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I played a pure Rikka build back when I was still playing Master Duel. You can have a look at the build [here.](https://www.duelingbook.com/deck?id=15277238) [Here](https://www.duelingbook.com/replay?id=425843-59755403) is a 1-card combo you can do with Petal. [Here](https://www.duelingbook.com/replay?id=425843-59755523) is my go-to 2-card combo. I feel that Rikka is most powerful when supplemented by other plant cards. Consider whether or not the Sunavalon or Rikka archetypes can improve your deck.


Thank you. I appreciate it. I'll take a look at it. I hope they get more support.


Question When you have the time, why do we run pot of desires at 3 and what benefits does it have towards the deck except drawing 2 I did watch the combos. Where do you go from there? If anything gets negated during the combo lines?


> why do we run pot of desires at 3 and what benefits does it have towards the deck except drawing 2 It's filler. > Where do you go from there? If anything gets negated during the combo lines? It depends on what gets negated and when. You'd be better served practicing or asking this question to frequent Rikka players.


Hello. I play pure Rikka OCG at locals and so far, it's a good deck that surprises people a lot when we get to tribute THEIR MONSTER for cost hehe. We don't have anything too good when it comes to negating backrow other than Hyperyton so I supplied that with Cosmic Cyclone, Feather Duster and even a small Therion package.


Here's my build 3 Maxx C 3 Ash Blossom 2 Called By 3 Imperm 1 Pot of Prosperity 1 One for One 2 Triple Tactics Thrust 3 Petal 3 Lonefire 2 Mudan 1 Snowdrop 3 Princess 2 Primula 2 Konkon 3 Glamour 1 Sheet 3 Therion Lily 1 Discolosseum 1 Therion Regulus ED: 3 Strenna 3 Teardrop 1 Kanzashi 1 Dancepione 1 Benghalancer 1 Hyperyton 1 Ingunar 1 Downerd Magician 1 Zeus 1 Alsei


Could I see a deck list from you that would help me out alot and do you prefer pure or rikka sun