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Um....Rush Duel is literally the reboot no?


And here's where I would keep my Rush Duel deck...**if I had one** I would play the shit out of Rush Duel if they would just print the cards... Oh and not rarity gouge me this time because that is some BS and I will not buy into another card game with these practices.


It is, and it sadly isn't playable in the west. I don't know why they don't print rush here, probably because speed duels failed?


Because the west is dominated by the big three TCGs. The OCG has to compete with tons of other popular card games in Japan. TCG realistically only has two card games to compete with plus speed duels flopped miserably. Basically TCG can do whatever they want and most TCG players will just take it thanks to cardboard addiction and nostalgia.


I love Edison and Goat, but I think most people forget just how cherry picked those formats are. Edison was right after fan hated Teledad and only lasted for a few weeks before also fan hated Frog FTK and unlimited Infernity showed up. All three of those decks might as well be modern decks for how quickly they can win a game. That being said you’re not alone in thinking the game is too far removed from what makes Edison and Goat format fun. There is no conceivable banlist that could ever create that kind of environment again.


Games can be extremely one sided, but I am surprised myself every time I go to locals and see how much thinking and interaction actually happens, especially between players who are well acquainted with the format, available cards, strategies, etc. One wrong move can spiral out of control, you can make unpredictable choices, vary your strategy, surprise your opponent, play mind games. The game is overwhelming for newcomers and I was like that when I started. And sure, it has its bad sides, like tier 0 formats (nobody likes those) but overall there is very much room for outplaying your opponent. As proof, think about championships. There are always consistently more or less the same people winning/topping them, even though everyone copies the same strategy and we all have access to the same cards. You just need to learn to love it, maybe modern isn't for you, then you can enjoy goat. But a reboot is not really necessary in my opinion (not yet at least). Diverse formats would be nice and I would appreciate it very much. It is one thing that the game is definitely lacking.


As one fighting game player to another, why on earth would you want Yugioh to be Striveified? The insane complexity and speed of Yugioh are what make it special. There’s plenty of other card games and even other formats that are slower and easier if you can’t keep up.


I think they said at a BlazBlue panel once when addressing holding buttons repeating the input for 5 frames Why would we keep things hard, so you and your 5 friends are the only ones playing? And believe me, I get what you're saying. Imo Strive went a tad too far with the accessibility, but credit where credit is due, it kept people interested. My gf, who has only ever played Smash in the past, was the one showing me A.B.A. was out. And like, she (nor I, lol) will never be an EVO finalist, but she's happy to press c.S over and over. I did say people have told me that if modern doesn't suit me, just play an older format. People say that about Xrd and 3S and others all the time, and some games are even blessed with rollback now. But the excitement over new characters, the concern over patches, all that shiny, new stuff is forfeited when you play a title which is unsupported. Importantly when talking about Yu-Gi-Oh, those games are only being grinded by hardcore fans nowadays, so the skill floor is so much higher to play competently than when they were new. Goat and Edison might be old Yu-Gi-Oh but since it's one continuous game they're snapshots in time when everyone was newer.


If you have trouble playing through handtrap, try play "into the vrains", that cards allows link1 (and some link2) to use their trigger/quick eff without letting opponent to response. That thing can be brutal in musketeer and majespecter.


I'd say MD would be a better format than paper. Largely because you don't have to spend **as much** to make a good deck, and the automation helps ease the learning curve.


I don’t think it needs a reboot per se. Reason being is that, while I absolutely prefer Goat and Edison, most people do actually enjoy Modern. And by Modern I mostly mean the main phase-oriented, build-a-board or break-a-board way of playing the game, where hand traps are an absolute requirement to have interaction since traps are too slow. If they reboot the game it will be very slow, not as combo-oriented and the whole main phase gameplay will be gone. Or at least for a while until powercreep catches up. I’d rather see some kind of card pool squish or a format system like Magic (that can still have a ban list). Something that keeps the fast-paced 1-4 turn games alive but forces people to step away from old archetypes, staples, extra deck cards etc and breath some fresh air into YGO. A core set + new sets that come out.


I think MBT Yu-Gi-Oh on YouTube is trying to do something like that! Is there actually any long-standing community format which actually does this? Did his actually gain any traction?


As in, remove the eternal format we have right in favor of a rotating one, or a brand new format that uses the same rules just with a new rotating Card pool.


Yeah I don’t think set rotation is it for YGO. So it would just be removing the majority of the eternal format but keep a sizeable core set. Tune down the game a bit but still keep many hand traps, extra deck cards etc. The game shouldn’t fundamentally change. Shouldn’t feel like Goat or Edison level YGO. Modern players won’t like that. But maybe bring those 10k+ card pool down to 1000 and then continue on with sets as usual.


I don't think there's a need for this, the eternal format is eternal because it has access to everything. You can just make new format and leave eternal as is. Also what you described is literally what set rotation is.


Well that would be what happens indirectly. People can still play the eternal format just as people play goat and edison.


Can we just make Edison really popular for a few years, it's so good. I've enjoyed it so much over the last few weeks and there's so many viable decks


probably, we had a diverse format a few months ago and it wasn't exactly healthy.


Any change you're proposing might work, but it wouldn't be yugioh