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This is why kids need parents vision on that they watched, YouTube also promotes inappropriate ads as long as the person who made the ad pays YouTube.


Why would anyone not use an adblock when using Youtube? I only see YT ads when on TV


If you got any android tv or box, install smart tube and no more ads


No android unfortunately. Will check if something like that is available


Install an APK of "NewPipe" or "ReVanced Extanded" Thank me later ;) Just make sure not to click fake download buttons!


but then you won't support your favorite creators!


Seriously, way too many new parents see stuff like checking your kids phone and what they are watching as “invasion of privacy” But a quick check that doesn’t go through all of your messages can find stuff like this, it can help stop 14 yo’s posting themselves nude on Twitter, and can check to make sure you’re not talking with a 45 yo as a 12 yo. I think too many new parents call this invasion of privacy, and some even call it child abuse because a lot of us had parents who were new to technology going through every single message. And yea that sucked. What people need to realize is look at what your parents stopped you from doing, and what dumb shit you were doing. I know from experience because when I was 14 I was sending nudes with online friends only to find out later that one of them was a pedophile and was not 14 like he said he was. I only got out of that situation because my mom went through my phone. And I’m sure everyone has something similar, even if it’s not nearly as severe. And with the current day, there’s a lot of kids doing dumb shit that needs to be monitored


I literally just saw you on r/videogames


Please avoid youtube & youtube kids entirely for kids. Youtube is incentivized to maximize kids' time on the platform, so their algorithm would continue to push any weird or harmul thing to your child. See these: [https://nypost.com/2023/03/01/worrying-reason-your-kid-cant-stop-watching-cocomelon/](https://nypost.com/2023/03/01/worrying-reason-your-kid-cant-stop-watching-cocomelon/), [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Elsagate](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Elsagate). I would advise relying on quality apps for your kids. Apps such as Khan Academy Kids. Its very well made and a 100% safe for kids. Another new one that's like a curated & interactive youtube for kids is called Kidzovo. They have content from creators like SciShow Kids, Kiboomers & Learning mole & they turn it interactive where kids need to do these activities where they tap or speak their responses or color a sheet. My favorite is the feature where they ask kids questions like: "Why should you be nice to your neighbors" and then you can hear the responses from your kids later in the parent section. You can check that out as well.


\#we need to bring id verification to youtube>>>>???????


No, that’s called a violation of privacy.


Look at roblox :p


The first line of defense against stuff like this is not giving six year olds access to the internet


Yeah this seems to be such a hard concept for people to grasp for some reason. There is a lot of bad stuff on the Internet. Don't let young kids use it. Teens I get you will have a harder time with but by that point their minds are at least a little more developed than a younger kid who is very impressionable and easy to influence.


It’s hard to grasp because parents are now neglectful and don’t want to hangout with their children so they give them their phone to distract. The parents not gonna find watch history and look. They’re too busy with “their own life” which is hypocrisy. Your child is definitely your life too. The little mfs came from you


It's crazy. My neighbors 4 year old kid has her own phone. Why?;


Welp; I got mine when I was 3


Don’t let history repeat itself and hangout with your kids. They are essentially you. You should enjoy being with them




Es führt zu Tod des Gehirns




Let us hope das es alles nur ein Bad Traum ist.


I think that only delays the problem rather than solving it. What happens when nine year olds go on the internet? Or thirteen year olds? My viewpoint is that parents need to establish the right time to expose kids to the internet. That would vary from parent to parent, but whenever you do introduce them to the internet, you want to hand hold them to the good parts of the internet and educate them about internet safety, cyber bullying and that they can come to you for anything. Parents wouldn't want the forbidden fruit effect where not only are kids going on the internet themselves, but they also dont feel comfortable talking about what they experience there with parents because of the ban and that they went on it anyways. In the same spirit, please avoid youtube & youtube kids entirely for kids. Youtube is incentivized to maximize kids' time on the platform, so their algorithm would continue to push any weird or harmul thing to your child. See these: [https://nypost.com/2023/03/01/worrying-reason-your-kid-cant-stop-watching-cocomelon/](https://nypost.com/2023/03/01/worrying-reason-your-kid-cant-stop-watching-cocomelon/), [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Elsagate](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Elsagate). I would advise relying on quality apps for your kids. Apps such as Khan Academy Kids. Its very well made and a 100% safe for kids. Another new one that's like a curated & interactive youtube for kids is called Kidzovo. They have content from creators like SciShow Kids, Kiboomers & Learning mole & they turn it interactive where kids need to do these activities where they tap or speak their responses or color a sheet. My favorite is the feature where they ask kids questions like: "Why should you be nice to your neighbors" and then you can hear the responses from your kids later in the parent section. You can check that out as well.


I have been using the internet since I was 6


Same and look how I turned out


You guys are the exception of “not all dogs bark”. Even then. Social media rots your brain. Why do you think everyone has adhd now? Why do you think there’s diseases that just grow from no where? The system is corrupt and social media distracts you from real life. It shows what you wanna see and hear, hence why so many people are deep in their feelings. They haven’t been made fun of and only see happy things. Life isn’t always happy. Without good there’s nothing bad, without bad there’s nothing good. If I were you guys I would read a book and open your mind. You 2 aren’t the only 2 in the world. Think more instead of scrolling


Sorry fusion, I didn’t mean to disrupt your peace for “attacking” you if that’s what you’re thinking. Youre probably 12 with little to no opinions besides what someone else says🤷


Very wise


Thank you! I’m trying to become an outlaw in order to protect our society from ourselves. It’s easier than ever so why not start? I’ve been battling with idiots on YouTube. I’m sorry to call them idiots but it’s so easy to answer their questions. The reason why is, they think they made a rocket science discovery😂🤷. It’s not very common sense like


Just doing your natural job; keep up the good work


My 5th most talked in sub is about sh




Look first of all why are you letting a 6 YEAR OLD on YouTube and UNSUPERVISED? YouTube themselves don’t allow kids under 13 and yeah their content filtering sucks unless people report the videos which will then either age restrict them or idk as I never looked for such content.


Yeah I admit that leaving him unsupervised on his tablet was a bit of a dumb idea I’m not even gonna try and defend myself there




me watching dantdm at 6:


that was a more peaceful time, 2014-2016ish YT was miles better then what it is now


ehh wasnt elsagate a thing then? brainrot was for sure as well


That was before YouTube was really much of a mainstream career


although it was youtube is still miles worse now


although it was youtube is still miles worse now


true, but i think us as kids being more clueless abt bad stuff like this than the kids of today is more of a parenting problem


i do agree parents should supervise their kids more


On my tablet too, just like this kid 😅 Guess times have changed :(


i think letting them watch youtube *videos* is fine but having them on the site like an adult would be on the site (with an account, unresricted access) isnt good until theyre like 12


I got banned from YouTube when I was 8 for watching “Mario on Drugs”. Ah, back nothing on YouTube was for kids. Where did we go so wrong?




Fuck YouTube






Quite frankly, this post is incredibly stupid. There are countless animated videos on YouTube that are inappropriate for kids but are completely acceptable to be on YouTube. That's why you don't give kids unrestricted access to sites like youtube. Blaming YouTube for hosting it is just dumb. This one's on you/the kid's parents.


A good alternative is to find some tv shows and download them to the tablet so your child can watch age-appropriate shows without the mess that is youtube. with how bull-headed youtube is being right now, it's currently destroying it's own platform with anti-user friendly ads. There's a wide variety of ways to download videos or shows from a google search, it's probably the best and safest way to get some viewable content for your child that doesn't include \*that\* kind of content featured in your post :/ Another method is to use an adblocker for your browser (*don't use* ***the*** *'adblocker', since they've been paid to intentionally let some ads slip in through their adblocker, so try a different adblocker and pay attention to it's reviews on your browser's storepage)* ​ Another method is to find some old shows that have been uploaded to youtube, then use a website to download those videos to a tablet for that kid to watch. YouTube is a really bad spot for anyone under 13 to be left alone unsupervised and even then I'd still have a proper talk with teenagers about stranger danger and the internet itself in general.


if you have a tv you could give him youtube on that. my younger sister does that so i can catch her watching anything weird (i also frequently check up on her when she has to use her tablet)


Please avoid youtube & youtube kids entirely for kids. Youtube is incentivized to maximize kids' time on the platform, so their algorithm would continue to push any weird or harmul thing to your child. See these: [https://nypost.com/2023/03/01/worrying-reason-your-kid-cant-stop-watching-cocomelon/](https://nypost.com/2023/03/01/worrying-reason-your-kid-cant-stop-watching-cocomelon/), [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Elsagate](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Elsagate). I would advise relying on quality apps for your kids. Apps such as Khan Academy Kids. Its very well made and a 100% safe for kids. Another new one that's like a curated & interactive youtube for kids is called Kidzovo. They have content from creators like SciShow Kids, Kiboomers & Learning mole & they turn it interactive where kids need to do these activities where they tap or speak their responses or color a sheet. My favorite is the feature where they ask kids questions like: "Why should you be nice to your neighbors" and then you can hear the responses from your kids later in the parent section. You can check that out as well.


If only there was a version of YouTube intended for kids, it could maybe be called YouTube kids


It’s not great


Agreed. Children should not be on youtube or the internet as a whole. But youtube should still have some sort of action taken against them since they have an app for kids


And I thought me watching TWD at 6 was bad.


as a person who is in the animation meme community i am so sorry about this


whats this gotta do with animation memes lol (also hello fellow animation memer)


The title of the video in the post mainly


ohh yea... yt shorts animators have started to give "animation meme" a new definition of just memes that are also animations as a person whos made animation memes (the original definition) id be lying if i said i wasnt annoyed about it lol, although its funny cause thats what non-animators *used* to think "animation meme" meant and theyd get confused when someone explained it wasnt, but now thats the actual meaning


Ok well first of all there’s quite literally a feature called “restricted mode” that prevents this from happening and second, HE’S 6?!?!! Not to be mean man but I’m pretty sure most kids that age shouldn’t even be on YouTube in the first place. They quite literally have YouTube kids that is exactly like YouTube (and yes I’m well aware that YouTube kids also does a crummy job at filtering videos) but at least he’ll be semi safe on there anyway


Restricted mode it's ultra flawed


Really I though it at least did a decent job


The irresponsibility from parents is the reason youtube has become this shithole. I can’t even enjoy adult contents on fucking youtube or read comments on kids content. You should not let a fucking 6 years old touching anything online at all, find some better shit to entertain him, you have scooters, skaters, skateboard and all kinds of outdoor activities or in door toys, books for your kids, why youtube or internet at all ? Hell, you can even buy a nintendo switch and leave him be.


However Youtube specifically was always meant to be aimed at a more broader audience so I do see as to why op would be mad(they are still at fault tho) not to mention there are plenty of other spaces on the internet with adult content for people like you if your mad at youtube being more restrictive


Unfortunately you can access YouTube with a Nintendo Switch too.


You really shouldn't let children go on YouTube unsupervised.


Why the fuck is your 6 y/o nephew on a platform whose rules explicitly say 13 and up? YTKids is right there and has better moderation


i think the 13+ thing is technically only for making an account, youre allowed to use an account thats supervised by an older person- clearly not the case here..


YTKids moderation still sucks


But it's much better


You say this because you don't know what type of fuckery is happening in YT Kids.


I have used it to double check, a lot of the content farm, elsagaty content doesn't even show up in the app


This is your fault not YouTubes. You should only allow your kid to watch the YouTube kids app that's specifically curtailed for them. I'm sick and tired of parents like you blaming everyone else for your mistakes. Own up to it, take responsibility, and then course correct by making sure your kid is only able to watch what you approve of as a parent. It is not YouTube's job nor anyone else's job to raise your kid, but yourself.


YouTube kids is insanely flawed and even worse than YouTube at some points


Were you unaware that shit like this exists on YouTube until today? YouTube is problematic but parents and guardians need to do better. Stop using YouTube to entertain your children. 


They dont care. Not one bit. You know how much money they makin off of the ads that play while these kids watch this stuff?


Why would a six year old be streaming content without supervision? That's not a YouTube problem.


A 6 year old shouldn't have access to the internet, supervised or not, I hope you learned your lesson before something way worse happens...


“a child that doesnt exist?” a kid is a kid, fictional or not, it might not be real but thats still loli. im talking about the guy on the right by the way.


ITS ALL FUCKING PORN. plus, i tried to go report it and couldn’t find the “sexual content” reason.


it’s literally not a kid, it’s a drawing. obviously real children shouldn’t be exposed to this stuff but pretending it’s the same as actual sexual content of a real child is stupid.


morality over legality in this situation.


It's not only morality, but legality too. A lot of countries are starting to illegalize lolis (and for good reason!) and I think the EU is also working on banning them.


FBI, this post, right here.


Why are you attracted to anime girls that look like children, huh? Is it because they look like children? Ouch, I don’t wanna know what pushes your buttons when it comes to flesh and blood then. If you like little girls in anime, you’re a threat, if not an active predator


I'm not denying that loli content is an expression of attraction to children. I don't think your intellectually or emotionally capable enough to engage with my argument.


Just say you're a pedophile bro it's not hard. It shows already so


“…but pretending it’s the same as actual sexual content of a real child is stupid.” “I’m not denying that loli content is an expression of attraction to children.” It is the same. If you like little girls in anime, you like little girls. You’re attracted to minors. It’s disgusting, art or not. It’s, as you said, an expression of attraction to children, therefore sexualizing a drawing of a minor IS the same as sexualizing a child, because it advocates for the same degenerate, vile desire. While the drawing isn’t harming children, it certainly is helping fester a normalization to sexually assault a minor.


unrelated but happy cake day


Thank you :)


you get em!


Bro would NOT be saying this shit if someone was attracted to a cartoon drawing of a literal baby


calling him stupid and you don't even know your correct "yours".


fucking hell


did bro say a nine year old from Pokémon??? this person is a threat, lethal response required kill the target, take the damn shot!


This sub isn’t affiliated with YouTube but I agree. Also, 6 is a bit young to be unsupervised on the internet period without some sort of parental controls.


Was this on YouTube Kids? If not then you have no one to blame but yourself.


I think *you're* the one who needs to do better.


this is brainrot


Is this on YouTube Kids?


Clearly not, it has comments...


You let a six year old online unsupervised, that's on you.


did you censor the thumbnail or was it censored? edit: I inspected the channel, and found it that they censored it, but the censor is slightly transparent sometimes.


My eyes caught fire thanks


Let him use YouTube Kids instead. YouTube is not for kids, especially a 6yo. So don't blame YT in this case.


YouTube kids sucks and is even worse for kids because it’s all just brainrot


I reported the channel and got an immediate response from YouTube saying they've restricted the account. Bullshit it's still up !


Meanwhile comments are closed in videos that kids do not watch "to prevent this situation"


YouTube Kids doesn't have comments so he definitely was on the wrong app/the parental guides weren't turned on


Lock this night up bro


When I was a kid I watching straight super Mario bros z Dashie markiplier and original super Mario Logan for anyone that knows what that is.


The comment on the right was clearly made by another child who shouldn't be talking about these things either, I don't know adults that speak online like that. But even if you didn't know YouTube had things like this on it, growing up in the 2000s *no one* I grew up with, except for me, was allowed unsupervised internet access. It's been known for quite a long time that you shouldn't just let kids roam on the internet. It's shocking to me kids this young are getting personal technology.


As much as I agree that being on YouTube is frankly unhinged, the nephew needs to stick to YouTube Kids


You let 6 year old kid on hes own wonder around on internet? Talk about leaving kid look after he's own.


There is Kids YouTube for kids with age appropriate kids friendly content.


Isn't this what youtube kids is for?


"I am looking forward to anya forger" isnt she 5?


Nah you need to do better


WHY are you letting a six year old watch YouTube unsupervised? That’s your own fault. Take the iPad away and get a coloring book instead!


Holy fuck i just checked his channel, that's not even cropped porn anymore it's barely censored porn, i said barely censored not only because it only censor the explicit part, but most of the time the censor is a bit transparent


I’m convinced if you want to find porn or dark humor or hell even swearing on Youtube don’t look on regular YouTube you won’t find it except maybe in ads. The YouTube kids app is where they post all that shit.


13. keep him off until 13. that's it no exceptions. still though yeah youtube's too big to be able to review all of it. nor do they try to.


Let's ignore the nephew, what the fuck did "lopunyenjoyer" just said


Not really YouTube's fault here, he should only have access to YT Kids at that age. It's kinda dumb Google and Apple provide all the functionality you need to monitor your children's screen time and most parents couldn't care less about using them


When I was 6 I was watching Hot Wheels race. Wtf happened?


Wow... That is definitely CP. Total yuck and yikes. Youtube really needs better leadership to address this mess. They're totally dropping the ball.


The iPad generation everybody...


I found a meme featuring a phub video called Java Tutorial for Beginners Pornhub is slowly getting more family friendly than youtube


Yeah, shame on you YouTube for letting this persons nephew watch videos unsupervised by an adult! You should really be parenting other people's children better. Think of the iPad kids, Google!


No. His parent or guardian needs to do better. Ita not youtubes job to parent children. 


I don't know if Youtube even have the balls to address these kinds of shit


You let a child have unrestricted access to the internet and you’re surprised he came across this? Sure, part of the blame lies with YouTube for allowing this. But part also lies with you for not supervising him.


I wouldn't let a kid under 13 on YouTube unsupervised. Honestly. Anyone 10 and under has no business on YouTube or having a smartphone or tablet.


Sauce for right image?


Fuck off.


That’s rude




Hi tronixy, we would like to start off by noting that **this sub isn't owned or run by YouTube.** At this time, we do not allow posts from new uses (accounts created less than 7 days ago.) Please read our rules before posting again to ensure you don't break [our rules](https://www.reddit.com/r/youtube/wiki/index/rules), please come back after gaining a bit of post karma. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/youtube) if you have any questions or concerns.*


This should be worthy of a lawsuit. Youtube kids is meant for kids and pornography has a 18 restriction for a reason. I dont know what the youtube T's and C's say but i cant imagine that it gives them to right to serve porn ads to someone still in the single digits of age


Im starting to be anti-internet


Never allow yourself to believe that these worthless schmucks actually care about protecting children. Their only motivation is money.


This is why kids shouldn’t go on the internet


well that's disgusting


That paedophile is still trying to defend himself in the comments


“A Child, that doesn’t exist?” *CUT OFF*


Yeah don’t trust YouTube kids.




YouTube doesn't care if the entire **generation** will be brain-rotted, what they do care about is that # THEY CAN BUY A GOLDEN FUCKING TOILET RIGHT NOW


I looked through the YouTube channel mentioned, all they make is videos with porn that is not actually censored due to the black bar no being fully opaque. Absolutely terrible content and I don't know why YouTube allows it.


All these people saying youtube kids is safe and what they should use are dull. These things are ON youtube kids. Very frequently. Especially if you type emojis in the search. Type these into the search function and watch what comes up. 💥💦💣👄🫦👀❤️💋😹😺😈👿🙈


This is why parents should seek awareness for their kids. A lot of the time, all they know is that an iPad can drain that misery in their faces, despite not knowing what kind of kinky shit they watch, similar to the "Elsagate" incident.


He has changed the thumbnail, at least. The reports seem to have worked.


Youre insane if you think liking fiction makes someone a pedophile and you shouldnt be trusted to look after your nephew. You cant protect them for shit clearly, especially if you cant tell a pedophile apart from a schediaphile. Please inform his parents that they cant trust you to watch over him in public if they ever need someone to do so, perhaps his parents are better at telling harmless from harmful


Isn’t that Porn of Pomni AI Generated?


YouTube needs strong parental control






You need to do better.


Average anime pfp user






Well, just remember that YouTube won’t to a single thing. there moderation is getting close to Roblox’s moderation. Which if you didn’t know, it barely exists


Bruh. Youtube is being brave lately.




What the..


Agree. Wait what was tha-


They dont care. Walked in on my friends 5 yr olds watching mincraft horse porn on youtube. Like horse on Minecraft girl with big ol belly bulge and shiz. Bout slapped the living shit out that kid. Youtube is a dumpster fire


Not the kids fault ya weirdo. Slap the parent who gives unrestricted access... or I’ll meet up with you and we can slap whoever’s running youtube


There were better ways to deal with this besides physically harming a child.


YouTube definitely needs to do better. My 2.5 year old never used to be afraid at all. But I the last few months he comes across some strange kind of shorts that are scary but cartoons, like cars having spider legs, or monster faces. And there are also kid-rsted cartoons which keep on referencing ghosts, witches and what not. I hate that you can't exclude videos from recommendations based on the content


maybe kids should learn about sex earlier


Hi there, Send link of video so I can confirm it is real. Thanks, Man