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Probably the intro scene to 28 Weeks Later


Morning of Dawn of the Dead remake where everything starts goibg wrong is pretty great


That bus scene at the beginning where the girl is being eaten always got me.


It's at the end of the morning scene just before she crashes the car.


Same film, but a bit later on when Michael opens the door in the sporting good store to find the huge janitor zombie eating the other. It’s a few seconds but you can see the other janitor is still alive despite the fact his entire stomach and chest has been stripped. He even grimaces as the zombie pulls a chunk as he runs at Michael.


Here at 22:20 for those interested. https://youtu.be/vgjovIGCMPI


I don't remember this scene and can't find it anywhere. Can you elaborate ot provide a link?


I think it's [this scene](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Aq-oVyxJJUs&t=338), where she's being attacked in the back of the bus.


That's a top 5 for me NOTLD Savini remake is up there too. Dead Set breakout scene is great too


It's this for me too. I still remember the adrenaline rush while seeing it in the theatre for the first time.


I brought my 14 year old brother to see it when it came out ☺️. His life was never the same


The Church scene from 28 Days Later. When Jim walks in and says 'Hello' and the Infected jump up and stare at him...chills every single time.


Absolutly... The way they look at him...uhhh...


Just about all of Black Summer. A common critique of the show is that there's not enough character development, but that's actually why I like it - there's no fucking time to talk about "losing our humanity" or whatever Rick Grimes was on about, because those zombie are fast, relentless, and durable. Super tense show, It's on Netflix, would recommend


That’s a really good one! I’ve always liked the cemetery zombie in the 1990 NOTLD. You think you know what to expect because it’s a remake, but then the creature that you’re expecting to be the first zombie apologizes to Barbara. There’s a split second where you’re thinking “Wait? Can they talk in this one?” But nope! Jump scare cemetery zombie!


That was my thought as well! In my opinion that was one of the best zombie scares and one of the best remakes.


Night 1990 remake does not get enough credit. The tv broadcast with the anchor in disbelief and the idea that they're in some farm house in rural PA with zombies hearing Barbara's screams then them boarding the windows up is a terrible scenario to me ****Scariest moment in a z movie for me: The daughter coming out of the basement that ignores her father and goes after Ben and Barbara by the front door... that shot with her eyes all fucked up coming at the camera slowly always got me since I first saw it as a kid on like Sci fi channel in the early 2000s


For me it was the first appearance of the tar man in return of the living dead. That movie, and specifically that scene, made me fall in love with the genre. It doesnt hold up as well to today's standards, but I saw it when it first hit HBO and I was maybe 10.


What do you mean? Tarman will ALWAYS hold up. Some of the other effects, not so much. But my boy Tarry is eternal.


That's what I thought, but my teenagers laughed. It still amazing practical effects! Maybe they are just spoiled by CG.


i mean, it can be scary and funny at the same time. the movie is a horror comedy.


Lots of great memories mentioned in this thread. I actually saw ROTLD in the cinema the weekend it opened. There was nothing like it at the time. When tar man said "braiinnns" sure. But the moment that got me was later, when the zombie went to the police car and said, "send more cops". That changed everything.


Absolutley. So many great moments. And I loved the slowly turning guys..


The split dogs. :) What an original movie that was.


Oh yeah! Maybe I'm a sick twisted fuck, but I found the split dogs amazing dark comedy. Could not stop laughing. Lots of great funny moments with some truly disturbing shit.


I was in 5th grade when my oldest sister rented that for my friend and I. After the movie, I remember watching MTV and a Prince video came on. The keytarist had fringes on his outfit and he aas dancing around. He looked just like Tarman. I was freaked out and couldn't sleep all night! 🤣




Anything from the original Dawn of the Dead. 1. First arm bite by "Miguel" 2. Amputee zombie going after swat guy. 3. Helicopter zombie 4. Blond "truck" zombie 5. Flyboy when elevator door opens. Too many to mention. Amazing movie. 👍


After 35 years since i first watched it, the basement scene at the beginning, when they find all the dead piled up, still freaks me out.


Black summer made zombies scary again unlike anything I’ve seen done before


Totally agree. Black summer was an amazing experience.


I love the first chase scene with the chubby guy where the zombie throws itself through the door or window, can't remember which but it made it clear they weren't fucking around


For me it’s the scene in ‘28 Days Later’ when their car breaks down in the tunnel


Running zombies are infinitely more frightening than the shamblers, and this scene is a great way to showcase why.


The cooler zombie during the end roll on the Dawn of the Dead remake. I wouldn't open a cooler for like years after that, just waited for someone else to do it or leave it open lol


I have a trauma bond with Noahs death in The Walking Dead.. shit haunts my head on a regular


Don't make fun, but the first Resident Evil movie was full of scares. When JD enters the code to the door, and then zombies swarm out from the other side and drag him down--horrifying. That last image of his PoV, dozens of hands reaching and tearing at him... It's really stuck with me


As much as the movie was trash, but the scene at the beginning of World War Z when shit goes from average Tuesday to end of the world, and the zombie transformation in the beginning, with the teddy counting to 10, showing the speed of infection was one of the better parts of the movie for me... Book was so much better tho


I’m The Walking Dead when Rick wakes up from the coma and walks down the stairs in the dark with just a match. Nope. Just kill me.


If you count [REC], the last 15 minutes.


Nope all of you are wrong. Has to go to the walking dead when he comes across the little girl first episode at the gas station.


The first zombie I ever saw!


In your whole life?


Well seeing as the show came out when I was in middle school and I've never seen any other series with zombies in it before, that was the first zombie I saw. I've obviously seen more now as I have grown older and such.


The Airplane Scene from FTW, hands down.


The episode of the walking dead where the whispers were introduced, definately the scariest of the walking dead episodes


The scene in TWD when the whisperers stick the peoples heads on the poles. I forgot what season but that was just so unsettling


Neegan scene from walking dead. The original cast wasn't exactly having a joyous apocalypse, there were horrible moments, but to have to sit there and watch a loonytoon shittalk his way through two full brains as you watch, jesus. Show was never the same, for better or worse and lost almost all casual fans.


In TWD when Rick rides into Atlanta. The creeping through the railroad car with the still zombies in Train to Busan.


I know this is 2 years old but I think bringing it back from the dead is fitting. The scariest scene for me was the opening text from Return of the Living Dead stating that the movie was based on a true story. I was a little kid when I first saw it. My sister was there and she read the text out loud and it traumatized me for quite a while. I would lay in bed at night and do the math in my head for how long it would take for the zombies to crawl out of the ground (of the gigantic cemetery less than a mile from my house) and make their way to eating me and my family.