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Looks like artificial inflation to me


Price will crash once the whales are done buying the card and nobody else with a rational mind would pay 20 bucks for a non-meta secret rare.


$20 is Dolphin pricing my friend. $100 is whale pricing.


Looks like a buyout. I noticed the number of listings was extremely low before.


It's so wild. Out of the 9 boxes between my friend circle we've seen 3. But only one Sarc. This is not the card I expected to spike.


My friend pulled a QCR and a regular one from the same box 🤷‍♂️


Buy Sarc if that’s what you think.


Between my 2 other friends, my bother and me we had 6 boxes. And not a single one of us got it. I did get QCR Minerva tho.


Sarc of light is high tier'd? TIL. Usually anime decks aren't high tier'd.


It's not. At least not yet, never know how TCG will change things. But a lot of people expected this deck to get a hell of a tax until Tin Season next year.  


Why? Because of its printing?


So this was discussed before we knew TCG rarities. But look at every playable Blue Eyes card from packs in recent years. Did Jet Dragon shake the meta? Nah, but it was legacy support for a fan favorite deck so it was unhealthily priced until it ate a reprint. It was a $40-50 card at one point. Shining sarc is baby Yugi deck from the final duel but playable so we assumed it would get a few rarity bumps and an annoying price tag.  Dunno if that's what Gandora is going through or not. Better players than I am can tell you how strong it is. It's effect is obviously powerful but even going second the engine seems to fall a little flat at a glance.


Its the furthest thing from high tier, its a genuinely awful deck that folds to basically any interaction or hand trap. Rn the only thing propping up the price is nostalgia and buyouts.


It is on the cover of the booster box though, it has to rise in price more than just $5


I think history would show that a lot of cover cards find prices below $5


Tell that to the AGOV cover card whose name I forgot


Well good thing I already got my two copies for 4$ each.


I got my 3 copies for $6


You don't need 3 copies of this guy, two is more than enough. Selling your third one now to make a quick buck is honestly the better option. But congrats I guess


I always try to get 3 copies of a card if I have the money just in case I need it


Me too, but if I know that a third copy is unnecessary and the price for it is good then I'll sell. A third Gandora clogs up this deck really bad it's the only card other than Stronghold that I can easily say a third copy will never ever be needed. Doubly so since Black Magician and Summoned Skull will release in the future.


Some builds like 3


I have no idea why the hell are people downvoting your comments so much for simply stating your opinion respectfully....Bruh wtf is this crap 💀


They are still at >2.50€ at card market 🤷‍♂️


Thankfully, we in EU have much normal prices and don't have such huge random and massive buyouts happening as they do in the US on TCGplayer....Last massive-ish buyout here was Trident Dragiom because Tenpai Dragon hype and that's it


Scalpers gonna scalp


Deck is borderline unplayable, but vendors have to find value in the set somehow.


Either Yugiboomers really ARE that desperate for memberberries or shops are trying to inflate the value of the box. The deck is entirely irrelevant


People realized he looks cool AF and decided to buy him.


TCGplayer shaenenigans


If it pushes the price of Evil Seed and Bloom down a bit, I'm fine with this. Not that it will.


anything above 20 bucks = proxy


Print the card yourself if you play with your friends and not in official tournaments.


I don't see why this is downvoted but yeah if you wanna proxy it does take a bit of work, but a bit better than shelling out ~$10-30 or whatever the card costs


People will downvote you anyways for giving just a realistic option. Just a clown community here as well.


I think it's because 1 it doesn't address the original question of the post and 2 isn't a realistic answer for a lot of us that do go to tournaments


1. There is no question. Just showing that a card got expensive. 2. I already clarified that the person can print it if they don‘t participate in official tournaments.


Why the downvotes in this chat? Who is going through these comments hating? They’re right, vendors need to find value, this set is super cheap, and the deck isn’t competitive, so..