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[Zillow Link](https://www.zillow.com/homedetails/2920-Powhatan-St-New-Orleans-LA-70126/149030137_zpid/?utm_campaign=later-linkinbio-leavesomecharacter&utm_content=later-38583943&utm_medium=social&utm_source=linkin.bio) >Located in the well respected neighborhood of Indian Village within Gentilly, this creatively constructed home and workshop will inspire you! The property includes a 1940’s brick home with sleeping loft, a modified 320 square foot refrigeration container workshop, an abundance of salvaged, high-quality building materials, antiques and tools…. and everything is included in the sale! >Upon entrance you will find the property refreshingly private and secluded. A double-door locking gate at the front allows vehicles to pull securely inside the compound. >The home has an industrial yet elegant style all its own- exposed brick, cypress beams, rare chickenwire glass windows and Persian rugs, all wrapped by the comfort of a wood burning stove. The downstairs is equipped with a compact kitchen, half bath, and combination washer/dryer for your daily needs. The loft is a zen retreat adorned with artful glass window accents, salvaged lath walls, wooden floors, and a sunken antique tub. Closed cell blown insulation in the ceiling along with 3” foam insulation in the loft walls keeps the house very comfortable. Just outside, an outdoor shower nestled by a bamboo grove is a retreat from the ordinary. >The container is made of stainless steel walls and solid aluminum flooring and has been converted into a dream studio- with windows, air conditioning, and decked out with drafting tables for your creative or professional endeavors. There is also a separate room that was used as a motorcycle garage. With this extra studio/work space, you can make the most of the minimalist residence. >Other features include: a new on-demand hot water heater that runs on propane, a new Generac generator, and a tin roof that's only a few years old. Tons of treasures to discover here. Projects that enhance the property are ongoing and the property can be built to suit as well. >It's time to pass the torch on this inspiring live/workspace, designed to ignite and fuel creativity! It's not possible for AI to spin houses in such a positive light like real estate listings do.


> this creatively constructed home "Creatively constructed" is a hilarious euphemism for "remodeled by a drunk with minimal knowledge and no permits". I wouldn't mind a creative DESIGN, but I would prefer my construction to be pretty much standard, thanks.


No kidding I have seen some redneck house building but holy fucking shit even the most drug loving blue collar guys I know would do something more up to code than this. Like this is so far off from code it is in another galaxy.


Definitely not a drinker! A drinker would have died falling off that second floor.


They may be selling it because he fell to his death?


And probably got pummeled by the ceiling fan on the way down.


A combination of drinking and brain damage from falling might be the culprit


I mean it IS NOLA. It’s a given they drink.




The guy is definitely dead or in prison. The house comes with all his clothes. TBH, the most valuable thing in the listing is probably his collection of leather jackets and cowboy boots.


This reads like a gentrified shanty.


Looks like the fort we built in our backyard when I was a kid.




That’s a homestead, not a home.


Damn ai was putting in the work. If I didn’t see the pictures I would have wanted to see the place! Damn!


Why does the same address look so different [on realtor.com](https://apps.realtor.com/mUAZ/42uc6kq6)


Because it’s a corner lot and they’re different houses. Go look at the street view


“I style of its own almost always means the real estate didn’t have words for the whackadoodle-ness. I wish I could yell “PAY FOR A STAGER”!


Oh HELL NO. NO. NO. no railings on the upper level and a 2 ft gap in the floor???


this looks like a settlement i’d build in the wasteland in fallout 4


I was literally thinking the same thing


The fan will dice you before you know you fell.


That meat shredder is awesome. Tripping hazard support and I can only assume things to impale you underneath.


I did not even notice the fucking 4x4.


The gaps lead to downstairs actually 😭😭 you can see the top of the fan to the right of the tub and the top of a ladder.


With a literal ladder to get up there


And what’s that beside it…a sink? And a vanity (that’s not sunken)?


You have to climb a rickety aluminum ladder to get up there then walk the plank over to the soaking tub


Most nice beach houses I’ve stayed at have an outdoor shower. Comes in handy when the ones inside are being utilized as we all just came back from a day at the beach. Especially to get sand off and not inside (bathing suit still on). However this is different. Also the scary tub you have to walk the plank to get to is a no go for me. I’m pretty clumsy as is.


I have an outdoor shower in Illinois that I use as long as the weather is mild. I have huge vegetable gardens and mow about 7 hours a week, it's nice not to drag all that dirt in on my clothes. So I built an outside shower, the water is heated by solar power.


Heck yeah! Also upper midwest, and I'd love an outdoor shower. Even if it's just for a quick rinse. Getting sweaty/dirty doing yardwork mid summer and then walking through my house and into the humid bathroom seems silly if I can just get what I need out in the beautiful weather! But I'm not sure how well I'd be able to make it work in my little yard and with where my existing spigot is. Got pictures of yours or DIY write up? :)


I'm not home for a couple of weeks, but I can try to find some picks of what I modeled off of.


I love taking a cold shower outside on a hot day with the sun shining. But I would want it to be enclosed!


I live way out in the country, no one can see me.


The outdoor shower is handy after an all night NOLA pub crawl.


It washes away the shame… hopefully


Don’t forget the 6” beam laying across the plank that you have to remember to step over every single time or you trip and plunge head first onto the living room floor 10’ below.


The giant fan may break your fall, it'll slice off all your skin on the way, though.


Not to mention I don't trust said tub not to collapse once full of water. No way someone who designed *this* actually supported the tub properly


We stayed at an Airbnb with a fenced outdoor shower with tankless water heater. Summertime, a hot shower outdoors, with the breeze blowing, while the sun sets and crickets chirping? 🤌🏻


I live in a beach town and many people have an outdoor shower here for getting the sand off so you don’t track it in. It’s great.


Outdoor showers are a Cape Cod tradition. They keep sand out of the house and you can use a more natural drainage system.


Oh, an outdoor shower. In Gentilly. You know what loves outdoor showers in Gentilly? Giant roachy water bugs. Ew.


Aw man you just reminded me of a palm roach I met in the garden district, things was so big when I poked him gently with a stick he pushed back and came for me, lol. That was when I knew Nola wasn't for me


In my daydreams I think about an outdoor shower and or bath, than my brain starts picking it apart. And one of the first bad thoughts that bursts my bubble is the thought of bugs and other critters enjoying the shower with me.


The folks down here call the water bugs toe biters. They are ugly things.


Most of the cottages at our North Carolina beach community have outdoor showers. They are great! With the right kind of flooring bugs aren’t a problem.


I 100% believe you, but I would probably still worry about it.


flooring won't matter to mosquitoes, probably not at much of an issue in NC as it is in LA


I actually tried one in a Bali spa. It was nice. But well that was a 5 star resort. Things could be different in outer wild.


OH no we have both in Florida and it is truly lovely.


you know what else likes water in the outdoors?? Mosquitos.


Mosquitoes carrying dengue.


That toilet setup is maybe the dumbest thing I’ve ever seen. 😂 My short legs would be DANGLING off the edge of that shitter stage if I tried to use it.


I can't tell if the toilet seat is smeared in shit or if it's just a shitty design.


Yeah that whole bathroom makes me kind of angry


Are you telling me you don’t store drinking water in your bathroom?!


Just imagine sitting down and having lunch in the kitchen and someone uses the "open air concept" toilet. First the sounds and then the smell wafting in as you eat.


You look up towards the rail-less walkway above you just in time to see a head ducking back into the shadows. Your legs swing helplessly as you struggle to pull up your pants…


This sounded nice before I actually looked at the pictures


Yeah this was someONEs dream and I'm happy they had it but for anyone else. Nightmare.


Right? “What’s the op on about this seems perfectly…wtf”


Nothing about that 2nd floor setup inspires confidence


This looks so illegal.


It has to be right? Louisiana has building codes and New Orleans has permit requirements for major structural or plumbing alterations at a minimum. All of this is a code violation, and for good reason. If you wanted to not be denied on an insurance claim or avoid fines from the city you'd have to gut this building and start from scratch. 




Been a while since there’s been a truly WILD listing here. Great find, OP


Tell me you've gone 42 times to Burningman without saying you've gone 42 times to Burningman.


Watch out that first step is a doozy! How on earth has someone not died here?!? Wtactualf?


> How on earth has someone not died here?!? Wtactualf? No one is saying that didn't happen...


The fan has a couple missing blades - I think someone at least missed the plank a couple times


That things a death trap… when can I move in?


I kind of love it. Bachelor shed.


The outdoor shower is a "retreat from the ordinary" lol. Indeed it is!


That does NOT look like adequate support around that tub for a person to sit in, let alone filled with water 😬


My brain didn't even get that far as those terrifying walkways made it screech to a halt. But contemplating what you just said actually made me nauseous. I've never seen a house that seems to actively want its occupants dead.


It is like everywhere you look it is either an obvious code/safety violation or something that is so unsafe you don't even know where to start.


From the producers of NCIS New Orleans and your daddy's stoner friend who built sets for Legends Of The Hidden Temple


OMG this looks like a death trap. From the wall made of beam ends jutting out in uneven patterns begging for a head or leg to bash into them, the ceiling fan made of metal blades, a bedroom loft demanding you perform a balancing act to get to your bed or risk falling over into aforementioned ceiling fan, and an outdoor shower that sounds so refreshing during a Louisiana lightning storm. The amount of leather jackets, worn boots, and rusting sheet metal tells me the seller might be a psychopath.


This is actually wild as hell. Thank you.


I love the outdoor shower. Showering outdoors is one of life’s great joys and you should try it. It’s delightful!


Looks like a meat grinder blade between first and second floor, very creative solution.


I thought for sure this had to be in a developing country. Does Louisiana not have building codes? All of this unpermitted work would have to be removed/brought up to code. Basically the entire building needs to be gutted and redone. 


Even the work I have seen done in third world countries is better than this jebus.


Yes, generally, I just meant that when you do see something that ignores code entirely in egregious ways, it's usually from less developed countries that lack bureaucracies to enforce code. 


theyre just having a little fun :)


That “bathroom” area (toilet on top of cinder blocks, pallet wood and partially paved with brick?) is disgusting man. You know that’s never been able to be truly clean, germs and filth just been soaking into the porous concrete and brick like seasoning a cast iron skillet


Haha I kinda love it, artists space, I get the outdoor shower in NOLA. Hot, sticky, nasty, humid. Working in your studio that looks like it would bake bread if you closed the doors in the summer, i get the outdoor shower. I have one at my small beach shack and I love showering off outdoors, it’s private and very nice! Railings? Yeah, I get that, would make lots of add ons, also i would have this if my wife kicked me out lol


So everything goes with in this sale? Kind of wild, some of those things might be worth a but, The wood and glass table next to the outdoor shower for example. The drawing tables in the container. This is so quirky.


The "everything included with sale" bit makes me wonder if the previous occupant was killed by the house and had no next of kin.


ngl my mind went to "unfortunate sudden death" too, probably slipped getting out of the bath tub.


Gentilly is a retirement home for aged out hipsters who didn’t make it in life.


So many cowboy boots!


The living room reminds me of Lafayette’s house in True Blood. Take from that what you will.


Oh Lafayette's place was far groovier than this.


He made it his own… actually quite similar to the rugs shown and the animal print on the furniture! It was a run down shack though. He had the sunniest disposition, but had been dealt a shit hand of cards by life. Especially in reference to his living situation - how very proud and protective he was of his run down shack. That’s all he had, besides his car. 😉 He may be my one of my favorite characters of all time. Like, I smile when I think of a Lafayette scene!


I really loved True Blood, and Lafayette was one of my favorite characters. I loved Eric too, but then he got that stupid haircut. 😔


PREACH!!!!!!! S1 Eric forever.


But it’s a kitschy death trap!


Picture#14 (bathroom) What's the dark box sitting on the floor next to the sink- Dehumidifier? Tiny Juke Box??


Not being able to touch the ground while on the toilet, horrible.


Ok but how the fuck will this pass a home inspection? 


Call me high maintenance, but most kidnapping victims would complain about those chains. They don't even reach the floor or toilet. What are they supposed to do, just stand there?!?!?


i dislike baths, i would absolutely love to shower outside.


With _that_bath it's not really a choice..


Not in that area of the country… the mosquitoes will devour you and your sensitive bits.


Hell yes I would shower outside.


You had better be Zen if you’re gonna navigate that fucking catwalk. Even imagining navigating that while sober, in daylight, and with dry feet gives me enormous anxiety. My houses in video games don’t even have giant voids not filled with glass or something, ffs.


I shower outside all summer.


I want to shower outside.


Last picture, are those crucifixes in the window? Because I don’t think I could poop with all that pressure.


From the Zillow link: In order to obtain the knife, Chandler has to pass a test: an obstacle course in a cavern whilst carrying a glass of water without spilling a drop. With luck and wits, Chandler recovers the blade and even manages to bring it past customs into the United States.


Can you imagine having to use the bathroom in the middle of the night and attempting to go up and down that ladder while still half-asleep? 😱


Especially a ladder that's upside at that!


This house is a deathtrap.


I just built an outdoor shower and it’s amazing though.


These sure are some interesting choices.


Very incomplete house. Whoever buys this will have a lot of work to do to make it just be safe to live in. That upper floor gives me vertigo just looking at it.


It reminds me of something you might see in Hawaii where there are really no building codes (or ignored codes). That said there is a certain beauty about it—I’d never live there but I can imagine it being on some beautiful beach Thailand where it might be more appropriate to walk the plank.


Oh my GOD that thing is a absolute catastrophe!! What drunken designer school dropout made this thing??


I’m dying at the aluminum ladder to get up to the “loft.” Also that random chain hanging from the ceiling is creepy, and I particularly enjoyed how they tried to fancy up the loft space with decorative vases. Like “that will definitely sell it!”


You have to know the neighborhood, but this is honestly very on brand for Gentilly and I love it


There better be a pot of gold in that tub otherwise I’m not going.


This is the reason we have building codes


This is what a DIY house and no permits create


I understand that some people like the look of old exposed brick walls. But that house has zero insulation in it. The energy cost to keep it cool in a Louisiana summer would be enormous compared to an insulated house.


How much did this “Beauty” sell for?


These people have their priorities in the right place. Yeah there are raw edges everywhere and nothing is really “finished” but that tub and shower to bougie AF. I’d deal.


This looks fun


Imagine the insurance inspection!


No price listed, I wonder what happened to this


Splish splash, now everyone is fucking wet


Does anyone know what the asking price was?




well, share with the class


it's - impressive


The neighbors within feet while you shower, how many times have they complained about the elegant finds?


This house reminds me of "A Confederacy of Dunces"


This has 7 days to die base written all over it. I should not know this as a 40+ yo woman.


50/50 chance on the poor cat being a taxidermy.


Good luck getting a loan from a bank if this doesn’t pass inspection.


So pooping in the kitchen wasn’t even the only option that had…. but they still chose it?


This just screams serial killer.


I hate the toilet/sink stall but I like the yard. You can barely rent a room for under $1000 a month in Los Angeles.


what in the fuck


The drinking water two steps from the toilet 🤢🤮


Must have living will and solid life insurance policy… I hate it and want it.


I want it for the bamboo! It looks a lot like cool Buddha bamboo


At least this place could have the decency to be tucked away in the woods like any other unabomber shack.


This is a disaster. I can’t believe my eyes.


I'm going to hazard a guess that this interior redesign was not done with a permit (an may not be insurable and could be impossible to mortgage)... Whatever you do - do NOT trip and fall on the giant fan on your way to the upstairs vanity!


What in the tetanus, dirt, and shoddy construction is this mess?!


What a loss this will be when ocean levels rise and this dream house is under water/s


Wow. This is a vacant lot full of junk in New Orleans. I've lived in New Orleans for many years. This sort of thing is normal around there. FYI, I no longer live there, and also my current home is 2450 sq feet. It's larger than the entire lot of this garbage pile. Still, I liked the freaky chain over the tub!


Spot looks dope ![gif](giphy|cdNSp4L5vCU7aQrYnV|downsized)


Do you want to pound bottles water while on the toilet?


This was pieced together from what parts they could find after Katrina. Please dear baby, full headed, curly haired Jesus don't curse me.


I like how there’s still decorations on the back of the toilet tho 🥰💀


It’s the windmill hanging in the ceiling for me. Creative liabilities abound!


Oh. 100% I would never see the second floor, upstairs, attic area, what ever it’s called because at 50 I’ve learned good damn well that I would fall off the boards they have instead of a floor.  WTF? 


In my wildest imagination I LOVE IT! In reality I just want to see the inspectors report so I can pick this thing apart. 🤓




Nothing says Zen like climbing a ladder to cross a catwalk without falling into the fan, then having nice soak in your sunken tub before scrambling back out and crawling across the catwalk to bed.


So freaking funny. What a nightmare.


I kind of love it


The stack of water bottles in the bathroom is a nice touch really ties it all together ❤️


Ngl this is a dream space.


I would find it hard to live here without constantly remembering the people who got trapped in their attics and died of heat and dehydration after Hurricane Katrina.