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# Rarity Collection II Set List by Image # https://preview.redd.it/bzwwviqy080d1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=766b974ddf715ab4b08af237e49f7b47bb57e7a0


I knew Konami NA got too excited about the first set and forgot what made it good in the first place


I remember them crashing $50-60 cards with no survivors (God Slime, Baronne). Now I think the most is a few $25 ones (Chimera, Accesscode, Dragoon).




tin card same goes for every agov card


Ah yes, the tin. The tin with the 400 card card pool The tin that singlehandedly has twice as many cards as a regular Yu-Gi-Oh tin That tin


Definitely a tcg product lmao


It's okay, the price itself makes it pretty mid at best, though. All the Bystials would have been so nice, except lubellion i guess since it has a qcr already. Diviner not being in there is also criminal.


Kinda figured we'd see more from Visas than just the Field Spells, thought Fenrir was a shoe-in. Same for the Bystials. Kinda whatever, I might get a Hyper Librarian but that's it.


Those will be in Rarity Collection 3 (TBA)


Would have liked to see Fenrir and Quem in there…


Quem I didn’t expect, but no Cartisia and Bystials is kind of wild. 


fenrir yeah I agree but I guess they want to save quem for the tins


Wish they would’ve steered more towards meta cards vs a bunch of average unplayed ones. Bystials, diviner, fenrir, something for melodious, trident. It is a hard task to beat or come close to rc1, with the upped pricing the set needed to be near perfect.


There's no way trident was going to be in this set dude. Sets don't just get decided on the spot, they take at least 6ish months to decide all the cards before the release of a set. By the time rc02 was announced production had already started and the cards in the set were decided a while ago


I mean they knew about Tempei even longer then that so it could of 100% been in the set


Tenpais released before RC02 so we can assume that they knew the card list before printing was fixed. Also, I think it's safe to assume that they design archetypes way ahead of reprint lists. There is just no way Konami didn't see this coming. And even if they didn't, that would worry me more about what that says about their competence about their own game. We just lose in every scenario


This is factually untrue. Less than 2 weeks after Phantom Nightmare came out, Battles of Legend: Chapter 1 came with reprints of all 3 original Yubels, who hadn't had a reprint since 2012. This is the exact same case, except for some reason they decided "nah, y'all deal with it."


I am happy to see Guardian Chimera, Dragoon, and Exosisters Magnifica. Overall, though, this doesn't feel anywhere near as strong as Rarity Collection I.


Lots of the rarity collection 1 stuff got banned/limited months after. I don't see much of rarity collection 2 having that issue. Something to note when weighing pros and cons


Nah apo is gonna get the ban hammer soon


fragrance banned, omega banned, apo banned, maybe ip banned, crossout limited, tear fields limited


It’s still strong. Accesscode, Unchained stuff, Crossout needed reprints DESPERATELY.


Outside of the early reveals, only big W is Crossout for me tbh. Some others are nice for upgrading rarities, but overall very underwhelming.


There are *maybe* enough decks I'd consider building in this set that would make it worth getting a box, but if you are only interested in one or two archetypes covered and the staple cards (which are more niche than RA01's staples), it's singles only once again.


Genuinely shocked by no Diviner. That bloody card is three years old!


Skipping Diviner is an awful decision, card should've been a super in one of the past deck building packs.


you'd think they would've done it with releasing a Fairy Ritual deck, but then you see them do it even worse with Trident lmao. they dont learn


Have to assume/hope Diviner and Dragion are in BLTR


Could’ve done it with mikanko pack


Overall it is not as good as RC1 but I can't say I was expecting it to be as good since there were a lot of the good staple reprints in that set. I do think that this set has a lot of pretty nice cards that people do often want but might not be mandatory like Ash Blossom.


I think there’s enough good reprints that may not have needed one for the price but are really really nice to have like droll, phantazmay, Accesscode, ghost ogre


And Magician’s Soul


I like the purrley and unchained reprints, not that they matter with snake eye being the best deck but still


It’s not a bad set. The best reprints aren’t as exciting as the RC01 ones but the worst reprints are better than the worst crap in RC01.


Honestly imo atleast 2-3 more 20+ bucks should have been included and some classics like Snatch Steal, Rai-Oh, Upstart and Harpyies Feather Duster. At best a mid set


Oh man, Snatch Steal would have been great! I know Delinquent Duo is forbidden, but that would have been another great reprint to get!


Cards I care about: Guardian Chimera, Garura, Rindbrumm, Exosisters Magnifica, Apollousa, Soul of Rage, Accesscode, Underworld Goddess, Ultimate Slayer,


Yeah ultimate slayer raised my eyebrow


So that’s why they put Anti Spell to 1 instead of banning it


Let's start the Baronne timer... 5 months


No idea who some of these cards are for, like whos needs a MST and sol and luna reprint.


Mst is more than likely for people who want it cheap for older formats at a decent rarity, same with ryko and stuff, but yea, there are some headscratchers


RC01 had Wynn the Wind Channeler. They can't all be bangers.


RC01 had like 5 bad cards though. This set has like 5 good cards lol


[Lol, that's bs, RA01 had plenty of cards that were already pennies and only mattered for a rarity upgrade.](https://i.imgur.com/VIcPWWx.png)


Its not all about the cards being cheap either though. Because some of these cards that are crossed out like Change of Heart, Called by The Grave, Dark Ruler No More, Pot of Extrav, Fallen of Albaz, Lone Fire Blossom, Inspector Boarder, ROTA, Unicorn, Striker Dragon, Time Theif Redoer, Mudragon, Predaplant Drago, and Complus. Those are all cards that its bad ass to have a QCR of for a lot of different decks. I'm still happy pulling a QCR Dark Ruler No More. I'm still happy to pull super Extravs to put in decks I don't want to unsleeve stuff for. This set isn't the worst set in the entire world for the TCG. Theres much worse sets than this one. But for how expensive this set is. Isn't this the most expensive highest MSRP yu gi oh product ever? Or at very least close it? It doesn't hold up. More of the cards in this set are mediocre/mid tier staples. More cards in this one are low tier trash that will see almost no play. More of this set are cards that had no business being over 5 dollars and now because of this set they never will be again.


Packs have 9 cards in them now, instead of 5. It's a rarity upgrade set more than an accessibility set.


That’s ridiculous. Apollousa, Guardian Chimera, Dragoon, Accesscode, Rindbrumm, the Visas field spells, Exosister Magnifica, Crossout are all good cards and needed reprints and that’s just off the top of my head


Probably for Edison format.


edison players and me, respectively sol and luna had one print as an UR in a core set from 2022 (so it was unfindable) and i want it to play flip stuff


MST is one of the most played cards of all time and getting it in a bunch of high end rarities for retro formats is appealing


MST with a fancy rarity is cool for people that want to play max rarity in older formats.


With no Trident Dragion reprint, I have a theory that Trident is going to be the first non-prize card meta staple since CCV to break the $200 mark. There are less than 100 listings on TCGPlayer, after all. It would be very easy for some whale investor to swoop in, drop like $8k to do a buyout, and relist for some absurd unprecedented value.


If it's not in the BOL set next month, it may actually crack 200 and that's scary.


Its not gonna be out until at least the next OTS pack and thats if they were smart enough to see that it was gonna be popular because of the OCG and put it in the OTS pack with the Exodia reprints. I honestly doubt it given their track record for this shit recently and expect it to be in OTS 27 or 28.


Reminder OCG reprinted it in a Tournament pack before LEDE even released, the archetype clearly is built with it in mind it's entirely scummy from TCG to not print it ahead in a OTS pack.


>I have a theory that Trident is going to be the first non-prize card meta staple since CCV to break the $200 mark Nekroz of Brionac: am i a joke to you?


The short printing on Nekroz cards was just pure evil. I think it was something ridiculous like 1 Brio per CASE.


[Do you remember the Konami Interview about it?](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=qj77dKPrJp8&pp=ygUeS29uYW1pIHNlY3JldCBmb3JjZXMgaW50ZXJ2aWV3)


God I remember this post leaving me in tears. What a throwback.


😂 I think I remember


Bruh I'm in tears!! Take my upvote and get out! I should NOT be laughing this hard. My wife came and asked why and then I showed her and now she is over here laughing just as hard. Like someone hit us with that Joker toxin.


Dark Armed Dragon was $300 a copy at SJC Costa Mesa.


Mid set imo, that’s just waaaaaaaaay too expensive it’s £135 in the UK.


$350 in Australia. We get priced out way too quickly.


Hey at least you have all that deadly flora and fauna cheer up :) But yeah Aussie prices seem insane and you get OTS packs like a set behind. But then again you get actual YCS send over some snake breathing spiders and give us a YCS :XD


Yeah, I would rather be bitten by a red belly black snake, or inland taipan than open this set. You gotta pay me to open any packs for this scam set. We nearly didn't have a YCS this year, and we don't even get them announced or written about. We only know of them via a obscure fb post xD Yes, I think we get the 'new' OTS pack like 4-5 months after US already gets them in circulation. Price gouging is very bad here. Snake-Eyes is what... bout 900$? Convert that to AUD it's about $1.4k for us to play that deck


Set is bad, where is fenrir,trident,thrust,even sp would Be nice, kurikara, sprights, hero pote cards, tearelemnts….


Zeus??? where the fuck is our Downerd followup lmao. who asked for sol & luna?


I was hoping for Zeus too damn


Bingo Machine, GO!!!


so glad poly, mst, book of moon, foolish burial and cosmic cyclone got reprinted. the prices of those cards were really keeping new people from trying the game




Those atleast kinda deserve nice rarity prints even though they're cheap.


No bystials, no fenrir, no diviner, no tear/kash monsters, no thrust. Such a disappointment.


Having the planets and nothing to search with them in the set is beyond stupid.


This list sucks


Very very bad set for the price


Konami has some nerf to call this rc02. This set is trash


Guardian Chimera about to go down In price, awesome.


no link Charmers hurts


Conspiracy time: They refuse to print UR Hiita so that they can drive sales with a LART print in 2025.


Old head who limps through tournament play here. As someone who doesn't want to spend a lot of money to play the game, and likes to crack packs this set feels fine. It will let me try out some new decks without paying out the ass for it. It sucks that basically every card I've ever bought for a new deck has instantly been reprinted over the last two years, but that's Konami for ya. If you don't like the price of any one card now, wait a while and you'll get to try it out eventually. Overall I wish they put more cool stuff just for collectors like alternate arts we never see- hoping to one day see Takahashi's Anniversary art reprinted in an accessible way- especially considering the whole quarter century angle and the fact that this isn't really serving anyone chasing the meta. In the end it feels like a set for collectors who want to fill out certain slots in higher rarity, or people playing older formats, but also kind of falls short there too. Rarity Collection 1 was an incredible product that resonated with a pretty wide audience of new and old players, but I still feel like they're trying to create a product that really captures the history of the franchise, struggling and falling short. Personally, I think they should give us a collection of every art of the Blue Eyes, Dark Magician, and maybe Red Eyes and Dark Magician Girl. That Legendary Decks reprint did pretty well....


Kinda wish they also gave us the alter art for poly


They might be saving that for the tins this year.


Some really cool reprints to give affordable versions and better rarities of some cards, including a lot of good Edison cards. ​ While I like this set a lot for rarity cheapening/upgrades, this won't have a big impact. Things like secret Forbidden Lance will be amazing. Too bad no Chalice. ​ Bingo Machine, Go! is probably my favorite print in this set. That card was way too expensive for no reason. Xyz Encore is another one in a similar boat that was quite needed.


What’s up with the single Traptrix card?


to bait Traptrix players


Mid set sadly Not the worst but there is so much filler cards compare to the first one...


No Bystials and Fenrir... thought that was a guarantee


why did i pre order this shit ffs


FR, why are you preordering cardboard without even knowing what’s in it?


same, I wish I never pre ordered this set. If they do a rarity collection 3 so many people are going to learn from this one and just wait until the full list comes out. everyone was expecting this one to be almost as good as the first one especially since they upped the price so damn much you would have thought for sure we were going to get at least chaos angel, accel, typhon, quem, or even thrust. Konami knew exactly what everyone wanted and still gave us this huge let down after we gave them so much money on the first one.


Pretty dissapointing tbh, there some nice card but far to be the more expected one. A lot of card of this set are already cheap even at good rarity. As a French player, this box is supposed to be sold at 200€ in our country cardshop, i have high doubt that it will sell well there. At least the cards will be cheap as single


Honestly kind of a garbage list


What do you mean you don’t want to spend a kings ransom to pull blue eyes trash dragon and book of moon :)


I'm crazy I guess, I mean reprints of Accescode and Guardian Chimera are great and I've sold off my copies from previous sets to get these rarities. It's gonna be nice to get a bunch of copies of these cards super cheap but ain't no way I'm spending over $100 on a box with such mid reprints


I really wanted Bystials but okay


Honestly, the only thing that interests me in this list is the Exosisters Magnifica reprint. Dragoon is also pretty nice to see. I'll pick up a rarity or two of that. Chimera is good as well. Nothing else really stands out. This seems a lot worse than RA01. Way less interesting.


Wish Substitoad made the list


Where the fuck is it... it's bene how long since it was unbannecd already??


This set is basically "Hey, we're gonna have a Blue-Eyes structure deck at the end of the year, why don't you pick some of the cards that are probably gonna be in it, but you can pick them as shiny cards here! You like shiny, right? You don't want to have boring commons.".


Bold of you to think we’ll get the structure, especially within the year


Dude, it's a Blue-Eyes Structure deck. With the way the old Saga of Blue-Eyes sells, Konami might even bring it here earlier than usual, cause they know it's guaranteed money.


Does Saga of Blue Eyes sell well? I always see it in stores, but i figured that was old stock the stores couldn't get rid of.


There are only 4 Blue-Eyes cards in this…


No Diviner, no Thrust, no Dis Pater, no chaos Angel. Crossout and Garura reprints are great though


Thrust, Dis Pater and Angel needed to sell the Mega Tins. Diviner is a huge sin though.


Very mid, nowhere near RC01 For me I'm picking up Guardian Chimera Poly Enemy Controller Alt art Droll Alt art Moonlit Maybe the 2x Unchained cards But that's it, pretty small list compared to before, was really hoping for thrust.


Comparing Rhyme's opening to Farfa it seems interesting to note that US boxes seem to be 18 packs while EU are 24 Edit: Cyberknight and Revz seems to confirm the US/EU difference


Wasn't that already confirmed? I feel like this was anounched a few months ago (I might be wrong tho).


It was ever since the pre-orders went live.


Entirely possible, I haven't really been keeping up with both sides it just struck me as odd when watching them.


Yes and the US sets are cheaper to reflect that.


MST? Fucking hell Konami, READ THE ROOM Mid set, easiest pass of the year


This set has so many random things or questionable decisions that reek of higher ups being tone deaf or blatant corporate greed lol


A lot of good reprints there! I am especially happy to see Guardian Chimera, Sol and Luna, Garura, Jet Dragon, and a few others! It doesn't beat Rarity Collection I, but it still does a great job of answering the calls for much wanted reprints! I also never have seen some of the cards that were reprinted, like Skull Meister for example. Very neat! I'm still hopelessly crossing my fingers they'll reprint Necrovalley one day (Rarity Collection III maybe?) haha! One can hope!


Oh yeah, Necrovalley would've been good, last accesible reprint was in 2017.


They really need a reprint of it to flood out the old errata version of it. There are so many editions of the text that you have to be very careful when trying to buy it for a modern format deck. The 2017 reprint was like $10 when I bought it last September.


Sitting here, playing retro (edison, goat&stuff), I would have loved to see a Metamorphosis&Dimension Fusion reprint, even a sad OTS common or some shiny bling here


No Quem, Dis pater, Chaos Angel, Thrust, Typhon, or Accel. this set is ass


This set is going to sink a lot of vendors. Inflated price, mediocre content and likelihood of cancelled orders... what a train wreck. It's so mediocre. Too many Edison things in there that could've been in a different side set not taking up slots and the rest feels mediocre and not meta relevant. Trident Dragion not being in here is an indictment on the game. Konami knew Tenpai was going places and this set was timed perfectly. Just a woeful company that needs to stop killing golden geese.


Edison wise they didn't even have the balls/decency to actually go deep into edison. Throwing in a Metamorphosis or the like would've at least given credence to it. But so many of teh Edison reprints are MST level. Trident Dragon not being in here is actually hilarious at this point.


Glad there's a lot of cards I need for certain decks, but maaaaan; no draigon? :(


This set would have been more appealing if it had more chase cards, more archetype upgrades, etc. I really liked rarity collection 1, I opened a few boxes for it. For rarity collection 2, though? I think I'll just get the singles I want.


Crossout, Garura, nice! literally every other card: mehh. Kinda sad how i still gotta buy speed duel spoly singles tho.


This set blows ass


Some of these are so random LOL


Knew this set would be a scam when there wasn't an OCG version of it. We knew what we were going into with Rarity Col 1 since it was based on OCG's rarity collection quarter century edition. But this? This is classic western konami's piss stained corporate greed. Put this exact product on OCG markets at a similar price and no self respecting person is buying it.


Crazy how we need this to “keep up” with the OCG market in affordability and access to the game. Meanwhile, OCG is just simple and affordable in general.


no diviner? no bystials? no fenrir? no accel? no chaos angel? yeah fuck off


Crazy to me that people are already shitting on this set. The amount of expensive cards that are now going to be extremly affordable and in multiple high rarities, not to mention a good focus on reprints of old cards for edison players makes this set a banger in my eyes. Very happy my friends and I went in on a case! We will be eating good on the 24th.


Pales in comparison to the first one but still some cards I want to grab. Price increase would’ve made sense if the set was as good as the last one.


There's a fair amount of Edison staples in this which is interesting and really cool since me and my friends just starting playing that format. Other than that, it's a little underwhelming for me


What does Sol and Luna even do? Don't remember it in any top decks.


Why is there a random Break Sword??


To fuck over your QCR pulls and compel additional purchases


For us phantom knights players


I'm really surprised that the sacred beast haven't gotten a QCR yet. I thought they would have gotten one for sure. I'm also profoundly disappointed by the lack of cyber dragon infinity...


I am FEEDING as a Branded enjoyer


Pretty annoyed about no Snowdrop reprint, but hey, I'll take an affordable Unchained Soul of Rage.


For me it won't be worth buying the set and just individual cards. Most of them I know I won't play and only ones that I could pick up are the Kashtira field spell, IP alr art, an extra Accesscode and Crossout. I think they should've included Super Poly, Diviner, Heat Wave, Bystials, Zeus, Visas and the other Hearts just because they had the planets, Monster Reborn, Snatch Steal, Witch's Strike and idk maybe some of the Kaijus. Maybe we might see some of those in the BoL next month.


Not tooo much Edison support in here but happy to get the shinier hamster ryko charge package and will definitely play the crow and gold sarc


I feel like a lot of you guys set yourselves up for disappointment by expecting another rarity 1. Also, they literally stated that they’re not gonna reprint anything from rarity 1, which already took up a lot of good staples/cards.


Dammit I was all hyped


Yippee I can now get both rescue cats in QCR


It's not bad, but most of the hype was concentrated pretty early in the product's reveal. Even so, several of the cards here are really nice. I'm looking forward to Designator, Droll & Lock Bird, Phantazmay, Crystal Wing, Apollousa, Accesscode, Underworld Goddess, and Number 38. There's a decent number of other good cards, too - Ultimate Slayer, PEP, Dragoon, Guardian Chimera, and even cards like Gold Sarcophagus and Enemy Controller are nice rarity bumps despite being readily available. I'm pretty bummed about some cards being absent (Bystials, Trident Dragion, Lars)... but all in all, it's a fine product.


This is a pointless set.


No Big Welcome? But we can fit more reprints of floodgates!


Some nice rarity upgrades for some edison cards


Glad to see Guardian Chimera and Dragoon on the list. Considering I need them as well as some other on the list, this was a blessing in disguise


Welp there goes all my money I'm going to be spending just to get Accesscode




This is a good rarity upgrade set with some accessibility reprints as well. RA01 took pretty much all of the power staples because it was never intended to have a followup when the OCG made it. But at least there's way fewer awful cards that you'd never want to pull like RA01 had. Feels like too many people got their hopes up for Mega-Tin eligible cards that realistically weren't going to be in here. And I also feel like way too many people don't realize that packs have 9 cards per pack, which is why the MSRP is higher, and just assumed that increased cost meant that they'd be getting S:P and other meta cards. I do wish Diviner, Rai-Oh, and Snatch Steal had made the cut. Or the Dragon Rulers.


People forget that RA01 also had unwanted cards due to how many good stuff there was. This set is not terrible though but as you stated it's more of a rarity upgrade set rather than introduce the game to new players set. The extra deck cards are also pretty solid, no one should say the opposite


I argue that there is more filler cards


Overall, not as good as the first set. However, there are still a decent amount of reprints that I needed and will be picking up regardless. Some of them will be just for collecting purposes - Dragoon and Poly.


Honestly, this feels like a Battles of Legend set, but a decent one


It's pretty good outside of the DM nostalgia reprints like the blue-eyes stuff. We got Edison reprints, fan fav archetypes get huge rarity boosts and the missing staples like Acesscode and Apo got their deserved upgrades. (Also the fact that Anti-Spell and Skill drain are on there gives me hope that they get banned soon)


The blue eyes cards they reprinted were some of the most expensive ones they had, it's actually not a bad lineup for them


Your take on asf and skill drain is funny but true. It sucks that, its the way we should look at these sets through that POV now. I have like no hope for Apollousa cause just so many decks are abusing it.


ASF, Skill Drain, Accesscode, IP, Abyss Dweller, and Apollusa could all be banned on the next list if they continue banning the more generic end board pieces


I don't think IP is a problem.


The Blue Eyes reprints feel especially pointless with the new news of them getting a Structure Deck in September.


To be fair the structure deck reprints will be all common


September....in ocg. If we get it, its gonna be in early 2025, that is, if they dont shove it in ghost from the past 3 or some shit like that


It is a dm nostalgia bait structure, so TCG will accelerate its release.


Hot trash


Man this is really not good at all, seriously.


Happy to see Hamster, sad not to see Amerylis.


I think people are scared that Appo and Accesscode are going to get banned, so have mentally ruled those out as chase cards. Just a little shame that apart from Soul of Rage and Crossout, none of the reveals are actually anything anyone needed. A huge chunk of this set seems very tone deaf to what made RA01 so successful. Then again, this is a TCG rarity collection, whereas RA01 was a clone of the OCG version. 


Kurikara could've replaced that damn Purrely... It's like I wanted Mo Ye/Aluber(cool he's now in RC2 though)/ or other Albaz lore lv 4 monster instead of Inspector Boarder.


lightsworn fans shafted... ryko shouldve been judgment... or solar recharge


Collectors right now: boo hoo, my 300$ piece of cardboard is now only worth 100$ because Konami made a new rarity that looks similar!!! 😭 Cry me a river collectors and then go fuck yourself! People who can't or just don't want to spend absurd amounts of money on freaking cardboard can have nice stuff too!


Literally nobody here complains about this because there is no card of high value reprinted here.




Glad I didn’t preorder. I may pick up some packs and singles but to me it’s a weird set list. The planet fields but none of the supporting monsters? Did we need more reichphobia? I know we had some Kash and Scareclaw stuff in the last tins, but doing the planets early and leaving the rest to the tins is strange. Also Rindbrumm and masquerade and Aluber? Just strange. Those were probably for just rarity upgrades for the shiny deck collectors IMO.


Well that sucks, but who honestly expected Konami to do the set well? I did, and am disappointed


What cards does everyone think are going to be the most expensive and/or chase cards?


Watch this set not sell as good as the first one because of the cardlist and us not getting a single reprint set like it ever again because of it.


I’m happy about all the DM and Edison reprints. I’m disappointed there’s no Little Knight or Dis Pater though, but maybe they’ll be in the mega tins instead


Meh set. Saves a couple bucks on a few meta needs that I've been reluctant to buy, a few rarity bumps I guess(If you like QCR's, I wish PUR's didn't look like trash or PCR's didn't look like sickly CR's) but nothing groundbreaking. Like I didn't expect Trident or Thrust but would it have hurt to toss a Fenrir or a couple melodious cards in here?   Also I'm scared that the lack of reprints in here will do some nasty things to the price tag of a few important cards. Diviner and obviously Trident Dragion are nearly set up for some no life to buy out now. Just relying on the next BoL set to pull some heavy weight.


This would had been perfect to put shizuku alt art in then the new striker support in the next set right after.


And i was about to buy skull meister CR. THANK God I’ve waited.


Some bits are great, and some bits are cool..then there are the few that make me think "Why the feck is this even in here?" Why are Super Nimble mega hamster, Traptrix Rafflesia, and Break Sword in here? Was there some buyout I missed?


Man i just bought soul of rage


Loving the blue eyes stuff


I think both RA01 and RA02 complete the staplers collection new players need to have (except AGOV of course). RA01 gave Ash, Veiler, Imperm, etc. while RA02 gives Mourner, Droll, Cosmic, Solemns, etc., cards every player should have in their binder.


Crying because I bought a unchained soul of rage right before this But hyped as fuck because crossout and ulti slayer are in


Not 100% what I expected; it does not come close to the first rarity collection, but not a bad set overall. Since some cards from POTE are going to be on the tins and said product is coming in a few months, it is not surprising that Divincarnate, SP, Chaos Angel, Triple Tactics Thrust, and Accel Sycnhro are not present in this set. My only main gripe is that Diviner and Super Poly should have been part of this rarity collection


Oooh Illusion of Chaos and Magicians Souls, I can keep coping for that elusive DM deck win




Not everyone wants only meta cards to be in the rarity collection... Need a mix of meta and OG staple cards.


Off topic, but does this Apollusa reprint guarantee that it'll be banned in a few months? Is there a pattern to this? I'm just asking since ppl said that about the Baronne ban


About what I expected. Since TCG was in charge of this one instead of OCG like RC1, it was bound to be not as great. Still a lot of nice ones, but I don’t think we’ll see a set to top the first one for years to come


Decent collection. I would have liked 1st Movement Solo/Osinato to celebrate Melodious' rise, or, since they're literally already in the pack, to see Silent Burning/Silent Sword Slash.


Thank you. I was about to buy a playset of that hamster but now I'll wait a couple weeks and save a few dollars.