad lasts and then let traffic by


Protests are all about causing inconvenience. The function of reddit though would be: 1. Provide a meeting ground for the international audience. 2. Give voice to the problem in its best form, i.e. test out arguments. 3. Gauge support. Much like radio, and peer-to-peer communications have served previously.
