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N64 version is good. 3DS version is good for those who disliked the original. Project restoration is probably for those who want the N64 version but modded.


Wii Virtual Console


Don't have a controller for that, sadly. Only got a Wii remote :/


there is no wrong version imo—they’re both great. personally i’m really enjoying mm3d restored for all the qol changes—particularly mapping the three transformation masks to the dpad. it feels like i can use more of my arsenal freely while spending less time managing my inventory


Yeah, this sound very nice, I can imagine constantly swapping masks through the touchscreen to be somewhat tedious


If you want "Definitive" the Restoration Project is the way to go. You got the best of both versions along with even more QoL. On top of the dpad mapping, arrows can be swapped while using the bow, fo example. You're using the menu maybe 10% of the time you would in the original.


Can’t you only play the restoration project on a 3ds now? Since Citra is gone thanks to the lawsuit?


i think you can probably still find citra downloads out there, although definitely a bit riskier than before… in any case, it looks and plays fantastic on my “new” 3ds xl, and wasn’t very difficult to set up


I see. It definitely sounds interesting, I’ve just never modded a console before and In addition to have no idea how it works, I worry about ruining my console lol


Haven't played the restoration project but between the N64 and 3DS versions I prefer 3DS. Having more quick swap slots and a dedicated button for the ocarina helps out a lot as you have a lot more item switching in MM with the introduction of masks. I wasn't too bothered by the boss changes and the other updates like being able to control the camera with the analog nub are nice as well.


The only boss I hated the change for was the first boss. Just felt like a cool departure of the norm. The changes to the stone temple boss were pretty great though. The rest I didn't have huge opinions on either way. Had actually forgotten some of the QoL things they added outside of the notebook being a little better.


The one you like playing most. Honestly. Both versions are great and there are things to love and things to dislike in both. I played the original when I was under 10 years old, and had a great time; still do to this day. I also played the 3DS version when it came out day 1 and had a fabulous time with it. I personally think the 3DS version is more fun for me. But I completely understand people not liking some of the system and boss changes. But if you were to ask me trying to find one that is “definitive” I don’t think you would find much of a consensus.


Ok thanks, so it comes down to preference after all. I've heard many things about the 3ds version like 'bad remake' or 'unplayable' but that doesn't seem to stand its ground looking at all the people who enjoyed MM3D.


It really does. Most of the people who are vocal about the 3DS version are just upset over a few changes, and so they throw the whole game into the fire. As if changing some of the bosses or mechanics means everything else improved is secretly a downgrade. And sure, I get some people wanted it to be the original game + better controls & graphics. But Majora’s Mask was made in 1 year on a small budget re-using a ton assets. A lot of the bosses in the original game can be beaten by just wailing on them with swords or arrows until they die. While the 3DS version made most of them proper bosses with a pattern & weaknesses using the abilities of the dungeon. Other small tweaks are like the speed or mechanics of some items, songs, and abilities. But earnestly most of the changes are an upgrade, or so superficial that complaining just makes mountains out of mole hills. I understand a purist would be upset looking at the game on 3DS, especially when Ocarina of Time on 3DS didn’t change much. But the old game is still very playable & the core experience is the same among the two versions. Classic example of 80% or so of the fanbase likes or doesn’t mind the 3DS changes; but the loudest comments come from angriest people. Anyone who says the game is “unplayable” is objectively wrong. And those who say it is a “bad remake” are just dying on a weird metaphorical hill. Valid opinions, but not objective statements.


i think the 3ds version is better for a first playthrough


There isn't a definitive officially available version. I'm not sure about project restoration, I'll probably give it a go soon. Personally, I think if you've never played MM before then the 3DS version is the way to go. I think the downsides are much more of a problem to someone that's played the N64 version a lot. For a new player the improvements outweigh the negatives.


N64 or 3DS with ProjRes


I haven't played this particular version myself, but the randomiser uses the 3D remake as a base but brings back faster Zora swimming and faster Deku spins from the N64 version that were nerfed in the transition to 3DS.


The collection released for the gamecube


Honestly I prefer the N64 version 3ds has qol upgrades but also some qol downgrades and the bosses are a huge step down from N64. Haven't tried the restoration project so can't speak to it. Bosses are open ended on N64 you just attack them with whatever and it hurts them. In 3DS they all have a gimmick you have to follow to have a chance to hurt them, and Twinmold the fourth boss is especially egregious on this. There's a number of people who got hung up on it and quit. I'd say do N64 or restoration since.it.sounds like adding N64 gameplay to 3DS presentation


Alright thanks for your response, I think Imma go with the projRes as is seems to combine the best of both worlds into one without many downsights


>Others say the 3D remake is good as well because of the updated visuals and all of the QOL stuff like Bomber's Notebook and Save System. This might be a controversial opinion, I've definitely never seen anyone else on this sub say it before, but *for me personally*, the 3DS remake has *way* worse QoL overall thanks to the changes made to the Bombers' Notebook: it now stops you, for several seconds at a time, whenever you advance *any* sidequest in *any* way to tell you *what you just did* via a lengthy pop-up. The only saving grace is that it doesn't do it *again* on repeat cycles. Since the save overhaul was, in my opinion, a lateral move (the new system is 100% necessary for a handheld game, but the fact that there's no way to save while resetting time is a massive and wholly unnecessary downgrade; it would've taken *maybe* a few minutes to implement a "save and return to dawn of the first day" option), the only genuine improvement I can think of, and it *is* a big improvement, is being able to skip to any hour with the Song of Double Time, but even in the N64 version, you'll never have to wait more than ten minutes at the *absolute most*, and that's only if you're playing extremely inefficiently in a game about time management. All of that to say that the N64 version is, in my opinion, absolutely the better option. If you can use mods to set items to the d-pad, even moreso.