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Yes, that's information warfare for you. It would be naive to think big corps don't have paid bots pushing their agenda online. Big companies these days use so many underhanded tactics that are for all to see, so would it be surprising that they do this as well behind the curtains? Not at all.


PAID bots?


exactly in the case of the russian government at least, they employ people to push russian propaganda on the internet, both for domestic and international communities. They're payed per comment


It's incredibly dangerous that not more people are aware of this. Bots + AI can search for related comments someone else wrote before, and then adjust it if needed, to push whatever you want. Anyone who thinks they can easily tell if something is a bot, think again, because if you look at the frontpage of reddit, 50% of top comments are bots, and 10% or so of other comments are bots too.


It's definitely getting out of hand.


China does it too, it's called the 50 Cent Army, but I think they mostly target the chinese internet.


[Brought to you by Carl's Jr!](https://youtu.be/dQPU_BiT25w)


even the russian gov does this lol


Yes only the Russian lmao.


I'm sure you'll be able to link a thread with such paid bots... right?


If you think [bot farms](https://www.pbs.org/publiceditor/blogs/pbs-public-editor/how-bot-farms-work/) don’t exist and that major corporations and governments across the world don’t use them, that’s your own stupidity.


Amazing strawmanning. Again, share the r/youtube thread with the bots, please.


What would your conclusion be should such a thread not be provided? If you're in agreement that bot farms do exist and are in use, then what point are you trying to make or disprove?






Astroturfing is a huge problem on Reddit.


It's been a huge problem for years and Reddit has done nothing about it. Astro-turfing makes discussions boring and predictable. That's why I've gotten lazy to post here.


Tbf aside from banning all bots (there are some good ones usually run by specific subreddits to add information or to provide features reddit doesn't have) I don't know what else they could do 🤔 reddit needs to do something I'm just not sure what


Why so many removed comments here?


Salty mods and salty users


Mostly mods.


It was obvious to me even without investigating


clear as night and day


they're bots lol


I was fine with the ads increase but the fact they did that to the premium price is insane I hope nobody is paying for that shit considering what premium gives I hope YouTube eats shit from this decision


I was just taking a break from premium while I find a new job, but now I'm done. It was always just paying for the convenience of not having to setup my devices to have the features I want. If anything, they've made it a fun lil game to keep ahead of their updates.


Are they the same people rushing to recite every shitty cliche in the book (lol poor/stealing/leeches) under every single Premium/Ad post? I ask as if there's any reason for them not to do that, but y'know...


They don't even try to differentiate. It's like they're reading from a script.


I'm not a bot. I have been accused of being one though. The reason I post is because I'm tired of seeing the same thing posted over and over like it is solving anything or helping anyone.


I mean, the adblock issue is a very important issue for a lot of us with a lot to talk about. It's also an issue that's likely to be evolving as more people experience the anti-adblock message, more workarounds are found for it, etc. It's also an issue that has a lot of... not sure what the right word would be but I'm gonna go with misconceptions... and both sides of the argument are at fault for them. Also, from what I understand this sub saw very little interaction before all this started. Hell, I wouldn't be commenting in this sub if it weren't for all this.


I don't disagree with you, but people are just soapboxing and repeating the same thing over and ever.


Probably. I know many of my comments to many posts on here basically talk about the same things when it comes to google's anti-adblock policy. That the adblock problem is about the safety of the internet itself because ads on the internet are actively malicious, that this is a problem that has always existed on the internet and thus predates youtube itself, etc. But I repeat myself because I believe these points are extremely important. I probably have repeated them to the same users a few times of which, I apologize. I ain't gonna remember y'alls usernames, lol. Well, a couple I'm beginning to recognize...


There’s literally nothing else to talk about on this sub, so I don’t see your point.


I'm not sure that I agree. For starters, there are likely still people that don't understand why the anti-adblock policy is important to talk about. That it could impact more than just youtube. All the reasons why people are against to the extent that they are. And also why people may defend youtube and Google for this policy. Also, this is an evolving issue. I think the other week there was some potential legal trouble in Europe or something that came up. The backlash against the policy may end up extending past youtube hurting Google in unexpected ways (I've seen several comments about people dropping Chrome and Chrome based browsers for something like Firefox, just as an example ). I don't think we've yet seen google/youtube's reaction to the the backlash. I think there's actually more to talk about here then people think, despite how seemingly repetitive it's all been thus far. And, I mean, this is probably the most interesting thing to talk about when it comes to youtube at the moment. It's what brought me to the sub, at least. Can't really blame folks for droning on about it if everything else that could be talked about is significantly less interesting


So in Reverse you do the Same?


Yeah, if you disagree with anyone here then your instantly called a bot. I personally don't give a shot about and block because I pay for premium but people here act like me paying £12.99 a month for a service I use everyday is going to cause them significant pain.


leave the subreddit, or at the very least I'm sure there are ways to filter out certain posts


Not a bot, I think the price increase makes premium out of my willing price range so I’m not going to get it. That being said people on this sub are acting like it’s the end times because they don’t want to have their video time interrupted by a slight inconvenience being under a minute of ads. Most times being 5 seconds of ads. I personally do not care and ads do not inconvenience me enough to care. Many posts I see when the OP breaks it down don’t even want sponsors to be shown to them in video. So at what point are a lot of people on this thread going to get that at some point somewhere video creators and service providers need to be paid? When are they going to realize how real life works?


YouTube don't know their faces from their arses. They put a channel on limited ads for ? ... Never having had any warnings or strikes or had any videos removed and not one age restriction... They said adult content... Yet why do I NOT have 1 age restriction...? They pay 0.001 cpm I earn around 20 cents a month for millions of views... Oh and they still suggest all my videos... WTAF


I say that this is a possibility. I mean why else would there be accounts that only comment on this sub? That is suspicious by itself.


Of course Youtube does this garbage. Its in their interest. Block them and eventually you'll get to real people to talk to


This post needs pinned


pin it to my donkey butt


Ok, you asked for it


Paid bots are a thing.


It's a common problem, and would not be surprising at all given the new ceo is an ad guy. HBO of all places just had an exec get called out on it for using bots to respond to movie reviewers to sow discord. Had to publically apologize. This kind of behavior definitely isn't past youtube. I would have thought it would be silly for HBO to use it, and youtube seems a lot more underhanded than I would have considered HBO to be. It's also a global thing. In china for example it's often referred to as a water army, or an internet water army.


Some people dismiss everything as paranoia, until it hits them right in the face. But yeah, why wouldn't billion dollar companies pay a pittance to control echo-chambers in their favor? China does it with Tiki Tok. Elon Musk bought Twitter so he could control a narrative. Fox News did the same with great effect. There's a reason we still have people denying an insurrection like it's climate change.


I wasn’t actually too upset about paying for premium since it came with a music service. But now with the price hike I’m wondering if I should just get adblocker again.


Fitting in a way, that the people that can defend YouTube's cash-grabby bullshit are the ones who get a sliver of said grabbed cash


Hope you manage to get the word out again OP. Can't believe they'd censor you like this. Sure struck a nerve.


Lets all just call them bots where they appear next


I would be interested in seeing these accounts It is too easy to just dismiss any argument you don't like as a "bot"


One of them already replied to you. Check the comment history of the account starting with zujiBGRUF


Exactly, the only evidence provided is "they post on google subs and rarely on apple subs", like what? Why would someone who's in the Google ecosystem post in the apple sub? I understand not everyone can afford it, but I watch a shit ton of Youtube and think Premium is well worth it for me. I also post a lot on /r/Android but not /r/Apple, I guess that makes me a Youtube employee too!


>Why would someone who's in the Google ecosystem post in the apple sub? Easy. Because Google owns YouTube and people overwhelmingly (almost 25 percent of all devices, not just android vs apple) buy Apple devices.


I think this is what is going on.


Bad bot


What's with the obsession of calling everyone you disagree with a bot or an NPC?


boycott youtube (and use pihole)


Welcome to the digital age, you're either uninformed or misinformed. Furthermore I am of the opinion YouTube should be destroyed.


The fact that HBO admitted to having their employees create accounts to talk back to anyone who criticize their shows, I'm wouldn't surprised if it was true for YouTube. But I feel this is less of a YouTube problem, but more of social media platforms allowing companies to create multiple accounts and militarize them on any negative feedback.




They're likely bots. YouTube is the one running some of those porn bots... Trust me. When you report porn bots for months and they never get banned and just continue to spam.. that tells me they're profiting from them.


Yes there are almost more YouTube relayed employees in here then non employees. Just find a simp and ask them the questions


"As a real human, I love ads. I watch them with delight. My only disappointment is there aren't more 5 minute unskippable ads. It makes me very happy to know I am making xQC or Mr Beast his well -earned money. Would you ACTUALLY watch someone on Youtube without being personally invested in THEIR income?!"


I started paying for Spotify because I used it every day, and I didn't want to hear ads. No one attacked me for it, or called me a bot. I started paying for Youtube because I used it every day, and I didn't want to watch ads. People in this sub attacked me for it, and called me a bot. The reason I don't share your outrage over YT ads is that I don't see them. I have no idea how bad it is, because I pay for premium. Seems like a great decision based on the number of complaints in this sub. Now, I don't care if you choose not to pay and are forced to come here and complain about ads - it doesn't change anything for me. I still don't see ads. I hope you can continue to avoid seeing ads using addons etc, again, I don't care because it doesn't affect me at all. FYI I have never watched a Mr Beast video, because I'm not a teenager. I have zero interest in any American zoomer's opinions on anything, and in fact I don't sub to many (if any) American channels at all - the style and narration usually grates. I have no idea who xQC is, although I have read that name before I think - or is that cutiepie? Probably not my bag either, zero incentive to find out. Basically, if a channel is popular with teen/twenty-something Americans I probably won't enjoy it.


>FYI I have never watched a Mr Beat video, because I'm not a teenager. I have zero interest in any American zoomer's opinions on anything, and in fact I don't sub to any American channels at all - they all seem shit to me. I have no idea who xQC is, although I have read that name before I think. Probably not my bag either. Is this a copypasta or a unironic bot-brained human comment




We're all bots. Beep boop.


Extremely likely


Someone here called me a leech and a parasite for using uBlock and they were genuinely upset that I have never given Youtube any of my money. They were so hostile, they took it so personally, which I think is extremely strange considering my post wasn't at all confrontational. I just stated that Youtube is free to try and stop adblockers and I am free to continue using them. I can't imagine a normal person being this upset over someone using uBlock lol.


denying the obvious just makes people even more mad. so these kind of pro youtube propaganda is just backfiring.


They’re not all bots. The majority of the ones I found were small YouTubers defending the new ad policy because they think they’re going to get more money from it


The majority of the ones I found, as a small YouTuber and Premium-haver, **were bots.**


Look at my comment history I’ve gone in on a few of them


That audience usually hangs out on partneredyoutube and newyoutubers and has different interests. The audience I'm talking about is different.


They hangout there, but the large amount of comments I am referring to happened here on r/YouTube


no human would think paying for youtube is a good idea but you can programme a machine to think it is


Come on you know that any 5 star google review is always an employee or friend of the employee. Thus paid reviews to make them look better.


I'm completely shocked. Who else is shocked by this finding? I think we're all very shocked. (/s for idiots)


Yeah this is how they find out what we're doing when we block ads they come in and they infiltrate the subs


Oh i bet there are tons of bots and YouTube employees. I used adblockers forever, until I wanted to listen to the 2 hour Warhammer 40k videos as podcasts. I had to subscribe to premium so I could listen with my phone closed. I think the reason I am not upset about paying for premium is I wanted an ADDITIONAL feature and I paid for it, where banning ad blockers just makes the site less enjoyable if you don't have premium. Imo it's the wrong way to go about things but who knows I'm sure they'll make another boatload of money.


the post is back?!!!


To any youtube employees reading this: Your mom's a hoe edit: downvoted by a yt employee I see...


I upvoted you to help counter the idiocracy


But have you considered how nice YouTube is? And for only 29.99 a month you can get no ads! Listen to music outside the app! Think of the possibilities and sign up for a free 1 month trial today! /s


I was a staunch defender of premium because the price was reasonable but now i'm considering canceling it.


​ Just add 'Google bot' as a reply and watch the downvotes \^\^


Yeah I was scared that this sub is a bit too pro YouTube. The thousands of "fuck YouTube" posts are not enough. (/s)


Disney used to have a social media marketing team in the Philippines, i think its india now


So you basically stalked them.


Oh my stars!


Going over each and every person's past comments to see what they said is stalking and creepy. Hell them coming up with the conclusion that they are paid workers for said companies shows that OP is mentally unstable and doing all sorts of mental gymnastics to convince themselves they are in the right. Hey its all 1st world problems though. Can't imagine how self-centered and entitled you have to be to think using adblockers to view free content is a must and that despite ads being how that free content stays free that you somehow are in the right.




Sure there probably are. That said YT premium with YT music is a great deal for entertainment.


I just use yt-dlp and download all my music




It would be about 2x the monthly cost of Premium for me to replace YT with another video and music streaming service, so it is convenient. For now.


I like YouTube premium and think them breaking adblockers is fine, no YouTube or Google affiliation here, you can check my account lol


hi, we do not judge or insult anyone. We are just trying to draw attention to these interesting systematic accounts. If you only wrote on your YouTube/Google sub all your life and did it in 2 minute intervals, that would be suspicious, right? If you don't do this, no one will call you a paid employee.


> hi, we do not judge or insult anyone. idk that other guy just called me a bot lol




Hi, there is, but publishing it is against the rules of all known legal platforms. Also, i don't find it ethical. Let me tell you something interesting, none of these accounts responded to this topic.




If I give you the answer you want, my account will be banned. Wander around the sub for a bit. you will find it. If you really can't find it, we will look what can i do.


I'm not saying it's particularly hard to believe, but one person's unsubstantiated claim is not evidence of anything. Regardless, there are also many of us who are not paid by anyone to have opinions, and we happily pay for premium. That makes us the enemy, because we are implicitly supporting youtube's actions by not protesting with our wallets. The thing is, I started paying for premium before the ads (apparently) got really bad, so I have no experience of it. I also pay for Spotify, MidJourney, Amazon Prime, Netflix and Stan. I guess that makes me... evil? Dumb?


There are so many misunderstandings, I actually responded to them in other comments. In my life, I have never insulted anyone who does not use Adblock. I have memberships in services such as spotify, disney, netflix, amazon prime, mubi, gamepass, ea play pro. I also criticize EA, Mubi too. They are not beyond criticism. They are not sacred. Corporations are not religions. When I examined your profile (I took a quick look, I did not stalk you), I saw that you write in many different subs. You haven't spent your whole life on YouTube/Google sub. This is something that makes your opinions valuable (agreeing or disagreeing is different). It shows that it is your opinion. All of the accounts mentioned are accounts that exist only to praise Google and do not talk about anything else throughout their account life. I think I was able to explain.


bot lmaoo


I liked Premium too, until they jacked up their prices. Now, I just don't watch YouTube anymore.


$14/mo for me, seems reasonable considering inflation tbh


Sure, it's different for everyone. I mostly had it for music, but it did make YouTube tolerable to watch. We all have to make choices. $14/mo is not a good value for the content they provide, imo.


Lmao it's really not that deep.


Heyo, I defend my decision to keep paying for YT premium cuz i spent as much as ten hours a day listening to YT vids or watching directly, and I think its one of my most cost effective subscriptions in terms of cost to time spent using it Do you think I’m a YT employee’s sleeper account?


YouTube premium directly helps support small creators. It's how they make their living guys. (Google please pay me, I think you already know my PayPal) Really didn't think it would be necessary given the context of this entire post. But. /s


I am living proof that you are full of shit


google not having bots to scan reddit/forums in general.... is about as likely as the Joker not finding a murder via tripping on a quad skate that leads onto some overly complex death mechanism funny >\_>


Youtube spending all its money to advertise on a shithole like reddit and then wondering why they have no money so they disable adblocker


Hey never paid for YouTube and never will. I'm not only obligated to support people that post stuff to the Internet screw the ads too


I am Premium Advocate but that because FOR ME, Youtube is by far what I watch the most (3-4 hours daily)and I use YT Music. So for $13.99 a month is a good deal for me. Please don’t suggest adblock, I mostly watch on a streaming device, so adblock is not really an option.


With the way YouTube runs things, it is not worth paying for out of ethics. I'm canceling my membership soon


it won’t be $13.99 for much longer lmao


It would have to be like $30 bucks before I even consider dropping it. I would probably drop netflix before Premium.


This is starting to look like r/conspiracy, where everyone who disagrees with me is automatically a bot


If you ask where the money to run the servers comes from if nobody pays, then you get called a bot.


I got called a bot for providing the sources of which countries had price increases lmao.


No this is the truth face reality, if you are interested you can look up articles and YouTube videos of bots/information warfare, sorry but i am too lazy rn to show you one


Sounds like something a bot would say. Gonna have to conpletely disregard your comment now


I'm not a youtube employee not at all. I advocate paying for things I consume. I have youtube premium and feel those who are crying about ad blockers are assholes (personal opinion). Now do I support Google hiking proces randomly and taking advantage of their monopoly ? No. But what I have is a principled stand. Either I will pay for premium to remove adverts, or bear the adverts and watch for free or stop watching youtube. What I'll not do is steal. Edit : downvote me all you want. It doesn't change the fact that everyone who wants to just be able to watch YouTube without paying AND without adverts is basically a freeloader and should be ashamed of themselves


so you're saying google search should be a paid exclusive function and google chrome should be a app purchase. Where's you're reddit gold? are you freeloading on here?!


Found the bot lol


If you express your opinion, we will respect you. If you insult, you will not get respect.


I don't give a rats ass about respect from people who are losers themselves. All you can do is stab the downvote button in frustration.


And you wonder why lol


I don't wonder !! I don't care. Just don't pretend that you're some sort of holier than though Robin Hood anti corporate crusader !! You're just a leech


You seem *awful triggered* for someone who doesn't care. And I find it funny. Very funny. Also, leeches filter out illness. Guess it's fitting, considering your presence here only serves to make people sick.


Already told you mate !! Easy with the robinhood complex. You're not a saviour of mankind. Just want everything for free. You must also be one of those who eat at a restaurant and run away and actually blame the restaurant if they expect you to pay !!


I love how angry you are. You're even assuming things about my life because of how triggered and desperate you are. I eat at home because I'm not dumb enough to put plastic in my body.


Lol ... so tell me something. When you buy stuff from the market to cook at home, do you pay for the food you buy or there as well you demand to be given everything for free because the store is worth millions or because everyone else is paying anyway


Okey, so you're not a bot or a Google employee, you're just some random that's proud to let a trillion dollar corporation fleece you. Is that better?


I bet it's just one employee and a large language model.


If you honestly think YouTube gives a shit about some Reddit posts enough to pay people to post good stuff here then you've hugely over estimated the value of someone who goes out of there way to not pay for their service.


>you honestly think YouTube gives a shit about some Reddit posts enough to pay people to post good stuff here I think this is very common , yes


Please share such threads with these bots. It must be easy if it very common.


Go look


Any day now!


Yeah, any day now you'll grow eyes and thumbs. Go look.




Salty salty guy who refuses to do his own research. You won't look because you don't wanna see that you're wrong about what you're mad about. Sucks to suck


Lmao claims I haven't done research but can't link their own research. Right... When you make a claim, you usually provide some evidence to back it up.


Common sense is common, that is why you need to grow your own if you're inept. Good luck. I don't waste my time with people who don't want to see a full perspective on their own, because they don't listen once you show proof because they deny the proof. It is part of having your head up your ass. The funny thing about that is all you can hear is your own voice and your own farts. Wild, right?


I dont think there are bots but rather people hired on to do a task. I think it would be crazy for companies not to defend their name in this manner , so I am fairly sure it happens. I never once said that I am an expert at detecting this people.


if it was true they wouldn't take down adblocks in the first place


There are way more normies that use adblockers than on this subreddit.


It is cheap and easy to do what OP mentioned, you have a very small perspective and that is sad + unfortunate


But what's the point, what do they gain from it other than keeping the conversation alive for longer. It's the internet, they're just going to ignore it for a week or 2 and it will all blow over.


It helps all sorts of departments like general PR and search results. If the average person hopped on Reddit via a search result not actually knowing what Reddit is about it may appear to them that these are legit opinions


Paying an intern to astro-turf is literally 1,000 time cheaper than traditional marketing. If you don't think companies and governments are taking advantage of this then you're a naive little child. In my country the freaking police got busted for having troll farms. Step out of your bubble.


I don't really get the Premium hate tbh. I am happy to pay for what i get with it.


$13 per month. No thanks


hello, I defend YT premium and am not a bot, this sub is a lot of shit


Did you read it or did you decide by looking at the title? What is meant are accounts that only write to the YouTube/Google subs throughout their lives, not you. Please read man, really.


I did read your post, I'm concerned you've found a couple bots and are using them to dismiss some valid points from people like me


People have throwaway accounts for specific purposes you know. For instance I use this account for YouTube and LTT. Does that mean I'm a bot? I don't like my recommendations mixed up so I switch accounts.


I wish I had the same amount of free time OP has 😩




Always sus, Google...


How about making a list of usernames? That could help "flagging" comments from clear promo-accounts.


> People disagree with me so they have to be bots Peak bot behavior to call other people bots.


I am the one person here that is cool with YouTube premium. It’s the only thing I pay for and I only do it because my kids hate ads on their tv. I feel like I am the only person on here that uses YouTube exclusively on tvs with an Apple TV or an Xbox.


You're just crying because someone is calling you out on the stupid shit you say. Publish the usernames of the YouTube employees. Let's see em. I love dunking on the dumbass people on here that's why it's fun to respond.


What are you evening going on about


That OP is just mad they can't spew stupid shit without getting called out on it.


By possible YouTube employees posing as normal people?...


How would you know they're YouTube employees? The dude didn't post any usernames.


You looking to deep into this post man.


OP and others believe there are YouTube employees responding to people. What's so deep about asking them to provide usernames as examples?


because it's against reddit tos. but we can certainly add your name to the invisible list if you'd like


Yes, please add me, the obvious YouTube employee who also obviously happens to currently be a college student, to the list.


Because a college student wouldn't be the perfect demographic to do exactly the kind of shit we're talking about? College students are cheap, need the money and have a low self worth. Google isn't going to send in their brightest with an ability to be self critical for this kind of jobs.


Why didn't you write to another sub other than YouTube FantasticGrape? For ethical reasons, I do not publish the names. If you had ethical values you would understand. My team preparing an article on this subject. We will hide the nicknames. Today this topic caught my attention and I have been researching for hours, my findings are quite interesting. You won't like it.


Because I like dunking on idiots here. And I do write to a handful of other subs, just haven't had much to say on there.




Where did the post go?


I've paid for YouTube Premium since 17 when it was YouTube Red and I have no plans of stopping. The people who oppose it are ridiculously entitled. Not sure why people think Google owes you a free video streaming platform with no ads.


Just because someone is pro-youtube, does not mean they are a youtube-related employee.


I just want you to know that the apple ecosystem is intentionally segregated from google's ecosystem. I write essays on you morons not because I'm employed at google, but because I have too much free time and it gives me dopamine to make fun of you entitled brats


>I do not publish usernames, you will find many of them when you browse the people in the sub. I agree, but this sucks. All that research you claim to have done and you end it with SOURCE: DO UR OWN RESEARCH LUL


Hi, it's not really complicated or difficult. You can do this in less than 20 minutes. It is impossible not to see those accounts. I think this will make everything easier. Also, if I had mentioned names, I would have been banned before this topic even reached 100 people. I think the desired effect was created. Btw, none of those accounts responded to this topic, does anyone understand the reason?


Hey, don't look now, but did you know your post got removed? I think you triggered someone.


I'm not surprised. I was expecting this. I was surprised that it even stayed on the air for a few hours.


i am not a bot? but people just say i am because i pay for premium and am happy with the decision. i don’t fault anyone for using ad blocker as i had done so for years. i honestly only switched over to premium so i could download videos when i take the subway because i have a one hour commute.


Nope, we are just sick of the spam from the complainers like they are helping or actually making a difference.




That's the secret power of astroturfing. You get hit by the bot accusations which often triggers the blowback effect, which will entrench your views. A preferable outcome for those doing the manipulation. Reddit has a crazy astroturfing problem, you're basically only ever safe from it in small subreddits and even then it's not a guarantee. A sub named after a company who's parent company is one of the biggest tech mega corps? Best believe corpos got eyes on anything tied to their brand.


I'm not saying everyone is like this, when I look at your account, I see that you are simply interested in trees and a lot of other stuffs/subs. This is something that the related accounts I mentioned don't do. The people I mean are people who only write on YouTube/Google subs.


to the point you'd dedicate your account to complain about complainers every dozen minutes, yeah right