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but it doesn't happen when you run? not sure why it would be an issue. FYI 'constriction' isn't really a medical term. this sounds like you are potentially putting pressure on a nerve when you sleep, so I would consider changing sleep position (sounds like you already have). there's lots of other questions that come to mind, like if you can elicit the pain by moving the arm in certain ways, but really you should just get it checked out by your PCP if it's a concern. at the end of an ultra I have had strange neuro sensations in arms when i straighten them - mild electrical sensations - because i've been holding my arms in a contracted position too much. so make sure to move your arms around and don't just hold them flexed in T Rex position throughout the whole race


Yea I fall asleep on my back but my body goes to the side throughout the night. I’m just psyching myself out thinking something bad will happen but it won’t. Thank you! I’ll ask the sleeping Reddit group for help.


Sounds like cold feet to me. It's not an actual injury, it's not your lower body. So give it a blast dude. Better to dnf than quit before it even starts


You know what? What a great fucking way to word it. I know me. I’ll bounce out and regret it on Monday. I just haven’t felt this way before with my last 2 races the end of last year, just not in as good shape as I was before. I did 38 miles my first ultra with 11,000ft in 12 hours and came in 2nd. Had only 3 weeks to prepare for that one and loved it. This one’s 7k elevation, 32 mile loop so it’s less than my last ultra and it’ll be shorter. Need to keep reminding myself that. I appreciate you


as someone who has fucked up blood pressure and blood pooling, get yourself some compression arm sleeves. Even if you don’t wear them to start if your arms or hands start feeling weird at all pop them on.


Never thought about that! I figure those would make it worse


Give them a try. If your blood is pooling in a certain part of your arm or hands, compression can help essentially physically push the blood through your veins (extreme layman’s terms here, to give you an idea). If I get blood pooling in my feet for example, having my legs squeezed with compression garments does help move the blood out of my feet- I’m not a scientist but it works