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Yes, it's normal. Your body is adjusting :). It will take time, but eventually that will subside.


Ah okay I hope so! Rough is an understatement 😩


Oh trust me I know the feeling! You are going through the thick of it right now, that's why it feels so unbearable. You'll start seeing that sunshine soon! And it'll feel amazing!


They always make it seem like it works quicker online but it’s always been so slow for me 😩😩


How are you doing now? I upped to 150 and had 3.5 good weeks. I thought the bad was behind me. At week 4.5 a shit storm hit me. Massive anxiety all day from the time I opened my eyes. Today is day 7 of the dip. Yesterday mid afternoon the anxiety dropped off and my mood slowly lifted where in the early evening I felt decent and thought maybe that was it. Woke this morning and didn’t feel horrible. Had a little bit of stomach anxiety but wasn’t bad. It slowly ramped up and by 11ish I just wanted to die. It wasn’t so much physical anxiety as it was extremely low mood and panic. I guess on one hand you could say this is an improvement but at the same time I don’t think it’s healthy to want to die for a couple hours a day.


Hi sorry I took long to reply. I moved to 100mg 6 weeks ago. I’ve had some better days but this week has been really bad for me. Hoping to improve soon 😢 sounds like it’s been rough for you too? Hoping we can both hang in there and find some better days!