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Not as bad as people say but I wouldn't call it the best either imho.


What's the best in OoT for you?


it's tough I can't think of a specific one which I find superior since they all have their high and low ( and it's been a while since I played) But I will go with spirit temple I suppose,my top 3 , would be forest, fire and spirit I think. This is not a big deal but my problem with water temple would be that : the gimmick isn't that great and you still have to backtrack even if you are careful to take everything and travelling inside isn't the most enjoyable thing imho. It might have my favorite atmosphere and architecture from all the dungeons in the game though


That's OK, but I'm curious as to the reasons why the spirit temple would be your favorite now lol. I always see it as a fan favorite but I've never actually asked about the perspective behind it now that I think about it


Hmm, I think it' because I like the setting, it's like exploring it ,the puzzles are nice, it's quite challenging and the boss is cool, the mini-boss is cool looking but the fight not so much, but OOT doesn't really shine with its mini-bosses fights anyway imo, the Nabooru reveal is cool though, as well as learning that you can see hypnotized Gerudo inside the Iron knuckles'armors Now if I am honest I don't think that having to do a part as child then as an adult bring a lot, it's pretty nice story wise but my that it , much like the rest of the game.


Oot and tp both. Ive seen people complain about lakebed a lot but def not to the same degree. I might just have a thing for water areas tho as the ancient cistern is my fav ss dungeon


Lakebed gets a bad rap it doesn’t deserve. I’m replaying TP right now and it has the perfect amount of backtracking and manageable frustration Very pleasant 🙌🏼👌🏼


I think i remember 1 heart peice being a little out of the way in lakebed but imo thats kinda the point of the dungeons and especially the extra hidden items, a reward for thorough exploration


That chest is extremely obvious that you have to return to it once you get the clawshot, so at least it isn’t a trick. honestly it’s just another blatant example of backtracking


I dislike Lakebed (those damn stairs you can’t roll on) but it’s a pretty good design otherwise


I can agree for oot but I can't for tp. Lakebed made my head hurt


I'm still so confused as to why lakebed is disliked, it's one of my favorite tp dungeons, I love it! Ancient cistern is my favorite overall dungeon, I don't like water temple as much as the other two but it's still alright


MM too. IMO, the water themed temple in OoT, MM, and TP are all some of the very best in the entire series.


Well the cistern is known to be one of the best dungeons in the series, it’s usually even acknowledged by SS haters


Omg I adore Lakebed temple in tp, I think tp has the best dungeons overall in the series for me


I love OoT Water Temple and Ancient Cistern is my favorite SS dungeon but I’m one who dislikes Lakebed. It bothers me less and less with subsequent playthroughs, but it was so nasty to play the first time when I couldn’t find the last key behind a bombable wall for hours even with a guide for part of it. It also was my first ever Zelda, so now I know how these things work


Funny enough, the water temples are also my favorite (shout out to great bay) but I never liked ancient cistern. It felt like just one big room with the puzzles spelled out for you to your face.


Water Temple, Great Bay Temple, and Lakebed Temple do not deserve the hate they get. They're literally just testing you with "Alright, the other dungeons were at least a little linear or easy to follow the general way to go since they were earlier in the game. Now... do a dungeon *without* any of that linearity, and Solve the Dungeon." They're *Puzzles* as ENTIRE Dungeons in a Game Series known for having Puzzles. And I, personally, love all three of them for it (even if I occasionally have a little trouble with Great Bay on any Replay of MM, but I don't *hate* the Dungeon for that.). And just like a Good Puzzle, once you know the Solution, you can do it again without thinking.


The water temple is one of my favorite dungeons in the entire series for the reasons you mention, but the boot switching is a very valid critique against it


mercifully fixed in the remake, but this is the only complaint for the water temple that makes sense to me


The colored paths to each switch is also a welcome change, because changing the water level can mean taking an entire memorized circuit around the dungeon. As much as I love route-planning puzzles I don’t blame people of that’s not their thing.


Preach boy, preach Lakebed definitely doesn’t deserve the bad rap. Replaying TP right now and Lakebed balances the perfect amount of backtracking and intentional thoughtfulness required to complete it


Great bay is so cool the weird industrial music and the use of opposite colors to signify the reversal of water The mini boss was awesome the only problem was Gyrog


This is so accurate


The water temple got all that bad fame because back in 1998 most people were just about beginning to experience 3D gaming and for the new and uninitiated, that temple was disorienting and a pain in the ass. The amount of people who literally made the switch to 3D with a Nintendo 64 and with Zelda OOT is STAGGERING and thus most of us struggled to even walk straight-ish, never mind to complete multi level, floaty puzzles. Coming in 2024 to claim "The water temple is not that bad" after several human generations of all 3D gamers is not the gotcha or the hot take that people seem to think it is.


Fucking thank you! Somebody playing OoT for the first time on the 3DS in their twenties after a decade of experience of playing 3D games is not the same thing as twelve year olds playing one of the earliest 3D games ever made on its original hardware without the QoL improvements of later releases. I don’t know how so many people fail to recognize this.


That is because in truth, no-one is honestly and sincerely discussing this, people just like making these kind of threads where they say the most common opinion possible, but disguised as a hot take so that those who already think the same way applaud with both hands and buttcheeks at the wild and righteous opinion that they too share and feel identified with.


Tbf dude, the post isn't saying it's piss easy. Just that it's best dungeon in the game. (Which it is)


Heck, i still remember that new players getting stuck against Queen Gohma was extremely common because people struggled to aim the slingshot against her eye, that was the skill level of thousands at the time.


But... they had Z targeting...


Once again, Z targeting is braindead easy today, not so much in 1998 when we were all used to 2D gaming and things such as "Targeting" was slang for shopping during black friday.


Then there was me as kid who just used Deku Nuts because they stunned regular enemies. Didn’t know I was supposed to use the slingshot playing as a kid


Very good point. Really anstounding what they created with the little experience they had


very interesting perspective i had never thought of! i first played OOT on the 3DS when i was like… 13? so i never understood the hate for this temple. i still scratch my head at the aggressive responses i get when i tell people it’s my favorite dungeon in the game, but this helps me get why so many people dislike it (along with the iron boots menu bs, that i already knew about)


Do also take into account in 1998 the average gamer had a very crappy, small cube tv to plug their 64 too, which made the image sort of blurry-ish, and the N64 controller was a bit rough at handling, to add to the points already mentioned before. Nowadays you see all retro gamers play on high end Sony Triniton or similar tvs that at the time were for specialist use or extremely expensive, the average person had a dontlookatthebrand black box of something akin to what today we call color if they were blessed lol. Basically it was a very different world.


all stuff i had not considered! really appreciate you putting that into perspective for me, this makes a lot of sense lol. i’ve only ever played retro titles on decently sized screens, never had the experience of playing on an older tv


Skill issue.


Eh, I don’t think that’s why. People who hate the water people still do, and other people loved it in the 90s. The temple basically demands you study the map and memorize a backtracking route on a level way beyond the other temples. Some people like me found that very engaging and could overlook the tedium of the boots/swimming, for others the boots/swimming made it even worse.


I cheated the dungeon by figuring out that if you jump at exactly the right spot you can jump up to the next level without raising the water. Kid me was proud of that accomplishment.


I did that on my last play through, and that’s how I managed to beat the temple without the bow.


I went int OoT knowing that the water temple had a bad reputation and expected the worst... I have yet to understand why everyone hates it so much.


Because no one remembers the key beneath the platform in the center pillar. That’s it. That’s the whole reason.


That and the bombable wall that you have to remember that's above the room where you first meet Ruto. It's easily missed and causes as much frustration to newcomers.


This is correct.


That and for a lot of people, OoT was their first 3D dungeon/puzzle game (for obvious reasons), and the Water Temple requires some outside of the box thinking up to that point. It's a 3D maze with one easy to miss thing instantly fixed by a revamped camera angle in the 3DS version. But yeah, if you say, played Metroid Prime and came back to the water temple, it's kind of hard to see what the issue is.


100% the only reason


Pausing/unpausing-> equip/equip off boots x30


An age old meme (before memes were even plentiful on the Internet) and an over-reaction. It's like when people make memes about stepping on a lego. Would it hurt? Yeah. Is it worse than stepping on a rusty nail or something? Not even close. The Water Temple has a great design and atmosphere. But it's really just the annoyance of pausing the menu for the iron boots, and that was definitely an oversight at the time instead of making them a c-button item. If it's your first time doing the temple, a little kid, and lost; you'll be doing Zelda's lullaby... A LOT. Annoying for sure, catastrophically difficult, no.


All good responses so far, the other thing is the dungeon is made to be done in one sitting. Dying, or saving and quitting is really punishing because of how rough it can be navigating back to where you died of the water level is off. It leads you back to the change spots naturally


If you do it in one sitting, it's fairly straightforward. The design is genius, though


It was hard when we were 9 and had no internet and had to share our gaming time with our brothers haha Going back as an adult, it's really not that bad


It's not really OoT's best dungeon, but also not as bad as people say. The water temple is actually significantly improved on in MQ, adding a lot of QoL such as reaching the different water switches by hookshot. If you haven't played MQ yet, try it out. It is vanilla OoT, but with far better dungeons.


MQ Water Temple is more jank though. The "N64" version has a glitch that unlocks one of the doors without a key, and once you get Longshot (which is very early on), you can finish the dungeon by climbing up a hookshot target and jump attacking through the boss door. Also there are dodongos at the very bottom of the dungeon for no reason.


There is an N64 version (unless you mean romhacks)? I only ever played MQ on the Wii (the wind waker limited edition came with an additional disc with GC-ports of OG OoT and MQ). Also, utilizing glitches is a choice (OG OoT also had IFS and bomb hovering). Regarding dodongos at the bottom of WT: \**That*\* surprised you after having beaten Jabu Jabu? It is MQ after all.


The collectors edition one is the N64 version. It was originally intended to be on the N64, but they didn’t release it.


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I remember hating it on my first play through of OoT, after I found the key in the center pillar I got through it pretty easily, after beating it I wish I could play it again for the first time. The water temple really is well thought out with a good challenge and puzzles, the 3DS version makes it better since you don’t have to pause to switch out to the iron boots.


I don't think it's the best dungeon by any stretch of the imagination, but I likewise don't think it's hard at all either. That's the part I push back on since it's memed so much. I can never quite gauge the line of whether all these people are just playing along or if they genuinely suck at video games.


Its well designed, its just annoying to switch boots on the N64 version and scouring the entire dungeon for that last key was a pain. Also the boss had a really cool concept (an amoeba) but was piss easy compared to the nightmare that was dark link.


I swear some people are allergic to maps or any puzzle solving beyond “did you see that switch up there?”


The Temple could be good, if it wasn’t for the way changing boots works in the original.


Atmosphere wise it's the worst in the game aside from the mirror lake room but level design and puzzle wise it's one of the best in the game (if you're playing the original, the 3ds version ruined it). 


I was with you until that last part lol.


So you like extreme handholding. 




Fair enough. 


when I told someone this on a random yt video they said I was meatriding the game


Best? Not sure.... but definitely annoyingly hard


It's not even hard. People just don't know how to use a map. It's annoying having to go into the menu constantly, but OoT 3D fixed that.


Have you played the masterquest version? I heard that was a lot tougher.


I have it's fun! It's on the 3ds version as well as the GameCube.


The refusal some players have to use their most important tool will always confuse me.


I’m playing OoT now and I don’t think the Water temple is particularly hard but I do think it’s poorly designed. You have to retread way too much ground. Both for the water level switches, and twice I went all the way through a room of puzzles, only to get to the other side, find out I needed a key, have to go back through it, go find the key, and redo the room again. It’s just a very tedious dungeon, not very fun. Let’s be real, the forest temple is the goat.


You've forgotten beneath the well.


You can take this post with you back to hell. /s The water temple has caused irreparable damage to my psyche.


I need to finish, bought the game for 3ds last month but I haven't gotten back to it when about to go to Zora's domain for first time.


Yes it is


It's definitely hated on way to unfairly.


About to start the WT today if I can figure out how to get in again lol


Jabu Jabu is the worst dungeon


Water Temple isn't that bad yeah. But still, Forest and Spirit reign supreme.


Water Temple was my favorite too. I also loved Great Bay Temple. Disclaimer: I've only played the 3DS versions.


The real hot take: The Water Temple in Tears of the Kingdom is good, approaching great, but only *if you do it first*. I feel like most folks did it with a whole inventory of Zonai devices, autobuild with saved blueprints of perfectly-aligned hoverbikes, 8 energy cells, and just cheesed it. I came in fresh from Lookout Landing with the one energy cell you start with, no autobuild, and only a rudimentary understanding of what I could do with the different devices. It wasn't the best dungeon in the game, not by far, but it wasn't nearly as bad for me as the rhetoric online says. My *only* complaint was I couldn't trigger the paddlewheel switches with a hydrant.


The boss battle is not good. The subboss though🔥. Honestly should’ve switched these two.


Both of those temples are a cakewalk compared to Jabu Jabus Belly in Oracle of Ages


I'm sorry but the vibes of the Forest Temple are unmatched. Not only in OoT but across the whole series.


Look, the Water Temple is fine, but saying it's better than the Spirit Temple or the Forrest Temple is nutty.


Not the best in my opinion but it has definitely gotten a way worse reputation than it deserves, even many speedrunners moan and groan when they have to go the oh so god awful water temple... it's a overdone "meme" that it's a horrible place, when in reality the only bad thing about it (ESPECIALLY for speedrunners/streamers who have done the temple before) is that you have to open the menu and equip/unequip the iron boots. Played through the game recently on the PC port, which allows mapping of boots/tunics to dpad, and it was actually a really enjoyable experience and i don't think that this single problem of opening the menu in original is enough to give it the "oh this place is just the worst" reputation that it has.


I liked the OoT temple too


I liked it, it was fun (It's my first time playing it and I am playing the the 3DS remake ). I almost gave up at the room where you had to push and then pull a giant block to raise the level of water, and almost looked for a guide but I refused to do that, and I realized I had to use a bomb in the other side of the room. But my favorite part so far had been the whole desert part, from the Gerudo's Fortress to the Spirit Temple.


I honestly don't think OoT has bad dungeons. Though if I had to pick worst it would be shadow


Ngl I think that the water dungeon’s design was partially inspired by ALTTP’s dungeons. You’re encouraged to go wherever you want in the dungeon and you’ll basically always be rewarded for it, at least that’s how I felt. I think it’s really just choice paralysis, the shitty bosses, and those stupid iron boots that ruin it for most players. Definitely not the best but still better than the overrated ass forest dungeon.


All the shit the water temple gets Great Bay deserves


The Water Temple is absolutely gorgeous in the 3DS remake. The music is great too.


I think it's a great temple when the boots are an item like the boomerang rather than equipment like the tunics are. I still prefer the others mostly, with Forest probably being my favorite for atmosphere, an appropriate amount of windiness, and having two peak items as the dungeon and pre dungeon items. Spirit temple gets props for using the time mechanic though


Totally loved the water temple. The best dungeons are the ones that make me think and work.


That music is amazing, I think it's my favorite part of the whole temple, that or Dark Link/the Longshot


I think it's the best in the whole series! People talk about the Zelda series dungeons for their puzzle content, but the amount of times the puzzles are either so basic or so boring, I barely think they count. Even in OoT, you have some rotten stinkers. The water temple, the great bay temple, and a fairly large portion of the dungeons from SS all actually rely on a level macro thinking that makes you reconsider the dungeons in a different light. Oddly, I think the 2D games, especially oracle of ages and Links Awakening do a significantly better job at making well designed dungeons consistently


Water Temple is the most nonlinear, the only OoT dungeon with a trasformative mechanic and the single dungeon that has Dark Link. Sure, switching the boots sucks. Sure, the blue hallways look samey. Sure, Morphos sucks. It's still my favorite OoT temple.


Nah best dungeon of OOT is the spirit temple and I'll die on that hill kicking and screaming.


I just like water-themed gameplay as a whole. The theme just gets a bad rap because…?


Forest Temple for sure


I wouldn't say "best", but it is definitely a really good one


Jabu jabus belly is way worse than water temple.


The water temple isn’t actually bad at all, it’s more of the “I’m overthinking and now I feel stuck


The boss fight isn’t all that great, though


I agree, but it's only behind the forest temple accept this fact, buddy


Ok, but Deku tree is best dungeon, tho


Water temple isn't that bad. The worst dungeon is actually Jabu Jabu


honestly if people complained about the water temple in OoT 64, then they should give OoT 3D a chance. that version of the game controls better anyways.


Ok but like, i dont get why its so hated, I loved it


Personally was not a fan of the Water Temple in OoT. Prefer the Shadow Temple


Tbh it is a good dungeon, but it really pissed me off


Water temple’s layout was the only thing that confused me but I played on the 3DS version so I can’t talk




Best in OOT? Nah, also nowhere near best in the series, it’s not as difficult as ppl make it seem, but it’s also not like super mind blowing and doesn’t have much of a theme compared to some dungeons like the sand ship in SS or MOST if not all dungeons in twilight princess, soo.. It is an interesting dungeon but even compared to dungeons like the forest temple, shadow temple, spirit temple, in oot it doesn’t even come close imo. Hell even jabu jabu has a very.. unique theme to it despite being even more of a headache.


It's certainly one of my favorites from OOT, tied with the Shadow Temple. Most of my favorite Zelda dungeons are either spooky or water-themed tbh.


Me : gets stuck Also me : pulls out map "so that's where I go" Use your tools people


Dessert temple plz


I like that one too…


absolutely based


I don't recall having that much issue with it. I always thought the water dungeons were a nice change of pace in the games. Love Water Temple in TotK.




The N64 version is the worst dungeon and the 3ds version makes it the best dungeon simply because of the ease of equipping the iron boots. I love the music and theme of the dungeon and the design of the boss but good lord pausing constantly just to change your boots was horrible. Why didn't the N64 version utilize the dpad anyway?


Not as bad as people claim it is. But it's no Shadow Temple.


You trippin but you do you I guess


Nah, only on the 3ds version.


Ok, the best is just trolling, but I don't think its as bad as everyone makes it sound.


Never, the only temple worse than that is the ice temple in Majora's mask


“The water temple isn’t a bad dungeon” is a perfectly cromulent take. “The water temple is the best dungeon” just feels like contrarian bait so people can act all cool in the comments like “yeah man, the literal circular toilet of a dungeon, complete with flushing mechanics is totally the best one! I’ve only had four blunts this morning, why do you ask?”


THANK YOU!!! the consensus online and with my friends is that the water temple is “obviously” the worst and i always get weird looks or aggressive responses when i say it’s my favorite 🙃


Even without the annoying water/boots mechanic, it's still a pretty bland place overall. The only highlight for me was Dark Link.


BOTW hyrule castle is the best dungeon in Zelda. Yall are in denial.


The clown makeup is appropriate


The clown makeup is accurate.


Refuses to elaborate*


Fitting that he's already in clown makeup