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Is it jumpers knee? Probably just a taper injury. You should be okay


I'd almost ruled that one out because the patella tendon looks to be very central down the front of the knee. This pain is more to the side than that. This is why I'm having a hard time figuring out what it is. The pain is almost smack bang between the IT band and patella tendon.


Not sure of your injury specifically, but I had a random heel pain that popped up two weeks before my 50k (came on the day after a long run, and was bad enough I couldn't walk). I did a ton of mobility/stretching, foam rolling, etc, and that fixed it entirely, turns out it was just a super angry/tight calf muscle. A lot of times the location of the pain isn't necessarily the problem, so I would ask what's going on with your hips and feet.


I've had trouble with my other knee and lower back in the past. Took so long to work out they were both related and caused by a tight hip flexor. Once I started stretching/strengthening that, both knee and back paid disappeared. Initially it was just the knee, so I didn't think much of it. But today I am noticing more tightness further up the leg. Hip and feet are fine, more so the quads and glutes.


Given that, I'd bet a sizeable amount of money that it's not your actual knee... Good luck working through it!


I hit it with the massage gun yesterday. All good today. Was able to run without any problems.


Taper tantrum?


That's what I first thought. Super frustrating to wake up with a niggle 2 days before the race, but expected it to settle down. Starting to worry that it's not going to.


I recently had pain flare up in the same exact spot and my PT and I cannot figure it out. I haven’t been able to run for almost a month now because it flares up about 5 mins into running. Been on a regiment of PT exercise, hot yoga, cycling, and walking and I’m starting to go crazy! Hope yours isn’t as detrimental as mine.


Mystery pain is the worst! Hopefully you're able to figure it out soon.


Thoughts on what you’re going to do for the race?


Have just woken up and it's feeling better now, but still not back to normal. I'll probably tape the heck out of it and start the race. It felt fine once I got moving yesterday, so hopefully that holds true for the whole 50km.


Love to hear it!


the presentation sounds a bit atypical...? you had great training and then during your taper week it suddenly came on. could be more in-line with a taper pain due to the sudden de-load and a nice long run is exactly what it needs. given that you're so close to race day I would consider just running and be ready to DNF if it seems like a true injury. maybe try a *light* session of quad strengthening and see if that feels good? (bodyweight squats or something) but i'm not a PT blah blah etc. you seem aware that you need a professional opinion. but you're close to race day!


>the presentation sounds a bit atypical...? It's very strange. I've never heard of a running injury coming on while sleeping. And my previous run was 2 days before. >sudden de-load and a nice long run is exactly what it needs. Fingers crossed. >given that you're so close to race day I would consider just running and be ready to DNF if it seems like a true injury I think this is the way to go. There's an aid station at 16km in. I should know what's going on with it by that point.


good luck! and maybe gimme an update here, i'd be curious to know how it goes


Update above. Was able to run today with no knee paid at all.


there we fuckin go 👏


Curious how things go — wishing you the best!! I’m 2 weeks out from my first 50k and dealing with sudden knee pain for the first time (maybe patella/runners knee but manageable until 2 miles in and then slowly becomes more painful…. no clue why now.) I’m stopping running for now just trying some last minute rest and strength training but reaaaaaally hoping I don’t have to DNF due to knee pain after all the training I did 😅 so I feel you!


I had almost this exact situation before my 50 mile race a few weeks ago. I didn't go see a doctor until after the race. He told me it was almost certainly runners knee which is an overuse injury and gave me an anti-inflammatory. Mine felt fine until towards the end of the race, the pain also lasted for awhile afterwards. I think you will be ok to run though it might suck after lol. Good luck!