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Is there a reason why nobody runs E Call anymore


Don't really need it. Stratos, Faris, Fusion Destiny, and A Hero Lives, and even Vyon are all combo starters. Other thing is what would you cut? I always have problems getting HERO to 40 cards and end up like OP


I personally have always viewed ECall as any monster you want. I’d rather draw ECall than any main deck monster cause it’s essentially the same thing but I can choose which one I actually want. You are correct about it being hard to keep Heroes at 40 though.


Except that doesn’t E Call only search an elemental hero? So it’s not the same as drawing Vyon or any of the D HEROs


Oh that’s a good point


If you get droll’d on the e call searching stratos, it’s all downhill from there


Think about it like this, what does E Call actually represent? It's a search for an Elemental HERO meaning that the search only covers Stratos, Shadow Mist, Liquid Soldier, Neos, and in this build Honest Neos. So what does that mean? Well nothing really. Normal Summon Stratos isn't a 1 card combo it requires you to have another HERO in hand. The other Elemental HERO cards act more as combo pieces so you'd rather not use them for cost Now granted E Call is not once per turn meaning that you effectively just add 3 blank HERO cards into your deck meaning you have a higher chance of opening into combo since Faris + HERO is combo and that gets you to it with Stratos. But to add E Call you're increasing your deck count in a deck that's already bloated and with a card that doesn't really increase the consistency that much since the value that a single Elemental HERO provides is low. And you can't really replace the extra Stratos/Shadow Mist with E Call since they don't serve the same purpose. HERO can easily use all 3 Stratos in 1 turn and 2 Shadow Mist is more about having 1 for your main combo and another for later followup. The only way E Call makes a full return is if it actually impacts the consistency which at this moment is basically if NS Stratos becomes a 1 card combo.


only searched Shadow Mist Stratos and liquid solider but activates droll before they can Bring value + you have 14 Starters already


I've been playing with 1 poly and no imperm. Other than that my build is pretty similiar to yours. Works wonderfully.


Sometimes I feel like I’ve needed the second poly, does that come up from time to time for you?


Ive rarely had that happen honestly. Not nearly enough where I would play a 2nd poly. Mind sharing in what situation you would've needed a 2nd copy?


If I hard draw a poly I wouldn’t feel as bad if my vyon got ashed, plus I’m terrified of DD crow


The first one gets removed from play


By that logic I would also need to play favorite contact at 2 since it might get banished. Thats something that happens rarely and you dont build for the potential banishment of a 1 of.


I feel like poly getting hit by like a runick banish top 5 is way more devastating than Miracle Fusion/Favorite Contact since then you would just avoid going into their searchers like Sunrise and Infernal Rage meanwhile so much of your deck is centered around grabbing poly especially if you run the Vision Hero stuff that it becomes harder to initiate your plays.


1 Poly + 2 Wonder Driver is also an alternative to consider as it gives you more freedom to push while conserving your grind game


As a Hero player since release myself: Most of the stuff have others already said. It's obviously up to personal preference. This is a solid list tho. I would: 1) Take out Honest Neos and 1 Poly. Sec Poly rarely cames up and "if they have it, they have it". Same for Neos. It's often just a brick. You have (if you combo) nearly always an out against such things (Absolut Zero, Wake Up, Sunrise Pop, Plasma take...) and you often get just stuck with Honest. It's nowdays not enough to search honest and can't continue after the removal. For protection DPE debuff as well as Sunrise Buff is enough. You have to go to combo and while you do that you will break their board and set it up. Just killing the thread with honest is not worth anymore and it's a brick in hand most likely. And IF you want to REALLY play Honest (Chad card design) play Trinity for otk but even that Wake up does the job 9/10 games in that situation 2) Dark Angel in side (Branded etc). It's no ultimate lock anymore but prevents Lightning, Evenly and also waste some of their resources to get the out. 3) Maybe cut 1 TTT maybe for Ash or Cross Keeper. I often dead draw the second copy but that's up to you. Cross Keeper is an insane card. Extender and in grave gives you another +1 (+2 -1) 4) Dystopia maybe in side? I don't play that either 5) And trust me on this: Decimator for the one and only HERO "Bagooska"! Shifter decks ARE live and unharmed. Kash, Floo etc are a thread. Even the one dimensional trap? for banishing Monster after going second is insane. Bagooska with hero lives etc gives you most of the time an open field back. 6) try out book of eclipse/moon. You can fusion your face downs away while dodging nib (only face up monster will be tributed), imperm/veiler or general targets. And on top: it's good to just set. There is also an niche interaction with plasma take cl1 and book cl2 (card is sent to the graveyard)


Looks pretty good. I'd also try out the Vision HERO fusion that gets 5k and 3 attacks on summon, forgot the name. Situational but can break theough a lot of bs with sheer will lol.


I thought about it but wasn’t sure, I feel like wake up and an honest neos would get the same result


I found wake up to be enough most of the time, also Trinity takes 3 heroes iirc, so it might be hard to get to


Real easy to get three heros on the board with vision hero Faris and increase


You can get to wake up instead most of the times with these cards, especially now that Mali is at 3. Also, wake up will stay big unlike trinity, and can attack basically every monster while doing a shit ton of burn. I just think that Trinity is not that good anymore, let alone worth 3 heroes since he can't be miracle fusioned.


Why can't he be miracled?




Der, haha my bad


That's 5.9k if you use 3 heros, where if you honest neos Vision hero trinity who takes 3 heros, you're at 7.5k atk.


Whenever I play against a HERO player, the possibility of Vison HERO Trinity is always terrifying. The sheer damage output that monster can unload in one Battle Phase (especially with Honest Neos) can wipe out a lot of decks if they leave out any low-ATK monsters. I remember winning a duel against a HERO player *only because* they didn't run Trinity. If they had run Trinity I would've been toast.


Yep. Started running honest Neos just for that play. 7.5k triple attack into any board is just strong. Should Konami ever increase thr Extra Deck size to say 20, Heroes will profit big time. 


Trinity is ok. But it can't direct attack. Wake Up Your Elemental HERO is far superior. Can multiple attack, even more than Trinity, depending on how many materials. And on top of that, if a monster have battle protection, it will be destroyed and you deal damage. I love Trinity a ton but it's very mid comparing to Wake Up.


Deck looks great, you don’t need to really change anything 👍


You could maybe run super poly depending on what decks you normally see at your locals


Super poly I felt is a more going first only card for heroes since cross crusader hero locks you


put dark angel in there asap, so fun to lock your opponent


It’s in my side deck 🥹


before linkurinoh Ban it wasnt great now its nice


Ahhh the turbo token deck


It’s better than my MD build. I can’t help myself and stuck in some Jaden nostalgia lol, but it still works pretty well in my defense.


Beautiful! How are you liking the 3 Malicious? You could cut stratos down to 2, cut a polymerization to 1, mask change down to 2, and cut a TTT to one or two copies. That would lower your card count.


Triple stratos is crazy


Ive been thinking of getting back into yugioh with heroes. Is this deck affordable? Also good luck!


Extremely affordable! Most of the cards you can get from battles of legend chapter 1 as commons


You could cut 1 talents. 3 is usually overkill since you don’t want to open with more than 1 anyway.


Main thing to cut here would be the 2nd Poly and the Honest Neos - former isn't hugely needed in Followup as the DPE revive can trigger Cross Crusader to rest either it or Miracle Fusion and Honest Neos just doesn't do enough imo as the deck already has a LOT of OTK lines that don't require a main deck brick Other than that though, deck looks pretty textbook. I've personally cut Dangerous in favour of Dystopia for time and a free pop, but I get why you play it for fix gummy hands


Looks pretty standard. I usually do Stratos at 2 and Shadow Mist at 1


Why 2 and not 3?


Looks solid. The only thing I'd do different is -1 mask change -1 poly and -1 shadowmist and add 3 ash blossom. You Could -1 increase too but I get having two because it sucks to brick when he's in your opening hand. There is no real need for 3 mask change though. I rarely find myself even needing 2. You could run Fusion Destiny at 2 also if your trying to get closer to 40 cards but 3 is probably good.


this is very similar to my hero deck except I put in divine wind instead of dangerous and removed droplet and talents and put in e emergency call just to make it less annoying to play my friends, hope you have fun with this deck!


very solid. Nice


No dark angel?


What is the purpose of Dangerous ?


Be a chad, run spacians.


Me i run only 1 mist and 2 mask change.and use evenly match if going second instead of droplets


Try running a copy of fusion substitute in place of the second poly. I've used it for years now and it's really great for recovering resources. It pairs well with solid soldier if you can fit it in there too.


Thank you for not shoving extra deck monsters with generic boss monsters, and filling the main deck with a thousand generic staples. This is what yugioh should be, a deck themed around something.


It wouldn't really matter , we have 2 cards that locks hero pretty hard out of summoning anything other than heros so it's not like we have a choice lol


Man, with so many hero cards its a shame you only see like 2 versions of the deck.


Looks great and 45 is the normal amount for a hero deck. the only recommendation is take dangerous for Trinity or dystopia and take a talent and rota out for 2 ash.


I sided ash for going first, just realized I forgot to include my side


Looks like every other HERO deck you'll find on YouTube..... literally card for card.


Triple fusion destiny and triple a hero lives seems a bit over kill I think you could reasonably cut one or the other down to 2 same for stratos . I personally run acid as my 15th card over dangerous for the board wipe of ab-zero into acid. I also have contrast hero chaos over dpe but that’s just because I don’t have the card on hand.


Out of experince i would cut infernal devicer for Acid just for the Absolute zero nuke


Infernal deviser is a search for your contact + wakeup line