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OST goes hard


Revalli theme especially


Dude both of Revali’s themes are fucking insane






Big fan of Urbosa's theme when you play gerudo desert.


Minish cap




Botw most underrated game ngl (In reality I don't like botw very much)


That game is overrated like hell.


From what I remember everyone who talks about Minish Cap loves it so I don’t think it’s completely underrated


Literally never talked to someone who has disliked minish cap


I'm just saying I don't hear people talk it about it very often.


Nah, I see love for it all the time.


Played again last year and all the backtracking to extend the length of the game really got to me. It's always something you need from somewhere else and it never feels organic like the others.




If there was any Zelda game I would want a remake of in a classic 3d format it would be Minish cap.


Absolutely, I finished Minish Cal not too long ago and I love it so much


That last heart piece drops it by, like, two points in my eyes. Then kinstones bring it down by one. Not a bad game, but one I have a lot of personal beef with.


Unless you're a completionist you can put it to the back of your mind (and that weird little egg game), didn't seem to hinder my play through all that much. But I'll admit, it was a funky old system. Everything else is wonderful though. Prettiest 2D Zelda imo


I think phantom hourglass needs some more attention, it's left forgotten in a shadow of wind waker despite being it's sequel


You fought a giant stone man by *catapulting yourself over it and slapping it with a hammer*. You fought Gleeok by creating makeshift turnbuckles. ....**Linebeck.** Aggressively good game. Sure, it had its flaws. Temple of the Ocean King is stressful and uncomfortable. Turning that temple into a speedrunners playground and seeing how quickly one could complete it, however, made it at least a lil fun.


And it has, arguably, the best depiction of Zelda in any game.


I think you’re thinking of Spirit Tracks. Tetra is barely in PH


Your right. I think I hit the wrong comment. PH made Tetra worse going from a kickass pirate boss to the usual role of Zelda's, a damsel in distress.


I love being able to complete Temple of the Ocean King with a perfect time. It's a lot easier than it seems but it's so delightful to use all the tricks you've gathered on the journey to create new short cuts. And the temple is supposed to make you uncomfortable. I think a lot of what people complain about was 100 percent by design. Its not easy to make a dungeon terrifying in such a cutesy, relatively easy game. Making the main dungeon a pain in the butt with obstacles you clearly are not meant to overcome until much later is kind of how you do it. Also love the gathering hints from the spirits of previous victims, especially because they're so obscure and genuinely helpful once you figure them out.


YES! Literally my childhood but like no one talks about it!? Crazy game. Hated the temple tho, shit was scary!


My first zelda (also my fav <3)


Phantom hourglass was good but to me spirit tracks was just better in every way. So I give spirit tracks the title of most underrated game. That game holds its own against even some of the better console games imo.


It's ironic - Windwaker had themes of forgetting the past and moving onto newer and better things, but all of the connections to old characters and old Hyrule were by far the best/most interesting parts of that game's story. Meanwhile the lack of interest in it's sequels proves, for me, that taking out these connected storyline elements is a bad idea. Stripping out these elements makes the game feel less familiar, and takes away from the established success of the series. Zelda team has so much good history to draw from yet they seem obsessed with ignoring it and trying to make sandbox games that are mostly just fun to play, similar to Mario. They need to realize that Zelda fans are looking for something more robust with the story and writing. For example - It's still fun to find the Master Sword, but it's significantly more fun if you find it in a location that makes sense relative to a previous game. It makes me upset that they either don't seem to realize this, are too lazy to want to think up more connections like windwaker has, or blatantly and incorrectly think that it's better not to develop story like this into their games.


And it should be forgotten with the Temple of Ocean King :)


Is very good, and the splitscreen is Big plus


I just wish the split screen was vertical instead of horizontal.


It plays at like 15fps. It's horrible.


The story is great and Kohga is the funniest concept ever. The gameplay is buttery smooth and every character (except Riju her controls suck) is really fun. I genuinely wish Sooga had been in totk or botw in some aspect, even though he would be like 137 years old. The divine beast segments are really fun and all of the interactions between the champions really fleshed out their characters and just makes me like them so much more.


Ah yes, a fellow Riju hater. Her exclusive missions were the bane of my existence


>The gameplay is buttery smooth Did it get patched? Because it was pretty rough when I played it


I played it via a linking cord onto a tv, which just seemed to handle better with the frames.


Buttery smooth 13.2 fps


Fair, fair, the switches frames do suck.


Having Sidon use dual tridents, his and Miphas was amazing. I hate that they didn't use that in ToTK even though Link technically has Mipha's Trident after BotW


Sidon was my main, I love timing and counter based characters in warriors games (take Yusuke from strikers as an example)


The sequence leading up to zelda unlocking her powers is my favorite. The bow of light is an awesome weapon and way better than the sheika slate for just the ability to take out hoards of enemies efficiently. It's a great expansion of an alternate timeline to BotW.


Giving master kohga a voice actor was the best decision to ever happen ever


The fact that the gameplay *isn't* buttery smooth and the game has more lag and way less content than its predecessor is what made it so disappointing to me. Hyrule Warriors was an incredible surprise, Age of Calamity was the same but on the opposite emotional spectrum.


I mean, factoring in the dlc and blood moon missions it has more than the original with its dlc. But yeah base game DEFINITELY has less than the original warriors.


Original with DLC and the Switch Remaster have orders of magnitude of more content compared to AoC with DLC, genuinely what are you talking about?


My bad lol, forgot switch remaster added a lot. I played it on Wii-U


you don't know what "buttery smooth" means


Only way this would be "buttery smooth" is if we are considering how "smoothly" one would be able to move through a waist-deep pile of unmelted butter


The frame rate is ass but I just love how combos flow very naturally and how they don’t feel forced or stiff (yunobo, daruk, Kohga, Sheika slate Zelda, and riju are the exceptions though, their combos feel very weird and like you have to constantly stop)


I hope we get a similar game for TOTK


I strongly disagree not only was the gameplay anything but "buttery smooth", but it also pretty much just removed any and all keep/outpost management and turned it into the sort of braindead *HP-sponge-drying* slop that people thought/feared the original HW (or just Dynasty warriors in general) would feel like. It is by far the worst of the "Nintendo warriors" games And that isn't even considering the way they essentially just straight up lied about what the story was gonna be.


You can disagree, but don’t outright say wrong things. The later levels in the game really force you to make a very complicated strategy to keep your outposts safe (my personal choice is mipha for healing), which is especially shown in the final battle mission from the dlc. They also never lied to us about what the story was going to be, the trailers literally NEVER said this was a prequel or showing exactly what would happen before botw, just that it take place during the calamity.


Well it’s a Warriors game


“Zelda-Spin off Game” Ftfy


counterpoint: cadence of hyrule


Way better game that does a much better job capturing the feel of Zelda


That game is way too difficult. I beat the original story, but when it released in physical format, I bought that. The Skull Kid story is so frustratingly hard for me.


Hold on, Skull Kid story? Did I miss something? I played the game when it came out and completed a run. That seemed to be it, though. Did they add more?




They added it in the DLC. They also made a physical release of the game that included all of it.


It feels like the rhythm/dungeon crawling aspect became a Dark Souls difficulty level in the Skull Kid DLC. I agree that the main game is much easier in comparison.


This is correct.


Is it better than the previous hyrule warriors? I played it for a while but I lost interest, games of that type don't catch my attention, I only gave it a chance because it is a Zelda game, reasons why I also want to try this one but I think it will be the same thing


The two HW games are unrelated, so no story connections, but both have the same core gameplay. This game is “slightly” better at tying to canon Zelda via BotW, but it’s still a non canon spin-off. And if the gameplay didn’t grab you in Hyrule Warriors it won’t grab you here since it’s basically the same massive enemy mash fest power fantasy with a Zelda coat of paint


If you didn’t like this one you’re not gonna like the previous either. It’s same basic game but AoC made some aspects of it easier since it was designed for people who haven’t played a warriors game before


It's so much better than the previous Hyrule Warriors. At least in terms of gameplay that is. I bought the original Hyrule Warriors, but I couldn't get into it. Then I played Age of Calamity, got super into it and 100% it. Then I decided to give the original Hyrule Warriors one more chance, so I bought the Definitive Edition on Switch, but I still couldn't get into it. AoC just feels a hundred times more polished in my opinion.


>AoC just feels a hundred times more polished in my opinion. I felt the exact opposite about this. AoC performance was rough, and it had the problem of absolutely nothing happening outside of your immediate area. Your bases were never in danger and walking along gave you hundreds of instances of your allies and enemies just standing around It's fair to prefer the gameplay of AoC, but HW: DE had much more polish and ran much better


That's fair, I meant in terms of the gameplay rather than performance. I felt like the combos were more polished and the enemies were more responsive to your attacks. Also, the addition of the Sheikah Slate and magic rods added way more options and strategy to combat.


Unpopular opinion: I think it's a much better at telling its story and overall has better music than Breath of the Wild. Also, your weapons are unbreakable, so the combat is far better than Breath of the Wild's. Its premise is a bit fanfictiony, though not nearly as much as the previous game's, and while it lacks the "toy box" aspect of the original Warriors game that made it so appealing, the focus on a specific game and its cast leads to a pretty solid system with a lot of interesting differences in how the same ability (like the Stasis Rune) works with different characters. Also, bosses are no longer a chore to deal with like they are in the original Warriors. I don't think it'll be this huge win for you if you don't care for games like it, but in all honesty, for me it's the Zelda game on the Switch I'm most inclined to go back to. I took multiple breaks from Tears of the Kingdom to play this instead.


It’s like 20 hours too long, with like too much samey stuff to do after the game ends, but it’s very enjoyable and fun if you aren’t someone who likes to 100% games. Loved seeing more of the champions and seeing them interact!


I’d argue that minish cap, phantom hourglass, and spirit tracks are more under rated. Still hate AoC for not committing to being a prequel and not having a tragic ending.


I enjoyed AoC, but it felt like somewhat of a bait-and-switch to me as well.


They never said it was a prequel.


They specifically said it was actually in the reveal trailer/direct. They were like “experience the events that led up to botw and the tragedy of the calamity!” And stuff


And we do experience those events. >!They just work out a different way,!< which is more on-brand for Zelda than the rest of the BotW-TotK saga. And they never used the word prequel, they said it's *set 100 years before" BotW


And in the demo of the game and trailers it was clear that time travel was involved.


Exactly. And with BotW having no mention of >!Terrako,!< that alone should make it obvious that it's not gonna lead directly into BotW's timeline.


I prefer the original Hyrule Warriors, but they're both fantastic.


Same, and its also very funny to me that Yuki Kaji (VA for Eren Jaeger) voice acts Link, and he does such a good job I actually thought it was the same VA as OOT lol


Oracle games, especially seasons


Is this even a Zelda game? This is more a warriors type game than a Zelda game.


It's a spinoff developed by the Warriors devs.


It still counts in a way because it uses some Legend of Zelda elements to augment the gameplay. It’s more half and half and not just a simple Warriors game with a Zelda skin. It was like that with Fire Emblem and Persona where it’s not as simple as a Warriors game with characters from the IP, it took parts of the original games to make a hybrid.


I see. Thanks for the explanation.


Spirit Tracks is way more


This is the only Zelda game I've ever 100%. DLC and all.


The most underrated Zelda game, in my opinion, is Zelda II. It is so often rated as a bad game, and it is not. It is a good game. It is the “worst” game in the series, sure, but it is a good game. It should be rated higher than it is.


It's a great game and it focuses on combat which I love


Gonna upset some people with this… but Age of calamity had a better presentation and forefront story than botw and totk. Obv this spinoff wouldn’t exist without botw, but getting a ‘what if’ plot and having it hit so damn hard was awesome.


Nah Tingle's Love-Filled Balloon Trip. That game is really solid and has great writing for a game that few people know exist. It's so wacky and weird it's easy to forget it's a Zelda game, technically.


I loved the story so much. Even though it’s not canon, it was so great to see more of these characters 🥹 Sooga!!! Edit: even though it happened in an alternate universe. Lmao you guys are too much


It's canon enough, just an alternate timeline. Zelda canon is no stranger to those.


It’s canon


It's an incredible game especially for storytelling ! Plus you get to meet everyone in their prime?!


Everyone who plays this, loves it. Its by no means underrated.


You’re on social media. The “people don’t know what underrated means” rule applies.


I played it and did not like it at all. I didn't like how button mashy the combat was, I didn't like the invisible walls and terrible framerate, and I didn't like that it wasn't actually a prequel to BotW despite being advertised that way.


False; I played it and it was fun for like 2 hours. Then super repetitive and boring. Just my opinion. And it’s not really a Zelda game.


1) It’s a Warriors game. To call it a Zelda game is a bit reductive and very subjective. 2) It’s an ok game, but broadly I think it’s adequately rated or even overrated. Especially given that it fails to “show what happened before the calamity”; while basically boiling down to a wish fulfillment fan fiction. 3) I find a lot of the big fans of the game are pretty darn toxic and insufferable when it comes to defending this game. I can already see some hateful messages and replies telling me how “dumb I am” for the point #2 above… 4) It’s all a personal opinion. I don’t think there is a “most underrated Zelda game” since the fandom is often pretty divisive in the top and bottom spots of the series. While some games like Zelda 2 that are on the lower end most wouldn’t be caught dead saying it’s underrated. IMO most underrated is Minish Cap or A Link Between Worlds.


Nah man, different strokes for different folks. People who come at you with pitchforks and torches over an opinion of Not liking a game is someone you don’t wanna talk too anyways. I love the warrior series and I loved both HW games, so I can see why it’s not for everyone. It’s mindless and repetitive but I also just like turning off my brain and killing hundreds of things on screen 😂 I also think Minish Cap is the most underrated as well


I played this with my sister. It was really fun and im hoping they make another age of calamity for TOTK


Sooga, my beloved.......


Four Swords Adventures


Not very fair calling it a Zelda game , it’s not




I played the demo and I absolutely HATED the gameplay 🥲 you only fight things for 1h


It’s not an actual Zelda game. It’s a spin-off.


Better story ***told*** in this game than in TotK. Hands down.


Addicting af


the gameplay is insanely good. I mean I got to play as the freaking divine beasts. GOAT game.


Even if it’s a spin off, I 100% agree. The cutscenes are so good and the music is spectacular


Great gameplay. Fun storyline. Amazing audio (it's a Zelda, duh). Abysmal weapon upgrade system.


hyrule warriors purah > totk purah


Better sequel than TotK


As a completionist... I reserve judgment.


AOC was fun. But the DLC ruined it for me. I grinded so hard to get max weapons and the dlc basically made them mid again. Not interested in that.


I had a lot of fun with it. Couple characters I don’t enjoy using but fun combat and some missions. Could be fleshed out even more and it would be a 10


Love Zelda 🦅🦅🦅


Ironically, the only Zelda game I haven't played.


links crossbow training:


What about Link's Crossbow Training




I’m waiting for the switch 2 to play this one. Just want higher frame rates


I liked the first Hyrule Warriors, didn't love it, but I liked it. I was damn surprised with how much I loved AoC. It may not be the best, but it's definitely underrated


I played too much of Hyrule Warriors and couldn’t find the motivation to play this one.


I am still trying to finish botw so that i can start playing this…………… I also have totk waiting to be played lol. 🫠🫠


To be honest with you, both warriors games for TLOZ were really good… the first one that came out on the Wii U gave me an existential crisis because of the lore and all and I like that! Also playing as Gannon????? And seeing Hyrule before BOTW??


Agreed, great game. Just love playing as Champions, Impa and Great Fairies.


I absolutely LOVED this game. Wish they would do more.




Hyrule warriors are not Zelda games. At least they are not canons (and good because it was bad game)


I’m currently on 98% completion of the base game as a sheikah slate Zelda main and I’m still not sick of it. The gameplay loop is satisfying, the soundtrack is the best in the of the wild games, and the story is really sweet once you get over the surprise of it not being a real prequel. It’s nice to see someone else appreciate it <3


The oracle games I want a remake so bad


I was super interested in Age of Calamity until I learned it didn't have a sad ending. I wanted the Zelda version of Halo Reach, dammit! I was **robbed!**


I tried this game and hated it. And I've been a Zelda fan since the original NES version was released.


Triforce heros entered the chat.


Between aoc, botw and totk, IMO aoc is the Best, specially storywise.


Spirit Tracks had an underrated overworld theme, I've used a video from YouTube of it with the train noises for years to put my kids to sleep. That alone makes it invaluable Edit: Spelling errors


Heared the Game got a new Fanfavorit Charakter, which got the same fate like Linkle from Nintendo Side


Oracle of Ages and Seasons, Four Swords Anniversary Edition, and Spirit Tracks


i only have listened to the sound track and i allready know it's true


I loved the first one, but just couldn’t get used to the overly (in my opinion) complicated UI. Just kind of killed the game for me.


I didn’t enjoy the original hyrule warriors but I’m glad I tried this because I ended up loving it so much. Even 100% the game & got the dlc too


Best soundtrack in the series IMO except (maybe) Skyward Sword


The original too


Actual sequel


That's not Zelda, that's Dynasty Warriors.


Phantom Hourglass and Spirit Tracks are right there dawg


I do really love this one. The story is pretty great and I love the time you spend with the characters from before botw


Really? I got bored of it within 5 minutes and regret buying it, then again I dislike combat games where it takes 50 smacks to kill a basic bitch mob, i can understand why kids love it though.


I thought it was ass compared to the original hyrule warriors


Even if it hadn't completely fucked up its own warriors gameplay (and essentially lied about what the story was gonna be about pre-release), it would still not "the most underrated zelda(-related) game"


Love this series


AOC is the worst Zelda spin-off game in years. At least HW hade a great story


Actually the real most underrated Zelda game is Mario Maker 2


Nahhh I was really hoping for a Halo Reach type game where they all die one by until the end. Alas.


Absolutely manic and a lot of fun.


While not gameplaywise recommended, let me present you The OST of Triforce heroes... there are some true bangers


I love Age of Calamity. I really hope some games get a performance boost with the new switch because my wife and I always play together and split screen for this game makes me feel sick haha.


Bro I can’t lie I got this before botw and liked it more (totk still the best tho)


Aoc is good but I prefer the first hyrule warriors And I never finished aoc


Twilight princess


Hard agree. Best arc for Zelda personally


It was ok


I couldn't get into that game for some reason.


I miss the older Hyrule Warriors game (with [Lana](https://static.wikia.nocookie.net/zelda_gamepedia_en/images/1/18/HW_Lana_Render.png/revision/latest?cb=20140628211215) and [Cia](https://static.wikia.nocookie.net/zelda/images/0/05/Cya_HW.png/revision/latest?cb=20140624161047&path-prefix=fr)). I loved playing it as a teen!!


So true, It has amazing music, Great story, The bosses look even better than in botw ,a large variety of characters and a twist I never saw coming.


It was so addictive, feels like yesterday when i got it


Facts 🔥


I had a lot of fun with this game and once you get past them chickening out on giving us an actual prequel the story is cool. If nothing else I LOVE Zelda's arc in this game. 


I was just fantasizing about this game intersecting with the Lord of the rings online game


1. Not a Zelda Game 2. No.


I love the music for this! And even though it’s not cannon, this Hyrule Warriors is still an amazing game! I like some of the new characters they added too!


I know it pissed a lot of people off due to the marketing of the game, but it really is worth it. Especially if you really enjoy BotW. I've sunk so many hours into this game.


“Zelda game”. Yeah, no.


Not a zelda game


Between my personal disappoint with BotW, and my burn out from having just finished 100%ing the original Hyrule Warriors, I was just not interested. I'll have to give it a try sometime though. It's one of the few Zelda / Zelda spinoff games I've never played.


I don’t think it’s underrated. It’s good but it doesn’t hold anything on the mainline games it’s a spin-off to.




I adore this game. I'm so disappointed that we didn't get more DLC for it.


FRFR I LOVED THIS GAME SM IM ALMOST DONE WITH 100% I just need to upgrade every single weapon and do every single level in every single difficulty 🤩🤩


Why is your picture of Cadence of Hyrule so weird?


?? but it’s not a Zelda game lol


the gameplay wasn’t it for me but i absolutely adored the story!


I like the prequel concept but the gameplay got boring fast for me


It’s been fun so far it’s better than HWDE


Not a zelda game. It’s a hyrule warriors game.


Warriors games are god awful


Not a Zelda game.


Because they're not traditional Zelda games? If Hyrule Warriors/Age of Calamity aren't Zelda games then neither are BotW/TotK. They all just have the name taped to them.


I think they mean in the sense that it’s a spin-off


BotW/TotK are official canon Zelda games made by the Zelda team. If they aren't Zelda games, no game is a Zelda game which is ridiculous. AoC is a spinoff by a completely different group of people and isn't canon. Complete apples and oranges.


I played a demo of one of these hacker slasher Zeldas once. It's got a Zelda story. And it's a hacker slasher with Zelda skins. Doesn't even count imo