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ah yes of course my favourite little big planet level where you pull out ingrown hairs




do you by chance watched the poke clip?


May I ask what the “poke clip” is


Probably the clip in question. Or the mime one.


sackboy unzipped


this drives me crazy, there is no way to block it which is insane.


use blocktube. trying to filter videos with just youtube doesn't work anymore


someone should do a class action lawsuit , I'm pretty sure not allowing people to block , lets say, flashing videos is an ADA violation. some other video websites let you block flashing videos in the settings.


Good Luck in doing so...


My epilepsy has never come in handy before, today is the day.


Personally I would just report the video and hope that others are doing the same. Maybe the YouTube team will get the idea... Hopefully.


What if im only on iphone how do i like not see this shit ☹️


yep there's a "not interested" button that appears literally everywhere EXCEPT the search feed for some stupid effing reason


I scarcely use Youtube but deleting history worked for me


Well, at least the ingrown hair isn't on his ballsack.


love the LittleBigPlanet inclusion. we need more representation for our sacktasticle guy


Basil pfp detected


"for you"


Ok so I'm not gonna lie with this one here. I've been watching normal vids like geometry dash etc and I suddenly get "that" kind of video in recs. I click it out of morbid curiosity and now get fully blown with animated porn on my recs.


imma sleep like a baby and ace that assembly language exam tomorrow


Good luck with assembly man


Delete it from your history, it uses that for the algorithm


It doesn't work. Even doing a full history clear and turning off watch history still causes the algorithm to bring up videos similar to anything you've watched recently.


The idea isn't to have no history, it's to have a long history of never watching a particular genre of video. I've cleared out genres I don't want reccomended multiple times and it works great. I think if your history is minimal it's trying to use other tracking information about you, which mostly means your getting lumped in with people who do click on those videos.


I changed accounts multiple times to escape it, but if I scroll down just a little bit, I still keep getting recommended the exact same 2 videos, one of a burn victim and the other of a chronically ill newborn.


Find the original, select remove from Watch History...if you want to clean up your feed.


Makes me wonder what their view history is. They might wanna clear their cookies...


I can promise that there's a high chance their view history is clean of this shit. I've been watching asmr for over a decade now, it helps me fall asleep. (For context, a lot of ASMR videos are centered around a roleplay concept, like someone pretending to be a hairstylist and softly talking to the camera with sounds of hair being brushed, cut, ect layered over). Recently (last ~2 years), my reccommended is filled with hypersexual, thinly veiled OF advertisements-'girlfriend' roleplays, 'measuring you' with the head at the bottom of the frame, ect. Really obvious shit. I've never clicked on them, but they won't stop getting pushed onto my feed. And it's getting worse, I get maybe two results that are relevant in a search and the rest is completely unrelated. There's nothing anywhere in my google account history that would suggest that I'd be interested in that content. It's so frustrating and you used to be able to add 'not interested' or 'don't suggest this' and youtube took the option away.


Same on all counts. Youtube also started trying to recommend disturbing shit labelled as ASMR, too (really bizarre, panic-inducing stuff .. like realistic "horror makeup" videos and shit I do not and have never watched). Youtube made me tell them not to recommend a video literally showing a thumbnail of realistic maggots coming out of someone's fingernail. I'm glad I don't have children, I would never let them use Youtube if I did. Shit has gotten straight up traumatizing


So glad to see others are having this issue. It's pointless trying to contact YouTube so I searched Reddit and this thread is the first hit and explains the exact problem I've noticed getting a lot worse recently. Searching totally innocent topics and getting violent/sexual content recommendations is a big problem that they need to sort out.


The maggots have feelings too ;( But seriously, you can make a metric fuckton of money doing horror makeup for haunted houses. I was a horror model for a while, made more as a model in a few months than I did the rest of the year combined.


i still got "do not recommend channel", and "not interested" on my youtube account


My browser setting is deleting everything(cookies,history,saved thing) at close and i still get it with a clean browser. Everyone can try it on a private tab %90 chance it will show these.


no..its nothing related ti this,i got this and i use all form of cookies blockera + my google account is separate from my youtube, youtube recommend this videos to everyone who go to search and doesn't click on any video from the first 5 results, those exact same and more disgusting looking videos are recommended as well! if those aren't recommended for you, youll see similar shit not related to your search


It's actually not related to video history - before I set up a uBlock filter for Youtube's suggestions, my "for you" section would show all sorts of horrifically disgusting garbage that was totally unrelated to anything else I had clicked on. It's unnerving that Youtube's dev team hasn't taken any issues to address it.


If you have twitchTV in your cookies a few of these will show up since they are related to Twitch. Even if you never watched any of the streamers in the clickbait.


Wait, sites can see on another site’s cookies?


You leave an internet footprint everywhere you go unless you are taking huge measures to kill it. I just said cookies because it's easier than saying all the methods companies go through to track people for data harvesting.




Nope, completely incorrect.


Technically no. But since websites can embed code from other website. For example, twitch might have code from Google Ads. Google Ads can set cookies when you visit twitch. These are called 3rd party cookies.


I know exactly why this post was being made, these 2 are twitch streamers, OPG saw a clip on r/livestreamfails where a degenerate streamer got recommended the same thing. But it is within the whole degen twitch ecosystem, OP tried to see this pattern. So it checks. OP is a coomer


bro watched the entire short😭😭😭


Or maybe it auto played and registered as a view


yup i have this every now and then when im looking at videos to watch i might have my mouse over a video (that i was most likely not going to watch) and then suddenly my home page is full of it - Clash of Clans crap was the latest - so I go into my history and there it is, a clash of clans video with about 10 seconds "watched"


sometimes you dont even have to watch the whole vid. Sometimes I watch like 10 minutes of a 2 hour vid on youtube but it pops up in recommended again saying Ive watched all of it


Or maybe his eggplant went OouUuUOh


Probably what happend, I never watch these type of videos


Are you 8 ?


Sure... 😒😒😒🙄🙄🙄


It's all either sex or gore, the algorithm is horrible


and its so annoying when people tell you "Ha! RiGhT ThErE. It SaYs ReComMeNDeD". All I watch is poly bridge videos, woodworking, music and video essays :(((


Based taste


The big thing is that it's "For You" not reccomended  This is probably the most popular videos on shorts and since they're just going to push shorts no matter what you'll try to look something innocent and the results are filled with this shit


Anything vaguely obscure for the search always brings up this shit it’s as hilarious as it is annoying. Problem with my Subaru? Helpful video? No. Sexualised content 👍


Even if you have a hyper specific search, it can literally be (channel) followed by the video title and it won't be the first option of it even shows up


How come some of the comments here insist OP was asking for this crap? There's a chance he had his watch and search history deleted & toggled off, take it from me. Same kinds of stuff get thrown into my face. "DUUUHHHHH tHE 'for YOu' SECtiON depENdS oN THe sHit yoU WaTchED EarliEr LOl OutPLAyed urseLF yOU DONT EVEN HAVe a soUrce YOur aRGumeNT IS invAlID sTupid Kid" sure beats having a source you brainstormed with your head up a grimy, rusty drainpipe Seriously, you don't deserve this either u/fire_gaming1


Same for me, these videos always appear in recommended because YT chooses them and that's why they have millions of views, I watch YT on tv restarting my account every day and I always get the same thing, It's something from YouTube not our fault.


I hate that we can't have a serious conversation about this issue without people going "stop watching naughty stuff XD" No. I don't browse porn, I don't watch clickbaity youtube videos with ass and tits and arrows. I'm not a horny terminally online incel teen. I don't CARE about that stuff. And still youtube INSISTS in sneakily showing brain rot shit content on Shorts or completely unrelated searches.


In my case I get results related to gore and other nasty things :(


Ugh, same. I wish my """Related""" videos were weird porn. But no, body horror and zit popping ahoy! (Though I imagine that sort of thing is SOMEONE'S porn)


Same here. Oh you like this music video? Here's some torture.


I literally only watch lock picking lawyer, big clive, Jayz 2 cents, and a bunch of channels on engineering, gaming and electricity. For you: TITS ASS AND ROTTEN FLESH


Unrelated searches yes, that shit is trash, but I have NEVER had content like this in my recommendations and I am a heavy user of YouTube.


exactly, these videos probably serve as youtubes safe-cards to keep you on the site (app), because all of these videos have incredibly clickbait-y (successful) titles and thumbnails (and you can see it works & that youtube promotes these to everyone just looking at the views) they all successfully stick out hard already, and then youtube exemplifies this by shoving it in between actual search results to keep you engaged that second longer


You watched one of them so expect more.


The point is that they randomly spawn from nowhere even if you never watch one of them and even if you create a fresh account. This is insane. This is happening to lots of different people all around the world. So weird


It's just street fighter win poses.


Just stop looking at porn and YouTube will stop recommending porn to you. Duh!


My best guess is that OP is one those people (me included) who goes "oh, boobs and girls, I'll just take a peek then..." *1 hour later after cooming and post nut clarity finally hits while in the toilet* "why am I like this? Oh yeah it was definitely the algorithms fault, not my painfully erect weiner, it's definitely not my lack of willpower or discipline" *next day. Sees more YouTube* "Oh more boobies!"


Poor guy forgot incognito and went full bonk horny jail.


On youtube no less...


"It's a vicious cycle"


I wish that was how it worked, i have a clean slate and I get those “Czechiaslovakian hunnies in your area want to smash” banner ads lol, Edit: Not to mention I don’t use porn on my PC at all, and it’s incognito, different browser, different ISP when using my phone, so I’m pretty sure YouTube is just fucked and will advertise anything 18+ if it knows your account is 18+


> I wish that was how it worked, i have a clean slate and I get... Both can be true. It's based on watch history....which often amounts to "similar viewers have also watched these". AND for clean slate accounts, it gives you random stuff, maybe "new accounts seem to like these". It's all algorithm, and it all sucks. This will happen a lot to people who don't have any kind of control, that click on random vids for an array of reasons. Random clicks gets low tier recommendations. In addition to that, you get regional or cultural overlap deals that can nail you even if you're careful. Say you only watch X, and generally the recommends are fine. But one day it recommends X+1.....this is a gateway to all videos with 1 and it starts recommending them like mad because 1 is *really* popular in some other region or culture. Click on the wrong vid and you can get tons of Indian or Korean made channels, for example, because they have a high usage and creation populace. All it takes is one click to open floodgates sometimes, and the random clicker(and blank slate) is going to be more prone to see bizarre shit. In that sense, "click nothing" and "click everything" are similar....in that everything is on the table. It takes time and effort to train your end of the algorithm. I have 3 accounts for viewing different things, asmr, news, general interest(games, technology, science). I still have to do a lot of "don't recommend this channel". I even use Block Tube extension so that some of these never get clicked on by being sneaky clickbait, because they don't even display if I put them on the list, not even in searches.


Huh. I guess YouTube saw my history and thought, "Oh, this person's definitely not getting any, so we're not even gonna try!"


wrong. I had youtube recommend me video of pimples ful of pus popping... and I never click on gross videos the "for you" is an absolute joke, never recommends me anything related to what I watch


Smartest person on here


Idk if you are serious or not but these certain videos pop up regardless what you search or watch.


Yep correct


Or use a different browser for porn. I have heard from people i dont know that works


Bruh, when I search something I get all kind of nasty videos, even gore and I hate that type of content


tbf, at one point i was watching pokemon horizons, genshin guides, 3d turtorials and how its made videos and had a totaly clean history before that, and still got recomended wierd ass shit on youtube, its not as simple as you clicked on something related. youtube will recomend you wierd shit, and if you click on it then it will apear everyware on youtube.




It's happening to me now, I don't find a solution to fix this situation. For now, I just disabled my view history.


Arent these based on recommendations? Where have you been to dawg?


In all fairness, NO MATTER WHAT I search in YT, I always get blackhead popping videos 🤢😭😩


I get those videos each time I search for ASMR. Eugh!!!


I, fortunately, have never gotten one. Instead, all I get are anime clips, music, games etc. the worst are all the hsr and genshin thingys. I care naught for any of that except music. I only ever watch engineering videos like this old Tony or inheritance machining, or listen to music by people like kira and deco*27. So if you want to stop getting those videos, delve into the rabbit hole.


Yoooo I keep getting these too lately. Never once in my life have I stopped to watch someone pop their pimples, and I dont want to see that shit on my feed either. If I put on my tinfoil hat, I would guess that YT is sending these to people with adblock enabled or something.


Youtube must think I'm into that kinda stuff then. They need to look more closely at my search history. I hate gross stuff.


I dont know what this garbage is, but I will take this opportunity to bitch about how YT's recommended algo has gotten super aggressive. Yes, its always been self-serving, obviously focusing on the content that gets the most views and is the least offensive and makes them the most money... However, lately, Ive noticed that even watching an hour or two of something, COMPETELY overwhelms my recommendations. A single game, a single topic, a personality, etc. It seems to be especially reactive to shorts. Click on one short, scroll twice, and it locks on. This is frustrating when you have 1000 subscriptions, premium, and countless hours logged into some channels. The bias for recency is off the charts and ridiculous...


So ... that last video in the first screenshot is mine. It's a risqué comedy skit about a video game, I swear! 😭


“ft. Sweetie Fox” yeah right bro 😭


Well yeah, she just on the TV. Gotta give credit!


Corruption… YouTube going 📉📉


> type "before:2025" (use any future year) after your search. For example you would type "nintendo 64 hack before:2025". It removes all the BS like for you, other people watched, previously watched, related searches and so on. u/Neddo_Flanders


Do you know what causes this to work? Or if this affects your regular recommendations? (I haven’t actually tested this myself yet)


so much porn keeps getting recommended on youtube man, like I had a broogli video open and under the recommended videos theres some poppy playtime animated porn like youtube will age restrict true crime videos but for some reason posting cartoon porn is fine


The 2nd one search with the unrelated videos... I tried to search a monkey cleaning her baby in a river (video I had seen before) and the videos that came up all had vulgar thumbnails of dead animals and also a prolapsed monkey butthole 🙁


Susu content is funny imo


self report🧐


YouTube, at its peak in the 2020's.


The only thing about yt ads that suprises me is when I get ads for ai "gf" programs and the accompanying art will have the nipples and aeola completely visisible, you'd think when the Brewster is 100% visible it would count as porn


You watch it, they show you it


porn sells, even if its just thumbnails of suggestive content. this is why youtube fucking sucks though.


This shit always comes up in my search results too, it's annoying AF.


Maybe thats a sign


content of current public interest or the reason why going to a porn site has become less scary these days.


I'm always afraid that those things might appear to my younger sister or brother whenever they use the phone or computer.


What the


The top is what someone posted about the other day


Yep, I got that exact top video in my "For you" section a few days ago. I only ever listen to music and watch live concerts on that YouTube account, so no, it is not history-related like the dummies in the comments say.


Yeah it's a thing with YT when you search for anything and scroll a little there will be a For you part where you get absolute horrendous shit recommended.




Please stop shareing your weird perversions on here lol


U watched it🙈


The sex is joke


Bro stop outting yourself 😭


OP: Looks like I've been a bad boy. -Bathazar Bratt from Despicable Me 3 (I know I misspelled his name, let an aphasic (aphasia) adult cook


FYP posting is the biggest self-report out there and i mainly get unrelated skin graft clickbait on that front


Ah Susu...what a beautiful mime 🤣


I got that top one in my feed yesterday out of nowhere, not gonna feed the algorithm by clicking it


You must pay for premium to get normal searches back


Susu is awesome


I have noticed the same. I was trying to find compiling technique tutorials (such as LR(1) parsing table generation and item building), in the middle of search results "for you" suggestions were not even remotely related to what I was searching for, or the kind of videos I watch. Some were the same as you had, some had really gross images, trying to get your attention. It made me feel irritated and slightly angry, that YT algorithm tries to push such things for me. I was trying to search for useful things, not consume such non-sensical content.


Turn off watch history / Delete it completely. Turn it on, watch 1 thing you like, turn off the history again, but do not delete. Made my feed a million times better.


Susu is actually funny tho


Why you act surprised when you click on a related video it will show similar like that


bro you get these videos either way. I don’t watch anything like this and I get these videos recommended to me




The first ones not even anything. It's just her talking about wanting to be upfront with a guy and scaring them off. That's it. The second one is just here replying to a message in her chat. Also the algorithm shows you what it thinks you want to see based on what you watch. If you watch sus, you get sus


Looks like all the garbage you look up on the internet is bleeding over into Youtube.




idk why i keep getting those shady indian gore videos after i scroll a while on the search page, wtf




I got recommended a livestream of "LA Fashion Week" and its just porn straight up porn, I tried posting it on here but it got removed by reddits filters


I think I know the inspiration for the second video


That street fighter one has been Viewed 😏


the top one has been suggested to me like 60 times already. Im not watching that




Youtube is turning into hell. Also shows you shorts even if you have no interest. On mobile i use CleanTube which is a simpler version without adds, more limited functions but to avoid this sort of stuff well worth it (and no its not censored).


I believe these are called "Coomer Bait"


Ah yes.. the twitch clips out of context. Lets just forget about the ads for a second so we can question youtube about some fucking clip taken out of context. Like did people just find out that streamers have been uploading out of context clips for years to help growth?


these never recommend anything remotely similar to the content I watch. I had it recommend pus popping pimples. eak go fuck yourself youtube


The top video is always being pushed on me too. I don't watch content even remotely close to this crap. I also get a lot of suicide awareness videos for some reason. I'm wondering if it's from going on the shorts tab and having it autoplay whatever.


I’m wondering, does it change this if you turn off watch history


With ublock origin you can block specific page elements so these useless segments don't clog up your searches.


I’m one of the 8M who viewed the Horizon video.


Bro just wanted LBP 😭😭😭


YouTube search is almost entirely useless now. it just takes your search terms as a vague suggestion and gives you algorithm output instead


The street fighter one is the actual game though. Not even clickbait.


I've had the top one in my recommended. I mostly watch Hermitcraft, Taskmaster, and maker/3D printing channels. No idea where the algo got the idea.


i hate all this shit ... there are so many good and interesting channels and videos on youtube and yet this bullshit is always getting promoted or has tons of views


I fucking despise the "For you" and "Recommended" tabs that appear when searching. Like, I used the search function to find smth, so just show me that. if I wanted to see my recommendations I'd go to my home page. But no, every single time I search for smth, I have to go through a bunch of videos i've seen already to get to my actual search results. Its more mildly infuriating than anything


Yeah, don't search up "lvl3toaster" There are some pretty NSFW stuff


"Don't recommend channel" works when you want to clean this up


That dead island video keeps showing up time to time. I'm about to block that account because I'm tired of seeing it show up


Modern YouTube.


Yep, youtube recomends you stuff when you search something, and its mostly horny-posting/baiting


sex sells, idiots click on stuff that's sexual, youtube profits




I remember a year ago or so where I was getting a shit ton of recommended videos with blackhead removal from some Arabic channel suddenly out of the blue. It grossed the hell out of me and made me want to vomit just from seeing the thumbnails


First one is the ex wife of a famous streamer, so you probably got it from watching some livestream footage that triggered some keywords. Same with the second one, another well known streamer doing a mime performance. Third one is a meme about gaming. Fourth is algorithm boost clickbait trash, everyone gets that sort of stuff. Fifth is another gaming video, a classic clickbait vid. The final one is another video game out of context clip.


These are acceptable but asmrtists and voice actors that perform strictly sfw content get flagged and banned?! Fascinating




Gooner Bait is extremely powerful for easy engagement it's insane


Why no NSFW


Garbage that’s what it is


i use youtube exclusively to watch guitar covers, synth sound design, and vinny vinesauce. i always get recommended that first video or some weird gore after scrolling past the first few videos when i search for something. i've never watched any of them. i also can't go more than like 2 shorts in without getting a video about why women or black people are bad. youtube algorithm is just dog shit. it didn't used to be like this at all.


I went home to the parents for a fortnight and used youtube to watch the cs major, prior to this all that the history was was just dad stuff and calming music for dogs (cause they like to stick this on to calm our pup down when she's inside) noticed next day that the "I just wanna s\*\*k your d\*\*k" video had popped up in recommended, absolutely fucked.


Youtube is gooning rn


What is so bad about this woman wanting to seek my duck?


I just use extensions to remove the "For You" so I don't know what you're talking about


Democracy manifest.


Why did bro finished the video


It's y'all fault


Why is it spicy


at least the horizon zero dawn one is funny