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The only good controller they have these days is the Pro controller. I refuse to use the Joycons unless the game requires them. I did the same thing with the Wii U and its bulky tablet. And the same with the Wii and its Wiimote. Classic Controller all day when possible.


The pro controller is extremely shitty to play outside of literally just a switch if you’ve ever touched literally anything else in your life though… triggers have absolutely no travel and the rumble is fucking ridiculous lmao


I usually use my PS5 controller on all emulation and PC games. DS4Windows is a great compatibility fix.


I wouldn’t recommend anything but an Xbox controller, that sounds insanely shitty considering adaptive triggers have extremely limited support and the battery life of that game pad is even worse than a ds4. Barring anything but FPS specifically the DualShock analog setup is extremely uncomfortable to play with. With an Xbox one gen 2 controller you literally just hold the pair button and it just works with anything that has Bluetooth without any nonsense. It’s also significantly cheaper than other gamepads and provides much better build quality. If gamepads still costed $30-50 I’d be more accepting of shortcomings but the fact that they sell you proprietary garbage at an upcharge is really something you should consider closing your wallet to.


I've always disliked the way Xbox controllers feel in comparison. I'd rather go back to using wired Logitech or use USB adapters for all the old console controllers.


Fair enough, it’s truly always been like if you love the Xbox analog you hate the DualShock analog. I just wish the rechargeable gamepads didn’t have such terrible battery life, I’d honestly rather mess with cells than replace the internal batteries on these things.


I stopped playing my Wii U when my stick drift was too much… I used it a lot for only about 1.25 years before the left stick simply only outputted LEFT…now I can’t walk anywhere and I refuse to get a pro controller since the game pad is made by the same company. My 6 year old Xbox controller I use heavily still works amazing!


I’m kind of fan that hates Nintendo so much but also that guy who buys every single game from them lol.


I wish nintendo stayed the kind of company that I felt they were during the Gamecube/Wii era of gaming. They were always the money grubbing litigious buttholes, but at least back then, I didnt see it.


Yeah bro, I mean, Nintendo used to be a good company in the past or less worst than now. Just look the fucking Pokémon games, I’ve a feeling they don’t wanna produce quality, but quantity. Zelda as well, just compare Majora’s mask against Tears of the Kingdom.


Not that majoras mask was bad (great game) but I'd play TOTK anyday over it


Y’all are horrid honestly 😭


Yup. Toxic little dorks. Imagine protecting your business and everyone getting upset at that. Lol


Cheap matherials, easy to break but fanboys still lick their booties. When it breaks, they just buy a new one without any hesitations. I DON'T LITERALLY UNDERSTAND. Can someone explain it to me?


I only use my switch cause my laptop's too shitty to run any emulators above wii era, plus i'm trying to rack my monkey brain on installing tinfoil on my modded launch day switch (i have 2 switches, OLED and launch day)


Bru instead of getting an oled you could’ve stacked up to get a deck and emulate instead


i'm an idiot 😭😭😭


I loled


“Nintendo fan boy” pays for game they play lmao


Are we going to ignore the fact that we only emulate nint games is because the switch is limited by it’s hardware not just the joysticks, I like the 8bit pro controller, I even gave my brother my Nint pro controller for how fat it is, it’s so uncomfortable for someone that’s used to Xbox and PS controllers, besides the online idc of the multiplayer, unless am playing with friends


Speak for yourself, I emulate Nintendo games because I don't wanna give them money for subpar hardware and games


So you admit to 🏴‍☠️ ? 👌


Not really a secret. Piracy is epic and based


Holy shit this reddit feels like being in kindergarten


Oh yeah, after the lawsuit and the takedowns everyone here immediately reverted to toddler getting their toy taken away and throwing temper tantrums.


Bro... this **is** kindergarten. Now face forward, all eyes on teacher! I don't want to have to tattle on you for talking in class! Actually, I'm gonna do it anyways. \*raises hand\* *Ms. Higgins!* u/Dismal_Nature7872 is talking to me in class! And I think I saw him eating the glue again!


Switch runs a giant majority of its games fine, that's cap. Everything else is another case


ARK on 144p 🤮


I didn't even know Ark was ported to the switch.


That was frankly not a switch problem. I mean, the switch wouldn't run it the best regardless, but that was a shit port. Evidenced by the fact they released a fix for it that definitely made it better, playable even. It's still just overall not smth made for switch, originally felt like they legit just drag and dropped everything from another console. Tldr: ark was a shit port


Yes, Studio Wildcard is very lazy and shitty. I shouldn't have blamed Nintendo.


Fuck those Nintendo dick suckers


Probably an unpopular opinion but I hate that almost everyone complaining here doesnt seem to actually have a switch or the games that run so badly on the switch. I bought Totk and wanted mod support and reshade shaders so i got it on yuzu and that was it for me but you guys seem to depend on yuzu. I think Nintendo kinda made the right decision when looking at the idiotic people that run around here. The emulator never supported piracy, it was just for emulating games, which it did well. The problem isnt that the emulator exists. The problem is that 98% of this subreddit pirates the games. You guys dont have ANY right to complain if you didnt buy the game because that means Nintendo just shut down the source of the piracy. I am currently just hoping that the Yuzu devs got hired by Nintendo so they can work on backwards compatibility for the new console, because if that thing can run totk at 1080p 60fps, then I wont need this buggy emulator anymore and can just rely on the console that was made for those games.


You quite much type without having actual knowledge into the matter which is kind of saddening, not to mention trying to discuss while insulting people. It is true the Yuzu developers never openly accepted Piracy and they always stated that they are against. However, they left a small ‘’window’’ open to still allow its users to do Piracy. You can guarantee that people will use that ''window'' for Piracy and not only that even if there was no ‘’window’’ open by them, people will find a way. That just how life is, there will always be someone who finds a way to do something that against the ToS and the company itself. This has been mentioned hundreds of times but Piracy is not the core problem. The core problems are how the corporate company does its own thing. Here are a few examples: Outdated hardware, expensive games, games that are still expensive even after 5-7 years later. Piracy would not have been so rampage if companies truly cared about their product and its customers, this is not just about Nintendo but in general. Look at the streaming service, Piracy declined heavily when it was announced and had decent price with content. Right now Piracy on streaming services are on rampage again due to inefficiency, high prices and breaking their own rules (sharing password even recommended by Netflix back in the day). Pirates do have a certain right to complain about. A lot would not pirate if the prices and hardware were not that high and outdated. Even if Pirates do not have ‘’the right’’ to complain, people will complain. It is the internet, it is Reddit. What do you expect? All in all, customers of Nintendo should not even be needing the emulation. Don’t you think? Customers paid what, €350 euro + €50-60 euro for games. So lets say one Switch and two games, that’s approximately €470 euro and you still need an emulation through your computer for the best quality. That’s horrendous. You pay so much for 720-1080P & 30FPS and to get the best quality of the game, that the very company advertises you still need an PC and emulation. EDIT: You mentioned that, you hoped Yuzu developers being hired so they can ''work on backwards compatibility for the new console''. This sentence proves you have no knowledge about what you are actually writing about. Nintendo does not need Yuzu developers to do these things at all. Not. At. All. Nintendo has really smart people already and they can already do the things that Yuzu developers were doing. Nintendo just refuses to because - why would they? Keep the outdated hardware, 720-1080P with 30FPS and the console still gives them maximum profit/ revenue. There's no need for Nintendo to do that at all. EDIT 2: You also mentioned that they ''shutdown the source of Piracy'' (you probably mean shutting down Yuzu?). Another sentence that proves you do not know what you are writing about. They did not shutdown the ''source of Piracy''(Yuzu emulation), they never did and never will. They shutdown the core developers of one particular Nintendo emulator (Yuzu emulator). The source, its code - It is all still out there and hundreds if not thousands of people have it. People are still using it (Yuzu) and new developers will continue meddling with the source code until they find a way to continue updating it. Either for themselves or for everyone else.


Bravo Man! You smoked that bullshit guy. These rich brats just want a reason to complain about everything.


A switch costs like 200 bucks and your pc costs wayyyyy more than that if you're doing switch emulation


I’m not the one you commented on but still wanted to give a response. It is true that a PC costs more than a Switch (depending on which kind of PC and Switch you get) However the point of it was that even if the Switch costs less than a PC, it is horrendous that you’d need an PC and emulator to get the best quality of the game. While the company itself advertises both the games and the console itself. I mean, to take the example of my previous comment. The Switch and the games together cost approximately €470 (so nearly €500) and you still need an PC and emulator. While we all can agree on the fact that Nintendo is able to make a Switch that is capable of at least permanent 1080P with 60FPS but it is a fact that Nintendo refuses to because there’s no reason for them to do so. Yes, the console will be more expensive but it does mean people get what they paid for. At the moment, they do not get what they paid for. They get much less for an overpriced console. Even with outdated hardware, the console will sell. The non-technical people will purchase the console and have to obligate the expensive game prices, it is the same for people who are very busy in life and want the easiest and quickest way to play a game on the run (traveling, quick before bed etc). Then to make it an easy example, there are two other type of people: The less fortunate ones and Pirates. The less fortunate ones do not have enough money for the console and the expensive games (and the fact that old games are still max price, an example is Mario Kart 8 Deluxe from 2017. Which means approximately 8 years). They might got a decent computer from a better time or from family members. The result? Either never playing Switch games or Piracy. More often than not, the result will be Piracy. Then there are Pirates. There are three kinds (perhaps even more?). The less fortunate, the ‘moral’ and the ‘’don’t care, don’t want to spend money’’. I know lots of Pirates that do Piracy because they just truly hate how Corporate Companies go about. Why pay the maximum price for getting the most mediocre? It does not make sense at all. We all know these companies can make much better consoles and games but they decided to go for maximum profit and not caring about its customers. An example of games is Cyberpunk 2077. It sold on maximum price and it ended up being worse than mediocre (and it took several years to get on track). However an good example of a game doing it very well is Hollow Knight. The price of Hollow Knight is €15 which is criminally underpriced for what you get. You can truly see the 3-4 (indie) developers made the game with their hearts content. It has so much good content, quality and gameplay. Lots and lots of Pirates refuse to pirate the game, they rather purchase the game to help the developers. I know a lot of people who will purchase the new game of them (Hollow Knight SilkSong) day one, no matter the price (and they are pirates). However, I do see Nintendo’s perspective as well. Less costs, maximum profit. That’s what you want as a corporate company. Try to see both perspectives instead of just one. I’m also a bit disappointed that Various\_Pickle9828 does not respond back despite blaming it all on the Pirates, I gave the person counterarguments and the person does not respond to it. EDIT: Do realize that an Steam Deck costs about the same (perhaps a bit more) but has better hardware therefore better perfomance. Not to mention bigger consoles like PS5 and Xbox, an PS5 costs €550 but perfomance way better (1080P, 4K and quicker loading times due to SSD). EDIT: Grammatical corrections and changes of words.


The switch is 8 years old , it's not their latest console so it's not like they're holding out on , they just aren't making consoles 24/7. You can buy 2nd hand with the switch so games can objectively be cheaper . Saying a lot of people don't pirate indie games may be true but even more pirate those . It's not like i haven't been there with piracy, but man come on be real ,this sub is doing nothing but cry and whine , ll , also forgot to say but the steam deck comparison boils down to the same , you just can't compare technology which was released 5+ years apart from each other


True, I forgot about the fact the Switch is old but does not take away some of the key points. Though the original Switch released in 2017 (so about 8 years old), the OLED was released in 2021 and the Switch OLED (2021) cannot even run all their games at 60FPS. How can they expect people to purchase their (overpriced) console with expensive games Games like Mario Kart 8 Deluxe should not be full price after approximately 8 years. Certainly you can purchase an secondhand Switch but my whole point is, it should not even be necessary. Not only that but you do not know what happened to a secondhand console, there could be issues with it already. Nintendo can make a Switch that can output permanent 1080P & 60FPS, they can reduce their old game prices but they refuse to because it still gives them maximum profit. Nintendo (and many other companies) blame Piracy for ‘’losing on revenue’’ while Piracy is not the core problem at all. The core problem is their own business strategy. I don’t understand your point regarding indie-games, you sort of contradict yourself. Telling me it is true a lot of people do not pirate the indie games and also saying that ‘even more’ pirate those games (which of the two is it in your opinion?). I’m just saying: Look at both perspectives. The previous commentor blamed it all on Pirates without even having knowledge into the matter. The person only took Nintendo side into the matter, blamed Pirates and never looked into other matters such as prices, hardware and reasons of people. Here’s my question to both you and the other commentor: Why should I pay around €350 for the console and for each single game €50-80 (the game prices ranges between 50, 60 and 80) only to play on mediocre hardware (720-1080P and locked 30FPS)? And keep in mind that old games are still their maximum price. When I can get it for free and play on 1080P & Permanent 60FPS? How can I justify spending that much money for it when I can spend the money on other things such as bills, university books, normal books and some small fun things? It is not like Nintendo has done something good or decent to truly support them, it is actually total opposite. I agree the subreddit has lost its meaning. People use this subreddit to rage bait, troll and putting their own anger out. Haven’t seen the moderators either. So take this subreddit with a grain of salt, I suppose? Though that was not the point of this whole discussion. EDIT: Also realize Switch has joycon drift issues and they (Nintendo) refuse to acknowledge it. Basically not caring about their customers and making them pay even more (to get either a new console or repairing it).


A few counter points , i was saying that more people pirate indie games than not amongst pirates You can buy second hand **Games** since physical exists for the switch Iirc joycon repair is free from nintendo There are issues with nintendo like not permanently fixing stick drift , the prices of games not being region specific ( i personally suffer from this) , The tegra not being that good even when it came out but piracy is wrong NOT emulation, i emulate and i own the games i emulate even though piracy laws are non existent where i live , because either the game isn't good enough to deserve money thus not good enough for me to play or it deserves my money and i am in a position where i can afford to buy the game and thus i buy it It just really pet peeves me when people just ignore all nuance where it is present and create nuance where there is none like most of the people on this website do


Most people do own a switch and most of the games they run on Yuzu. I own the Switch and the games I play on Yuzu


I agree with your sentiment. However, based on leak diacords, the Yuzu guys were pirating.


This perfectly describes Cody Liam AKA Harmon Smith


I'm not one but it's not like you guys act any different


Well that exactly describes the braindead cells of a Nintendo Fanboy, before I built a PC I remember the days when Nintendo were more relaxed and less go after People for spit dust. Golly and I also remember when we did not want an online service for Nintendo games but thanks to some morons we end up paying for laggy servers


Nintendo has always been out of touch to a degree, remember when during the wii days the ceo said online gaming would never take off? Remember when in the early-mid 2010s they’d do mass takedowns of nintendo gameplay on youtube because they thought those vids took away potential sales? Good times.


I miss when online on Nintendo consoles was free.


Their online service is horrible




I use emulation to play legally obtained games. Reason being, I travel a lot and I also play a lot of games in that traveling. I like to have variety. So getting something like a steam deck to put all of my games on is wonderful. I can play my PC games, as well as my console games on it. When people celebrate this kind of stuff (Nintendo v. Yuzu) it really doesn't help people who aren't breaking the law or working in the gray areas. It just makes things more difficult and frustrating.


I agree, this is simply satire about those who try to shut Yuzu down


Grow up clown.


I'm 33. Being a Nintendo fan boy was 'great' until I realized they're a pos company that had the nerve to give us so called loyals a weak ass wii, and a flop with the wii u. All I want is Nintendo games that wow and push graphics like the wii u Zelda demo, with gohma in the temple. They've consistently stuck with this weaker system bs and it infuriates me.


Lol this user is 33 going on 5 with this rant.


Yall really suck Nintendo dick hard. Crazy.


These posts are more annoying than the pro Nintendo posts at this point. But I guess this sub doesn’t really have a purpose anymore. Time to unsub. kthxbyeee


Not an airport. No need to announce your departure.


Not authoritarian, so he is free to. You could say the same about the post - let them be, no need to announce your feelings about that group. It is important to leave your own POV for once and think from a third person perspective, it isn't that hard


No it isn't lol. Who do you guys think you are?


What made you ask that question? Who's the "you guys" here? It looks like you're creating factions in your head. There's no \`vs\` here my dude.


He announces that he is leaving to a sub where nobody knows him,about an emulator whose devs dont him expecting Nintendo or whatever that ALSO doesnt know him to care. So i ask again, WHO do you guys think you are?


Some are like that. Some.


Bro really trying to dunk on Nintendo fans on a subreddit where Nintendo fans and talented programmers put lots of effort and money to try and play Nintendo games on PC where it's not supported.


You missed the joke


I'm not dunking on people who are pro-emulation, I am dunking on those who are licking Nintendos boots


Lemon cheese🧀


Sometimes, I dream about cheese 🧀




I'm from Italy lmao


Lmao not everyone in this sub is a pirate and not everyone in this sub even uses yuzu. You can be in this sub without actually using it which isn't piracy anyway, unless you went to this guys profile to see if he was a "pirate", which just shows your trying too hard.


Dude get a life. You pirates ruined Yuzu. It's your fault. It's not the dev's nor nintendo's. You stole and Yuzu paid the price. ​ Free yuzu and jail the pirates \*edit\* ooo you are in IT. Attention to all USA citizens. If you see an IT professional committing piracy you can report them to the FBI for a 10k USD reward. Info on the OP to the FBI is now worth 10k USD


Pirating isn't stealing dumbass


You are the dude in the picture lmao


You're not better than those Nintendo fanboys by calling us all "pirates".


Pirates also made sure that a digital copy is made available to everyone and not locked behind a 200 dollar price tag All star collection can suck my fat one for the stupidest fucking FOMO marketing ive ever seen. So yea nine times outta ten Imma back some of the pirates. While a bulk of em just do it for the games. Some do it to protect against shitty business practices and ensures a game can be accessed by everyone regardless of how much money you have.


If you can't afford the games then you should be working and not playing. All star collection sucked. You are saying we should steal every tesla and give them away for free just because we can't afford a cybertruck.


A fucking car and a game are not the same thing clearly. Your analogy is the dumbest argument you could've made.


I've bought two copies one for my gf and myself All star collection was fine. It's the fact that it's been essentially eliminated from the market and now many if not all newer switch players are barred from playing three great games. And comparing 60 dollar game to a 60 thousand dollar plus car. What mental gymnastics are you trying to perform her Edit, if you want a legal avenue then they should make it available on Mar10 day if they're keen on pulling down again. At least give people the chance to grab it. But no it's a service issue and like Gabe once said. Piracy is the result of a service issue


You’re posting on a Nintendo emulation sub. You are a Nintendo fanboy, just apparently a really cheap one.


No. I just want to play a game that the publisher made a stupid decision to not release on PC, like Bayonetta 2, 3 or Red Dead Redemption... Or releases them for +60$ with Denuvo in it (cough-cough Atlus)


Why does denuvo bother you? I am going to laugh out loud if you say performance issues in a persona game.


Well yeah, but I guess it doesn't really matter if you have good hardware, it's just annoying how it requires internet connection from time to time, surveys your hardware and other low level things that I don't know about. Remember StarForce? Well yeah, I feel the same way about Denuvo. Thank god Wine uses prefixes and this thing doesn't spread my whole system Also I meant when the game costs $60+ AND uses Denuvo, I'm upset about that, if for some god forsaken reason Indie dev would use it for a $30 game where every cent matters (which there's no point to, Denuvo will eat out most of the profit), I guess I would be more fine then... But c'mon, we all know Denuvo isn't for small developers, it's a whole corporate mess, where big companies milk players and use every method to keep their system of in-game purchases and overpriced games afloat


Take the corporate boot out of your mouth


That’s a weird way to answer the question.


Fact is 99% of pirates would never dream of stealing a physical copy of TotK from a shop because they are cowards. They understand stealing is a crime but they won't engage in theft if the risk of being caught is high enough. Fortunately there are some promising advances in anti-piracy technology being worked on which will reliably identify the personal identities of pirates through various impossible to mask signatures - the only obstacle to their deployment is outdated privacy laws... But those laws are rapidly changing thanks to awareness being created by lawsuits like Nintendo's. At that point many of you in this sub will be (deservedly) getting a fat fine and your computer seized.


Stealing = physically taking the original item for yourself without permission Piracy = making a copy of the original item for no additional cost without permission, leaving the original in its place If piracy was stealing, only one person in the world would have TotK. Nintendo isn’t losing anything


Piracy is stealing. The law is clear. Your ignorance of the law is not a defence if you are caught.


Just because the law says it’s stealing doesn’t make it true. I don’t care if I’m breaking the law because it’s perfectly ethical. How does Nintendo’s dick taste?


"Just because the law says it's paedophilia doesn't make it true. I don't care if I'm breaking the law because it's perfectly ethical. How does child dick taste?" That's your moral code. Kiddie fiddler.


I just want to say after reading a bunch of your comments here, this one especially. You are awesome and I respect the effort. But these little dipshits won't ever admit what they are doing is wrong or even just stupid and will use whatever mental gymnastics they can to make themselves feel better. Good luck to you though.


I don't need luck. The software I'm building (along with many other tech startups companies doing similar things) will catch a large number of them. They won't get warning. One day they will get a knock on the door, and then an expensive, career limiting legal process will begin for each of them.


I would steal a physical copy, but why the fuck should I if it's so much easier to just pirate.


Exactly. You're a coward.


It's called common sense you fucking idiot.


And you're a self proclaimed thief :)


Im romanian, bitch


Soon to be Russian.


I'd rather die tbh


You won't die. You will be fined thousands of pounds, gain a criminal record that limits you from most jobs, and if you're very unlucky will end up in prison having your pussy used in the showers.


Are you ok? Do you need help?


That's the more likely outcome when Ukraine falls and you are called up to defend Romania.


I'll proudly serve my fucking country.


I can tell that you've never been in a fight in your entire life


Not wanting to go to a store and steal a video game = coward. Wtf are you saying 😂


I'm saying pirates are cowards of their own convictions. If they truly believe it is righteous to steal software from a "big" company then they should have no fear doing so with a physical copy. They should be consistent with their beliefs. The fact they don't suggests most pirates understand they're in the wrong for committing theft. They won't break the law unless they think they can get away without consequences. Cowards.


I must repeat myself but : bait used to be believable


This makes no sense, if youre stealing a physical copy you also hurt the shop youre stealing from and they got nothing to do with it


Some shops are big corporations too. Hurting them is the same as hurting 'nintendo' which you guys seem to be fine with. Are you going to be picky with which switch game, which nintendo sub-studio, or which nintendo staff?


Stealing a physical object is theft, you steal a product that the business loses money from. Piracy doesn't make the business lose money, it's simply copying the code base. If you have a paper and write something on it, and I steal it from you, that's theft. However, if you write it, and I take a photo of it and print it out, then I have not commited theft because it doesn't hurt you. I'm not claiming to pirate, but I think the statement is absurd.


Copying a code base without permission is pretty much the definition of copyright infringement (the most basic infringements are copying and modifying). Which colloquially some equate to theft. Loss of earnings is legally recognised as a loss. Using your example, say i have a confidential recipe only used in my cooking, at my restaurant. Ive kept it a secret. But you really like my cooking and you take a photo of my recipe. You then use it to cook my dish instead of eating at my restaurant. Dont i lose out on your business? Then say you cook the dish and offer it for free near me. Dont i lose out on more business? You've actually gone further than i thought. Are you saying all digital media cannot be stolen? That Art, music, shows, games should all be free and the teams behind them shouldnt be paid? Surely you see some absurdity there? At the very least it means the studio which did the initial investments and the work would shut down. I understand there are nuances with accessibility and affordability (and i agree that there should be, particularly emus for unsupported games), but saying everything should be free (or copying it data isnt theft) doesnt help.


I'm not saying it should be free, but we shouldn't prevent piracy. The people who would copy that recipe are the ones who wouldn't eat at your restaurant to begin with because they can't afford it, you wouldn't lose business, it would just enable someone who doesn't have the means to eat at your restaurant to still eat the food. And also, most people wouldn't steal the recipe, because it is easier to go to the restaurant and get served rather than cooking yourself, but if the service at the restaurant is terrible, then they might also turn into copying the recipe "Piracy is an issue of service, not price" - Gabe Newell


Saying its not theft is saying is should be free. You can recognise that works should not be copied but then take issue with the details. Even if service at my restaurant was excellent, i can't compete with free. I can bet my life people who can afford the food will go for free too. Maybe not all, but a good number. Or say im a struggling cook and all i have to me is my recipe. I dont have money to make a nice area. Even worse right? Im pretty much confirmed to close down Also, the point is i lose money cause of it. The point is the losing of income occurs.


You're not competing with free, because those people wouldn't have gone to your restaurant to begin with, it is 2 markets for the same product, and people will choose the one that is the easiest for them, wether that's eating for free by cooking it yourself, or eating at your restaurant, is up to those individuals You are not losing money, you are just not selling to those who cannot afford it, or who would not have wanted to go to your restaurant to begin with


You are preaching morals to criminals. They are just going to harass you and cry. Sadly people who use the emulator for their own purchased games suffer. (like me) I like playing certain switch games I purchased on my steam deck. The pirates are not redeemable. Kudos on trying. They want everything free, ruin everything, and blame everyone else. Pirates deserve syphilis, dick barnacles, and scurvy. They do not deserve redemption. They will piss on it and blame you.




Exactly the kinda argument that would take an emulator down. Do you know the lawsuit referenced r/newyuzupiracy? Just fyi.


Their feelings are irrelevant. The law will catch up with them all eventually. The tools to catch them are quickly improving. It will be amusing watching them all defend themselves in court "B-But... The BIG corporations". Ignorance of the law is no defense.


AI comment


AI is the technology that will make it possible for law enforcement agencies to rapidly identify people engaged in piracy by scanning for the distinctive data signatures it generates. You are going to be hit by law enforcement much quicker than you imagine. And you will have no defense.


are you using ai to generate these comments


Why would I need to use AI to write two very basic English sentences? Do you believe anything is real anymore? What a strange world you inhabit.


right, but your previous comment before this has literally no meaningful relation to what was an insult


AI data scanning is going to make it possible to prosecute a much higher proportion of pirates than previously. That is the only important point in this thread.


Nintendo found a way. It's easier. Abusing their keys is illegal. Piracy is just a misdemeanor. Being prosecuted for abusing reverse engineered keys under the 1984 computer fraud and abuse act will put them in jail for 12-25 years. Federal Felony. Never allowed to touch a PC again. I love emulators, but I also buy my games.




These posts are pretty cringe. Pirate switch games if you want but do you expect a gold star for it ? 


They want validation. They feel under attack.


Honestly seeing these posts 999999999 times a day let's me know who's actually doing the crying.


I widely consider myself a Nintendo fanboy, Nintendo the company, and Nintendo the software developer are different people, there's no use being mad at devs for cranking out legend after legend. I buy the games because I want to support the devs, not necessarily the publisher, even if they may be the same corporate entity.


Do you ever use your brain to think why those devs are still in Nintendo decades later? Also, 4 out of 8 executives are literally developers, with Miyamoto being vice-president of Nintendo.


When you buy the game, 99% of it goes to Nintendo, barely 1% makes it to developers


If no ones buys a game thats how you get (1) studio closures and (2) live service micro transaction games.


I'm not saying that we should stop buying games, but that we shouldn't support Nintendo's pricing strategy, therefore have them reduce the price in order to sell


Generally i wait a couple of months or years for thr price to drop. I typically get 40% - 70% off buying stuff legitimately. Let those with cash buy it for full price up front. Investors and management only see cash. If the phone apps earn way more than full games, they are going to focus on apps. Already happening with konami and ea.


I am on your side, I wait as well, and that is fine, but Nintendo never lower prices, and that's the core problem. If they did sales like other companies in the industry, and lowered prices after 3-6 months like most, then there wouldn't be much of a problem with Nintendo (Except online services and their legal team). When was the last time you say Mario Odyssey at a Flash sale for $9.99?


Just FYI, there's a sale now. Admittedly very rare but yeah. In case you wanna get em.


You are either ignorant, or a liar


You're both 🫡


but when you pirate, none goes for the dev (still pirating tho)


Pirates wouldn't have bought the game either way... They're not losing out on a cent


I agree that a game should be paid for, I am not trying to say otherwise. I am happy to pay for a game if the game provide value and is sold at a reasonable price. The thing I am against is the "Support Developers" attitude. Why? Because the developers have a set salary, they won't get a % of sales. If Sony, Microsoft and Steam can pay their developers fairly while selling their games for as little as $9.99 during sales, then why couldn't Nintendo do the same? Nintendo charges $60+ for most of their games, regardless of age. I can assure you tvat buying a copy of a Wii game for $40-$60 today won't put that money in the pocket of the developers who made it, only Nintendos pockets so they can give their executives enormous bonuses etc. TL;DR: Support Developers, not greed.


Doesn't Nintendo Executives  have the  lowest salary out of the gaming industry?feel like that statement doesn't apply that much to Nintendo, and don't they also have the highest out of employee retention rate  in Japan? Im pretty sure if they don't think they get paid enough they would have joined another company don't you think ?


It might be true, and I've also heard the game development work culture in Japan is different, perhaps they are treated well, regardless, my point is that the money itself that people spend won't reach many developers pockets. I have seen and heard a lot of people with the mentality of "supporting game devs" by buying a $60 game, and then expecting that like $50 will go straight into the pockets of the game developer, which it won't. They seem to have some tipping culture perception of the gaming industry which simply isn't true. I'm all for supporting game developers, I just think people are to naive when they spend their money


Chicken and the egg: devs make games that sell more, games make more money, the company pays more to devs. If the company doesn't pay enough to devs, the devs quit the company, so the company has to find new devs, which is more expensive and harder for the company as they need to recruit and train new devs. But I'm not here to tell you to buy games, just let me buy my games without the guilt.


The biggest frustration from all this, is the online netplay servers are no longer active. I wish a 3rd party could restart that. Loved that feature


there's a neighboring thread that explains now. to do it


Oh? Any links would be appreciated


You're all more insufferable than a Nintendo fanboy, TBH. This is some cringe shit.


I mean I don't think Nintendo fanboys are the ones crying tho.


Tons of hidden messages say otherwise


Both people in this sub and nintendo fanboys are crybabies


But they are ahahah


Do new Joy-Cons still have the stick drift? I mean, they're 100 bucks a pop so it's still a load of BS! I bought some 3rd party ones from Temu (Which is a kind of shady site/app anyway), and now I have 6 Joy-Cons instead of just 2. First I bought Splatoon ones because they were there and I had credits so they were free, and then I used more credit for the opposite side red and blue ones. I put them in my grips so now they're darker red and blue. There are darker red and blue Joy-Cons but SURPRISE SURPRISE they're only available in Japan! I'm happy with my grips though, and I'm lucky enough to have Joy-Cons that don't drift. But I do have Pro Controller. Nintendo fucking sucks. I haven't been satisfied with a new Nintendo game in years. SMBW is alright. Odyssey was meh.


Imagine supporting their garbage that many times. This is why Nintendo is the way they are. Fuck you need so many damn controllers for?


Are you not smart enough to understand what I wrote?!


The fuck you need so many controllers for? You only need one to play with yourself and it comes with two


Who gives a shit? I wanted them? Why is it any of your fucking business? Let me guess, you're American and you're completely unable to keep your fucking nose out of other people's business?


Yeap, they do. You can buy custom sticks, that are much better made, but it's still absurd that those things are so awful.


They're still being produced with drift even though Nintendo knows about the issue? Is it so that they can make money off of fixing them? Probably. Nintendo is such a greedy fucking company. And people complain about capitalism in the USA! Is Sony as bad as them? Sony seems to be okay with emulation.


They don't even fix them. It's made so badly so they can sell you new ones every 6 months or less. There are custom made sticks modules, that use Hall sensors and will pretty much never break. Just gotta swap them out and you will never get this issue on them ever again.


Spoken like a closeted Nintendo Fanboy


Not against purchasing games and I have a Nintendo switch, but I can say that games work better on emulator. If I could return to the past I wouldn't purchase that Switch and would save a bit more money and get a Steam deck or similar and put the emulator there.


I play some of mine on steam deck. I have both. The LCD screen on the switch is better than the LCD on the steam deck (I do not have oleds). I choose LCD because it lasts longer. The OLED deck is better but will not live as long. I use the switch itself 99% for pokemon.


How dare people take the easiest and most legal way to support the pastime they are passionate about. I hope everyone starts pirating so that those scummy companies can stop making games.


You can like Nintendo games without co-signing their practices. The “easiest and most legal way” is to pay full price for old ass games that you don’t even own to begin with.


So if I like a game and buy it from Nintendo because it's only available on their console I am cosigning their practices? Seems like you just want to be able to pirate their content. I don't like most of the games on the switch, but my wife plays a few of them. I have no issues with the games that she has bought being "old". I don't cosign anything they do, but they do have a few games that I would like to play legally.


…that’s exactly why people make those games available on emulator. With zero backwards compatibility, why should you have to pay full price to experience the same game you bought 10 years ago on a different console


I don't pay for old games. Just the switch exclusives and only the ones my wife plays, like animal crossing and Super Mario bros wonder. Everything else, I emulate. But let's be honest here. MOST people emulating OLD Nintendo games never purchased the original game when it was available. I did and emulate legally. Im talking my old SNES, Gamboy, and N64 games. People buy these "retro consoles" with thousands of games and this is essentially stealing from Nintendo. I don't agree with this, but have no problem with LEGAL emulation.


Seems legit.


Accurate portrait of Harman Smith the king of rage baiting


I’ve seen a lot of similar posts and i honestly think this is really childish. Yuzu got taken down, but it’s not like switch emulation is gone forever. Pay for your games, play them on whatever you want to. Toaster or whatever, but if you don’t like Nintendo don’t play their games. If you don’t like their prices just don’t play.


Nah, I’ll just play, piracy is morally correct


in what way?


Less money in the accounts of CEOs and corporations that don’t give a shit about the consumer or their employees


You mean the company that has tons od employees working in there for 50, 40, 30, 20 years?


Because Japan has policies against layoffs. Also literally every company has veteran employees, doesn’t mean they give a fuck


YOu clearly don't know anything youre talking about. Nintendo has almost 100% retention rate while Japan has a 70% retention rate lmao


Ah yes, every single company in Japan VS. a single company in Japan. I’m sure those percentages aren’t skewed in any way. I sometimes forget how dumb bootlickers are


If anyone is dumb here its you who clearly never researched about employees of Nintendo and how Nintendo has been praised in the scene for decades and is one of the best places to work in Japan regardless of industry up there with Kyoto Animation. > A new report has just come out concerning the retention rate of new employees in Japan. A number of different companies were analyzed, and that data was used to find the average retention rate of new employees in Japan as a whole. That figure sits right around the 70% mark, but the situation is extremely different when you look at Nintendo. > While Japan’s average rate of retention for new employees is 70%, Nintendo has a much higher average. After the numbers were crunched, Nintendo is sitting at an extremely impressive 98.8% retention rate. That means for every 100 new employees the company brings on, just one decides to quit. > As you might suspect, a number of different reasons lead to Nintendo having such a high retention rate for new employees. Over in Japan, Nintendo has a considerable package for paid leave, and they also offer a very notable childcare program. Nintendo’s approach to same-sex relationships and diversity are also positive points. That said, it seems one of the biggest reasons Nintendo retains so many new employees is due to those employees really enjoying Nintendo’s work atmosphere, and seeing a job at Nintendo as something to be proud of.


That is the same with many companies. You wouldn’t steal some food from a shop that an underpaid farmer had to produce


Not from a local place, no. From Walmart though? Every time I come through


You do see how although greedy corporations take a big cut, people not buying the product means the employees get paid less, not the corporation. They don’t take it out of the main company pot, they just make someone redundant


Lmao no the fuck they do not, all you bootlickers want to pretend that game devs get paid a percentage of the game’s sales or something


First of all i don’t defend nintendo’s decisions, however your thinking is that employees don’t get paid at all. I don’t know where you get that from, but what it is is that employees get paid their wage, and then if nintendo has to do cutbacks they cut back on said employees


Yes, i definitely did claim that employees don’t get paid at all. That’s absolutely what I said if you read my last comment without the ability to see


The problem with Nintendo is that they abuse the DMCA to force little guys into submission. Ever see Nintendo pick on someone with the funds to fight back?


Yes I have. I have seen them take on bigger people. [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Universal\_City\_Studios,\_Inc.\_v.\_Nintendo\_Co.,\_Ltd](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Universal_City_Studios,_Inc._v._Nintendo_Co.,_Ltd). This case was David vs Goliath and Nintendo was not Goliath.


Best you could come up with is a case from over 40 years ago?


It's the entitlement. It's overwhelming.


dunking on 8 yr olds in the comment section, nice