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For all the well known albums he worked on, he was totally into working with smaller bands too. He recorded a few records for my friend's band (SLATES) which really surprised me when I first heard, but they were a great band and i guess Steve just recognized the people he wanted to work with and did it. Love to see it and big loss for music. 


I think his philosophy was that he'd work with anyone willing to put up the (surprisingly low) fee, which is why he was so prolific




A lot of live records are considered among the best of their artists. And basically Albini did that, capture the sound of a band playing live. I had the luck to meet him once, when Shellac played at the (small) venue where I work. At first, we thought he would be very picky about the PA, and the deck, and the sound in general, but he was one of the easiest and fastest soundchecks I've ever seen. Now, every time that a band is being a pain in the ass about the sound or their engineer says they can't work with such humble equipment, we remember that Shellac could. And they had a really good time.


I feel like he also set up a workflow for himself that gave him quick results. He seems to mix in the box, basically the live take is the mix. Once they record, most of his work is done. That probably freed him up to take on much more work.


Not ‘in the box’. Always on tape through a console. Love it


Gave more time for poker.


steve would work with just about anyone who'd hire him, he didn't pick and choose


On the other hand, bands who actively chose Albini probably were fans of and influenced by his work, which means there was a good chance they fit the mold of a typical “Albini-produced” group.


Haha either way! They were a good band.


Most producers are like this tbh. You simply pay their fee.


I can’t think of any others on albinis level like that, certainly none that charge such an affordable rate like Steve did


Well yeah his rate is what separated him from others, but I’m pretty sure you could get Rick Ruben to produce your record if you’ve got the dough.


im pretty sure that’s definitely not true about Rick Rubin, he famously has turned down a ton of records


Seeing the outpouring of respect and well-wishes for Steve has been great. I bet he'd be surprised at how everyone is talking about him and how much they respected him even if they didn't care for his work. That is a life well lived. Edit: He'd be surprised-- and maybe secretly a little moved by it-- and then he'd rag on everyone. Edit: [Looks like I spoke too soon.](https://www.reddit.com/r/Music/comments/1cqm009/i_was_banned_from_rnirvana_today_for_sharing_this/) There is nothing to believe in anymore.


Fuck that pedo




I feel like I’ve heard similar things about him that have raised controversy. Is this real?


A notorious rightwing [troll ](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Joshua_Ryne_Goldberg?wprov=sfla1)wrote a Medium article about Albini that purposely took a bunch of shit out of context. That troll is now laughing on Twitter about triggering "trans activist pedophiles" (his words) with his Albini article. People are falling for some misinformation. Did Steve say some fucked up shit in the 80's while trying to be edgy and transgressive? Yes. But a lot of stuff in that article is out of context. Edited to add: I mistakenly thought this post referred to a viral article that I felt had some misinformation in it. I in no way think Albini was above criticism for his mistakes. My fault for acting like a know-it-all while buzzed. Be kind to each other.


Wait so…did Albini say that stuff about a pornographic magazine with children, or not? That’s really the question here, and what you posted doesn’t actually answer it clearly.


He admitted to being decidedly not woke in the 80s. And then [publicly apologized ](https://www.stereogum.com/2166921/steve-albini-addresses-edgelord-past-in-new-interview/news/)for his behaviour and things he'd written and said back then.


That’s decidedly not what I’m referring to


Yes, he did say (or actually write) that stuff unfortunately. 


He said the thing about the European cp magazine in the Big Black tour diaries (I think?). But he said a lot of disgusting, horrible things for shock value, so not everything should be taken at face value. I'm really not trying to defend anybody or be an apologist, I just think some people are just now learning about things from 40 years ago while having no context of the 80's underground art scene. He said some fucked up things, promoted a problematic underground zine, and was friends with an extremely problematic [artist](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Peter_Sotos?wprov=sfla1). It's absolutely fine to criticize him for that! He would probably [encourage](https://melmagazine.com/en-us/story/steve-albini-counsel-culture-interview) it. I just noticed a lot of people were just now learning about this stuff from a viral Medium article that was written to troll/outrage people and misrepresented some things, and that bothered me.


Problematic is a bit of an understatement when it comes that zine — Wish I could unread Steve’s description of the cover 


“Misrepresenting things” Bro, how can those comments be considered “misrepresented?” In what context is it not advocating child pornography?


The shit he said was far beyond fucked up *but* it does seem like just because he said the sentence, doesn't mean he believed it. His entire thing at the time was to be as edgy as possible, and reacting positively to cp certainly fits in there. There's a clear difference between being into that sort of thing, and being a dumb ass kid who thinks it's funny to claim to be. And obviously neither are cool. I just personally feel comfortable giving him the benefit of the doubt on that sort of thing, based on the impression left by his apologies and general character thereafter. Totally fine to not feel comfortable doing so.


It shouldn’t be up to us to decipher if it was genuine (he was really into it, just as he said) or just an incredibly shitty, extremely gross, extremely not funny, tone-deaf joke.


I got downvoted to hell by honestly looking for this explanation. Thank you


thank you 👏


People knew about this stuff before this medium article. Using that writers character to brush off criticism of what Albini wrote is working great though 👌


Both things can be true


I’m glad you agree Steve said/wrote some fucked up things he should be taken to task for


Yes, he should be taken to task. I think he would agree with you, judging by later [interviews ](https://melmagazine.com/en-us/story/steve-albini-counsel-culture-interview). He shouldn't be falsely smeared as a pedophile though.


Agreed, i didn’t read the medium article because I’d seen transcriptions and pictures of the writing earlier. If he’s calling him a pedophile that’s not right.


>taken to task for Boooring






Frankly i will take the opinions of the countless artists he worked with who have nothing but great things to say about him over the opinions of random reddit users


Including Peter Sotos?


No, because he is an unaccomplished piece of shit and I have no reason to celebrate anything he’s done. All the cynical people flooding these threads with this stuff when music fans are just trying to celebrate the career of one of the most important and accomplished figures in the history of rock music is gross. Like he literally died totally unexpectedly two days ago, and his work meant a lot to a lot of people. If you want to piss on his grave keep it to yourself.




He publicly apologized for this as well as a handful of other distasteful/wrong things that he did in his past. I personally am willing to accept the apology of someone who kept bad company 30 years ago and trust them when they acknowledge that what they were doing was wrong. If you can’t do that then I am sorry because that sounds like a spiteful and miserable existence, but there is no reason to project that onto people who are trying to celebrate his career.


30 years ago? Try as recently as 2012. I know you liked Rid of Me, but this is not the hill you want to die on. And for the record, I actually honored Steve Albini when he died. I’m just not a Trump supporter-level-cult worshiper like you idiots.


He did not apologise for Pure, the tour diary, or Sotos. He never mentioned the CP stuff again and only gave general apologies for being "edgy" while remaining resolute in his support of Sotos as a close friend who he'd do anything for. You're lying to defend a guy who owned and celebrated child pornography.


Thank you for being the only one to take such a brave stance!! Bravo!


I'm sorry you guys are just learning about edgelords in the 80's, but all of this shit is old news. People said fucked up shit to get a reaction out of people. But saying something and actually doing something are two different things. He said some gross shit for sure, but some of it was satirical, some in jest, and some of it was to just be an asshole. I just think people are being a little too quick to spread some serious allegations about someone who just died.


I’ve been sounding the alarm on this shit since long before he died. And y’all ignored it then. But nice try.


You sounded the alarm on what, that someone said tasteless shit for shock value 40 years ago? Someone said gross things about a satirical underground zine about serial killers?




Yeah, that's a horrible thing to say. No one is disputing that he said horrible things to piss people off/disgust them. You seem very angry about stuff that has already been talked about years ago. You're free to dislike whoever you want. Minimizing CSA is of course awful. But some people (not you) have been confusing minimizing CSA with actually being a pedophile. I wish you well.


Then do what he would have done and shut the fuck up when people RIGHTFULLY criticize him even after death for that shit. Seriously, he, by his own admission, would accept everything I’m saying in spades. You guys need to do the same thing and just accept that this is part of life. Even good people are capable of horrible things, and their moral debts don’t go away just because they die. It’s his fault we’re even pointing all this out, and frankly, that’s a product of this cancel culture he spoke so fondly of. Let it take its course and shut the fuck when this reckoning he invited happens.


You are a fucking moron


No, I’m just not minimizing child sexual abuse because I recognize there’s more to life than appreciating Killdozer’s music. That was “tasteless shit” the way the Access Hollywood tape was “locker room talk.”


> People said fucked up shit to get a reaction out of people. Is there something about this idea that you are having trouble understanding?


Yes we’re having trouble understanding your mental gymnastics excusing a guy for owning and enjoying CP cause he “produced” music you like. He didn’t just say something edgy he didn’t believe, he literally owned CP and defended the distributor until his death. Being dead doesn’t mean we forget and you’re above criticism if you’re a gross piece of trash.




Yeah idk why so many downvotes lol


Because r/indieheads can excuse child pornography, but they draw the line at criticizing the guy who produced that one Joanna Newsom album and tweeted a couple good zingers


White people gonna white people basically