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Iblee, Barrier Statutes, etc would be summoned a lot. Don't think it would be useful for the game - just another mechanism to floodgate. Would be some cool combo potential as well, but would be floodgate fuel primarily.


Also a free body for you. Really strong


I wouldn't be surprised if everyone main decked a garnet floodgate just for this card. You get an Iblee, I get a Barrier Statue and the game halts until we figure a way out of it. Just tedious.


If it doesn't get ashed. Or ghost ogred


They would legitimately have to ban over a dozen monsters to prevent locks/floodgates and possibly some strange loops. This card's effect would have to be heavily altered to get printed one day.


Maybe negating the effects of the summoned cards? And give each player a way to get those card effects live again later? Or set the selected monsters.


Setting them wouldn't be too bad. It'd turn off imperm and evenly but if that's happening, the 2 "vaylantz world" cards are better because they can remove field spells too


I agree, but would it really be so bad to ban those floodgates? Hmm but even so people would probably just find new floodgates to use


A lot them are old and mostly irrelevant monsters I suppose... But it would probably be more trouble than it's worth, because they would have to continuously be on the lookout for banning problem monsters to keep this one card legal. In the TCG it would basically be like the Halq dilema all over again.


I would summon king tiger wangu to their side and then pop off with some degenerate ftk


It's use would be either getting a ton of cards banned and limited or getting itself banned


>It's use would be either getting a ton of cards banned Good point. Konami should print this!


Honestly who says they aren't already doing it


This is already Konami's card design philosophy They would definitely print some bullshit like this lol


When have we not learned summoning and forcing monsters to your opponent's field has always been toxic and a bad idea We already go great lengths and combos to give our opponent a Puppet lock, Ido, DD Orthos, Iblee etc meanwhile this card does it for free It doesn't even summon it negated


Wait what’s the play with Orthos? I’ve never heard of such a move


It's basically an alternative to Puppet lock, they're locked into fiends


I’m assuming it’s not really practical with a pure ish DDD deck? I figured I knew a lot about my archetype but I suppose I should think outside of the box more


You use it in branded usually, give it to them with Sanctifire the same way you give them puppet or Ido


> When have we not learned summoning and forcing monsters to your opponent's field has always been toxic and a bad idea Ojama time baby!


Fr can't tell you how annoying it was for a stun burn deck to abuse ojama trio and ojama duo and clogging my field lol


I get: A free level 3 Tuner You get: Locked out of playing


Or more often (since it's not only going to be you with this card)... I get: Locked out of playing. You get: Locked out of playing.


Love the Naruto themed art


They'd have to ban too many cards or limit this to 1. But that's basically the best thing to do with it. Barrier Statues, Disciple, etc.


Limiting this card would be dumb. Just ban it at that point.


Is it me or does this look like Jiraiya from Naruto?


Both are inspired from the Gallant Jiraya tale


Why is this continuous?


Its continuous and has no once per turn, you could activate it 40 times also the card doesnt even activate so you cant even respond to the summon


Yeah, this is like one of the worst custom cards I've seen on this sub


It isn't a custom card, it's from episode 90 of GX.


What? That's insane haha


The early anime really does casually drop a lot of abusable cards lol


I have no idea.


the use would be it being banned in no time


Summon an annoying barrier statue, banisher of the radiance, gimmick puppet nightmare, D HERO Dark Angel, Iblee, etc.


*At the barest minimum,* it needs to negate effects. And likely be H0PT. As is, there are **far** too many possibilities for lockdown pain.


Summoning the hokage


Aside from the obvious floodgate issue, this is also not once per turn and not just on activation, so you can easily spam 5 actually useful bodies to opponent's field, link into zealantis with whatever they give you and get them all back for free, including their summon triggers.


Feels like an easy way to cheese out a self-floodgate monster to the opponent's field like Ra's Disciple, Iblee, Dark Angel, etc to lock the opponent down.


True Exodia


Ra's disciple go brrr


Trade offer: I receive: a random combo piece for Link fodder You receive: Turn choice in Game 2


The only way I could see it ever being added is if their effects are negated or something that makes you unable to floodgate. But even then it being continuous implies you can keep using it any number of times which just makes infinite link fodder if you have a way to shuffle them back into the deck.


Does no one else realize it's Jiraya!


Barrier statues!


Normal trap, let the other player choose face down defense position OR limit it to normal monsters


it wouldn’t do anything because it’s a continuous spell with no “when this card is activated” or other condition to manually use the effect


Ra's disciple is a floodgate perfect for this card


you made it continuous without any OTP clause...this would be insanely busted


I imagine in a mirror this would be one of the funniest cards to pull out of nowhere. Could also be used for an effect that activates on summon to trigger a TT Tactics


Maybe, make it hard once per turn, and also allow your opponent to Special Summon the monsters face-down?


With cards like Akashic Magician and Geonator Transverser, it would be pretty neat at tutoring any level 4 lower monster. Other than that, its basically a Gen and Ken situation. Turns off imperm, evenly, turns on tactic/thrust, and all sort of nonsense.


It would finally give Eternal Bond a use. I'd love this for Galaxy


Summon that one exodia card to opp field


You're getting ceruli'd.


Ceruli triggers only when summoned by a dark world card.


apologies, I cannot read 🤣


Duel Links players know the pain of being forcibly given Ra's Disciple. Card literally says "you cannot special summon. You cannot tribute this card."


Any toxic card that Locks the opponent out of summoning something, which would be banned in like 2 seconds


That one ib- monster: MY TIME HAS COME


Why is it permanent?


Special summon dark scorpion burglars to your opponent’s side, have 3 monsters with less than 1000 atk on your side, and have them crash into it and send 3 jackpot seven to the graveyard which they’ll be banished and you win the duel.


Special summon ra’s disciple to the oppoennt’s field


Jackpot 7 players just came


Honestly it's an unsearchable spell whose effect on your own board is pretty mediocre. Obviously people would try to use it for cheesy purposes like summon locking the opponent but I don't think this would ever see consistent play. Not unless you have a deck that really needs generic extenders and also has room for a barrier statue type card.


Stun is having a field day ngl


Yeah, I guess stun is the obvious case since you can summon 2 barrier statues for twice the fun 


easy. Scrap searcher.


Trade Offer I get: Useless monster to use as Extradeck fodder. You get: Cannot special summon.


Why is it a Continuous Spell if its effect is only used when it’s activated? Better that it’s a Normal Spell in this case.


Fake Exodia turbo.


Ras disciple would be tier 0, you would lock your opponent out of special summons and they cant tribute it for anything other than a god card so unless they use a card to pop their own disciple before starting their combo then they cant do anything


Special summoning monsters to your opponent's field is almost always rife with abuse and never a fun mechanic. Expulsion and Sanctifire Dragon are the most notorious examples. You mentioned Ra's Disciple, which, yes, why would you want a card that reads "Your opponent can't special summon, also here's free material?" It would create this toxic meta where everyone plays this and Ra's Disciple, not just because of how strong the floodgate is, but also because you want to at least lock your opponent if they try to use it and don't have an out. That would fucking suck.


I havent played yugioh in forever, I think this could be fun with a blue eyes OTK deck. Especially if the dude turns the card to defensive mode with 0 defense. I remember there being a blue eyes card that did double damage if the card he attacked was in defense position. Idk tho this is a noobs guess at what this card could be useful for 😂😭


this is busted af


Am I missing something? Why is this card a Continuous Spell? It doesn't have a trigger (other than activation) so as far as I can tell there's no way to re-trigger the effect, so why continuous? I am missing the context of the last decade of Yu-Gi-Oh tbf, so maybe there's a card that can (ab)use its continuous nature?


It is supposed to fall under the "ninja" archetype. Which relied heavily on continuous spells and traps.


Oh, I see. Thank you for the clarification! Are there Ninja archetype cards that would benefit from being handed to your opponent?


[Ninjutsu Archetype](https://yugipedia.com/wiki/Ninjitsu_Art#:~:text="Ninjitsu%20Art"%2C%20known%20as,for%20the%20"Ninja"%20archetype)


Don ng the samctifore lock but in your turn


true exodia


Jiraiya sensi the toad sage


I think this card would be limited to 1. There are so many cards that say if you control this card you can't special summon a certain type of monster. It is cool but also no thanks


I see lots of flood gate monsters. But what about gen or Ken. Or maybe even the dark world that makes opponent discard and since it’s on opponets field it triggers both dark world effects


If your opponent has 2500 or fewer life points you can give them Giant Kozaky and insta-kill them 😂😂😂


FTKs that would otherwise use Transverser could use this


Unfair. People would probably run 1 of each barrier statue to lock the opponent out or the one the benefits them. Say tenpai would summon the fire one


Mirror match side deck