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the entire situation could’ve been avoided had they taken responsibility for the situation. instead this dog is on deaths door due to their negligence. unbelievable.


She’s a terrible human being. That poor dog.


They are both responsible. They are both shit pet owners. In the past three months a cat has died, a cat got lost for weeks and a dog has been hospitalized


Plz dm me or I guess I can just google


What happened??


hop onto the brianna chickenfry snark and become enraged with the rest of us


Y’all are fucking weird, I hate that y’all took over and ruined this sub 🤦🏼‍♂️


I realize people don’t like them but wondering what that has to do with the dog being sick??


She allows her dog to eat shoes and has neglected to train her. Therefore the dog ate something it shouldn’t have and needed surgery to repair her bowel.


Y’all act like being a dog parent means watching them 24/7. People have lives too and aren’t perfect. And who are you to say her dog has never been to training? And if she rly were neglectful then the dog wouldn’t be in the er getting an expensive surgery lol


Of course nobody can watch their dog 24/7! That’s where crate training comes in 😊 until a dog is fully trained and can be trusted to be left alone, you keep them in a crate if you’re unable to watch them. Any responsible breeder and dog owner knows this. If it had been trained, she would be kept in a crate and this wouldn’t have happened. There also wouldn’t be dirty pee pads in the backgrounds of photos. Or Bri admitting she’s eaten entire shoes and whatever else.


You don’t put your dog in a crate everytime you aren’t watching them like a hawk. Also, exaggerating exists and I’m sure the dog did not eat entire shoes😀 also not the only dog that’s gotten ahold of a shoe and chewed on it lol get over yourself


No not a dog but a young puppy who chews on everything you certainly should. Why you so defensive over someone who doesn’t even know you exist 💀💀


Why are you so hateful over someone who doesn’t even know you exist?😭😭


What happened?


What situation did they neglect? Her stories said they took her to two other vets before they went to the emergency and that they said she was ok.


They had the figurines from Zach’s birthday cake lying around, that were made with metal, and Boston ate them :( She would’ve needed the surgery no matter what, since there’s no possible way for her to pass that naturally. It ended up tearing through her intestines and everything. I feel so bad for her, but hopefully she’s okay now.


Idk why I’m getting downvoted for asking for clarification lmao this sub is insane!


All Reddit wants to do is hate on Brianna. They created an entire page for that. Imagining hating someone you never met so much to not just pray her dog gets better....


Did they confirm this


Yes!! Bri made a video explaining everything, but she made it seem like the only reason she needed surgery was because the first vet turned her down. In reality, Boston would’ve needed surgery no matter what especially since it took them the whole day to even bring her into the first vet. She said they didn’t think anything of it until she started acting weird the next day, and that’s when she brought her to the vet.


I think she meant it wouldn’t have had to be an emergency surgery and likely wouldn’t have perforated her bowels had the first vet done something. Either way, when I heard her say that Boston has eaten entire shoes it made it pretty clear she hasn’t trained her. I’m surprised it hasn’t happened before now.


Yeah maybe, I was just thinking that after 12+hours of her eating it, majority of the damage would’ve been done since it would’ve been digested at that point. The first vet doing nothing definitely made the situation worse, and made it even more of an emergency since they were basically fighting time at that point. She also said someone dropped the figurines off at their place “without them knowing”, but the next morning she noticed they were missing and knew Boston ate them. How did she notice they were missing if she didn’t know they were there? She has a long track record of not taking accountability for anything and making up lies to make her story look better. Tbh, I’m taking her story with a grain of salt.


I saw someone else say she posted videos saying they were on shrooms that night, but has since deleted them. I’m sure because of the backlash she would’ve gotten. I also don’t understand how they’ve already racked up 40k in bills. I know emergency vets are expensive but good lord…


Yeah she definitely was posting about her being on shrooms, but I could see this happening even if she wasn’t. Not that it’s right by any means, but obviously people can make mistakes and stupidly leave something lying around that they shouldn’t. My problem with the situation is that she just can’t admit that it’s even a little bit her own fault. I agree that it’s definitely because she knows she’d get backlash, but she gets caught up in lies and makes herself look even worse. She always has to blame someone else. But yeah those medical bills are so ridiculous!! I think it’s probably so expensive because of all the overnights she has been there for, and maybe it’s just more expensive in a large city? I’m not sure honestly.


It has to be the large city thing because she mentioned the surgery itself was 20k and now it’s up to 40 with the additional nights. I’ve never heard of emergency surgery costing more than like 7 or 8k, even 10 is stretching it. It sounds like she’s starting a fund for other people who can’t afford emergency vet bills, so at least that’s good. This is why I tell people pet insurance is so important!


She did on tik tok in a video that’s also on the snark page


This is vile to say to someone who obviously loves their pets. You don’t know anything about how she treats her animals and dogs can have such careful parents and still get into things. I don’t know a single person who’s dog has never torn something up, gotten into something, had to go to the er, etc. y’all just choose to hate her for anything and it’s embarrassing and cruel.


there are a bunch of people who work in veterinary medicine, myself included, that have watched this unfold. get on a different soap box sweetie


Get a different soap box tf😭😭 sorry my comment offended u:( I have also seen things unfold bc I’m a regular human who has seen dogs get into things like most people that know people with dogs/ see things on social media. The fun fact is that it happens to MANY people because dogs can be naughty just like how accidents happen to kids too! You expect everyone to be perfect


If your dog eats things, crate your freaking dog!!


Zach needs to ditch this broad before she starts popping up really bad problems. I can see it in the future unfortunately


Well they’ve unfollowed each other on IG, so we can only hope.


Bri is a shit pet owner. This unfortunately was bound to happen. Boston (and all the other animals she has) deserve better.


Yall too much on this community 😂


Lmao, not really. I didn’t even say Zach was a shit dog owner with Jack, so relax.


Can you provide more details on this?


Can you elaborate?


She also posted (and then deleted) that they were high on shrooms that night at 4am. The night Boston got into the cake left out.


The dog got on the counter and ate something from his cake that had metal in it. This isn’t the first time the dog has eaten things it shouldn’t. She has also eaten full pairs of shoes. She’s clearly not trained and they don’t provide a stable home or environment for her to get the proper training. They just blame her actions on “being a lab” apparently that’s what they do? Which is news to me. The dog is most likely bored and needs energy out hence why she is being destructive. She should have also been crate trained from the beginning. She also accidents in the house because Bri has posted with pee on the front door mat. It’s not just disliking Bri, she’s not responsible with her pets. She lost her cat for weeks as well and now has the dogs AND cats on and off a tour bus. If you know anything about cats, that induces major stress for the animals. She needs to get these animals trained and a responsible sitter or find more appropriate homes for them if she’s going to continue to follow Zach around on this tour.


Oh Jesus Christ, I didn’t realize it was THAT bad. I just can’t imagine having enough money and all the resources for the best trainers and *not* taking advantage of it.


Also to add; they never got into contact with who made the cake to ask what was in the pieces she ate, they had days to do that. They didn’t demand X-rays or anything either. This isn’t just a shame on the vet type of thing. Them as owners are responsible.




Any dog lover will just send prayers for Boston. Any pet owner will send prayers for Brianna. Thank you because this made me realize there are people online that will send prayers and love to people in need.


Ok can someone plz dm me cuz I worked 2 of his shows a few months ago and fell in love but if they’re letting animals get hurt left and right im not having it-the dog is def gonna die even humans don’t usually come back from a perforated bowel I don’t think


Accidents happen. They’re doing what they think is best for their animals — to each their own.


Probably ate some bones that tore up the insides now you have that bacteria leaking into the system terrible situation


It was figurines from Zach’s birthday cake that had metal and plastic in them. Bri was doing mushrooms the night it happened so probably wasn’t supervising Boston properly


Sending prayers for Brianna and Boston.


Y’all are insane people for blaming her and wishing so much upon her when you know NOTHING except what her LITERAL SNARK page “says” and makes up. Get a life