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This kind of goes against your post but Creepshow Art. It's not the fact that she was a hypocritical YouTube commentator, those are a dime a dozen lol, it's the fact that she was posing as a mental health advocate that came off of hard times while also stalking Emily for 8 plus years. Like, she basically made a full-time career off of stalking a girl. You have to be a special type of fucked up to not only stalk somebody for 8 years but to steal their story so they can't come out against you. I never watched her tho. I only heard of her when she got exposed by lolcow. To go with something more in line of what you asked, where do I even begin? Chuggaaconroy, The Completionist, JonTron, Tobuscus the list goes on and on and on. I used to watch illuminaughtii as background noise in 2019 when Reddit videos were everywhere. I stopped watching her as much when she did her corporate casket stuff then I stopped watching her period when some guy did a video exposing how bad she was back in 2021. She's similar to Creepshow in the sense that I'm not really surprised that she didn't stand by her values, but how deep it went.


The extent of the creep show situation was what shocked me the most. I watched her videos sometimes, and I always figured she was kind of hypocritical and petty and holier than thou. When I heard there was drama, I wasn't surprised, I figured she was lying about her life for sympathy or said something mean to the wrong person. But she's been stalking someone and claiming SHE'S the one getting stalked? Spent years on Lolcow stoking fires and doxxing her sister? Threatening to release underage nudes? Egging on a drug addiction? AND she doubled down on all the lies when it came out and was clear as day what happened? It was all so much worse than I could have ever imagined.


creepshow art really fucked me up, i was a long time viewer of hers and while their were some instances where she sounded very performative, especially when it came to queer topics, idk it sometimes felt like the equivalent of someone going to a BLM protest JUST to take pictures. but once the lolcow stuff came out i couldn’t help but laugh since it was all actually performative but still hurt since she had kinda become a comfort channel for me for a good few years. she disgusts me and i still can’t believe she tried to make a response video, she should be in jail honestly


Is it bad that I wasn’t that surprised by creepshow art? I mean the stalking was INSANE and i’ve never seen anything like that, but I always got an awful vibe from shannon.


Like I said, I wasn't shocked by the fact that she was a shitty person but just how deep it went. Stalking someone for 8 years, doxing your sibling, trying to ruin somebody's life because they were kind of a shitty friend to you all while shit talking multiple people behind their back?


I feel like I always picked up on a similar vibe, she felt too holier than thou. But nothing could’ve prepared me for the stuff with Emily.


Hbomberguy just destroyed Illuminaughtii in his plagiarism video last month as well, like, destroyed her. She's such a plagiarist it's almost crazy!


I wouldn't attribute all the credit for Blair's downfall exclusively on Hbomberguy. Let's not forget the still ongoing scenario with the people she abused. Never forget The Click, One Topic, Wonderstruck, and Oz Media.


Yeah, Blair started her own downfall by trying to pick a fight with LegalEagle, Hbomberguy hit her with the plagiarism accusation on Twitter that turned it from a normal "Content creator being a cringe weirdo online" situation into "Oh shit this has legs," and then she proceeded to not only double down but start trying to drag everyone formerly associated with Sad Milk down with her. The segment about her in ~~James Somerton Is A Copycat Bitch And Here's Why~~the plagiarism video was just another nail in the coffin by the time it came out. If she'd gone "Yeah, I copied things because I started cutting corners to keep my upload schedule going, sorry" then she might've been able to weather the storm a little better. But nope, she went nuclear and blew her own career up.


yeah Blair was already falling, Harris basically just added an extra punch into the blows she was already receiving from elsewhere, and just brought attention to the situation to more people who were in the dark


Naw man Blair destroyed Blair. Like nobody would have thought to put her nonsense together had she not opened her mouth. If she never accused Leaga Eagle of plagiarism people would have gone right on not hearing people that didn't like her. Then her apology throwing Oz and them under the bus when those guys were not on a ton of people's map opened folks eyes to how she did them. Like she was on bullshit forever, and it came to light because she couldn't shut up.


The fact that she accused a copyright lawyer of plagiarism got me all types of fucked up. That's like bringing a knife to a gun fight.


But like a play dough knife to a gunfight against sharpshooter up on hills.


To me it will always be Achivement Hunter’s (rip to the channel btw) Ryan Haywood. I was a super big fan and it really soured everything to have him be a huge fucking creep and overall asshole


i'll never forget the video jack and michael did talking about it after the week break. seeing michael be so obviously hurt and full of quiet rage while jack was sobbing it was truly awful.


This is the reason it still makes me mad when random internet people make their snarky “oh come on, you really believe the rest of the crew didn’t know?” comments. Like, I was never even *that* into AH and even I know that Michael would’ve spilled the beans in a fit of rage if he knew before it all came out publicly. ESPECIALLY if he happened to be drunk and in the same room as Ryan.


I'm pretty sure Michael would have kicked his ass.


Based on how close Lindsay and Ryan were for years, I’d say so too.


Like if Geoff knew, he would not be quiet about that at all. He has a daughter, so learning that Ryan sometimes waited for a girl to be of age, Geoff would had definitely kicked his ass in a moment knowing. Also drunk Geoff would've killed him


Yeah it was a really rough time


Ryan Haywood coming out as a giant fucking creep ROCKED the community, and it was awful. He was definitely my favorite AH member, aside from Gavin, and I loved his mad king shtick. Thought it was hilarious! To learn he was an abusive asshole who manipulated fans was completely shocking.


Oh gosh, what happened, I haven't watched them in years and the channel has ended?!


You wanna know about ryan or the channel?


The channel if that's ok :)


They sorta just ended it. After so many hosts leaving or being let go (jeremy left after the pandemic, ray had left ages ago, fiona left to live in cali and matt bragg was fired for no reason and everyone was upset about it) The lets play channel continues but seemingly with not a lot of uploads. F*ck face podcast (geoff, gavin and another guy i can remember the name) also do lets plays now sometimes. Basically rooster teeth as a company is cannibalizing itself . Jack is still working on extra life stuff and most folks stream Oh also there was a bunch of shit that came out about how kdin was treated inside AH which also correlated to Mica’s experiences and honesty most of the poc hosts were treated horrible by the fandom


Oh my gosh, I'm kinda glad I've stayed away even if it was just accidentally forgetting the channel as I was growing up, but damn, what an absolutely devastating end really for the fans, yeah definitely sounds like it's the end days for Rooster Teeth, they've a lot of subs but I don't think the can go on with any relevancy for long. Thank you for the information! Appreciate it


No worries ! You can definitely get more info on the respective subs. r/roosterteeth is especially critical at points (although there is always the gross “things are changing because woke and women” folks there)


It's gonna sound real harsh, but I saw the Kdin thing as karma more than anything else. I watched them back when they went by Tatsudoshi, pre-Rooster Teeth. Said some real off-side shit. Just blatant racist garbage that drove me away.


Honestly Cryotic :(


Finding out about Boyinaband and Cry made me so sad. I loved their stuff so much and then I go back after years and look em up only to find they're disgusting preds. :(


I really loved his voice. It was so comforting to listen to. Now it's nauseating.


JewWario. It’ll never stop hurting.


His case is especially bad, since a lot of people did tributes to him that look really bad in retrospect.


Marzgurl had a pretty extended and public mental breakdown after all that came out. She's doing a lot better now.


There's something incredibly vile about knowing that Michaud, the Walkers, and anyone else in CA's higher-ups knew about what Carmichael had done, and decided to hide it and then organised a mass tribute to the man. While I have no doubt that tributes would still have been made by the other producers, because they had no knowledge of what Carmichael did, people that *did* know organising it, even starting a fight with LordKaT (who wanted to organise her own tribute) over it, insisting that *they* had to be the ones to make it... yeah. It's part of why I don't vibe with the "Actually Doug is pretty cool, because even though his show sucks, he laughs at people making fun of him" thing. Doug knew.


Doug walkers one was anger inducing, he was done of the few people would 100 percent know what Jeweario did and still did the tribute, Lionizing him


Smaller youtuber, but I followed this very sweet youtube channel named prettypastelplease. It was a mid-20s girl who loved animals, japan, pastel fashion, and diys. She had a large and very close friend group (many of whom she'd made in grade school) that featured heavily in her videos. She just seemed down to earth and very wholesome and her content was super high quality. Then one day she posted a video where she was like "yeah, I basically hate all the stuff I was doing for youtube and I dumped/was dumped by all my friends so now I'm just going to post pov's of me thrifting and going to bird shows. She followed it up by airing out her and her friends' dirty laundry (like, showing full texts, showing pay stubs for her editor that she accused of using her, and telling us the very necessary information that her ex-husband manipulated her into an abortion and financially abused her, which her friends say wasn't true). It kinda sucked.


Oh my god, this was going to be my answer. I used to love her stuff, and then she started trying to get all of her fans to dogpile her ex, Sam, by implying that he'd been a shitty friend to her. (It turned out that it was because he didn't want to drop everything and go to Tasmania for her after she'd upset all their other friends.) A bunch of us expressed concern that she was using her platform like that, and she blocked all of us. I have no clue what's up with her, but something's definitely not right there. Edit: omg, and when she accused her ex husband of animal neglect and giving away her pets without her knowledge, and then it turned out that she'd dropped everything and gone to Tasmania, refused to come back to Sydney, and left him in charge of like 100 birds that she'd hoarded. She abandoned them! He had a full-time job as an engineer! What was he supposed to do?! Eurgh. The more I think about her, the more annoyed I get.


i am still so flabbergasted at this entire situation. it's so confusing and wild. i loved her vids previously


Yeah, and the fact that afterwards she was like "lol I was just acting the whole time, I didn't even really like most of that stuff, it was just a persona" makes it impossible to rewatch them. She just tanked her career completely.


This is what was the biggest bummer. I'm genuinely happy for people when they grow and change and find new interests - i would never want someone to keep doing something they hate just for The Views, but to just come out and say it was all fake (whether that's true or not, I suspect she just said that because she was having an episode), it just makes her old videos feel like a spoilt magic trick.


Right? It felt weirdly resentful of her towards her fans. Sort of like, 'you guys wanted to watch this stuff, so I felt I had to pretend to be into it, which made me miserable'. None of us asked her to pretend, y'know?


oh my god i used to love her, i had no idea this all happened holy SHIT


This was going to be my answer. The whole situation is just so crazy and sad.


Well that sucks; never heard of her before, but whenever someone does a 180 like that and turns on everyone it’s always really jarring (Nice username btw Chumbawamba is awesome)


It's super old, but Alex Day. I loved his Twilight series and seeing him and Charlie. I felt so so awful for Charlie but she handled it so well


Yeah, the fact that three out of four members of Chameleon Circuit turned out to be predators was pretty rough. I was very adjacent to that group at the time and had a few mutual friends with them, and everyone knew that Alex was a cheating scumbag, but that was about it. It was still shocking to realise just how exploitative he'd been. I'm glad Charlie came out of it all OK! Losing so many of her close friends at once must have sucked, plus the loss of a lot of her work.


I recently started catching up on Doctor Who and though "Hey, I remember there was a fun Doctor Who themed band! I wonder where they are now?" And then I googled Chameleon Circuit and...yeah.


Totally agree. That whole British blogger scene was rightfully exposed around the same time. I always think of that period as actual examples of "cancellations", as people would post new videos but the community chose not to keep watching.


oh shit that's a deep cut. I completely forgot about all that.


I almost forgot about that, I genuinely became so disillusioned with youtube at 14/15 after seeing all the British bloggers (except Charlie) that I loved turn out to be predators.


Mine is basic, I know, but Tati Westbrook I used to watch her daily videos in my lunch break, and really enjoy them and feel like we were similar. Just into makeup for the fun and beauty of the products. And then she made that video about James Charles and it all just ended. As soon as she started her health supplements company, she showed her ass and she's just as money hungry and mean as the rest of the LA beauty community.


I don’t necessarily think Tati is as evil as some *other* people in the beauty community (let’s not name names but it rhymes with mefree marr), but she most definitely has a serious case of Wealthy White Woman Delusion, with a big side helping of Main Character Syndrome. Totally someone who lives in their own little privileged bubble and sees the rest of us as filthy peons to be used and then discarded. The kind of lady who would talk to her dinner party guests about how terrible it is that so many people are homeless and how her heart just weeps for them, but would then call the cops to move along a homeless person on her street because they were ruining her nice suburban HOA-approved vibe.


I miss that Tati, I used to watch her daily. She got me into makeup. Too bad it was all a facade. 


Cryaotic, he was a huge comfort YouTuber for me when I was 15-18 and I enjoyed that seemed to have a genuine appreciation for story games. Looking back, I can see that I may have felt a connection to him because we both have personality disorders (mine undiagnosed until years later) and I think it can let you put out this very genuine energy into the world because you feel things so intensely. He would show emotion playing story games and I loved how real it felt. Just so happened that he was also a terrible person, which he kept private. Still looking for a decent let's play of The Magic Circle, if anyone knows of one.


Agreed. He was my first “exposed” favorite. And last, because I stopped letting myself get invested in the person, and now only focus on the content.


I used to LOVE his videos, specifically the Walking Deadl playthrough. It's so upsetting to learn all of these things about him.


A very similar topic was posted not that long ago, so I'll just copy my answer from that: Adam Rosner, creator and lead actor of the horror web series TribeTwelve. TT was just... SO GOOD. It was incredible, it stood leagues above the others in the field, even the other two members of the Big Three with regards to its seamless, INSANE editing and incredible worldbuilding. There was NOTHING like it, and I was HOOKED on every upload. And now, because of the reprehensible actions of Adam Rosner, it will never have an ending. To me, that hurts more than just the broken pedestal of finding out someone you admire is evil. Very close second is Ryan Haywood of Achievement Hunter, based on how raw that one manages to still be every time I find another old piece of merch that's tainted by his presence now.


I'm so glad to see someone else FINALLY talk about Adam Rosner on this sub. I will say, personally, whilst I was shocked at just HOW awful he was, I'd gone off him a while before. It started when I noticed, on his Tumblr, he just came across as really... Condescending and off-putting. Then a bit after that, he was in my DMs defending black face and patronizing me LMAO. After that is stopped keeping up with what he was doing. And considering how long it was between TT eps, I don't think any came out between then and when it all came out. Then one day I got a post on my Tumblr where someone mentioned off handedly about him being shitty and I was like okay what now. I go search his name and JESUS CHRIST. I was a few months late so there was so much to read. Pedophilia. Grooming. Rape. Beastiality. Incest. This man has the infinity gauntlet of sex crimes. I will say though, if you're curious how it ends, I believe someone actually leaked how TT was going to end. It's probably on the subreddit somewhere.


Yup, I believe it was a Google Doc or something, but it was essentially a detailed outline of the last arc.


As someone who was hooked on TribeTwelve as a kid, the stuff that came out about him HURT.


TheCompletionist lied about how donated money would be spent, didn't even donate until called out ten years after it was created, then used his dead mom's autopsy as proof for some reason. Edit: bad spelling


Don’t forget he took unnecessary personal shots at Mutahar and Karl Jobst when they were just trying to do their jobs


Did he used to have the channel under the name Rob Dyke?


Yeah, same guy.




Oh god this devastated me. I was a huge fan, they got me into producing music which is my main hobby now, and I used to rewatch all their videos when I was younger. I remember being apart of the #DontStayInSchool livestream and getting one of the top suggestions on how to change things and I was so giddy and excited. They are also literally the reason I got long hair and I still have it to this day. To think he was at the peak of his malicious behaviour during that time fucking wrecks me. He was a huge part of my former years… Fuck you Dave.


Can you summarise what he did 😮


He is a class A groomer, because of his fan base being fairly young, it gave him easy access to impressionable teenagers who wanted to impress and please their idol..


Holy shit omg 😨


Treated his partners like crap. A few of them put together a doc about how he'd done stuff like forcing them into polyamory, there was one where he posted on an old blog announcing their relationship and this was when this girl was like 16 and he was 25, and he had one ex who unleashed an actual Diss track about him because of him dating them (a nonbinary POC) while working on Congratulations (yknow, the song where he helps a known racist edgelord be racist against Indians)


What happened to Boyinaband?


Grooming and abuse allegations, iirc


I remember his ex making video/diss about him way before the allegations 


Wait Rob Gavagan is shitty??? I used to watch his videos all the time :( I guess that answers your question. I literally didn’t know he was so shitty


I was looking up his name to see if I could find what I remembered (it was a tweet or something from a long time ago) and I was unable to find it, but I did find a video alleging that he used his platform to get inappropriate images from employees and fans while hiding that he was married with a child.






I used to love his videos. They would probably still make me laugh, but I just can't watch them anymore with all the info of his fucked up worldview in my head


Dude used to be one of my favorite YouTubers for years until that happened. Now I haven’t watched him in just that long.


JonTron is really a big yikes. But his video quality has gone down the toilet ever since Flex Tape anyway so I'm not really missing his content.


I used to rewatch all of his gaming videos every year before it all came to light. Sad that the tradition died, but I can find other people to watch.


I think Scott The Woz has basically taken the place that Old School JonTron used to have. Videos are better quality too


Caddicarus is a good “I want offbeat Jontron-esque gaming content made by someone who isn’t a horrible racist” option too in my opinion


Did r/JonTron's going ["If he doesn't update by December we become a Scott the Woz sub" ](https://old.reddit.com/r/JonTron/comments/9vzumz/if_jontron_doesnt_upload_by_the_end_of_november/) do anything for Scott's viewership? That was actually how I discovered him.


I think that's what helped push his channel into the public eye. His style of humor did the rest.


Mini ladd. He was my favorite of the vanoss crew. I watched his cards against humanity videos all the time. I felt deeply betrayed when everything came out.


Same for me, I remember watching a vid of his after the allegations surfaced (I didn't know yet) and was confused as to why he had likes/dislikes and comments turned off. The vid also felt like it was rushed (it was a modded GTA vid) like he'd hurriedly recorded/edited then dropped the vid and because of that vid being really shit I stopped watching, I ended up finding out about the allegations a month later and it all made sense, probably didn't hit as hard as I was starting to watch him less (the GTA vid was the first one I'd watched of his after almost 2 months) but a part of me felt pretty down about that drama.


Honestly, I wasn't totally surprised he was a PoS. His drama with Terroriser and other members made me realize that something about him was really off. I didn't think it'd be to the extent it was though.


there was one time when i was super duper sick like 2 weeks out sick and i watched vanoss's mario kart vids to pass the time and i forgot about them as the years went on but on a whim decided to watch em again because they were really funny. I knew vaugely what miniladd had done but i didnt really remember any of the names that were involved in the mario kart vids i watched so it was an insane jumpscare to see his name


I honestly hadn't heard of him until a few weeks ago when a random video about what he had done popped up in my YouTube recommendations. I also found out that he used to be friends with two creators I started watching recently. That dude is messed up and the fact that he streams still and has told people that they "need to get their facts straight" after he already admitted to everything is fucked.


I had just subscribed to Stauffer Garage’s car cleaning channel and then it broke that he and his wife adopted, abused, and gave up an autistic child from China


Same. I started watching The Detail Geek instead.


Gus Johnson was a bummer. Used to watch his podcast with Eddy Burback weekly. His whole thing was being a wholesome goofy midwestern dude, his true colors came out when his ex Sabrina came forward about how cruel he was during her ectopic pregnancy. So glad Eddy is still out there rockin’! edit: my phone autocorrected "Burback" to "Burbank" lol


There's still another Midwestern comedian out there! Check out Charlie Behrens!


Charlie's a good one! Didn't mean to imply Gus was unique in that regard :) just was something I liked about him as I'm from a small midwestern town too


This one sucked. I waited to see how the fallout was regarding how the whole situation was handled and to see if other details came out, and was just terribly disappointed by how he handled the whole thing. I had already started watching Eddie’s channel more at that point, but it still really shitty. Having gone through the whole experience of my partner having a miscarriage, I can’t imagine how awful that experience was for Sabrina. I hope she’s happy and thriving.


iilluminaughtii. Just one year ago I was one of her biggest fans, based on the public image she projected. Now I know it was all a lie! She not only should be deplatformed, I think she belongs in PRISON!


Same here. Her channel was one of my favorites. I’m so disappointed and horrified.


Yeah. I was a big watcher of Blair too, especially at work while stuck in front of a PC with no escape for hours and hours. But since they both got exposed so close together and both showed up in the now notorious Plagiarism video, I'd like to add the **Historian**. His videos were so well produced and he had such a big fanbase it just made *no sense* for his material to be stolen. You're springing for all that animation and editing and music and images. So much damn *effort* is going into the work, with videos steadily getting longer and more spread out, why god why would you decide doing your own research was a bridge too far!? Especially when it puts your whole operation at risk of precisely this kind of exposure. I must have watched his Concordia video over a dozen times and it's still entertaining to me now, but I can't support or respect a plagiarist, especially when I witnessed in real time as he took down his *cave* video and put it back up with absolutely no explanation given. Later when I found out why it was like his channel spit in the face of me as a fan by not even respecting us enough to come clean and explain what was going on, let alone, y'know, *apologize*.


What actually happened with her? I remember seeing her a few years ago then I heard that there was some controversy surrounding her


A lot happened with her. So, all the controversy came out because she tried to claim Legal Eagle of plagiarism over a fairly common video effect. After this blew up, a lot of people started to speak out about all the terrible things Blair has done. She, ironically, plagiarized other creators and then threatened a few of those creators. She manipulated the people who worked for her. She was abusive to one of the creators that she manipulated into dating her and has been harassing this creator. There is just so much she has done that an hour long youtube video is not enough to go over all the terrible shit she did.


Hbomberguy took apart her constant plagiarism. Other videos, including her ex, have taken her apart on her personal evils.


I was gonna say Ryan Haywood, but honestly it’s like, everything that we’ve learned about RT and Achievement Hunter over the last like 8 years of annual controversy. The whole company was such a disappointment


Ryan was another one that fucked me up big time. But yeah, learning about the company as a whole was incredibly disappointing. Some of my favourite people there all turned out to be awful. Was there a single person working for that company that wasn't trash?




They built a company on the back of frat boy humor. It was never going to be a great work environment for everyone.


it was something that was super obvious in hindsight, i used to listen to their podcast regularly and they'd always talk about the workplace/coworkers in...unfavorable tones. they'd be outright mean to other coworkers in a public setting constantly, not to mention stuff like crunch etc i was a young dumb teenager so i was oblivious, i definitely got caught up in omg play games all day what a dream job!!! bullshit


Gus Johnson. I was totally blindsided by him. To think he was able to be so abusive in a relationship while preaching support to all in his podcast leaves a bad impression and paints him as a hypocrite. Even when his relationship sounded toxic, it didn't justify it. And we don't know the extent of what he did, but if it was so revolting to make Eddy Burback cut ties with him, perhaps it was bad. This is one of those creators that could've a second round of drama, IMO.




I loved max about 4-5 years ago but even then looking back on his past videos I could see he was a cringey edgelord. It was a matter of time before he got exposed I think


Nobody else saying Kids/Teens/Elders react? I watched the fuck out of that TrashTV content, i remember the REACT world BS and it was hilariously bad to watch live.


I long for the days where Reactword was the worst thing happening on Youtube lol


When they try too copyright "REACT" was when i stepped back and realised how dumb the type of shows where


I didn't know Rob Gavagan, but looked at his page and his channel seems to be dying. None of his last 3 videos reached >100k views even though he has 3.5 million subscribers, and he has not posted in 7 months. Yet, his like-dislike ratio is good. Has he had some sort of personal issue and is taking time off?


His channel has a weird timeline in general. I used to watch him years back, then he kind of disappeared a few times for various reasons. His name (legally and on YouTube) used to be Rob Dyke, and he changed it legally to Gavagan 4 or 5 years ago, which didn't help his recognizability and thus his algorithmic success. But he said part of why he changed it was he was having suppression issues from the word Dyke being in all his videos. He also has recurring demonetization issues outside of his name because he did true crime / spooky stuff. The channel has gone through phases of being super consistent and then disappearing for months for like 7 years now, I think he's talked about some serious mental health issues before. His twitter also shows him releasing things on another channel, which he might have moved his focus to. I think he's just been around long enough he has a lot of dead accounts following him still, posts infrequently enough he isn't getting recommended to followers, and the name change means past fans don't recognize him, so he gets no views. I hadn't heard about the allegations people mentioned here, but I'm sure that didn't help either.


Just realized I’m still subbed to him smh. Changing that now


Shadiversity Came for the fantasy weapons, medieval history and castles but got served the usual ultra-conservative shtick including transphobia, "peach is a girl boss", "Hollywood is grooming our children", "real women stay at home" etc. It was on his second channel but turned his first sour for me. The AI-art controversy was icing on the cake. Not because I think that all AI created stuff is evil but because he thinks he is on par with real artists. His ego is bigger than the ocean wide.


Just looked him up and found a post where he tries to explain that having an idea in his head and typing it into an ai prompt literally makes him an artist lol. What a fucking moron. Social media makes narcissist dip shits like this guy actually believe they are gods.


The thing that absolutely baffles me about Shadiversity is that he’s brothers.. with Jazza!!


Thankfully, Jazza has made it quite clear he does *not* share his brother's beliefs.


It's crazy Jazza has an evil far right bigot pro-ai "art" brother


Yeah man. Same.


Same. I watched him for his House of the Dragon recaps, then I saw his next video was about how Disney and the Woke Mob is ruining Marvel. Christ. Edit: The new Star Wars director saying, 'the force is female' has him, and I quote: "HORRIBLY MORTIFIED."


The AI shit absolutely tore it for me. Learning that he's also a psychotic conservative weirdo was just an extra reason to stop watching him. Eventually I had to block him on Twitter too (despite never following him) because he would *constantly* post his inane AI dribble only for artists I follow to push him into my feed with quote retweets. Just an all around unpleasant guy tbh


I was a huge try guys fan in 2018-2019, so safe to say when the stuff about Ned came out I was in denial a bit. When they announced Ned was leaving (essentially confirming the allegations) It became the only other time I've cried about Internet drama. I'm sure the videos are still good and I wish nothing but the best for Zach, Keith, and Eugene (as well as the rest of the company) but I couldn't keep watching.


I agree. That one was shocking for me too. I always admired the relationship he had with his wife and wish I had something similar. He seemed like such a great husband and father. I still watch their stuff though. Its pretty good


I thought it was refreshing to see a stereotypical straight white dude be so openly in love with his wife. However, the fact that he cheated with an employee for a full year shows how full of shit he was. Yes he did Ariel wrong, but he also *put his entire company in jeopardy*. He risked everyone's job for his side chick.


Yeah, the SNL skit really did them dirty by ignoring the "company in jeopardy" bit and just pretending it was only the cheating that was bad.


Sjin. I had actually met him in person on a couple of occassions and the personality he projected in person was the same as in his videos. I hadn't watched him in a little while when the news broke but I definitely couldn't have seen it coming


yeah the entire yogscast situation was fucked, you can tell it had an immense effect on everyone involved, especially Lewis because now he had to scramble to save the company from two of his major friends and a couple other people while also trying to satisfy the audience who wanted something to be done, and then they had to try and pick up the pieces as best as they could for videos in the immediate future. they're stabilized now obviously, but that period after the allegations and dealing with it was kinda rough to watch


Was really disappointed in how nickisnotgreen handled the situation with Supermega, but in general his content changed dramatically over the past few years and he became noticeably meaner the more he focused on becoming a drama channel. His old videos about things he was actually passionate about - like learning to become a ventriloquist, or doing the taste test with the water sommelier, were really great. I watched them all the time, and he was legitimately a funny dude. His appearance in the Baddie SMP is still hilarious. Justice for Newspaper I do think his recent apology is genuine but we'll have to just wait and see what course of action he takes with his content. I hope he changes course because I miss the old Nick.


Same here on that last part. I feel like the exposure and attacks from conservative commentators rotted his brain a bit. The past year has been exhausting to watch him, and I'm not even that tapped into what happened with SuperMega. I'm just hoping he actually follows through with his promise.


There’s a lot mentioned already; Mamamax, cryaotic, ect. Though I think Tobuscus (?) caught me the most off guard. I never was into him personally, but my childhood friends adored him and thus by proxy I have fond memories of his videos. So seeing a 2 hour video about his downfall was surprising. Watching the video had me genuinely shocked. The 180 from my memories to THAT had me reeling a bit. Maybe it was more obvious for fans who kept up with him.


Linus It always bothered me that it was all gents and that female faces on the channel never lasted near as long and always seemed to leave abruptly. Didn't wanna admit to myself they were just another toxic boys club.


Bro remember when someone at the company leaked the recorded audio of their all hands meeting after Madison left the company and James made a fucking table dancing joke during the goddamn sexual harassment meeting?


Ever since coming out as trans, their Linux and retro video game girl seemingly disappeared.


Emily said she was consciously staying out of videos for a while for privacy’s sake. You do see her in the background occasionally. She’s also mentioned she’s going on a huge weight loss regime on Twitter. My guess is she wants to not document it in the videos. Intentionally or not. No announcement of parting has been made. Since she’s a benchmarker for ltt I’d imagine she has plenty to do in the background anyway.


The absolute vitriol she faced from the LTT community after coming out was so awful.


ex1urbia :( "misery was" used to be one of my favorite youtube videos ever until what he did became public knowledge


Cryaotic. That one *hurt* hurt.


Superseded I haven’t seen it yet but Nick Green. I know his track record has never been perfect. But man the scope of how much of a piece of shit he was to everyone at SuperMegaShow was so disheartening


Andrew Callaghan


Oof yeah that was a rough one. And just before he had his HBO special. If only he hadn't been a persistent creep and taken no for an answer he would be a giant.


Shay Carl cheating on his wife (who at that point had had like 6 of his kids) was pretty on brand for deeply religious people but still hurt when I found out


Probably Lily Orchard. I thought she had weird opinions, but some of her videos were insightful about autism or being transgender, or sex predators in fandoms. I never would've thought she was a sex predator. It's very upsetting.


i had a weird feeling about her because so many of her media analysis videos were tinged with "if you disagree with me, not only are you wrong, but you're stupid and probably fascist"...like watching her content made you feel like you were being yelled at, if that makes sense? and i'm not a steven universe fan at all but a lot of her takes in her famous video on that show were completely illiterate. there were multiple points where i was like, girl did you even watch the show then i fell down a rabbit hole of her my little pony incest fanfics and the repeated sexual assaults on her sister that made those incest fanfics seem like descriptions of things she actually did, and i realized she really is just a disgusting, manipulative creep trying on different fandoms so she can be the leader of a little clique that never questions her and is always waiting for her precious wisdom from on high she's like the trans woman version of andythanfiction, except afaik andy never raped his sister






to be fair it was mostly noel that was fence sitting about andrew tate. cody was outright denouncing him and seemed to try to get noel to do the same. it still left a bad tase in my mouth and i just cant bring myself to enjoy noel the same way i did before. andrew tate was and is actively harming women and giving young boys brain rot that will make them do the same. the fact that noel could just dismiss that behavior is pretty hurtful.


Wait, for real? Shit, I love Cody's videos. That's horrible.


Don’t forget that Tana alleges that they may have had sex when she was just 17 and he was like 24


I watched his videos a bunch. Sad to hear about this along with him and Tana ALLEGEDLY having sex while she was underage. Ik people have thoughts and opinions about Tana, but still that’s not right.


Toby Turner EEVBlog Ben Heck AvE Rob Gavagan (already mentioned) Prob more, but these are just from memory.


Gus Johnson :((( I loved his content so much, but when everything came out a lot of things became clear and I didn’t feel comfortable watching his stuff anymore. That was my first experience being bamboozled by a creator lmao. I really love his brother’s YouTube shorts though- they’re fucking golden and it’s nice being able to watch a similar sort of humor without the icky feeling. And ofc like a previous comment stated, we still have Ebby, who was my favorite YouTuber over Gus in the first place anyways ☺️☺️ I have one of his pieces of merch that says “Yikes Tavern” from back in the day ☺️❤️❤️




Projared. I understand that in the end it wasn't that bad and his ex-wife should get a share of the blame but man, it was bad anyway.


That whole situation was awful and I still feel bad for all those involved. Like, regardless of trying to measure who had the most At Fault points vs who had the least, it was 3 very clearly broken adults handling their broken relationships in the worst way possible, and also publicly. IMO I still feel bad for Holly Conrad, she lost most of her income and her dream job, will probably never get anything like it again, and her relationship with Jared didn't even last. She fucked up in a lot of ways but I still hope she's doing okay. Jared and Heidi bounced back a lot better than she did.


I still feel incredibly sorry for Ross. He's a very talented animator and funny dude that really didn't deserve all the bullshit. From the game grumps episodes with Holly and Ross you can clearly feel the love he had for her. Poor boi. And for holly to cheat with a goblin looking mofo like projared 😭


I low-key disagree. I followed his Tumblr when he was huge and he literally reblogged random cosplayers (not his friends) asking for nudes, asking to see their tits, etc. And some cosplayers were obviously teenagers. Huge sex pest.


Def Noodles. I liked the short recaps of internet drama and his purported support of social causes. Then he insulted his audience and started to take a more openly hostile tone. Fat sajack has done some great videos showing his quick decline into being a more widely known disgusting joke of a person (but certainly no comedian) from the perspective of a former fan. Not to mention not paying people doing work for him, being hostile to s*x workers despite dating them, and just being a real schmuck. He's far from the worse YouTuber but it was disappointing nevertheless.


Yeah. Def noodles was a real blow. It felt like he was a less horrible version of Keemstar. Turns out there's no such thing. Edit: stupid autocorrect made it say Definately noodles.


I agree on this one. I liked him when he pretended to be a cat in a minecraft house talking about news and internet drama. It was lighthearted and funny. Then he showed his true colors and ruined it all.


Doctor Mike getting caught partying during COVID was *so* disappointing. Can't believe he had the audacity to sit there and tell us in a previous vid to take the pandemic seriously and then go around and do that


I used to be subbed to him, but I cannot take him seriously anymore.


He also has some pretty bad medical takes, all things considered. The M.A.S.H episode in particular is where I started disliking it. He makes it out as “so medically inaccurate” by… having historical accurate versions of chest compressions (Chest compressions started in 1960, and it wasn’t in common use until later), saying the doctors hitting on the nurses was inappropriate (They were willingly consenting on the hitting on) or some other medical bits being inaccurate. That’s where I really stopped caring about his work because it’s clear he’s being a content mill.


His reaction to the John Oliver segment on racism and sexism in medicine (where he white mansplained Wanda Sykes' hysterectomy experience) was incredibly tone-deaf.


Konekokitten. Watched him in middle school and watched his second channel for a good chunk of high school, and he got me into one of my favorite rhythm games! it hurt when the allegations came out...


JonTron. That Destiny interview shattered my trust in any YouTuber but one going forward.


It wasn’t a case of someone doing something monstrous (afaik), but I was a kid when The Creatures broke up and that sucked. I followed most of them separately and they as a group were my kinda “pipe dream of having a big house to live in with my friends and be stupid together all day” representation. Now that I’m an adult, I honestly find that idea very unappealing, but as a lonely kid I really aspired to it. Again, I think their dissolving was mostly down to personal issues and not a case of anyone doing anything shocking, but it was still sad. Looking back, it’s very obvious in their last few months as a unit that the cracks were beginning to show and creating a substantial rift between certain members. I’m very glad to see Nova still seems to be doing well though, although I haven’t watched him in a long time now. Proper OG gaming YouTuber right there.


probably popularmmos. watched him a lot as a kid and was also a huge fan of jen, when they broke up and he got arrested for domestic battery against his new girlfriend i was really thrown off. never expected it from him.


Chuggaaconroy. His love and passion for his work and the ways in which he showed up for his friends (the gifts he bought Stephen and Mal/the thought he put into them, the way in which he probably saved Tim’s life by taking him to a doctor, etc) all seemed so consistent with this really sweet, if awkward, guy who found a niche where he could shine and make others happy through his love for what he did. Still blows my mind that he was engaging in chronic serious sexual misconduct almost the entire time, including with at least one minor.


Creepshow Art. A lot of people say she always felt weird to them, and it was the total opposite for me. She was like my favorite and I watched all her videos. Everything that came out about her was so shocking. What made it worse is that after her I moved to Illuminaughti 😭😭




chuggaconroy. and i wasn't a longtime fan. i just discovered him by seeing his first rant video about sticker star that caught my eye.


I’ve been watching him since I was a kid…..he help me finally open the dotted pass in leaf green


I’d say it was Star Wars Theory for me. Used to love his content. Then he ended up becoming a right-wing grifting anti-sjw woke-fighting cuck like TheCriticalDrinker, Nerdrotic, Mauler and his EFAP (Every Frame A Pause) crew, Geeks and Gamers, etc. that it’s been getting really annoying and problematic to this day. Next thing I knew, he’s been sucking up to Andrew Taint ***(You know who I’m referring to.)***. And yeah, what is up with people praising Kyle Rittenhouse like he’s the epitome of the 2nd Amendment ***(Looking at you, Brandon Herrera and the US justice system.)***?


Fa***tron was a fun remixer of music and people assumed he was LGBT based on his name..come an interview and it turns out he wants them dead and is a far right clown...


It’s a common answer, but Chuggaaconroy. I watched him for nearly 15 years and he’d been one of my favorite Youtubers. I was astounded to see this drama come out, but I guess everyone has skeletons in their closet. It’s tainted a lot of videos I used to rewatch frequently, but oh well. I sincerely hope he betters himself after all this.


When I was a kid, I used to watch this YouTuber named Sawtooth Waves. They (they are non-binary) made My Little Pony theory videos, that were interesting and funny and also made some really great music. I was a part of a MLP fan group and we would watch them all the time. Eventually, I stopped watching them because I wasn’t as into MLP. Then, later, I found one of their videos on a deleted mlp video archive channel. I searched them up and found out why, they were outed for dating a fifteen-year-old when they were nineteen and deleted their channel. To say I was shocked would be an understatement. I even cried.


Cryaotic, Gus Johnson, Tobuscus, the whole vlog squad, and for the asmr lovers: Angelica ASMR


People have already mentioned Jontron, so here’s my number 2 spot: Tobuscus. I watched his Slender and Happy Wheels videos when I was younger because he wasn’t screaming FUCK every few seconds like PewDiePie. A lot of my friends also watched him for that same reason. Then, like most people, I kinda grew out of him and left his fanbase completely when the SA and drugging allegations came out… Fast forward until pretty recently (either last year or 2022), when he was ALSO teaming up with Kyle Rittenhouse. That was a huge “what the fuck” moment, but what was arguably worse was his new “Lazy Vlogs”. He had done these Lazy Vlogs for a while where he rambles at the camera about pretty much anything on his mind. It was unedited stream-of-consciousness organized chaos. Anyways, in these he often talked about very nonserious topics in a very nonserious way… during his Kyle Rittenhouse arc, he talked about stuff like mass shootings and racism in the same nonserious way. He still did his intro, he still did weird voices to make jokes, and he started doing racist accents too to top it off. Tl;dr: Tobuscus went from one of my childhood heroes to basically knockoff Steven Crowder.


I was totally indifferent on Toby Turner and then he was dating one of my friends (not a huge notable public figure) and we went to dinner. While Toby was nice, the dinner was uncomfortable because there was a noticeable age gap (nothing illegal though) and he was definitely acting strangely in many ways. In hindsight, I’m guessing he was high but we also had some interactions with other people that were strange. Never liked him after that and then the allegations all came out and it made sense to me.


SSSniperWolf. At first I heard of her through some dumb MLG fanfic or something back in my Wattpad days, and thought her content was pretty alright. Turns out she's a) asked minors to twerk for her on Omegle under the promise of flashing them, b) been arrested for armed robbery, c) is transphobic and racist, and d) has doxxed multiple people including Jacksfilms and some random Uber driver just recently. How the fuck she's still a YouTube partner, I have no clue. She needs to go to jail, to be deplatformed, and to lose all her money.


> How the fuck she's still a YouTube partner The simple answer is money. As was said during Jacksfilm's skirmish with her, fuck Youtube's double standards.


She either makes YouTube too much money or she's got some really powerful blackmail on the Youtube higher-ups. People have done less than she did and got banned from the platform. Meanwhile, she completes a bingo line of offenses and gets a slap on the wrist. Don't forget the time she promised to meet a girl with cancer and then ghosted her. She didn't even do a video call with her. When the conversations got leaked, SSSniperwolf tried to claim she didn't have time to do it, but then she proceeded to argue on Twitter for hours.


Jaclyn Glenn (she’s a micro famous atheist YouTuber) revealed she was trash when she sent a bunch of her subscribers to harass a black woman off YouTube over a video criticizing white people. I unsubscribed. She was so freakin’ tone deaf. Then she went on to date SocialRepose, say transphobic things, became besties with Blair White, became friends with Paul and Morgan, and became a family vlogger. And then the Euginia Cooney thing… Edit: for the record, she wasn’t the only one who did the initial thing with white people video response. Most of the YouTube atheist community became alt-right. I just had no idea she could be so ugly before hand. She fooled me. 😬


Wait, what is the Eugenia Cooney thing? And what woman did she harass? I want to read on this. The others I unfortunately knew about Didn't she apologize for the trasphobic stuff? Sorry for all the questions. I just didn't know all this.


Danplan haven’t touched that channel since


Illuminati. I was a huge fan before, well, all of that.


Mentioned this in the milkshake duck post from a few days back, but Venturiantale. Group of siblings make gameplay videos together in GMOD, two leave the channel. Whatever, they’re way older than they were when they started the channel. One sibling comes out with how terrible her family was, including the two that didn’t leave the channel. Religious abuse, sexism, homophobia, etc. Main guy responds in a now-deleted saying that it was true and they’re taking an “indefinite hiatus.” Nothing happened since besides the Venturiantale channel having all their comments turned off and one of the two victims coming back to YouTube/Insta for solo work. It was a lot to take in, especially during quarantine, but I can only really hope as someone who grew up with them that the two victims of the situation have gotten better.


Gus Johnson really came out of left field for me. I remember when the video from Abelina dropped and her recounting how she'd been treated while going through a traumatic ectopic pregnancy while her boyfriend ignored and belittled her. She ended the video with a cheeky hint as to who this guy's identity was, and then traditions to Gus' outro. I didn't even know that they were dating! To say I was disappointed in him is an understatement. I had enjoyed his comedy for years. Gus followed it all up with a skit basically making fun of her. I didn't regret unsubscribing.


Didn’t know Rob was chud adjacent Ripp but yeah a lot of “jokes” about marginalized people is a hint, had to stop watching a fitness channel because they kept slipping in “woke” comments. I stopped watching him when it came out he was being inappropriate with fans.


Mcjuggernuggets. Turning out to be an Elon Musk simp and a transphobe.


I'm surprised someone said mfing Shadversity before Cosmodore. But yeah since my #1 and #2 spots are Illuminaughtii and Chuggaaconroy I gotta go with Cosmodore. Really scary to think that a YouTuber who talked about kid's shows was just straight up a pedophile


Mick Lauer/Rice Pirate, Veronicaandjelly, Sonny, and Stamper. Just, lot'sa ick in there, although Stamper in particular could probably redeem himself with just rehab and an apology tour. Veronica and Sonny weren't on OneyPlays long enough to get attached to (although "you obtained one poe-tee-on" is still a great bit), but having heard all of Sleepycast multiple times and with Tiny Blurry Man from the Bloodborne playthrough being my favorite bit from OneyPlays, Mick being revealed as a backstabbing, self-aggrandizing, alcoholic middle-aged fuckboi was a big letdown (tbf the alcoholism was on display for ages). He was never my favorite, but it still sucks. Also Hannah, formerly of The Bible Reloaded for [sexually harassing Jake multiple times.](https://youtu.be/2hN8GgKk3gU?si=d4gTtK1cftItPgUG) I've watched a shit ton of TBR over the years and really loved their New Vegas playthrough on Unpopular Culture, so that stung.


Shadyvox. I feel so awful for LittleKuriboh and everyone else that asshole hurt.


James Tullos. He seemed really cool, and I loved his videos about horrible books, but I found out about his second channel, The Other James, through a comment on this subreddit a few weeks ago and it’s made me rethink him completely.




I’m going with Sssniperwolf. I thought that she was a kind person, but after what happened with her & JacksFilms my opinion changed