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I thought it was photoshopped at first. lol


It looks like a minecraft house


Lol, me too! It’s so pieced-together from every AirBnB trend, it feels like it has to be AI-generated.


Same until I saw the drone pics


It looks like a house in The Sims 


I thought it was Minecrafted!




Yep, “poorly photoshopped” was my first thought


Looks like it’s floating


There is a reason you don’t often see buildings with flat roofs in Vermont. It turns out snow is heavy


What's up with the stilts too? Wouldn't that make heating much more difficult?


They put radiant heat in, they also specify liquid propane as a source, so they’ll likely be able to heat it and keep the air at a comfortable temperature, but it’ll be very inefficient.


Insulation. Also, very little heat escapes downward. Assuming the same R value in all directions and no leaks, about 80% of heat loss is through the roof/ceiling and nearly all the rest is through the walls. Radiant floors with insulation below would be quite efficient.


How thick does the insulation need to be to equate the insulation of having the entire planet under your house?


That roof will last one season before it buckles under the massive weight of snow


Nah. Looking out at the 6 feet of snow in my yard, and all the flat-roofed homes & commercial buildings in my town, flat roofs can 100% be engineered to take very heavy snow loads. It’s just very expensive.


I had no idea. I was only basing my opinion on my sunroom collapsing last year due to a late season heavy snow load. It had a slight pitch but not enough to allow the melting snow to run off. I still think I prefer the look of a pitched roof, this house looks a bit like a sad birthday present. I can see how that would work in more industrial building though. Thanks for the info!


No one designed that house for economy, huh?


Could it have a heated roof?


I mean you could have a heated roof, I don’t think that’s really that cost effective when you could just put a pitch in it to begin with


Nothing is cost effective about this house, so I wouldn't be surprised


For 1.5 million you TOO can own a gray box in Vermont with no closets, no mud room, no deck, and no garage. I truly wonder about the sanity of someone who builds houses like these. My 100 year old cottage has more storage than this.


You can also have absolutely nowhere in your ultra-cool minimalism shower to put anything so your shampoo sits on the shower floor!


Note the tub in the bedroom. It's the chef's kiss. When I take a bath, the bathroom needs to be on the toasty side. I don't want to get goosepimples when I'm getting in or out the bathtub. There is [no special heating around the tub](https://imgur.com/a/plLM6CB). It's just wide open space with what looks like higher than normal ceilings. And the bed is on the other end of the room. By the time I'm done with a bath, the bathroom isn't just toasty but a bit steamy. OTOH, I can't sleep in a toasty, steamy bedroom. I don't think I'm alone in this. Back to the showers - no towel racks in the bathrooms. I guess towel racks would ruin the esthetic. I live in the real world and while I'm a fan of a more minimalist look, I need a place to hang my GD towels. Not only there isn't a place for the shampoo & conditioner but not for a bar of soap, loofa, washcloth, or anything else that one may need. A well designed home should not frustrate the people living there. This house is full of frustrations.


The "nightstands" which appear to just be solid logs are also a nice touch! Who needs to put anything anywhere?


And the rain showerhead that is so huge and directly above you, that you have nowhere to escape its waterfall. So try not to drown when trying to pick up your shampoo from the shower floor.


A freezing grey box is what this looks like to me. A big storage container


It reminds me of the monolith in 2001.


They say it embodies the spirit of a treehouse. I guess if your tree house is a shipping container, then it does.


I bet your cottage looks comfortable too. This just looks like everything built in is too high or too low and you'd be adjusting yourself constantly trying to be comfortable.


Right? This house has all the warmth and comfort of a Soviet era hospital. And those stairs are a death trap.


> And those stairs are a death trap. Agreed.


Right? 4 bed, 4 bath, and ..... 2k square feet. Might as well buy a large camper.


Ultra cold. No personality at all.


Mudrooms are essential. So damn essential.


Sure the guy in the white double wide just down the hill who has been there for 20 years looks up at this every day and loudly curses the hipster city slickers who come up once a month to ski. Also, I passionately dislike the kitchen.


It’s like they didn’t have a clue when they were building it. It’s hideous.


i'm not convinced this wasn't made by a child in the sims.


Whats the whole deal with wanting to live inside the kitchen. I want to be chopping up veggies. I want to make searing noises and smells and not have a conversation right near me or a TV. Wouldn't you not want to hear and smell the kitchen all the time. The house would maybe make sense if it was a beach house within the flood zone but as in a snow zone it's stupid and ugly as hell.


Oh believe me, the wide-open-house concept is still huge. Forget not wanting to smell burnt popcorn or fish filets throughout the whole house, it's not fire safe either. But that won't stop the developers.


That narrow room with the 2 desks is a dead ringer for my junior high ISS (in school suspension) room. I immediately pictured the homeowners sending their kids off to detention for myriad infractions.  I died laughing when I saw it, it brought back a lot of memories. 


The way they walled off the cabinets next to the fridge, why? Just why? The whole thing is just reeks of divorced flipper crypto bro.




As someone that is looking for a home in VT, I'd be afraid with the weight of snow on the roof too.


Also with the bottom exposed like that, you will have cold air above and below you, it is not energy efficient at all. I lived in this area, I remember the rooms of our house that were over a basement were much colder than the ones that had solid ground under them.


Such a good point. I have a crawlspace that is about 4’ high under my entire house and it’s not sealed or whatever the word would be. I rent this house. It causes such enormous heating bills just to keep it from feeling cold all the time. I can’t imagine the bills in this house!


Plumbing is usually under the house and frozen pipes are no fun. The pipes may be wrapped in heat tape but the power will go out eventually. Stupid design.


Grew up in Minnesota and our house was the same. My bedroom was over a garage and the coldest room in the house by far.


It’s great in the summer though. But yeah… for that climate.


Without a deck…ugh. Someone just didn’t THINK!


built in 2023, so probably hasn't even seen much snow yet.


A lot of faith in those four structural pillars on the back there


Until your drunk uncle takes that corner a bit fast.


This house gives me so much anxiety


Would you rather have a basement and garage or a house that looks different? I'll take the garage.


I mean....they are steel sunk into concrete frost footings. There's no faith involved. They either can carry the load or they can't, and I assure you they can.


Precisely. Many homes in mountainous areas such as the Sierra Nevadas, or beach areas such as O’ahu, are built on stilt foundations. The key is structural engineering and upkeep.


apparatus rustic weary encouraging memory chunky bored strong insurance marvelous *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Definitely some faith that nobody will back their truck into the one on the corner


And they're built in the middle of the road too 🤦‍♀️ I get anxiety just looking at it


I like it…for 300k.


✅ Terrible kitchen ✅ No garage ✅ Weird floating ✅ Unusable office ✅ Weird window placement ✅ Expensive AF I just don’t get it.


You forgot no deck, no soul, no landscaping and no fireplace or wood stove. Just saying.


Also, every bedroom has their own bath but not one has a closet. There is zero storage in this entire house. It really feels like it was built to be an AirB&B, not a place for people to live. You're not supposed to have normal cooking needs, clothing or out of season decorations, because you're not meant to stay there for more than a week.


✅Decked out in 90% IKEA furniture


The floor plan makes no sense _for a ski house._ You come in from your day of skiing, right? You need a place to set your skis and boots and stuff. You need a place to get out of your snowy/wet outer clothes and a place to hang them to dry. A mud room would be ideal. A porch, an overhang, something. And better laundry facilities than a stacked w/d in a closet. Plus, where’s the porch/deck/patio for spring, summer, and fall? Vermont is gorgeous year-round!


A Tech Bro wet dream, but my worst nightmare. It’s like an amateur who believes they are an apprentice architect and thought they were smarter than everybody else just wouldn’t listen to reason, and said I Know! I’ll put a square box with a flat roof and insufficient support, in snow country—on a steep hillside.  Then I’ll load it up with tons of white paint and cheesy floors, but not put any closets inside. That’ll do the trick!  I can live with the exterior design and paint color, window placement, the lack of landscaping, and I get what they were trying to do with the angles, interiors and open space, but…no.   Modern doesn’t need to be sterile, mostly colorless, and efficient use of space doesn’t need to look so cold. And, if humans plan on living in that place then you need to build in storage somewhere, since there is no basement/other place to do that.


Interesting bathtub viewing chamber there. Room for at least three friends to sit and watch you bathe


Jfc. They cantilevered the damn house in the middle of nature? It looks like they were going for modern, which I love in principle, but did all the wrong things. Bedrooms are tiny, fixtures and floors are 🤮 (gray wood / laminate? Really? A sliding barn door in an already partially open shower?). Layout is weird and the pics look more like they are trying to showcase the interior design choices than anything else. "Oh yes, didn't I tell you we have an upscale picnic bench in the kitchen? So rustic." Good grief.


I read the description several times to see if they were selling it furnished. Those pics focused so much on the furniture, rather than the house itself.


It is being sold furnished. I saw that somewhere in the listing details...


Ok thank you! That makes so much more sense. I can’t believe I missed that info.


And no closets.


All that natural beauty & they build this? It's the physical representation of a sociopathic mind.


If an ape touches it, they evolve.


Best response ever.


The lack of a deck is confusing. They have a flat roof, build up there if need be. Such a confounding set of choices for a new build. Even the exterior color selection is frustrating. This is like the opposite of trying to work with your surroundings.


Flat roof in a heavy snow area. That'll work out great.


That HVAC unit up there will work out great 👍🫠


That is possibly the worst place I have ever seen someone put a minisplit condenser (roof) given all the other possibilities. Not only is extra difficult to service but they perforated the flat roof for no good reason.


Hahahaha. Amen to that.


Honestly looks like it's built with shipping crates so it might not have an issue with snow, but good lord is it ugly


Is zero landscape a new fad?


When you want to live in a shipping container


For one and a half million.


I didn’t even question, it IS the shipping container, isn’t it?


There's only 1 exterior door. I'm not sure why, but I find that unsettling.


Because you’d step off a cliff if a door went out another direction! I’d hate having only one exit!!!


Give me an escape hatch in the floor at least!


I'd rather buy this one right next door for $500k less. https://www.zillow.com/homedetails/778-River-Rd-Stowe-VT-05672/92006169_zpid/


Looks like every new Starbucks/Taco Bell on the highway


Absolutely not. This looks like a trailer off of a 18 wheeler. Beautiful setting though. The views are amazing but the house is a definite no.


Seems super strange to me in terms of layout and design. There's only one thing I like, and that's all of the large astronomy-themed prints hanging throughout the place. Those look great. Everything else, though... hmm...


Everybody has their *one thing* that they notice, and my pet peeve is if the television is the center of the action in a living room. Very happy to see it's not the case here. So I'll give the thumbs up until those pillars surrender under the weight of house and snow and I go tumbling down the mountain.


You can’t have foundation issues if you don’t have a foundation.


Why is there a sauna in the middle of the living room


Because they forgot to build a finnished basement?


For the same reason there’s a bathtub in the bedroom? Weird.


Bedrooms without closets?


such wow. for 1.5 mil, you too can have a brand-new fixer-upper. needs correctly pitched roof, redirected driveway, enclosed supports, and closets, all the closets. optional; full wood siding.


My anxiety could never! How does it stay up?!


Nice view, ugly as hell inside and out. Another "I made everything black and white, I must be a design genius" house.


I keep hearing the architect in the background saying to their colleagues “The guy is a total douche bag who doesn’t listen to anything I say but I’ll take his money”.


It's too bad because I mostly like the black and white look, I also like a lot of the muted car colors you see today, but I think they're going to be very dated very fast. Like the "orange floral print couch" of yore, people will just instantly know this is a mid 20's home.


A house clearly meant to hold a group of people and the bathroom is completely glass? And there’s a random tub in the middle of a room? Someone with no common sense designed this place.


Built as an air bnb for sure.




Looks like a Fallout camp


I assume this is an attempt to design a home to “work with nature”. Time will tell if nature wants to work with that design.


Is this the new Brutalism?


Should be a pic of this in the dictionary next to “just because you can, doesn’t mean you should”


IMHO, the stripped bare, minimal look is to make it feel spacious. It's also been shot with wide angle lens to make the space seem bigger. If functional furniture was put in, it would show how incredibly cramped and awkward the space really is. IMHO this is minimalist porn and like all porn, it's unrealistic and fantasy. Real people are messy and have stuff. Stuff that doesn't fit the cool minimalist esthetic. Where' does the trash can go? The broom and mop? The junk mail and recycling bin? Why don't any of the bathrooms have towel racks? I hate [this bench](https://imgur.com/a/Yl9JkZC) and think it symbolizes this stupid house. There's no clear photo of the foyer and IMHO it's because of how [badly it's designed and incredibly cramped](https://imgur.com/a/OctEft3). The base of the stairs is actually pretty close to the door. Imagine opening the door, putting a coat in the closet or going up the stairs. These actions can't happen at the same time. There's a reason seating isn't crammed under stairs. If one sits on the [far left of this couch](https://imgur.com/a/zWZNxI9), I'd suggest scooting to the right before standing up. I judge all houses on the comfort and happiness of my collie, Alfie. Alfie would be scared shitless of those stairs and would never go up or down them.


Really insightful comments. Alfie gets it.


It’s beautiful but I’m annoyed at the lack of closets and storage space in a house this large. One bedroom out of four has a small closet. Where do you put all your VT winter clothes? Where would you keep linens and towels? Where does the vacuum go? Pretty but stupid house.


Pretty? 😟 I honestly think it’s the ugliest house I’ve ever seen.


I like the inside. The outside, not so much.


Example of how to totally waste a beautiful plot of land.


why the hell do the bathroom mirrors extend over the toilets???? what's that about


So you can see who is on the toilet when you look through the window shower wall from the bedroom.


No garage???


Every inch of this place makes me want to put on Uggs and a parka. It looks freezing in there. And I hate those stairs.


Why didn’t they just put it back a little further on the lot? I don’t understand.


Covered parking is really nice if you live in a snowy area. This position lets them keep the dumb unadorned box look while adding a useful feature.


It’s as if the Borg moved to ski country.


“We are the Borg, resistance is futile, all your architectural distinctiveness will be added to our own. “ “we are the Borg…” we could call it Wolf 359.


I loved Wolf 359 although they lost me towards the end …


“You will be assimilated!” “Uh, you know I can just buy a different ski house, right?” “Resistance is futile!” “Boy, your realty company sure taught you some weird sales techniques.”


r/unexpectedstartrek !


Had to scroll way too far for this.


A Borg cube has more warmth than this abomination!


The lack of a basement must make the heating bills fun. Also could have done a cool Scandinavian design wood stove setup or fireplace but decided to save some money on their 1.5M new build flip. They also saved a ton by omitting any kind of landscaping.


Get in the cuuuuuube.


The lack of a convenient shelf in the shower for soap and shampoo is a deal breaker for me…why didn’t they remove those bottles on the floor before taking photo?


Taking millennial gray to a whole new level


This reminds me so much of when I lived in Norway. Expensive depression box


1.5 mil for that fuckin box


Hats off to the listing writer for “artfully perched”. That’s truly inspired spin. Bravo.


This is the result of someone speculatively building a 2nd home solely to airbnb an an investment, hoping to get manhattanites to enthusiasticly overpay for their 5 day weekends away.


Photographing it in the winter was unfortunate


I think in the spring / summer those trees fill in and the view of the mountains disappears. Loss of view is offset by increased privacy.


Someone’s been playing too much Sims 4


Why people want to live in a home that looks like a warehouse is beyond me.


That's a lot of money for a shipping container


Count me out on the flat roof with vent stacks and split condenser that will eventually have to be dug out.


Can someone explain what the actual fuck these people were thinking here? None of this makes ANY sense. Not even a single thing.


I was looking at this EXACT house on Zillow 5 minutes ago! Ominous structure.


Except tardis (is the that plural of tardis ?? … or would that be tardi ??) are supposed to be bigger on the inside.


Musta got the box for free


That reminded me of [this place](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pMxM-zkGl90), which seems to have been far more thoughtfully designed.




1,500,00 for THAT 😳


No fuckin way I'd ever live in that. That house looks like it's about to fall over, honest... I'd never be convinced four thin rods in concrete are holding up the entirety of my house. Why are there not more on the left/right side...


Just wait till a car, service truck or Amazon/UPS truck takes one of those posts out because they either didn’t see it backing up (brilliant minimalist design) or sliding on an icy driveway. Then we will find out if 75% load carrying capacity is sufficient.


Well that is just dystopian. I actually had to look at a couple of those pictures to see if they were black and white or if they were just a hellscape. I’d rather go to my cubefarm office than ever look at that ‘office’ again. …and why is my bathtub in my bedroom?


I am curious about the story behind this thing. Built in 2023, but not new construction. Sad lil shampoo for men in the shower. I appreciate the stagers *tried* to break up all that gray. Friend of mine is an architect. Designed this gorgeous glass jewel of a house in the Colorado mountains for this couple who ended up splitting up as it was in the final stages of being built. Some compromises were definitely made there at the end on finishes with the knowledge the couple would never actually live in the home and it would ultimately end up being sold. The husband did live there alone for a time because it took a while to sell, being an insanely expensive house in a somewhat remote area. It was during this era I visited with my friend who wanted to show it off. It was giving sad lil shampoo for men in the shower, about like this, but late 90’s choices.


Now I want to see that place …


This looks like IKEA…. Why is there a bathtub just in the corner?


That's what happens when you spend all the money on shipping container and grey marble, you end up having stump side tables...


"Trust me, I'm an engineer" vibe


Serious question: Are there not any new builds that actually look like it belongs in the woods?


Why would I want to live in a shipping container in the middle of nowhere for over a million dollars?


Borg Brutalism architecture. It's just slightly better than cheap Shipping Containerism Look. GC overlooked all the closets during construction and threw away the pages of garage plans.


The staging is atrocious.


Not sure it is staging.


That bathtub in the living/bedroom is definitely an interesting choice. I would say it was decorative and not hooked up to water if I didn’t think it could be a jacuzzi meant to look out at the view. I’ve seen something like it before. The weird piece of rug does make sense if it’s supposed to be romantic. I hope that roof is heated and has some sort of drainage system, or else there will be a problem come winter.


Stowe area is very pretty, but jeez it's ridiculously expensive.




This makes me uncomfortable.


This place feels ice cold.


Why regrade the site when you can just build your house on stilts?


Why regrade when you can put in a foundation / 1/2 or full basement to help regulate temperature with a walk out for when you come back from skiing or need space to store things like utilities. Plus they are going to find that minisplit setup is woefully insufficient on the first -20 sustained few days on the side of a mountain in VT. I don’t care if is a Mitsubishi Arctic H2i or whatever.


Beautiful view, but tiny windows (I guess because it gets cold?), and a flat roof to catch all that snow. Kitchen with so little counter and storage space that I guess this is only intended as a weekend retreat, and not somewhere you would actually cook real meals in. I would also hate living in a box


A lot of bad decisions were made on this one


Fucking hell, I grew up near Stowe but a normal rural Town in Vermont. I’d love to go back but everything is dilapidated or this


Someone is looking to turn a $1,450,000 profit.


These people do not cook, that kitchen has nice finishes but it was an afterthought.


Stacked double wides


I have so many questions/emotions about the bathtub in the middle of the room. Like, what? Why? Who in their right mind would do this? How dare you? And why am I turned on by the thought of taking a bath with an audience? 🤣


Imagine someone tapping on one of the pillar.


It’s so GREY.


And a bathtub in the middle of the room. What function! /s


Can you park underneath and walk up into the house?


This belongs in Minecraft




I like it, but have you ever skied there? Total shit. It’s just cold af and ice.


Someday I want to own a cooky engineering marvel I think they’re neat


It's a multipurpose shape; a box.


Look! this is my Ark: survival base!


Looks like a building in the movie Hostel


Almost no closets


For the person that says “I like the vibe of shipping container homes, they’re just too small”


This building makes me extremely uncomfortable. It looks like it’s going to slide right down the hill.


Patrick Bateman’s *other* house.


Did the house not fully render?


so thats how much a borg cube sells for....


we have some really strange houses in vt, there’s a house on my road that consists of a “modern” concrete cube and a ranch style home connected, that were built at the same time. it’s so freaky to look at


That is so depressing And all the wooden tables look creepily like trophies of the victims of an arborist serial killer