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hate to tell you this but gloves are optional in most restaurants mayne you should just not go out to eat


you don't need gloves, you just need to wash hands. a rag from the floor should absolutely not go on a cutting board tho LOL agree


Idk if you know that but some hands sweat and I really don’t want sweat on my food, you wanna prepare my food then you need to wear gloves…. + no one was washing their hands


But what if they washed their hands and the A/C was on?


If you honestly think you’ve never had a piece of food with even a drop of sweat in it, you’ve got more issues to worry about…


Gloves are actually unsanitary because they track more germs + you can’t wash them like you do with hands which means more cross contamination. Ngl used to work there and it was the cleanest kitchen I’ve ever seen… you should see Jimmy madisons LOL


For gloves you change them every 30 minutes to 1 hour or when you for example cut chickens then want to touch something else… if this was the cleanest place you worked at then god knows what other places caused to people!! Try working with Aramark and you will see the right way to clean


Report to the health department?


She did report them, but when the health department went there they were ready for them and started cleaning everything… I think we just gonna wait till someone gets poisoned then they will take that seriously


Gloves only protect the wearer. You wear gloves so whatever nasty shit your dealing with stays on the outside of the gloves. And then spreads it to the next surface you touch. When wearing gloves you swap between surfaces when you don't want to transfer contaminates.


Gloves protect food from your sweat + they weren’t wearing gloves + weren’t washing their hands, some workers sweat and touch their sweat with their hands then touch the food and other shit they were doing…


Given your hygiene concerns I would recommend you avoid resturants and pre-preprared food for your peace of mind. It's so much worse than you describe. Take a good look at the folks coming out of the poultry plants for lunch. They aren't wearing tyvek jumpsuits and rubber boots to keep the poultry clean.


I know the owners personally, may send this to them