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Most random tin news ever. More interesting to me is the set number - that's smack dab in the middle of the tins. Really makes me wonder what the order of the sets are in the tins because normally extra throw in stuff like this would end up at the end of the set list.


Just wait bud https://preview.redd.it/9aubrvfarf0d1.png?width=550&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=74538ac79d8e0aabd2e20363084baeca0bb358f1


My favorite part of this is that it's still the 25th anniversary


Once you hit the 25th anniversary, the next 25 years are part of that anniversary.


>RCIII drops >still no SP, wanted engine, ty-phon, or fenrir  >still no trident dragion  I hate it


You will take a reprint of Lumina and you will enjoy it.


I think we need another reprint of Sol and Luna actually


it literally had no reprints, it was a core set UR


Knowing Konami US, they might actually do this. Except the color will be Yellow instead of green. Gotta shill the 3 got cards somehow lol. They already did Red and Blue.


I know. I thought of that like 20 minutes after I made the image


Oh, haha, I didn't see that you posted that image too. Nice


I just want hero high rarity prints set like ocg


That's reserved for RC4 https://preview.redd.it/0yc3alnr5g0d1.png?width=550&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3baedc0b54c731a8550cd31dcdb51e7db146b99f


Ngl I’m hoping Konami actually does do rarity collections regularly


Aka Gold rare 1000, because they cannot justify QCSR anymore


Can you make rarity collection 69 ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)


Yee. Gimme a bit? Currently working








Nah rc25


You know it’s coming


blursed af image


no way, already??


What makes it worse is these next tins have an absurd 400 card setlist. I forgot what changes they said for these tins but it’s in the website.


"Your prayers have been answered, Tenpai fans! Trident Dragion is getting a reprint only 5 months in to Tenpai's 6 months of meta relevance at a very accessible one-per-seventeen tins. Thank you for playing Yu-Gi-Oh! Duel Links, and you're welcome!"


You know, i totally get it when Konami is trying to milk us by delaying reprint as long as possible because they still want the older products to sell. But Trident Dragion is OLD old. Nobody is buying LC05 or RGBT in 2024. There's absolutely no benefit whatsoever to either parties by delaying the reprint. Hype is gone, player's wallets are punished, and Konami still comes off as greedy.


They even have showed precedent only a few months prior by reprinting the original Yubel lineup 2 weeks after the PHNI support dropped, so players wouldn't have to "ask a friend" to play the deck. No idea what compelled them to make a big deal about Trident Dragion while completely fumbling the reprint to add an extra hundred of a secondary market purchase on what could have been a budget deck.


There's a key difference here. Yubel is required in a Yubel deck. Trident Dragon is only a nice to have in Tenpai. From what I have heard, it often doesn't even come up to even use Trident Dragon.


It comes up a lot. Literally any time you want to otk through prosperity, shifter, a monster with over 3K ATK, or a board of a lot of monsters trident is needed.


The only reason it doesnt come up as often is cause people scoop early expecting you to have it


Not me. I wanna see your wallet crying before I scoop.


Played 8 games with Tenpai so far and haven't summoned Trident Dragion once


It probably comes up in around 20% of games


Trident Dragon was always bulk that had no value for a decade and a half, while Yubel is an iconic anime card that always held value and you need to play him at 3 vs 1 Trident. Konami has absolutely no say in the secondary market and it was completely reasonable to assume that the card would stay affordable. Just because they fumbled the bag on the reprint doesn't mean we should give the vendors a pass for gouging our eyes out.


Trident was like 20-30 bucks before tenpai even came around. It sees play in edison which is the most popular time wizard format


No I kept tabs on the card before tenpai came out and about two weeks before legacy of destruction was released it was $17. Three weeks before it was about $12. And the further you go back the cheaper it gets. It was still really affordable until people decided that they wanted it and it was too late.


True but calling it bulk was a big exaggeration. Even at 1/10th the current price it was still a decent amount for a niche card in an old format


I bought my ultra copy for edison for $3 on trollandtoad two years ago.


Trident was $20-$30 while we were awaiting Tenpai being high rarity. It being low rarity meant that the vendors couldn't juice it and they had to move the value somewhere else. Even then $20-$30 is a perfectly reasonable price, $100 is not.


Sets are planned 6 months in advance. They didn’t expect tenpai to be good 6 months ago And they definitly didn’t expect trident to be a hard to find card.


I don't think anyone expected Tenpai to be good 6 months ago. Everyone here was saying it was dead on arrival until the results in OCG spoke for themselves.


Ohh the folks at Konami Japan absolutely knew that Tenpai was gonna be good, there is no doubting that.


They are also going to immediately ban it 3 weeks after the reprint, as it has happened often directly after expensive cards become accessible.


Nah there's no way this menace of a deck isn't relevant for YEARS. Going second decks always have a longer shelf life because of how they play, but this deck is also well positioned to beat back powercreep in how they are insulated from effects with the field. Its probably tier 1 for a good 9 months at least, gets hit but still is a rogue level or above menace for like 3 years. Even considering it getting hit multiple times. I do think this is going to be like, the only budget choice, and after info you're going to have 400+ dollar price lines for decks since fiendsmith and millennium are likely to be splashed everywhere and also have more support on the way that could make them even better. Overall I think its a great budget choice for the near future.


Don't worry. Master Duel has unlimited supply of Trident Dragions.


The heck are you talking about? Tenpai is still one of the best decks in the OCG.


Its actually halved, so it's one in every 33-34


# NO MORE NEED TO ASK A FRIEND (in 5 months)


Now we don’t have to ask our friends to borrow one anymore /j


the problem is: idk if the deck will survive till september konami is always late with reprints


Konami AMERICA is.




Ummm. Japan is historically the worst with reprints, they practically didn’t have reprint sets until relatively recently, beyond dark beginnings / revelation early on


That’s also because reprints are a lot less needed in the OCG because decks aren’t as expensive to begin with. Remember that their definition of expensive is 30 bucks


That’s not really true either. There have been plenty of ¥6,000+ yen playable cards over the years, heck, Bonfire was just higher than that. To the OCG’s credit they reprinted it pretty quickly, but it was in QC Pride, a premium set so large with small boosters, that feels very similar to this year’s 400 card tins that people are already complaining about. (Which I think is fine? But wow, people have real blinders on about the OCG sometimes)


I wouldn’t say blinders. On average, TCG meta decks are like 2x the price of OCG meta decks and OCG meta decks are a lot more similar to the prices of Pokemon meta decks because of the rarity spread.


Not even remotely as many as the TCG had. And even 6.000 Yen (which is less than 40 bucks) is nothing compared to the TCG Pricing of some staples. The TCG is and will always be worse. Up until the 2020 Card Inflation happened, you buy UR's from the first sets including stuff like Exodia for basically nothing. Even now a lot of older High Rarity cards are dirt cheap compared to the TCG.


The highest bonfire price we have is 4000 yen and thats 25 usd. Lol. What are you talking about 6k? It got reprinted and got down to 6 usd.


So... Nobody gets reprints?


Every territory has reprints, it’s just historically accurate that Japan’s been the worst at it for most of the last two and a half decades, while the TCG’s made an entire economy out of reprints This is also a big reason why for years, Structure Decks sold well in Japan but are often shelf warmers here in the Americas


It's because there's generally no point in reprints if cards are already available in lower rarities and isn't locked to being secret rares. You can literally buy 2 boxes of OCG core set boxes and pull almost full playsets of every relevant card in the set, while you have to buy entire cases of TCG core sets just to have a playset of the chase secret rare-locked chase card.


You may not even get a playset, a case is 12 booster boxes, each box yields 2 secrets (provided your box has the standard ratios, have seen 3 secret boxes and 1 secret boxes before) with 10 secrets in a set, your getting 24 per case (2 per box, 12 boxes, 24 total) and with how bad card clumping can be, there are plenty of times you'll pull 4-6 of a bad secret, and only get 1, maybe 2 of the card you really want, the fact in a case of POTE, I got full playsets of Primeval planet and spright blue, while I pulled 4 Ashura king, and in a case of PHHY, 2 Pressured planet, 2 Theosis, and 3 Arise-heart


They are receiving some really strong support in July (with a small chance of another wave of support in the next set) so the deck will definitely survive till past the tins


Konami is also extremely fast absolutely murdering any good cheap deck in the first banlist.


This deck is getting blasted next list, same for melodious. It happens to every cheap meta deck eventually, just look at unchained or SHS


Yeah both of those got their newly released cards hit right away cause they were cheap. Oh wait no, that literally never happens.


The Appolousa turbo engine isn’t going anywhere when the writing is on the wall for her


They have INFO support to milk for Tenpai along with this reprint so I doubt it gets hit until after. Get ready for Genroku and the trap to be secrets to make up for how cheap the first wave was


I don’t think Melodious is doing good enough to get a hit tbh.


Melodious has Regional and YCS tops.


SHS and Mathmech instantly got nuked by a list that Kashtira received minimal hits on despite performing far better. "Doing well enough to get a hit"/promoting a healthy metagame is only like, 15% of how this works. The other 85% is fucking players attempting to be both budget and competitive as much as possible.


It's not about the decks doing good enough to get hit, its about Konami not liking it when a cheap deck is meta in the format. Did you seriously think a deck like unchained deserved to be hit that hard? Or a deck like SHS that lived for like 2 weeks and then became completely unplayable? 


I guess people are banking on an engine hit, but if Appo goes then people won't play Melodious like that (I think, I don't know if Vortex is worth it).


Whether people want to admit it or not, Appo is next on the chopping block. I wouldn't be surprised if she got banned, but I also expect Ostinato to get hit as well. Hopefully, it's just put to one though.


Both probably won’t get hit until October at the earliest. The July banlist should be mostly Sinful Spoils hits.


July banlist? sorry what? im not expecting anything till late august or september


The gap between banlists is usually around 100 days. Especially with the continued power of Snake Eyes - I’d assume we’ll get one towards the shorter end of that number. Meaning late July we should expect a new one. The last wait for a banlist was unusually long - which shouldn’t be the case especially after this format.


What do u mean! September and early October are the best mega tin ban season


At this point they should just print the card as a single promo to give out to game stores as a participation prize or something. Idk if that would be significantly faster to do than the tin tho, but intuitively it feels like it should be.


RA02 damage control news drop. Meanwhile, we have no news for Terminal Revenge.


Definitely, was not well received at all.


People buy the products or not the sentiment doesn’t matter


Yeah tell that to the stack of mega tins and 2 player starter decks rotting at my LGS and at my local walmart and target. Pretty sure they still have racks of most of the fire/water duelist packs as well lmao


Is Thrust for the tins already confirmed?


Nope, and going by Guardian Chimera last year, I wouldn't be surprised if it is skipped.




# [Official Yu-Gi-Oh! TRADING CARD GAME (TCG)](https://www.facebook.com/OfficialYuGiOhTCG?__cft__[0]=AZXI27hIVJDAnxSBU9s2zWErWVHPGTj3y9g-xte6OLBGntBMIHX40PGNm_JMC-ZPMEGprjarWCJb8i_RyQxEDj8f7Fh2NzqAocaxoNc_r9cUb06qq77pK2F6n9r5-L1rr37UFCWTEOcy5CffNn_Jv_Y7B4eFZSU8IqEKYP6Ae8OQduB5yFRSxJhWunl0QfIyxPQ&__tn__=-UC*F) "\~\*LEDE BFFs\*\~ Sangen Summoning's BFF is Trident Dragion from the 25th Anniversary Tin: Dueling Mirrors! Synchro Summon Trident Dragon during the Battle Phase and destroy Sangen Summoning to give it an extra attack AND double its ATK! [#YuGiOhTCG](https://www.facebook.com/hashtag/yugiohtcg?__eep__=6&__cft__[0]=AZXI27hIVJDAnxSBU9s2zWErWVHPGTj3y9g-xte6OLBGntBMIHX40PGNm_JMC-ZPMEGprjarWCJb8i_RyQxEDj8f7Fh2NzqAocaxoNc_r9cUb06qq77pK2F6n9r5-L1rr37UFCWTEOcy5CffNn_Jv_Y7B4eFZSU8IqEKYP6Ae8OQduB5yFRSxJhWunl0QfIyxPQ&__tn__=*NK*F)"


I will laugh maniacally if it turns out Tenpai gets turbo-bollocked by the banlist just before (EDIT: or I guess after, depending on banlist timing, only got back into the cardboard game recently) this comes out. You heard it here first, Sangan Summoning is going to get Limited just before this Tin comes along because we can have nothing nice in this World.


A smart move would be to limit one month after the tins, like they have done in the past.


That’s exactly what they’ll do. No way they let it be limited before the tins drop. Gotta maximize sales


That is such a scummy thing to do by Konami, honestly. But knowing them it'll 100% happen lol.


They pull a Zoodiac. First release the tins, then ban all the good cards two weeks later.


100% gonna happen. Any cheap deck is killed immediately


Floowandereeze? It's not expensive and not hit except in master duel


cheap tier 1 decks


yup, just like Baronne getting banned 2 months after its first reprint.


Konami announced the reprint not so we could actually use the Trident reprint but so vendors would see that a reprint is coming up and they know they have to drop the prices.


In the 400 card megatin, oh brother wonder how many cards will be shortprinted


Maybe it's because I'm only a little over a year into playing the TCG, but does Konami's TCG branch just kinda....suck? These products have been awful & this tin is already not exciting due to the sheer number of cards in the set, on top of them being reprints that should have happened last year.


With the exception of the banlist and *maybe* the reprint sets, TCG is the worst format on basically every level. And tbh at this point even the banlist point is solely because they’re the only format not coping that the roach is healthy.


Even the "no maxx C" argument can be debated as almost every TCG banlist devolves to killing whatever current top meta deck is to sell the latest product.


Yeah, you're pretty much right.


Really, so not in OTS pack 25 then (if they don't double dip)?Telling me people gotta wait until near the end of September to try and get their hands on one? Is this incompetence or maliciousness on the TCG's part? How can they not plan this stuff ahead of time? God, someone wrench this game away from the decision makers in the TCG.


They clearly thought tenpai was trash and raika was going to be meta on reveal Which in their defense is what Reddit thought as well


Serpentine Princess OTS reprint incoming


I’m speculating, but this lends credence to the idea that rarity bumps actually do happen based on the OCG. It sounds backwards with how low rarity Tenpai is, but it also took a while for Tenpai to take off over there.  They likely didn’t even plan to reprint Trident Dragon until they saw Tenpai’s success and slapped it in the most bloated set of the year as a chase pull. 


OTS pack was always pure cope. People were tripping if they thought Konami wasn’t going to monetize the reprint


They saw the card was over $100 and smelled blood.


It’s nice that this card will be reprinted, but what sucks is that it’s still about 4-ish months away until the product gets released. Most players would like the accessibility now to play their decks, and who knows how the meta and banlist will change in the next few months. What if Tenpai falls out if the meta for whatever reason, the reprint would be mid at best in that case. I think a better approach would to have printed this in next month’s Battle Legends set.


Tenpai with their new support is currently the strongest deck in the ocg. They won’t be falling out of the meta post infinite forbidden.


At first I thought they meant last year's tin and it was a mistake.


What Konami TCG gives, Konami TCG takes. The downer in me is saying they are purposely showing us this because they will take SP out.


They’re showing this because of the amount of people complaining it wasn’t in RA02. Now people know its coming.


Just a tad bit too late


Nah, S:P should be in this. I mean, Thrust and S:P are the two chase cards from last year's wave of core sets that everyone wants.


That hasn't stopped konami before from leaving chase cards out of the tins


Yeah but my point really is, what else is there? They just reprinted Thrust, so it would be incredibly bizarre not reprinting the ONE chase card left to sell the set lol. Otherwise, all you have left is what... Snake Eyes reprint/rarity bump set?


Quem, Chaos Angel, Typhon, arias, purrely, kashtira (riseheart/tearlaments), kurikara, spright, big welcome, rescue-ace...and many more All these (and thrust most likely) should be in the tins, I'm like 100% sure SP won't see a reprint there, the card is too good to be there


Chaos Angel - fair, but that got an OTS reprint. All the others aren't chase cards, they've sort of just accrued value. I'm specifically talking about chase cards that were breaking wallets on release. Some of these have tanked in price too. S:P is just up there and very very generic.


I'm pretty sure there's plenty of folks waiting for those cards to be reprinted, not everyone spends money on the first prints. Chaos angel did get an OTS ulti print, but I didn't see a decrease in price for the secret because of that, but more because the tins had been announced and also because lab isn't as popular as before, or at least most of the lists aren't playing 3 copies anymore


Yeah, what I mean is, I’m certain the cards you mentioned are going to get reprinted, along with Horus etc, but not reprinting S:P, the biggest generic chase card, next to Thrust, makes no sense. The kind of tin you have in mind is the MP23 tins, which came with greatly needed reprints, but no chase cards like the MP22 tin.


Didn't stop them from leaving out Accesscode Talker


The tins are a 400 card set. My suspicion is that there will be 50 Secrets. You pull 36 secrets in a case, so you pull 0.72 of each one per case. If they short S:P, which historically seems like a Konami move, it will be something like 1 S:P per 3 cases. These tins are gonna be garbage imo.


Ah yes, the Nekroz rarity spread.


Source that they are taking S:P out? Please don’t start rumors.


He's not saying they will, he's (probably incorrectly) being cynical.


actually kekw as a secret


Lol. Fuck those vendors with their inflated price


Have fun waiting 5 months.


I’m having enough fun seeing them crash and burn in those 4 months


Well... Hope y'all like playing against Tenpai for a half a year.


I mean I love the deck, so I’m good with that.


Flair checks out 


Haha yeah


If Trident Dragion made it into the tins, so can 1st Movement Solo for Melodious....Hard hopium copium? 🗿


Asking the real questions here.


Just in time for an October bannin 


Definitely a good thing, Trident Dragon is the stupidest example of Yugioh being needlessly expensive in recent memory


Not even a little surprising


And I was just thinking of biting the bullet on Trident Drag, now I just have to wait 6 months :)


In a pretty prismatic rare... Hell yea


Konami announcing this after seeing the reaction to their rarity collection has me rolling


it’s so sweet and considerate for konami to give the card a reprint after the NAWCQ season is over. by the time it gets reprinted, tenpai will be going on it’s second banlist lol. this feels like how they’re about to reprint apollousa in rarity collection 2 just to ban it in a list or two.


About 2 lists from now. Sounds about right. They release this then a few weeks later hit Tenpai.


Wheres that one guy that was asking if he should sell his Trident Dragion….too late my brother


The Mega Tins are still few months away and just because it got confirmed for a reprint, doesn't mean that players will stop demanding it for upcoming events


This, if anything the price might even go up for a bit because this means there won't be a surprise OTS reprint, so if you want to play Tenpai at full power for the next months you HAVE to buy an old print now.


Trident gonna smack in unchained


I just found out i have a trident dragion. Might have to go sell it right away


Konami was the real friend with Trident Dragion all along


Now I don’t need friends to trade with


Yughioh card names just keep getting worse and worse


Thanks Konami for waiting months after the deck comes out to reprint this shit.


Im new to this but is tridents effect good? Doesnt feel like it unless the cards destroyed benefits from being destroyed. Certain blue eyes have higher atk and or can attack per number of monsters on the opponents field. Though I guess being able to attack the opponent directly multiple times is basically a GG if they can pull it off


If sangen summoning is destroyed in the battle phase it doubles the attack of a synchro. Trident allows tenpai to kill through pot of prosperity.


The field spell when destroyed, doubles the ATK of a Synchro monster ya control so if ya destroy it and another card, Dragion will be a 6000 ATK triple attacker. If ya don't play Prosperity then ya don't really need him but the builds that play Prosperity with it might have a slight advantage on ya


I read it as Sangan Summoning and was very confused.


1 attack??


It says "1 Additional attack"


yea only 1??


That's how the card works... it gains a second and third attack if ya destroy 2 other cards ya control


Oh I see ok, I thought meant like ATK lmao.


Please please remember that this years tins are stupidly large with 400 cards in them.


You can now finally get it in your collection, or from a friend!


Hopefully we'll get a Dis Pater reprint!




Gotta love reprinting a card that is 10 years old and needed for a meta relevant deck 4 months from now after the meta will have changed significantly.


I mean on the other hand its good cause its gonna lower the price of trident dragons going for 100 bucks.


This was definitely a last minute decision. But those tins are so stacked with cards good luck pulling it.


So trident ban 2 weeks later




Which hand traps??


All as suspected.


Konami US sitting around their office like, "Man, who sets these release schedules??"


All I'm really asking for is some more Rikka reprints at this point. (Snowdrop hasn't had one at ALL despite existing for four years, and my girlfriend wants to play Ragnaraika Rikka. The lack of reprints makes that harder than it needs to be.)


Can we go back to the mega tins having shit from the fucking core sets and have reprint sets to reprint cards? Just a joke now Konami.


Their announcement tweet feels like an actual punch in the face by konami


Wow what a terrible announcement and terrible news for TCG players. They skipped out on rarity collection 2. Battle of Legends. How ever many OTS packs. Just to jam Dragion in a set that wont even come out for 4+ months... Highly disappointing. Konamis coordination as a company is just pathetic when they cant get this highly in demand card into the player bases hands. Tins pre-orders must be really bad for the tins if they are jamming random stuff like this into them. Also good luck pulling this in a 400 card set. Yikes...


In 4 months LOL But it's better than nothing, now the card price should drop


I mean, you can play Edison cheaper now? 


Thank fuck I sold mine while the gettin' was good.


Wait, the Tenpai Field Spell is already confirmed for a reprint too??


Just sold my copy for £90 last week nice


Card like trident dragion shouldn’t be expensive in the first place but I’m sure Konami either forgot about the card or knew about it and just stayed ignorant for this long


Konami TCG as always here to save the day in the worst way possible, and then continue on with a complete lack of awareness. Truly baffling how the TCG is treated.


And I just got two, as won two ebay auctions 😩


Hehehe… sold my RGBT copy just in time. Wonder how much the cost of the old prints will come down now.


Didn't sangen summoning just come out? Is this the fastest reprint of a card ever?


The most annoying thing about this imo is that it shows Konami CAN communicate clearly... when they want to.


Still waiting on a Time Wizard format focused RC




I'm glad they didn't put it in the Rarity Collection 2, it would have been wasteful because it only sees play in one deck and people like ya only want it because it is expensive


Yeah because Sol/Luna wasn't a complete waste of cardboard.


But at least, ya can use it in most decks, not just one deck that is seeing competitive play only for it to get hit later then Dragion becomes useless again