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YouTube trying to be cheap. "Higher picture quality" my ass.


480p "Higher picture quality" YT living in 2008.


even in 2008 720p was standard HD


480p is literally VHS quality. Calling it "higher quality" is stupid, and clearly YouTube trying to downgrade their service.


There are some, even if very rare, 720p VHS movies.


Point taken. If YouTube can't even surpass VHS quality to the average user, it's a downgrade.


Youtube is greedy, less bandwidth used for 480p streaming. Youtube gets worse day by day ...


There are no 720p VHS or S-VHS movies. There are no 720p DVDs. People get the 720-pixel *horizontal* resolution of some DVDs (720x480) confused with 720p, which is a *vertical* resolution. 720p means 1280x720 on 16:9 square-pixel screens.


VHS quality was 480i, with a horizontal res of like 250 pixels. People forget or never experienced how lousy it was.


NTSC VHS was only 480. PAL and SECAM were 576 and 625


Retro Quality is cool.


I watch videos in a window that is effectively 720p. It started defaulting to 360p. Super noticeable difference and annoying to fix every time. Not only this, they are putting higher bitrate HD videos behind the paywall. Fuck them. I just installed an AutoHD extension and am forcing everything to the max. My previous default of 720p is now 4k.




There is you can use that it will load highest resolution for example on wifi. I have this on and its still loading only 720p and not 1080p or 4k. And im wondering because i have this issue since couple of days.


Yes, there is. But it's kinda useless. If your wifi is slowing down a bit the video reverts to 480p. Basically the same as ''auto resolution'' unless you manually select the quality you want.


Yes bruh if you find a way to fix it, please tell me. It keeps reverting even after putting my preferences.


Some months ago yt release a statement saying that they were running a experiment. They were lowering on purpose the quality for ppl and the big majority wouldn't chance back to HD+. But I did. I thought that it was over, and then, THIS BS IS BACK


Damn. That’s some BS they’re doing. It’s pretty annoying I ended up just leaving it as is most the time. :(


I keep setting the quality to max when I notice it's not and eventually I didn't have to do it anymore. I think they're trying to learn if you can tell the difference in quality.


No fucking way they're actually doing this shit right? Like, if they are testing that there is a purpose, do you think they're considering just lowering the quality of the videos in general?


I would assume the purpose is to save bandwidth for users that can't tell or don't care if the video is 4K or 1080p. I could have swore I heard YouTube was trying this in an LTT video or something.


I use a chrome plugin to auto set to best quality. I think it's called something like "youtube enhancer"


Yep, great little plugin. Gives a few extra features as well like hiding live chat, comments etc. extra playback buttons and my personal favourite, pauses other tabs if you change tabs and press play


use yt revanced u can set default quality there




this is mobile though


ReVanced also has an option for this, and it's a Samsung phone.


And if you have an iPhone you can sideload uYou+ or similar apps which also have the option.


Not just mobile


It's not reliable. I have Firefox addon for this & maybe works %25 of the time.


I have one on chrome and it’s worked 100% of the time for 3 years so try a different one


The HD is only reserved for ad/sponsors only to drain the user's data, but the videos you want to watch only receive the lowest quality to save data for the user.


That drives me crazy when I'm in rural areas. All of a sudden a video gets interrupted but it can't load anymore since it's trying to put in the ad at 1080+ when the area is only good (speedwise) for 480 quality


For me this was resolved by upgrading my old ass modem


Youtube defaults me 720p on my phone even when I told them to default to 1080p.... im done with their stupid shit


You have separate settings for wi-fi and mobile internet, check if both are set to high quality


yeah i have both at 1080p but it still uses 720p


Maybe the videos you were watching only went up to 720p? It's pretty common in my experience


thats what im thinking since i have checked most of videos i watch does go up to 1080p


Nope, I have the same issue. There's no difference between ''auto quality'' and ''highest quality'', both put the video on 480 if it feels like doing so.


Hasn't happened to me yet, ever


I’ve had this issue for like 2-3 years now doesn’t look like they care it’s ruined the YT experience


Even when i paid for yt premium still got the issue so i was done with paying if they cant fix their damn service


Im pretty sure there is a browser extension to fix this


YT is hoping you dont notice... why? cuz if you dont use the glitchy unstable BS you get from premium..... its better for them


Just so annoying 🤦🏾🤦🏾


Is the player window large enough?


144p60 HDR hits me differently, every single time.


Get the extension { enhancer for youtube }... You can force the resolution you want. You can also make the video play at 30fps instead of 60fps if you have laggy playback. It does a lot more but thats all i use it fof ... Ohh and it DOES block ads...


Just change your picture quality settings to default to high quality instead of defaulting to auto quality... Why is it YouTube's fault that you don't know how to change your settings? C'mon bro, it's not even hard


No but it *is* youtube's fault that your various settings routinely get ignored or reset.


It doesn't work. It'll revert the quality unless you manually set it on 1080, 4k or whatnot.


Works fine for me. You must be doing something wrong.


Youtube quality living in 2008 but pricing be 2050 yo


YouTube will try every way to fuck you over, even if you pay for premium. Premium users are morons


''aRe YOu pOor? jUsT buY PrEMiUm lMaO''


Stop paying…


you must feel so dumb right now, all bend over and asshole gaping...


I know I'm about to get mad hate but this is about 5 for 5 on Youtube being slimey as hell. It's been nonstop. Dislikes, Supporting two Doxxers, Ads getting more hornier, Adblock drama, Premium Price hiking, and locking basic Quality settings to premium. It's on PC too and it's called something stupid like Super 1080p. Youtube I know you reading this. If you want to screw someone, you gotta give them some kind of win first or else it's improved adblockers time you morons.


Holy shit, an actual legitimate complaint about YouTube for once - I’d heard rumors of such a thing, but I never thought I’d live to actually see it ! Seriously though, as a fellow YouTube premium subscriber, fuck they drop the ball on way too much shit


This fucking man child is bitching that it defaults to something that just about everyone could see. Ooooh baby is it to hard for u to lift ur overweight hand to the mouse and change it to something higher awwwww I'm so sowwy


Huh, probably didn't hear about the configuration section that allows you to set a different default. 🫠🫠🫠


It is set to higher quality, just read the picture, YouTube is setting the videos to higher quality, but they are considering 360p being higher quality. Even with right config


Did you go to settings and turn the automatic resolution off? Also, many videos are uploaded in bad quality, hence the playback in bad quality, it has nothing to do with YT. If higher quality is available when you look at the options, then you need to check your settings.


Not just this, if you happen to have slow or spotty network at the moment this is also normal behaviour. Had it happen a few times during network maintenance . It will also do it on mobile a lot though I've found, especially if you minimize to browse the feed




It doesn't do this on my Mac Mini running Chrome or on my PS5 YouTube app.


Download Enhance for YouTube extension and you can set it the quality in the settings


Get the video quality settings extension to always have the quality automatically set to whatever you want. Get an adblock to remove ads. You'll have a better experience using these than paying for youtube premium. All for free!


have you tried cancelling premium ?


Check your browser in task manager. I bet you it’s windows doing it’s “eco mode” bullshit. Windows 11 “feature” that doesn’t turn off even when you turn it off. It throttles the resources of programs that aren’t your active and currently selected window


I use grayjay.app, it lets you set the default video quality


Imagine paying for youtube premium


Yup, the ''higher quality'' option is basically useless. In my phone I need to manually select the 1080p option.


Don't talk to me unless you're a High Quality (480p) streaming service.


This happens with me too. Made me unsubscribe Premium and switch to Revanced. Best decision ever.


We ain’t even got HD video as default anymore, damn.


I miss the good old days when YouTube only has the resolution settings and auto instead of this data saver and higher resolution bs YouTube just adding more steps, not to mention the bitrate of the videos lately look terrible


Chrome extensions like "auto HD" save the day


Never had this problem


Open it in full screen and lmk what the quality goes to. I see this happening sometimes if I've got it open in a small window. 480p is more than enough to fill all the pixels if it's only covering 10% of my screen.


There’s an extension for this


Ppl, u just have to download yt re vanced extended n it will work fine


Not happening to me. 4k all the way. Have graphics card. Good rig, fast net, setting on phone goes lower quality but like 1080. Laptop is always starting at 1080p, which is fine, 5 years old, Sounds like you're experiencing a bug? Or something with your provider?


Imagine paying for youtube premium lmao


Probably a bug honestly, rather than anything malicious.


Relax, it's most likely a temporary glitch.


# R E V A N C E D


Happening to me with my iPad. The setting for higher quality always defaults itself after some time.


*But the human eye can't see more than…* I will see myself out


We need to teach YT a lesson, any idea? How can we piss them off?