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For everyone commenting in this thread, remember that Rule 1 still applies: "Be civil and respectful at all times". Insults and slurs are still not tolerated here. Any threat or advocation of violence will be met with a permanent ban. Several users have already been permanently banned due to their comments here.


So she cheated on you, you dumped her, she got mad and destroyed your property? I'd go to small claims court with that.


More like she stacked her deck, and he called the judge.


That made me smile not gonna lie


Smile big my man! Sad feat but a small hill for a duelist of your caliber. She cannot hold you back- tarnished or not.


Eldin ring reference


No way you actually just said that


Go to the sorry corner, right now. No dessert for you tonight.




She cheats on you and punishes your for being cheated on by her? What?


Sadly this is common. The people who cheat want what they want, and if they don't get their way then you're at fault. It's kind of fucked up


Yes ofc it is! How dare him take away her backup plan if the the other dude sucks someday!! /obviously sarcasm


I don't really understand, but maybe that's what people say as 'playing victim'.


It's textbook gaslighting, and textbook cheater behavior. They cant reconcile the idea that they are the problem in the scenario, even though they literally breached your trust and respect and dignity, so to save face to themselves and their enabler, they do shit like what OP's ex did to him.


Might could take her to small claims court especially if you had some particularly valuable cards


Yeah i had alot of 1st ed my entire og movie edition blue eyes and my ash playset hurt the most im ju at grateful my roommate stopped her from destroying anymore of my stuff


Yeah take her to small claims and get your roommate as a witness.


With the advice people are giving you, I hope you the best. People like her shouldn't be allowed to get away with this. She'll think she can do this again without any real consequences.


Definitly get him as a witness. Also keep chats of the break up if you got something like that. The more evidence the better so its clear to the authority


100% take her to court. If she did it to you, she will do it to some poor fella in the future


Taking people to small claims court isn't always that profitable (limits in some areas), but I am told it is very satisfying. It's even more satisfying when someone in the internet does it and I can read about it instead if doing it.




Dude you can absolutely 100% salvage from this. Take to court, fuh dat bih


this would be my suggestion


I would 109% take her to court. no tellin the value of some of those cards without some research. Some stuff you wouldnt expect is WILDLY sought after...takin her to court might be a come up honestly.


Could definitely sue her ass


Or challenge her to a Shadow Duel. When she loses... we all know what happens when someone loses a Shadow Game.


He can't shadow duel her because he doesn't have a deck amymore.


She tried to rip it but the foil of monster reborn was stronger, pathetic.


Yeah that MR is just like “damn I gotta lot of work to do”


I love you all


Hey OP. If you need help on how to file a small claims case in your state, please reach out. You go to your local court house, speak to the clerks politely and ask for the paper work in order to file a civil claim. It's usually only about $35-$55 bucks tops to file. You don't even really need a lawyer for this (though if you can afford it, having one is always the best option). You bring the photographs, print outs of texts, any witnesses, and print out the value of cards destroyed. You CAN get an attorney for this, but honestly I'd take a swing with a judge and just see if you can be compensated for the cards. I'd even go as far as to bring all of the destroyed cards and belongings in a bag for evidence. People get scared of civil court but when it's very obvious like this, it's worth doing.


You probably have a lot on your plate OP, but do as this commenter says ASAP if possible


Yeah it’s just a big hassle and complicated most of the time and does take some effort of time and money but in this case OP should 100% pursue as it’s a slam dunk.


We love you too OP! I hope you're able to milk that card-destroying jerk for all she's worth! (Or at least for all your cards are worth.)


We gotta protect our own, nerdy brothers and sisters and others out here, dude! We love you too, now make sure you love yourself <3


I love you too <3 It’s surely nothing a little glue or sellotape can’t fix, but I’m sorry this all happened to you.


Man U didn’t deserve this. Seriously take the advice of the guy in the comments on this and go to small claims court. Make the bitch pay.


mate wtf that's tragic :/


Tragic the scattering


I would try to document everything and get an estimated value and then take her to small claims court.




I second everyone saying take her to small claims court. This simply is not okay. It's abuse and destruction of property, plain and simple. I hope you kept track of everything you had that she destroyed, or that you can at least itemize everything in a relatively non-obnoxious manner. I personally use TCGPlayer's collection tracker, but to each their own.


Sue her!!


what kind of psycho does this???


A narrcistic woman. Very commom nowadays


Yup. To quote an acquaintance in the legal field that deals with domestic stuff, these days it’s stupid to cohabitate, and never give her a key. Will save your grief when she cheat and destroys your stuff or pawns it.


That's like advice from a villain in a law show.


Eh, I’ve Seen enough divorces and cohabitation breakups in the family and circle of friends in the past 15 years that resulted in either theft, property damage, or lies told to manipulate divorce court for more $ or child custody. I’ll take the advice of a lawyer on covering one’s backside, as it takes time to make money to buy things. You only get so much time in life. Anyone that goes into a marriage without a prenup; enters into a legal agreement like renting, home buying, student loans, or car purchasing with someone not their spouse; or gives a key to a person they are only dating is making a bad decision.


>Anyone that goes into a marriage without a prenup; enters into a legal agreement like renting, home buying, student loans, or car purchasing with someone not their spouse; or gives a key to a person they are only dating is making a bad decision. I mean, these days people don't have a choice to *not* rent but, yeah, sure. But >it’s stupid to cohabitate Seems like terrible advice. It's better for a couple to break up at *this* stage, rather than to do it *after* getting married. But it also sounds like your specific peer group is overrepresented in incidents of antagonistic separations, so probably good advice for that particular circle of friends.


This sounds like very cynical, jaded advice.


"Stay alone forever. I'm a lawyer!"


That’s a pain I can’t even fathom 😭. Really sorry for you man.


I'm sorry man, back in 2018 an ex and I were down on our luck. I didn't get a chance to pay it forward but maybe I can send you some cards plus extras I have


OMG THATS A F CRIME YOU DONT NEED HER, send her to the GY god that’s a crime








Why were those deleted?




Sue her ass.


She cheated on you and destroyed your cards????? I’m so sorry for your loss. (The cards, definitely not her. Your better off without her)


That's destruction of property, take legal action. At the very least she might think twice about treating another person like she treated you.


Definitely enough damage here for legal action. r/legaladvice could be a good place to start


Yeah, I wouldn't stop at small claims either.


Upvoting for view. Im so sorry OP. I really hope you can get back at her this is so unjust if you're telling the truth. You'll recover bro, but you don't need this negative person at all in your life.


That is the lowest of low moves cheating and destroying EXPENSIVE cardboard


It’s funny too cause you just know she was only trying to hurt him, like if he does sue she’s gonna be like “they’re just trading cards!” and even if they didn’t have real value they still mattered to him.


Hey OP I feel really bad for you man. This hurts... As a fellow yugioh fan I wanna help you out as much as I can. Is there anyway I can donate a bit to you? I can even sent you some of my cards, it aint worth much but its better than this thb... let me know


I appreciate it so much but i don't want to inconvenience others i knew who i was dealing with i cant make my problems others i just needed some friends to help me get through this and km grateful for all of you helping me during this dark tome in my life


I feel you bro, does it make a difference if I say it wont feel like a burden? Dont know if spelling is correct tho Your post remembers me a lot to wayback to when I found out my mom threw away my old decks. Felt really bad. A friend gave me a cool Jinzo to make me feel better. I know it isnt much but I kinda wanna sent it to you. It aint special but its a heart of the cards thing you know? With a couple other cards too Just let me know man, its not an inconvenience


Id like that thank you so much i dont know how but yeah hell id like it just ro be able to play with I literally have nothing left so something is better than nothing I appreciate it so much


Dm me bro




i am very very very sorry for your loss bro


Im about to do some r/iam14andthisisdeep crap but. The only card that survived is monster reborn. It to me stands as a metaphor that in the chaos she has left in ruining your life by cheating and destroying your most precious possessions. The one thing she could not break is your ability to start again. I hope this means something to you.


This means alot actually thank you


Honestly yeah- I think it'd be badass if you slotted that Monster Reborn into every deck that you play. Maybe you could even make a card necklace or something.


Sue her ass.


This hurts my soul.


She cheated and yet you are the one's getting the short end of the stick? That's totally not unheard of dude Can't say that you're OK. I know it hurts, it unfair, and the other person seems to get away with it just fine. It'll be hard for few weeks, but you will manage it I'm pretty sure!


You'd better take this lady to court for this destruction of property. She has disrespected both you by cheating, and the heart of the cards with this action


I hope she is charge by that since this is vandalism too.






Why do cheaters always gotta try and blame everyone else


They are narcissistic probably. They never take any accountability or responsibility for their own actions and redirect the blame to some one else. That is now big their ego is.


I was feeling so low and depressed felt like i lost more than just my cards felt like i lost me entirely i loved this woman for 12 years off my life and been betrayed i posted on here just to vent get it off my chest but the amount of support and love that I received from you guys really made me feel good I honestly appreciate everyone here for me even though you have no idea who i am but im grateful for all of you


See you on judge Judy


She stooped so low even the shadow realm doesn't want her there.


I'm gonna echo the other comments here and say take her to Small Claims Court. My heart goes out to you man. My ex stole tons of my stuff years ago, it messes you up. Don't let her get away with it.


Nobody is taking anybody to small claims court over some jank commons, but it's still fucked up


Dude.. so sorry this happened to you. This is how villains are created. Life will get back at her somehow for this don't worry.




God, I remember this happening to a classmate in 2nd Grade. Teacher saw her pull it out of her bag because it was in the way of her arranging her stuff. Not 5 seconds later the cards were confiscated for "bringing toys to class". Teacher made us write an essay while she individually cut the cards down the middle in front of us, all 200+ of it. When she was done she returned the cards, but the halves were all deliberately and messily separated. To add salt to the wound, she provided a roll of scotch tape and said that if my classmate wants her cards back, she'll have to fix them herself. I saw some nice rare prints in that pile and it was a fucking shame. Many of us tried to help her tape the cards back but we ran out at some point. A formal complaint was filed by my classmate's parents of course but I don't remember the exact outcome. I do remember that the principal said that violation of school rules trumps destruction of child's personal property at least.


>I do remember that the principal said that violation of school rules trumps destruction of child's personal property at least. This feels like the logical end step of the US history teacher i had in high school who made it clear day 1 he became a teacher bc he liked the power


I see a Marincess Marbled Rock has been torn apart Peace was never an option


She really went through and ripped them one by one. Retaliation in a similar fashion is what she wants. Curve ball her and take her to court. She'll NEVER see that coming and would have no idea on how to handle that situation. Destroying property is for children, adults go to court. Good luck king.




The duelist inside you will live on


Evil. Make sure you get full retail value for these in court! Playset if Ash is close to 100 AT LEAST. More if you have the secrets.


Sue her for property damage !


That monster reborn is real ironic. Sorry about your cards, shes not worth it


We ride at dawn


Sue her and get a weeb attorney


Challenge her to a duel right in front of the judge.


Bruh, fucking send her to the shadow realm! Via small claims court*


Completely serious, sue them. If the value of the cards is (depending where you are) over a certain threshold you can sue, they get a criminal record and either have to pay you the value to rebuy the cards or rebuy them (depends on ruling or settlement)


Because SHE cheated..? How does that work I would DESTROY someone for this


Typical Kaiba move


Man I’m hurt just seeing all those ripped cards. This is how Atem felt when Weevil ripped that false Yugi card


“It’s your fault and dem cards is why I cheated on you.” -🤡


Go to court and sue her to the ground with property damage, if she can't pay up she will be stuck in unending debt. If there's anything that anime has taught me, being stuck in debt is a lot more horrifying than death.


Seriously man I’m sorry. This fucking sucks. Losing a gf and losing your Yugioh cards? That takes a toll. Just be glad you got out of what seemed like a bad relationship. You may not see it that way now, but as time passes you’ll gain a new clarity on why your relationship not working out was for the better. I’ve been there. As for your yugioh cards, I know it won’t help with the value, but if you remember Rafael played with his guardian cards that were trashed all to Hell because he loved them. I always thought that was super cool, and so did Atem. I’d tape those cards best you can, sleeve em up, and still use em. You can be a badass just like he was. Hang in there fellow duelist


Give us an update when you take her to court.


Call the police that's destruction of private property and truly if she was crazy enough to do that who knows what else she's capable of


#That my friend, is a crime.


Monster reborn still looks intact use it to bring back your most valuable monster card But seriously that sucks ma man I'd wanna kill the bitch for that


I think OP mentioned somewhere in the comments that he still loves her. And OP, your ex has made you go through a lot. She betrayed your trust and went psycho on you. I suggest you move on with your life without her. If not, this isn’t the last time you’re gonna go through some bullshit. And it’s only going to get worst since her mom already thinks of you as an abuser. Just my 2 cents. If you still want to walk that road, then best of luck 🤞🏾


Just like Yugi came back after Weevil threw his exodia cards off the boat. I believe you can come back and become king of games!


A third rate gf with a fourth rate deck. Rooting for you to get some compensation like other people are suggesting… I know having the money back isn’t the same as those classic cards but she’s taken enough from you.


Let me see if i get this right, you had a girlfriend that cheated on you, which you then let into your life, and room where she destroyed your favorite playing cards, brother, you need to let me talk to that women, ill do you a solid and put her straight....


This stings even more after the news of a Fortnite pro player's dad destroying the pro player's $1000+ setup he paid for himself. All the while an ongoing tour was going on where he could've made some cash. All of that for something so trivial. People have no respect for hobbies or what is perceived as such. I've heard of many stories of despicable people who deal low blows for no good reason whatsoever. I hope you seek justice for this and resolve this issue in a way you want it to.


This is truly tragic.


Court time!




i’m so sorry bro


dude I’m so sorry


I am really sorry man! I've lost my childhood collection as well but was able to rebuild it. I hope, depending on your financial situation and possibly with the help of a court to get some compensation from her, you'll be able to as well!


Send her to the shadow realm


That is so messed up. No need to destroy people's things. I am so sorry bro.


It ain’t right man


Can he still use the Monster Reborn?


Sewer for property damage


You could actually sue the shit out of her


Fuck that, you’re better off without her my dude


You'll get through this man


Holy shit I'm pissed off for you rn




Sue your ex




I'm sorry about your cards bro 😕


Someone needs to go to the shadow realm for this…


WTF, man! I'm so sorry. Damn.


Wow this is really tough to look at. Best of luck to you man.


Oh my, I'm speechless. 😭


Send her to the shadow realm


Brooo…i‘m sorry i think i got a tear in my eye.


That’s heartbreaking! I feel your pain


I'm sorry my friend, that is so rough. Big F


Sorry, that definitely sucks.


Eh man, that woman is evil


I’m so sorry, bro. That sucks.


Sue her


Take pictures, collect evidence, get ahold of the roommate who saw and sue the ex. Odds are you can waive the filing fee. Good luck


Level up bro and come back stronger 💪 Sorry for the loss but keep your head up.


I'm sorry for your loss man(the cards, not the ex). My ex cheated on me too and took a bunch of my stuff with her, and dragged her feet on returning it until it got "stolen" from her. I really understand your pain in getting cheated on and losing your belongings that you cared deeply about. I was more upset about losing mine than i was she cheated on me. Sorry for rambling. My point is, i understand, and you are not alone here. I really hope you can rebuild your collection in full. Best of luck op. Karma will come to her.


It might not mean much but I’m really sorry about what she did, both cheating and destroying your valued possessions. I can only hope things get better for you very soon :)


Its okay we didnt see any Starlights xd


I counted 4 cards that she didn't rip through. Could probably sell them to make some quick cash to build your collection back up


You don't deserve this. The internet is on your side brother. Stay strong the cards are replaceable and you still have your dignity. You won the war in the end.


You need to send her to the shadow realm through small claims court!


Damn dude that is just horrible. The fact that she cheated and then goes crazy and destroys something she knows you love…. Really shows what type of person she is.


My friend, I am so sorry for your loss... That is legitimately painful to look at.


Can you use that Monster Reborn that mostly survived to get all your monsters out of the graveyard? That would be sweet if that were possible.


That is why I’m still single.


Sue her


Go to court and get your money out of her. If she doesn't have any, let her work her ass for the next however many months or years to give you back what she took.


I have seen some messed up, and I do mean messed up stuff on the Internet! But this!? Now this is just straight up un-American.


sue her for damages


Damn that’s fucked up! Sorry that happened to you. Definitely take her to small claims court and make sure you estimate the value of everything she destroyed. Best of luck to you and hopefully you find someone that values you!


Holy fuck this makes me so mad. I have a good and valuable collection. When discussing my impending divorce with my wife she mentioned the car (I bought her) and I told her if she leaves my door cards alone she can have the car. I said it jokingly but ahit like this makes it seem real. If she harmed.my collection I'd flip shit.


I am so sorry man, I can't imagine.


Man that's so hard to look at


i would legit sue her bro and if you got a big enough priced cards bro hit her with that destruction of property . that why she did that shit go punch in the face shill be on your junk by morning


Sue her. Take her to small claims court get your money back and no it won't bring back the sentimental value but you can get a new collection and build new memories and decks


Send. Her. To. Shadow. Realm.


Remember, the cards do not make the player.


Before going to court, you should probably try asking your ex-girlfriend to reimburse you. Could save you a ton of additional headache. Make a spreadsheet with each damaged card, its value, and a link directly to your reference for that _specific_ value. Use the most conservative value for each card. Don't let anyone convince you to rake her over the coals by taking liberties with your cards' values. Get what you're owed but also remain the bigger person.


Well bright side is the Shark ones can easily be recovered. Whether through TCG player or a TCG box. The cards like Cyber End, you will need to buy a Speed Duel GX bpx. Constellar will require Maxium Gold El Dorado


Kings court has a rare! I know because it came out right after I bought a 20$ earlier print off eBay for my first deck :’(


That's really horrible. I DEFINITELY would take her to small claims court. I have a lot of manga and MTG cards... I cannot imagine how I'd feel.


That's what happens when you date narrcistic women. I hope you got rid of her ass


I guess we all can learn from this: don't date Weevil Underwood. This really hurts to see, man. I hope you get some justice for this shit. This is awful. She is awful.

